• Krieger: “The Bannings Will Continue Until Thought-Crimes Are Extinguished”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 11:25pm EST

    Krieger: “The Bannings Will Continue Until Thought-Crimes Are Extinguished” Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, Most of you reading this will be aware that Zerohedge’s prolific and highly popular twitter account with over 670,000 followers was on the receiving end of a lifetime ban by the Twitter politburo. This post won’t focus on […]

  • Amid “Quality Control” Issues, Iowa Results Inexplicably Delayed Due To Caucus App Crash

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 11:23pm EST

    Amid “Quality Control” Issues, Iowa Results Inexplicably Delayed Due To Caucus App Crash Before we start detailing the results of this evening’s Iowa caucuses, we have to get something off our chests… I truly cannot believe, in the year 2020, part of the democratic process in the United States involves clustering people in corners and […]

  • In Latest Sign Of Imminent Market Collapse, Investors Dump Everything ‘China’

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 11:05pm EST

    In Latest Sign Of Imminent Market Collapse, Investors Dump Everything ‘China’ Fathom’s China Exposure Index (CEI), which monitors the relative stock market performance of US-listed firms with significant revenue exposure to China, has plunged after the signing of the phase one trade deal and coronavirus outbreak in the country. The downward move suggests a much […]

  • Ron Paul: Is The Draft Coming Back?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 10:45pm EST

    Ron Paul: Is The Draft Coming Back? Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, During recent increased US-Iran confrontation, so many people viewed the Selective Service website to find out about the draft that the website crashed. People were right to be concerned about a return of the draft. […]

  • Discovery Of Coronavirus On Doorknob Of Infected Patient Sparks Transmission Concerns

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 10:25pm EST

    Discovery Of Coronavirus On Doorknob Of Infected Patient Sparks Transmission Concerns Until now, the prevailing conventional wisdom was that China’s coronavirus epidemic, which has spread to over 20,600 people around the globe as of February 3, did so by air or, according to some recent and unconfirmed speculation, human feces. That may be about to […]

  • Stumbling Into Catastrophe

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 10:05pm EST

    Stumbling Into Catastrophe Authored by Daniel McAdams via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, There is a real danger for foreign policy advisors and analysts – and especially those they serve – when they are in a bubble, an echo chamber, and all of their conclusions are based on faulty inputs. Needless to say […]

  • Banks Tighten Credit Card, Auto Loan Standards As C&I Loan Demand Continues To Shrink

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 9:45pm EST

    Banks Tighten Credit Card, Auto Loan Standards As C&I Loan Demand Continues To Shrink The latest senior loan officer survey, released earlier today by the Fed, showed that the benefits from last year’s rate cuts have mostly faded away even as banks tightened standards for several kinds of loans, while demand for all-important commercial and […]

  • UPenn Student Trapped In Wuhan Says Coronavirus Outbreak Is ‘Like A Zombie Apocalypse’

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 9:05pm EST

    UPenn Student Trapped In Wuhan Says Coronavirus Outbreak Is ‘Like A Zombie Apocalypse’ The Daily Pennsylvanian interviewed Zhexuan Huang, a college sophomore studying at the University of Pennsylvania, has been trapped in Wuhan, China, for the last several weeks.  Huang told the daily student newspaper at the college that he hasn’t left his home in weeks […]

  • US, China Stocks Surge Higher After PBOC Injects Another 400 Billion Yuan

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 9:02pm EST

    US, China Stocks Surge Higher After PBOC Injects Another 400 Billion Yuan After yesterday’s net CNY150billion liquidity injection didn’t work (in rescuing stocks), PBOC decided to more than double it tonight and the plunge-protectors injected a net CNY400 billion, sending yuan and US and Chinese equity markets soaring… The PBOC injected CNY500b with reverse repo […]

  • Peak Facebook, Peak Soros, Or Just Peak Globalism?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 8:45pm EST

    Peak Facebook, Peak Soros, Or Just Peak Globalism? Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog, In late 2018 I asked the question, “Have we reached peak Soros?” Because back then I realized that Soros was losing. And every issue I touched on in that article has come to pass. For more than […]

  • Head Of Iran’s IRGC Operations In Syria Killed Near Aleppo

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 8:25pm EST

    Head Of Iran’s IRGC Operations In Syria Killed Near Aleppo Iranian state media sources have reported the death of Asghar Bashpour on the front lines of fighting in Aleppo province, which renewed days ago as Turkish-backed Syrian jihadists poured into the countryside around the major northern city. The Syrian Army has also been on a major offensive […]

  • Turley: How The House Lost The Witnesses Along With The Impeachment

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 8:05pm EST

    Turley: How The House Lost The Witnesses Along With The Impeachment Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is my column in The Hill newspaper on the continued effort to ignore the obvious and catastrophic decision of the House leadership to rush the impeachment vote by Christmas rather than complete the record against President Donald Trump. This […]

  • “That’s The Light Of A Missile!” Leaked Audio Proves Iran Knew Immediately Missile Hit Jetliner

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 7:45pm EST

    “That’s The Light Of A Missile!” Leaked Audio Proves Iran Knew Immediately Missile Hit Jetliner A new leaked recording of an audio log between an Iranian air-traffic controller and an Iranian pilot who witnessed the nearby downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 proves that authorities in Tehran knew immediately after the Jan.8 disaster what had actually happened, despite initially […]

