• Key Events This Week: Never A Dull Moment

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 9:35am EST

    Key Events This Week: Never A Dull Moment While the world will be focusing on every development out of China which is struggling to contain the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic which has now infected nearly 17,500 people across the globe, in terms of newsflow DB’s Jim Reid writes that this week the highlight could […]

  • Wuhan Begins Human Trials Of New Gilead Coronavirus Vaccine

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 9:21am EST

    Wuhan Begins Human Trials Of New Gilead Coronavirus Vaccine Last week, scientists in Hong Kong warned that it might take up to a year for them to produce and test a vaccine to fight the deadly coronavirus that has now killed more people than SARS in mainland China. But on Monday, shares of drug company […]

  • Saudi Arabia Pushes For OPEC Production Cut Of Up To 1 Million B/d As Outbreak Weighs On Demand

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 9:05am EST

    Saudi Arabia Pushes For OPEC Production Cut Of Up To 1 Million B/d As Outbreak Weighs On Demand Half of China’s economy – the second largest in the world – is expected to be offline through at least mid-February. Traders started pricing in the impact on oil demand weeks ago. And now that it’s become […]

  • The Rotation To Value Is Inevitable

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 8:48am EST

    The Rotation To Value Is Inevitable Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, In late 1999, it was stated that “investing like Warren Buffett was the same as driving ‘Dad’s ole’ Pontiac.” The suggestion, of course, was that “value” investing was no longer a viable investment strategy in the new “dot.com” economy where “growth” was all that mattered. After all, in the “new world,” it was […]

  • India To Probe Wuhan Institute Of Virology

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 8:26am EST

    India To Probe Wuhan Institute Of Virology It appears that around the time we suggested someone reach out to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to get some answers about the origin of the deadly Coronavirus epidemic (which Twitter decided was sufficient to get us barred from the platform), India was doing just that. ACcording to […]

  • Futures Rebound Despite Historic Bloodbath In China Where 3,257 Stocks Hit Limit Down

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 8:04am EST

    Futures Rebound Despite Historic Bloodbath In China Where 3,257 Stocks Hit Limit Down While Beijing’s emergency intervention in Chinese markets which included a short sale ban, a dramatic liquidity injection and a cut in reverse repo rates, failed to prevent a rout, it certainly helped stabilize stocks in Europe and US equity futures, which have […]

  • “I Can’t Let My Mom Die At Home” – Desperate Patients Swarm Wuhan Hospital As Hong Kong Closes Border

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 7:07am EST

    “I Can’t Let My Mom Die At Home” – Desperate Patients Swarm Wuhan Hospital As Hong Kong Closes Border Late last night, we reported that the death toll from the coronavirus outbreak had surpassed 360 as more suspected cases popped up in New York. Though no deaths have been reported overnight, Chinese officials warned yesterday […]

  • China Accuses US Of ‘Inciting Panic’ Over Coronavirus Outbreak

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 6:04am EST

    China Accuses US Of ‘Inciting Panic’ Over Coronavirus Outbreak Over the weekend, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the ministry’s spokesperson Hua Chunying expressed outrage that some countries halted trade and flights to and from the country because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Now Hua is back out bashing the US on Monday for allegedly intentionally spreading […]

  • Europe’s Green Deal: Same Hysteria, Same Destruction

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 5:00am EST

    Europe’s Green Deal: Same Hysteria, Same Destruction Authored by Andrew Moran via LibertyNation.com, Today’s brand of the left-leaning politician is all about substituting what sounds good for what actually works. Modern politics, whether in the U.S. or Europe, is about taking a chainsaw to everything that produced even a modicum of success to appease the deities […]

  • Meet The “Moderate Rebel” Just Arrested In France For War Crimes In Syria

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 4:15am EST

    Meet The “Moderate Rebel” Just Arrested In France For War Crimes In Syria Over the past couple of years European capitals have been pursuing war crimes charges against anti-Assad ‘opposition’ fighters once widely referred to in Western press as “moderate rebels”. In an irony which is certain to be ignored by the same US mainstream […]

  • Is Egypt’s Energy Hub Dream Falling Apart?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 3:30am EST

    Is Egypt’s Energy Hub Dream Falling Apart? Authored by Cyril Widdershoven  via OilPrice.com, Since the end of the 1990s Egypt has dreamt of becoming an East Mediterranean gas and energy hub. The discoveries offshore in the Nile Delta at the end of the 20st Century, that kickstarted the LNG boom sparked hope, but regional and […]

  • Europe’s Worst Cities For Traffic Congestion

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 2:45am EST

    Europe’s Worst Cities For Traffic Congestion TomTom has released its 2019 Traffic Index which shows levels of traffic congestion in 416 cities across 57 countries. You will find more infographics at Statista In Europe, Moscow is the most gridlocked city with commuters there experiencing 59 percent extra travel time each year due to the city’s traffic problems. As Statista’s […]

  • Sweden: Hijab Is “Look Of The Year”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 3rd 2020 2:00am EST

    Sweden: Hijab Is “Look Of The Year” Authored by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute, On January 20, Iran’s only female Olympic medalist, Kimia Alizadeh, defected from Iran. “I am one of the millions of oppressed women in Iran whom they’ve been playing for years,” she wrote. Then, last month, the Islamic Republic’s female chess master, […]

