Following Virus Hoax, Economy Moves to More Free Southern States

Jul 6th 2023 1:00am EDT

Freedom is always good for the economy. It would be hard to say that the southern states of America are “free,” because America itself is basically a gigantic communist prison camp (especially compared to anywhere else in the world, excluding edge cases like North Korea – and even North Korea arguably allows for more personal […]

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Following Virus Hoax, Economy Moves to More Free Southern States From Daily Stormer Freedom is always good for the economy. It would be hard to say that the southern states of America are “free,” because America itself is basically a gigantic communist prison camp (especially compared to anywhere else in the world, excluding edge cases like North Korea – and even North Korea arguably allows for more personal […] Jul 6th 2023 1:00am EDT Source Link: Internet Archive Link: Share, promote & comment with Nostr:
Jul 6, 2023, 10:39 AM


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