• There Are “No Effective Remedies” For Coronavirus, WHO Says

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 6:57am EST

    There Are “No Effective Remedies” For Coronavirus, WHO Says Yesterday’s ‘rona rally proved that even a pandemic that’s basically SARS on steroids and a suspected bioweapon unleashed on an unsuspecting global population can’t keep this market down. Markets rallied sharply on Monday after the market’s worst week of the year so far, but they rebounded […]

  • “This Is Disgusting” – Furious Liberals Triggered By Rush Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal Of Freedom

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 6:40am EST

    “This Is Disgusting” – Furious Liberals Triggered By Rush Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal Of Freedom Clearly, President Trump didn’t give conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh advance warning that he would be receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the middle of last night’s State of the Union. Because the stunned look on Limbaugh’s face when […]

  • Foxconn Extends Delay, Won’t Restart iPhone Production Until Late February

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 6:12am EST

    Foxconn Extends Delay, Won’t Restart iPhone Production Until Late February Everything is wonderful Wednesday morning, because an unverified report from Chinese state television sparked a massive surge in equity futures as the Communist Party-controlled media intimated that the coronavirus might soon be cured. Cure or no cure, it’s clear the Chinese are going all-in on […]

  • 360 Billion & Growing: Locust Plague Of “Biblical Proportions” Destroys Crops Across Middle East, Africa

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 5:00am EST

    360 Billion & Growing: Locust Plague Of “Biblical Proportions” Destroys Crops Across Middle East, Africa Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, What we are witnessing in east Africa and across much of the Middle East right now is hard to believe.  360 billion locusts are eating everything in sight, and UN officials […]

  • Futures Soar On Media Reports Of Drug Breakthroughs For Coronavirus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 4:40am EST

    Futures Soar On Media Reports Of Drug Breakthroughs For Coronavirus Global equity futures soared around 0300 ET on reports that a Chinese university has discovered a new drug to treat coronavirus, reported Reuters. TRADERS CITE SPIKE IN STOCKS TO CHINESE TV REPORT THAT RESEARCH TEAM AT ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY HAS FOUND EFFECTIVE DRUG TO TREAT PEOPLE […]

  • NYT Discovers Meddling In Libya Is Bad: “At Least 6 Foreign Nations Fueling The Mayhem”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 4:15am EST

    NYT Discovers Meddling In Libya Is Bad: “At Least 6 Foreign Nations Fueling The Mayhem” Well that didn’t take long. Almost a decade. The New York Times earlier this week suddenly ‘discovered’ that US regime change wars lead to failed states which lead to chaos and death which in turn lead to grinding international proxy wars.  Though Libya […]

  • Do Davos Billionaires And Bankers Really Believe That There Won’t Be Any More Booms And Busts?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 3:30am EST

    Do Davos Billionaires And Bankers Really Believe That There Won’t Be Any More Booms And Busts? Authored by Marshall Auerback via Counterpunhc.org, Can runaway booms descend into busts absent monetary tightening by the world’s central banks? I pose this question in the wake of an extraordinary exchange on January 22 at Davos between Bloomberg editor-at-large […]

  • Why Are So Many Dutch People Left-Handed?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 2:45am EST

    Why Are So Many Dutch People Left-Handed? How common are real lefties across different countries? Many studies have been conducted gauging the prevalence of left-handed people around the world and website leftyfretz.com has collected the results and compiled a country-wide comparison. Statista’s Niall McCarthy gathered the data presented in this infographic, most of which comes from separate […]

  • Beware Of Putin’s Push For Primacy In Africa

    ZeroHedge - Feb 5th 2020 2:00am EST

    Beware Of Putin’s Push For Primacy In Africa Authored by Lawrence Franklin via The Gatestone Institute, While the United States and France have been helping the fragile governments of Africa’s Sahel region stave off Islamist terrorist attacks and takeovers, Russia has been busy trying to push NATO out of the area and augment its own influence there. Moscow’s strategy rests on three pillars. The […]

  • Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 11:45pm EST

    Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment Authored by Sam Jacobs via Ammo.com, Anyone familiar with the Bible is familiar with the Mark of the Beast: Without this mark, no man may buy or sell. Regardless of one’s religious faith or lack thereof, there is an illustrative case in this biblical story: When […]

  • Trump Ups Nuclear Ante With ‘Mini-Nukes’ Deployed On Subs To “Deter Russia” 

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 11:25pm EST

    Trump Ups Nuclear Ante With ‘Mini-Nukes’ Deployed On Subs To “Deter Russia”  The United States has added a ‘low yield’ nuclear weapon to its submarine arsenal in a controversial first in decades, after the Trump administration called for its deployment as part of the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review in order to “deter Russia”.  “Moscow, the argument goes, […]

  • Van Buren: Dems Don’t Realize How Much Impeachment Hurts Them

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 11:05pm EST

    Van Buren: Dems Don’t Realize How Much Impeachment Hurts Them Authored by Peter van Buren via The Strategic Culture Foundation, We are watching the pathetic ending to one of the most pathetic periods in American politics. All the smoking guns have been firing blanks. Following one of the most childish tantrums of denial ever recorded, […]

  • “They Conjure Stories From Thin Air” – Former ‘Junk Bond King’ Slams “Mendacious” New York Times