  • 4 Plagues Are Marching Across Asia Simultaneously: Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu, & H1N1 Swine Flu

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 7:25pm EST

    4 Plagues Are Marching Across Asia Simultaneously: Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu, & H1N1 Swine Flu Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, The coronavirus outbreak that is raging all over China right now has been making headlines on a daily basis all over the globe, and rightly so.  At this […]

  • Petition For WHO Director General To Resign Reaches Over 210,000 Signatures

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 7:05pm EST

    Petition For WHO Director General To Resign Reaches Over 210,000 Signatures Amidst the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, there has been plenty of skepticism about the World Health Organization’s handling of the epidemic thus far. That skepticism has now grown into a call for the WHO Director General to resign, in the form of a petition with […]

  • Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Violence Ad Is Wrong: The Data Is Off By 73%

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 6:45pm EST

    Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Violence Ad Is Wrong: The Data Is Off By 73% Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, Michael Bloomberg paid for and anti-gun ad during the Super Bowl, and while that isn’t all that surprising, what’s even less shocking is how bad he bungled the statistics. He was off by 73%, which amounts […]

  • ‘Trump Might Trade Alaska To The Russians!’ Cries Schiff During Closing Impeachment Remarks

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 6:25pm EST

    ‘Trump Might Trade Alaska To The Russians!’ Cries Schiff During Closing Impeachment Remarks Impeachment manager Adam Schiff (D-CA) argued on Monday during closing remarks that if President Trump isn’t removed from office, he “could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election or decide to move to Mar-a-Lago permanently and […]

  • Should Woke Social Media Barons Be The Arbiters Of Truth?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 6:05pm EST

    Should Woke Social Media Barons Be The Arbiters Of Truth? Authored by Mark Jeftovic via EasyDNS.com, On Friday night (Jan 31), a few days  after my  new book about deplatforming and cancel culture came out, the news broke that Twitter had permanently suspended Zerohedge for breaking the platform’s policies. The move was taken in response to an article penned […]

  • Manchin Undecided On Impeachment Vote, Floats Bipartisan Censure

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 5:45pm EST

    Manchin Undecided On Impeachment Vote, Floats Bipartisan Censure After refusing to reveal how he’ll vote on impeachment, moderate Democrat Joe Manchin on Monday floated a plan to censure President Trump for pausing military aid to Ukraine while requesting an investigation into the Bidens. “I see no path to the 67 votes required to impeach,” said […]

  • Alleged Bezos Nude Photo Leaker Sues Amazon Founder For Defamation

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 5:10pm EST

    Alleged Bezos Nude Photo Leaker Sues Amazon Founder For Defamation The man who was allegedly accused by Jeff Bezos’ representatives of providing graphic nude photos of the Amazon founder to news outlets is now hitting back. Michael Sanchez, the brother of the Bezos’ girlfriend, is suing the Amazon founder for defamation in a suit filed […]

  • On Average, How Long From Inversion To Recession?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 4:55pm EST

    On Average, How Long From Inversion To Recession? Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Let’s take a look at the last six recessions. How long did it take from inversion to recession? 10-Year to 3-Month Inversions In this post, we are analyzing the recession lead time from yield curve inversions as measured by by the […]

  • ‘It’s Not Going To Be Great’: Biden Allies Crestfallen As Expectations In Iowa Lowered

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 4:40pm EST

    ‘It’s Not Going To Be Great’: Biden Allies Crestfallen As Expectations In Iowa Lowered Allies of former Vice President Joe Biden have lowered their expectations for the Iowas caucuses Monday night, with some campaign aides expressing apprehension about how things will go, according to The Hill. “Most [aides] feel it’s not going to be great,” […]

  • Google Tumbles After Revenue, Profit Miss; Breaks Out YouTube, Cloud For First Time

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 4:26pm EST

    Google Tumbles After Revenue, Profit Miss; Breaks Out YouTube, Cloud For First Time After the stellar earnings reports from Apple, Microsoft and Amazon (lets ignore Facebook for now), investors were expecting nothing but great news from the world’s biggest search engine, Google, aka Alphabet, despite reports earlier today that DOJ officials are meeting with state […]

  • Crude, Copper, & Credit Crushed As Stocks ‘Dead-Bat-Bounce’ (Again)

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 4:01pm EST

    Crude, Copper, & Credit Crushed As Stocks ‘Dead-Bat-Bounce’ (Again) Another day, another ‘dead-bat-bounce’ on absolutely nothing… Makes you wonder eh? China’s cash markets reopened and collapsed as expected… Source: Bloomberg European markets were all higher, thanks to a lurch upwards at the US open… Source: Bloomberg US markets ramped overnight, ramped more at the open, […]

  • Watch: The Bernie Surge Has MSNBC’s Chris Matthews On The Verge Of Tears

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 3:45pm EST

    Watch: The Bernie Surge Has MSNBC’s Chris Matthews On The Verge Of Tears Authored by Eoin Higgins via CommonDreams.org, Chris Matthews was roundly derided by progressives Monday morning after the MSNBC host delivered a two-minute diatribe against 2020 Democratic presidential primary frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders, claiming that the Vermont senator would lose to President Donald […]