DRC Breaks Off Relations With Rwanda As Rebels Besiege Major Northern City
Jan 26th 2025 1:56pm EST
Observers fear the flareup could lead to an escalation akin to bloodshed facing Africa’s Great Lakes region in the mid-90s to early 2000s, which led to casualties numbering in the millions.
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DRC Breaks Off Relations With Rwanda As Rebels Besiege Major Northern City
From Sputnik
Observers fear the flareup could lead to an escalation akin to bloodshed facing Africa’s Great Lakes region in the mid-90s to early 2000s, which led to casualties numbering in the millions.
Jan 26th 2025 1:56pm EST
Source Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20250126/drc-breaks-off-relations-with-rwanda-as-rebels-besiege-major-northern-city-1121503034.html
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