• Rabobank: All Hail “Our Glorious Algos”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 11:20am EST

    Rabobank: All Hail “Our Glorious Algos” Authored by Michael Every via Rabobank, “Let her rip!” So said the equity-market bulls yesterday, or rather a combination of the algos that can’t catch coronavirus if they wanted to, and the young traders who have never worked a day in a market in which they haven’t had at least […]

  • Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 Crash-Lands At Istanbul Airport

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 11:05am EST

    Pegasus Airlines Boeing 737 Crash-Lands At Istanbul Airport Between the coronavirus and the number of planes that seem to be falling out of the sky these days, the blowback on the airline industry might be even more severe than Wall Street fears (analysts at Jeffries expect Cathay Pacific to take a big hit during H1 […]

  • Amazon Drops After Bezos Sells $1.8 Billion In Stock

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 10:57am EST

    Amazon Drops After Bezos Sells $1.8 Billion In Stock Amazon has turned red on the day, erasing some of its massive post-earnings gains, following a report that CEO Jeff Bezos sold 0.2% of the company for $1.8 billion. However, before investors decide that the CEO is calling the top, note that Bezos sold 905,456 Amazon […]

  • What Did We Learn From The Iowa Caucuses? Morgan Stanley Answers

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 10:45am EST

    What Did We Learn From The Iowa Caucuses? Morgan Stanley Answers While the Iowa caucus will be remembered more for the sheer “incompetence and idiocy” or, worse, corruption of the Democratic Party, the results are still trickling in and some are hoping to make detailed analytical conclusion based on the outcome. After all, just two […]

  • WTI Holds Gains After Surprise Gasoline Inventory Draw

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 10:34am EST

    WTI Holds Gains After Surprise Gasoline Inventory Draw Oil prices exploded higher overnight after a dismal few days which sent WTI to one-year-lows, on speculation that OPEC+talks in Vienna may result in an emergency ministerial meeting on fresh output cuts, as well as reports of a possible coronavirus vaccine, which have lifted broader markets. “The short-term damage to […]

  • “Big Short’s” Eisman Top-Ticks Tesla, Covers Short As Carmaker Enters Bear Market

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 10:18am EST

    “Big Short’s” Eisman Top-Ticks Tesla, Covers Short As Carmaker Enters Bear Market Update (1015ET): Tesla crashes into a bear market on Wednesday morning, down 21.57% from tagging the 968-handle on Tuesday. It appears Steve Eisman covered his short a little too early.  * * *  “The Big Short’s” Steve Eisman, known for shorting the housing market […]

  • Schiff: The Silver-Gold Ratio Is Still Way Out Of Whack

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 10:15am EST

    Schiff: The Silver-Gold Ratio Is Still Way Out Of Whack Via SchiffGold.com, The silver-gold ratio has ticked back up to historically high levels of late. As I write this article, the ratio stands at just over 88:1. That means it takes 88 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. To put that into […]

  • SaxoBank: Our View On The Short Squeeze In Tesla Shares

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 9:10am EST

    SaxoBank: Our View On The Short Squeeze In Tesla Shares Submitted by Peter Garnry of SaxoBank Summary: Tesla shares have exploded this year burning short sellers and the last two trading sessions have been an outright short squeeze detaching Tesla from meaningful fundamentals. It is quite likely that the stock will normalize. How it plays […]

  • Jerome Powell & The Fed’s Great Betrayal

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 8:52am EST

    Jerome Powell & The Fed’s Great Betrayal Authored by Michael Lebowitz and Jack Scott via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, “Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does […]

  • Did China’s Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 8:40am EST

    Did China’s Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics Ten days ago, shortly after China first started reporting the cases and deaths associated with the coronavirus epidemic, a UK researcher predicted that over 250,000 Chinese would be infected with the virus by February 4. And while according to official Chinese data, the number of […]

  • US Annual Trade Deficit Shrinks For First Time In 6 Years

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 8:39am EST

    US Annual Trade Deficit Shrinks For First Time In 6 Years The US trade deficit increased in December after shrinking to its smallest since trump was elected in November… Source: Bloomberg Imports rose 2.7% in Dec. to $258.52b from $251.75b in Nov. Exports rose 0.8% in Dec. to $209.64b from $208.06b in Nov. This left […]

  • ADP Employment Data Shows Biggest Job Gain Since 2015 (Thanks To Mild Weather?)