  • The Virus & The Party – “We Are Now In Phase 3…”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 11:50pm EST

    The Virus & The Party – “We Are Now In Phase 3…” Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, What the future will bring for the 2019nCoV novel Wuhan coronavirus is still unclear. An epidemic it already is, but is it also a pandemic? Some 20 countries have reported infections, but it […]

  • US Stealth Jets Can’t Shoot Straight, New Pentagon Report Warns 

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 11:25pm EST

    US Stealth Jets Can’t Shoot Straight, New Pentagon Report Warns  The Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter has suffered a long list of problems that we’ve frequently noted. Now a new report from Bloomberg, citing a Pentagon annual assessment, specifies how the stealth fighters can’t shoot straight.  The Pentagon has already spent upwards of $428 billion on the […]

  • 40 Privacy Groups Warn That Facial Recognition Is Threatening Democracy

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 11:00pm EST

    40 Privacy Groups Warn That Facial Recognition Is Threatening Democracy Authored by Derrick Broze via TheMindUnleashed.com, On Monday, forty organizations signed a letter calling on an independent government watchdog to recommend a ban on U.S. government use of facial recognition technology. The letter was drafted by the digital privacy advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and […]

  • India Announces $40 Billion Emergency Fiscal Injection As Economy Plunges

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 10:35pm EST

    India Announces $40 Billion Emergency Fiscal Injection As Economy Plunges India’s economy is rapidly decelerating and could be headed for a financial crisis. As an emergency response to plunging growth rates and falling energy consumption, along with a manufacturing hub grinding to a halt, the government has just announced a massive $40 billion fiscal injection […]

  • Santa Cruz Just Decriminalized Magic Mushrooms In Unanimous Vote

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 10:10pm EST

    Santa Cruz Just Decriminalized Magic Mushrooms In Unanimous Vote Authored by John Vibes via TruthTheory.com, The city of Santa Cruz in Central California has become the most recent municipality to decriminalize the use of psychedelic mushrooms. This week, the measure passed The City Council of Santa Cruz with a unanimous vote to make the investigation […]

  • Lonely Japanese Billionaire Abandons Search For Space Ho After 22,000 Women Apply

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 9:45pm EST

    Lonely Japanese Billionaire Abandons Search For Space Ho After 22,000 Women Apply A Japanese billionaire who put out a casting call for single females to join him for a SpaceX voyage around the room has called off the search, citing “personal reasons.” Yusaku Maezawa, 44, announced in January that he was looking for single females […]

  • China Bloodbath: Stocks Crash 9%; Oil, Iron Limit Down Despite Emergency PBOC Intervention, Rate Cuts

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 9:20pm EST

    China Bloodbath: Stocks Crash 9%; Oil, Iron Limit Down Despite Emergency PBOC Intervention, Rate Cuts As previewed on Friday  and again earlier today when we noted the latest trades in China’s A50 futures… … China’s reopening from the long Lunar New Year holiday was set to be a ugly, and sure enough with Chinese stocks […]

  • Aussie Academic: ‘Ethically Misguided & Downright Dangerous’ NOT To Censor Climate-Deniers

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 9:20pm EST

    Aussie Academic: ‘Ethically Misguided & Downright Dangerous’ NOT To Censor Climate-Deniers Authored by Eric Worrall via WattsUpWithThat.com, University of Melbourne “Centre for Advancing Journalism” academic Denis Muller believes climate censorship should be added to legally binding journalistic professional codes of conduct. Media ‘impartiality’ on climate change is ethically misguided and downright dangerous January 31, 2020 6.11am AEDT Denis Muller Senior […]

  • NYC Apartment Sales Crash To Near Decade Low As Government Suffocates Market With New Regulations

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 8:55pm EST

    NYC Apartment Sales Crash To Near Decade Low As Government Suffocates Market With New Regulations There’s nothing like broad overreaching government regulation to absolutely suffocate any type of market. This is a lesson that the New York City apartment market is learning first hand, as sales of apartment buildings in the city have crashed to […]

  • Coronavirus: Now That It’s A National Emergency, Is It “Too Late”?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 8:30pm EST

    Coronavirus: Now That It’s A National Emergency, Is It “Too Late”? Authored by Adam Taggart via PeakProsperity.com, Late Friday, the US officially declared coronavirus a “national health emergency”. Some are starting to claim that it’s “too late” to do anything to stop the spread of coronavirus. Is it? Well, even if it’s too late to […]

  • Is Tech About To Suffer A “Dot Com” Bubble Collapse? It’s Suddenly All In China’s Hands

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 8:05pm EST

    Is Tech About To Suffer A “Dot Com” Bubble Collapse? It’s Suddenly All In China’s Hands For the past two weeks we warned readers (in Institutions, Retail And Algos Are Now All-In, Just As Buybacks Tumble and Never Before Seen Market Complacency, As Everyone Goes Even More “All In”) that we now effectively at the most […]

  • Coronavirus Is ‘Probably Nothing’, But “It’s Possibly Everything” For Global Markets

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 7:40pm EST

    Coronavirus Is ‘Probably Nothing’, But “It’s Possibly Everything” For Global Markets Authored by MN Gordon via EconomicPrism.com, In 1349, when Black Death was ravaging Europe, many of the day’s best and brightest banded together in pursuit of a common cure.  They had little choice.  Black Death was rapidly spreading across the continent.  Nothing could stop […]