• White Degradation

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 30th 2020 5:56pm EDT

    Don’t take my word for it. Reddit: New Reddit “hate speech” rules announced today explicitly allows for hate to be directed at “majority” groups perceived to be in positions of power.https://t.co/fNNxuL2Gki pic.twitter.com/LAcunGG14S— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) June 29, 2020 Remember, White people and police officers are not human when posting on Reddit. This goes for all […]

  • Cracker Lives Don’t Matter

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 27th 2020 8:40pm EDT

    I’ve never heard somebody seriously use the term “cracker” or say that “all lives don’t matter” until today in Minneapolis/St. Paul: pic.twitter.com/it65d5l369— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) June 27, 2020 CEO of @CCharitiesUSA, Rob McCann: “For me as a white person, saying I’m not racist is like saying a fish is not wet.” He then brands the […]

  • Saint Louis Protests

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 27th 2020 8:04pm EDT

    Should he stay or should he go? Protesters clash over statue of St. Louis’ namesake, by @joelcurrier. https://t.co/bjKfqV94mb pic.twitter.com/WnghoNF0rM— Robert Cohen (@kodacohen) June 27, 2020 Another brief scuffle over the statue’s symbolism. pic.twitter.com/k58gwe0dMP— Joel Currier (@joelcurrier) June 27, 2020 Arguments continue at the Louis IX statue. There have been a few scuffles; last police officer […]

  • Woke Supremacy and Symbolic Murder

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 27th 2020 5:44pm EDT

    BREAKING: @Facebook Senior HR Business Partner, Leslie Brown, has been FIRED today after @Project_Veritas released a video with her saying, “No one has the White Man’s back anymore.”FACEBOOK: Comments [made] ‘Not Consistent with our Policies,’ ‘Reviewing Training and Oversight’ pic.twitter.com/C0IbtWaCEl— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) June 25, 2020 The CEO of Catholic Charities recorded a video confessing […]

  • White Lives Don’t Matter, Woke Capitalism & BLM Marxism – FF Ep82

    Red Ice TV - Jun 26th 2020 11:15pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 82 of Flashback Friday. A lot of cancellations are still being reported. We talk about the resurgence of the Coronavirus BS, White lives don’t matter, […]

  • White Lives Don’t Matter, Woke Capitalism & BLM Marxism – FF Ep82

    Red Ice TV - Jun 26th 2020 11:03pm EDT

    Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 82 of Flashback Friday. A lot of cancellations are still being reported. We talk about the resurgence of the Coronavirus BS, White lives don’t matter, CHOP is supposed to clear up but some refuse to leave. We also talk about how BLM loves Marxism and more. […]

  • Jaden McNeil’s Auto-da-fé

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 26th 2020 2:26pm EDT

    Jaden McNeil, a nerdy White kid who is a Kansas State student and a Groyper leader associated with Nick Fuentes, is being burned at the stake for making a joke about George Floyd on Twitter: If Jaden had only engaged in blasphemy against Jesus Christ, it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but this is […]

  • Things White People Can’t Have Because It’s Racist

    Red Ice TV - Jun 26th 2020 1:34pm EDT

    The growing list of what is considered racist makes it clear that White people are not a privileged class. They experience the worst racism of all. Watch the video on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | Twitter | VK | Gab | RedIceMembers  Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 […]

  • California Votes To Embrace Racial Discrimination

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 26th 2020 10:15am EDT

    I’ve studied race based regimes all over the world. California is currently formalizing a new one where Whites are officially being placed at the bottom of the new racial hierarchy. WSJ: “ “We live in strange times, and strange indeed is that, while deploring racism, the Democratic Legislature in California has voted to codify racial […]

  • Target: The White Man

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 25th 2020 11:28pm EDT

    There is now denying it now. The days of conservative make believe are over.