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 8:20am EST

    ADP Employment Data Shows Biggest Job Gain Since 2015 (Thanks To Mild Weather?) After resurging last month back above a 200k gain (thanks to a rebound in goods-producing jobs), ADP was expected to show a more modest 157k gain in January but instead it exploded higher by 291k – the most since May 2015… Source: […]

  • Twitter Goes Full Tilt, Suspends James O’Keefe

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 8:05am EST

    Twitter Goes Full Tilt, Suspends James O’Keefe Twitter has locked the account of conservative journalist James O’Keefe for publishing publicly available evidence that a pair of radical leftists with violent fantasies work for the Bernie Sanders campaign. While O’Keefe’s tweets are still visible, he can’t publish anything new on the platform until he deletes a […]

  • S&P Futures Soar Back To All Time High On Viral Cure Optimism

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 7:49am EST

    S&P Futures Soar Back To All Time High On Viral Cure Optimism As Bloomberg’s Richard Breslow writes this morning in a note lamenting that there is “little obvious” about this market, “some days it’s best just to let things play out for a little while. Economic numbers that came out overnight haven’t hurt. Very dovish […]

  • TSLA Enters Correction, Tumbles 12% From Highs

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 7:38am EST

    TSLA Enters Correction, Tumbles 12% From Highs After the parabolic melt-up in Tesla’s share price on Tuesday to 968, shares have since plummeted 12% to 848 on Wednesday morning following a report that Tesla Giga Shanghai will delay Model 3 deliveries.    However, we must note, investors have been well aware of possible production woes […]

  • There Are “No Effective Remedies” For Coronavirus, WHO Says

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 6:57am EST

    There Are “No Effective Remedies” For Coronavirus, WHO Says Yesterday’s ‘rona rally proved that even a pandemic that’s basically SARS on steroids and a suspected bioweapon unleashed on an unsuspecting global population can’t keep this market down. Markets rallied sharply on Monday after the market’s worst week of the year so far, but they rebounded […]

  • “This Is Disgusting” – Furious Liberals Triggered By Rush Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal Of Freedom

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 6:40am EST

    “This Is Disgusting” – Furious Liberals Triggered By Rush Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal Of Freedom Clearly, President Trump didn’t give conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh advance warning that he would be receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the middle of last night’s State of the Union. Because the stunned look on Limbaugh’s face when […]

  • Foxconn Extends Delay, Won’t Restart iPhone Production Until Late February

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 6:12am EST

    Foxconn Extends Delay, Won’t Restart iPhone Production Until Late February Everything is wonderful Wednesday morning, because an unverified report from Chinese state television sparked a massive surge in equity futures as the Communist Party-controlled media intimated that the coronavirus might soon be cured. Cure or no cure, it’s clear the Chinese are going all-in on […]

  • 360 Billion & Growing: Locust Plague Of “Biblical Proportions” Destroys Crops Across Middle East, Africa

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 5:00am EST

    360 Billion & Growing: Locust Plague Of “Biblical Proportions” Destroys Crops Across Middle East, Africa Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, What we are witnessing in east Africa and across much of the Middle East right now is hard to believe.  360 billion locusts are eating everything in sight, and UN officials […]

  • Futures Soar On Media Reports Of Drug Breakthroughs For Coronavirus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 4:40am EST

    Futures Soar On Media Reports Of Drug Breakthroughs For Coronavirus Global equity futures soared around 0300 ET on reports that a Chinese university has discovered a new drug to treat coronavirus, reported Reuters. TRADERS CITE SPIKE IN STOCKS TO CHINESE TV REPORT THAT RESEARCH TEAM AT ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY HAS FOUND EFFECTIVE DRUG TO TREAT PEOPLE […]

  • NYT Discovers Meddling In Libya Is Bad: “At Least 6 Foreign Nations Fueling The Mayhem”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 4:15am EST

    NYT Discovers Meddling In Libya Is Bad: “At Least 6 Foreign Nations Fueling The Mayhem” Well that didn’t take long. Almost a decade. The New York Times earlier this week suddenly ‘discovered’ that US regime change wars lead to failed states which lead to chaos and death which in turn lead to grinding international proxy wars.  Though Libya […]

  • Do Davos Billionaires And Bankers Really Believe That There Won’t Be Any More Booms And Busts?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 3:30am EST

    Do Davos Billionaires And Bankers Really Believe That There Won’t Be Any More Booms And Busts? Authored by Marshall Auerback via Counterpunhc.org, Can runaway booms descend into busts absent monetary tightening by the world’s central banks? I pose this question in the wake of an extraordinary exchange on January 22 at Davos between Bloomberg editor-at-large […]

  • Why Are So Many Dutch People Left-Handed?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 2:45am EST

    Why Are So Many Dutch People Left-Handed? How common are real lefties across different countries? Many studies have been conducted gauging the prevalence of left-handed people around the world and website leftyfretz.com has collected the results and compiled a country-wide comparison. Statista’s Niall McCarthy gathered the data presented in this infographic, most of which comes from separate […]

  • Beware Of Putin’s Push For Primacy In Africa

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 2:00am EST

    Beware Of Putin’s Push For Primacy In Africa Authored by Lawrence Franklin via The Gatestone Institute, While the United States and France have been helping the fragile governments of Africa’s Sahel region stave off Islamist terrorist attacks and takeovers, Russia has been busy trying to push NATO out of the area and augment its own influence there. Moscow’s strategy rests on three pillars. The […]

  • Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 11:45pm EST

    Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment Authored by Sam Jacobs via Ammo.com, Anyone familiar with the Bible is familiar with the Mark of the Beast: Without this mark, no man may buy or sell. Regardless of one’s religious faith or lack thereof, there is an illustrative case in this biblical story: When […]