An Anatomy of a Hate Hoax in the Age of Sabrina Rubin Erderly and Jussie Smollett: the Case of Michael Ron David Kadar &Amp; the Loop ‘Lawgic’(Lawyer-Logic) of the Disingenuous David Schraub the Law Professor — How Jewish Power Uses Hate Hysteria to Misdirect the Public from WHO REALLY RULES AMERICA &Amp; the WORLD, by Jung Freud

Oct 2nd 2022 3:59pm EDT

In recent years, especially since the election of Donald Trump, the Jewish-dominated media have been running wild and crazy with Hate Hysteria, much of which is based on ‘Hate Hoaxes’(with Jews, blacks, and homos being the biggest and most shameless perpetrators). Yes, the media even tried to push the Jussie Smollett BS even though it… […]

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