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 10:45pm EST

    “They Conjure Stories From Thin Air” – Former ‘Junk Bond King’ Slams “Mendacious” New York Times Ray Dalio isn’t the only American billionaire railing against the mendacious American press. Another legendary financier (and ex-con) Michael Milken, who has reinvented himself as a major philanthropist over the last three decades, took to the commentary pages of […]

  • Prelude To A Crisis

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 10:25pm EST

    Prelude To A Crisis Authored by John Mauldin via Everggreen Gavekal blog, “The Federal Reserve is running the risk of fomenting an eventual financial crisis by easing banking regulations at the same time that it’s cut interest rates…say some former Fed officials, including ex-Vice Chairman Alan Blinder and financial stability experts Daniel Tarullo and Nellie […]

  • Russian Evacuees From China To Be Quarantined In Remote Siberian Region

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 10:05pm EST

    Russian Evacuees From China To Be Quarantined In Remote Siberian Region The Russian Air Force on orders from President Vladimir Putin is currently in the midst of evacuating some over 150 Russian nationals from China and sending them to be “monitored” for coronavirus symptoms in a region of Western Siberia. “Russian citizens and people from other countries […]

  • Trump Snubs Pelosi Handshake During State Of The Union

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 9:54pm EST

    Trump Snubs Pelosi Handshake During State Of The Union One year after Nancy Pelosi’s famous SOTU 2019 handclap… Do not lose Nancy Pelosi’s point. She is clapping back at Trump for his call to an end to “revenge politics.” pic.twitter.com/tZNCFGkjq8 — Hillary Warned Us About Caucuses (@HillaryWarnedUs) February 6, 2019 … and one failed impeachment […]

  • Unraveling California’s Quick, But Complete Demise

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 9:45pm EST

    Unraveling California’s Quick, But Complete Demise Authored by Joe Guzzardi via Patch.com, Through incredibly good fortune, I’ve been unable to watch the tedious impeachment trial. I’m traveling and my destinations don’t have television. I can’t report having the same luck, however, with the daily immigration news. Bulletins pour into my email inbox, and since immigration […]

  • Huffington Post Investigation Exposes Rampant Sexism At The Washington Post

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 9:25pm EST

    Huffington Post Investigation Exposes Rampant Sexism At The Washington Post The fury of twitter blue checkmarks over the Washington Post’s decision to suspend female reporter Felicia Sonmez has manifested in a #MeToo-style hit piece directed at the Washington Post. In a laughable piece by reporter Emily Peck, the Huffington Post relies on anonymously sourced quotes […]

  • An ‘Orwelexicon’ For Bias And Dysfunction In Psychology And Academia

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 9:05pm EST

    An ‘Orwelexicon’ For Bias And Dysfunction In Psychology And Academia Authored by Lee Jussim via Quillette.com, In this essay, I introduce a slew of neologisms – new words – to capture the tone and substance of much discourse, rhetoric, dysfunction, and bias in academia and psychology. It’s partly inspired by an article entitled ‘Lexicon for […]

  • Elizabeth Warren Tries Disappearing Act After Being Caught Exiting Private Jet

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 8:55pm EST

    Elizabeth Warren Tries Disappearing Act After Being Caught Exiting Private Jet Native-American? Woman of the people? Billionaire-bludgeoner? Climate-change alarmist? It would appear, by the looks of this latest clip catching Senator Elizabeth Warren exiting a private jet, that not everything she says is true (allegedly)! By far the most entertaining part of the brief video […]

  • Watch Live: Trump Delivers Third State Of The Union Address

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 8:45pm EST

    Watch Live: Trump Delivers Third State Of The Union Address With Democrats on the back-foot following the twin catastrophes of the Iowa Caucus and their unsuccessful push to call John Bolton as a witness in Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, which is expected to end Wednesday with a resounding acquittal and Trump’s approval rating at record […]

  • Former Co-Head Of Investment Banking At Goldman Asia Banned For Life By The Fed

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 8:25pm EST

    Former Co-Head Of Investment Banking At Goldman Asia Banned For Life By The Fed Former Goldman Sachs partner Andrea Vella has been barred from the industry over his involvement in the Malaysian investment fund scandal known as 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a press release from the Federal Reserve said Tuesday.  Vella, a former the Goldman Sachs’ co-head […]

  • “Made In China” Economic Hit Coming Right Up

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 8:05pm EST

    “Made In China” Economic Hit Coming Right Up Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Economic contagion due to the coronavirus is underway. Hyundai halted production. Sony, Apple, and Ford issued warnings. If you can’t get parts, you can’t build cars. And due to a coronavirus-related manufacturing halt in China, Hyundai to Shut Down Some Production. Hyundai, […]

  • Macy’s To Cut 2,000 Jobs And Shutter 125 Stores Amid “Significant Structural Change”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 7:45pm EST

    Macy’s To Cut 2,000 Jobs And Shutter 125 Stores Amid “Significant Structural Change” Macy’s announced Tuesday that it had adopted a three-year plan designed to stabilize profits and continue company growth. The new plan calls for a radical $1.5 billion cost-cutting program that will axe upwards of 2,000 jobs and shutter 125 stores across the US. The […]

  • Irrational Fears Of Deflation

    ZeroHedge - Feb 4th 2020 7:25pm EST

    Irrational Fears Of Deflation Authored by Alasdair Macelod via GoldMonmey.com, The benefits of a deflation of prices brought about by a combination of sound money and markets free from government intervention have been demonstrated to be the best economic environment, the denial of which in favour of inflationary financing has led to repeated monetary and […]