Why should we go easy on Islamist killers? Singer Morrissey rejects the ubiquitous 'turn another cheek' response. And qu...

Oct 28th 2022 9:50am EDT

Why should we go easy on Islamist killers? Singer Morrissey rejects the ubiquitous ‘turn another cheek’ response. And quite right, too. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-11362871/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Singer-Morrissey-rejects-ubiquitous-turn-cheek-response.html Mail Online RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Why should we go easy on Islamist killers? Singer Morrissey rejects the ubiquitous ‘turn another cheek’ response.… RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Morrissey asked the audience how come they all knew the […]

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