  • Wendy’s: Thank You For Burning Our Stores To The Ground

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 25th 2020 6:52pm EDT

    Like the late, great, Dr Maya Angelou said – Try to be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud. Sending love to all of you. pic.twitter.com/auM5H2u8YU— Val Kilmer (@valkilmer) June 25, 2020 This is beyond parody. Note: Now that progressive liberalism has become indistinguishable from Afrocentric Marxism, I propose a new flag, anthem and name for […]

  • White Devils

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 25th 2020 5:55pm EDT

    In the last days of progressive liberalism, future historians will recall how it had degenerated into nothing more than the We Wuz Kangz Afrocentrism of 25 years ago. This was written by the founder of the New York Times’ 1619 Project: Dey came before Columbus! White man stole our civilization! Sure, they didn’t make it […]

  • No-Go Zone: #NOOSECAR & Black Lives Matter Israel

    Red Ice TV - Jun 24th 2020 11:00am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik cover the latest hate hoax, the purported noose found in a Nascar drivers garage. The driver happens to be a BLM supporter of course. We also cover who controls Black Lives Matter in […]

  • No-Go Zone: #NOOSECAR & Black Lives Matter Israel

    Red Ice TV - Jun 24th 2020 11:00am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik cover the latest hate hoax, the purported noose found in a Nascar drivers garage. The driver happens to be a BLM supporter of course. We also cover who controls Black Lives Matter in […]

  • No-Go Zone: #NOOSECAR & Black Lives Matter Israel

    Red Ice TV - Jun 24th 2020 11:00am EDT

    Henrik cover the latest hate hoax, the purported noose found in a Nascar drivers garage. The driver happens to be a BLM supporter of course. We also cover who controls Black Lives Matter in the US and how the struggle for BLM in Israel is playing out. We play some clips from Hollywoodism, White Girls […]

  • No-Go Zone: #NOOSECAR & Black Lives Matter Israel

    Red Ice TV - Jun 24th 2020 11:00am EDT

    Henrik cover the latest hate hoax, the purported noose found in a Nascar drivers garage. The driver happens to be a BLM supporter of course. We also cover who controls Black Lives Matter in the US and how the struggle for BLM in Israel is playing out. We play some clips from Hollywoodism, White Girls […]

  • An Uprising Against Our Very Existence

    Red Ice TV - Jun 22nd 2020 12:40am EDT

    If won’t end with the statues. Watch the video on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | RedIceMembers  Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new […]

  • An Uprising Against Our Very Existence

    Red Ice TV - Jun 22nd 2020 12:40am EDT

    If won’t end with the statues. Watch the video on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | RedIceMembers  Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new […]

  • Jim Goad – BLM, BluFlue & #WhiteStrike

    Red Ice TV - Jun 18th 2020 11:07pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Jim Goad joins Henrik to talk about the latest in riot news and collapse of Western civilization. Guest links:jimgoad.net@jimgoad Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to […]

  • Jim Goad – BLM, BluFlue & #WhiteStrike

    Red Ice TV - Jun 18th 2020 11:07pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Jim Goad joins Henrik to talk about the latest in riot news and collapse of Western civilization. Guest links:jimgoad.net@jimgoad Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to […]

  • Jared Taylor – Covid Overkill, Confederates Exhumed & Arbury Media Narrative

    Red Ice TV - May 27th 2020 12:46am EDT

    Jared Taylor joins Henrik to talk about the latest. We begin on Covid-19 lock down and censorship. New York Times charge the US military for White Supremacy on Memorial day. In Tennessee the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife are being exhumed from the park where his statue once stood. We […]

  • Jared Taylor – Covid Overkill, Confederates Exhumed & Arbury Media Narrative

    Red Ice TV - May 27th 2020 12:46am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. Jared Taylor joins Henrik to talk about the latest. We begin on Covid-19 lock down and censorship. New York Times charge the US military for White Supremacy on Memorial day. In Tennessee the remains of Confederate General Nathan […]

  • Coronavirus Constancy, Scrubbing History & Babbling Biden With Hard Bastard – FF Ep76

    Red Ice TV - May 16th 2020 3:27am EDT

    Henrik is joined by Hard Bastard to cover some of the recent news. Increasing amounts of people are feed up with the Coronavirus lockdown and want to get back to work. Trump talks about deploying military to administer the Covid-19 vaccine, that is being fast tracked now. History is being scrubbed. White history that is. […]

  • Coronavirus Constancy, Scrubbing History & Babbling Biden With Hard Bastard – FF Ep76

    Red Ice TV - May 16th 2020 3:27am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. Henrik is joined by Hard Bastard to cover some of the recent news. Increasing amounts of people are feed up with the Coronavirus lockdown and want to get back to work. Trump talks about deploying military to administer […]

  • Ahmaud Arbery Was Not Jogging, He Was In Fact Committing Crimes And This Was Caught On Camera (Video)

    Red Ice TV - May 9th 2020 10:18pm EDT

    Ahmaud Arbery was not jogging and had committed multiple crimes, according to newly released footage, 911 audio and eyewitness testimony. Video by Mr Obvious