• NYT’s Paul Krugman: ‘The Deep State Contains Some Really Impressive, Principled People’

    Infowars - Nov 22nd 2019 3:33am EST

    We’re supposed to be delighted that we have a thoroughly unimpressive shadow government ensuring the prog-globalist agenda marches on unimpeded no matter who we vote into office.

  • “Jack Ryan” Star Pushes CIA Propaganda

    Infowars - Nov 22nd 2019 3:15am EST

    Would Amazon’s TV show celebrating the CIA with the usual Hollywood Action Heroics have anything to do with Amazon’s massive CIA data contracts?

  • Owen Shroyer Breaks Down Anti-Trump Rally While Broadcasting With Missing Tooth – War Room Full Show

    Infowars - Nov 22nd 2019 3:15am EST

    Owen Shroyer is back in the saddle after a visit to the dentist for a missing tooth. Owen takes on the recent impeachment hearings with Ambassador Sondland and the fake news media that continues to push false headlines in an attempt to smear President Trump’s reputation in hopes of a win for the Democrats in […]

  • White House: Trump Wants Impeachment Trial In The Senate

    Paul Joseph Watson - Nov 22nd 2019 3:05am EST

    “He wants to be able to bring up witnesses like Adam Schiff, like the whistleblower, like Hunter Biden, like Joe Biden.” The White House announced Thursday that President Trump is relishing the idea of impeachment hearings reaching the Senate so he can call witnesses including House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ‘whistleblower’, and […]

  • White House: Trump Wants Impeachment Trial In The Senate

    Infowars - Nov 22nd 2019 3:01am EST

    “He wants to be able to bring up witnesses like Adam Schiff, like the whistleblower, like Hunter Biden, like Joe Biden.”

  • Federal Judge Asks DEA to Explain Why All 179 of Its Stash House Sting Targets Are Minorities

    American Renaissance - Nov 22nd 2019 3:00am EST

    Federal judges appear to be tiring of the government’s long-running entrapment programs. {snip} Agencies like the ATF and DEA find someone in need of cash — usually a minority someone — and use undercover agents and confidential informants to convince them to raid a drug stash house for some easy money. The twist is the […]

  • Illegal Alien Convicted in Oklahoma of Attempting to Sexually Entice an 11-Year-Old Girl

    American Renaissance - Nov 22nd 2019 2:55am EST

    A man illegally residing in the United States was found guilty Wednesday in federal court of attempting to persuade online an 11-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity. Two years earlier, this man had also molested the child while she stayed at a friend’s house. This investigation was conducted by the following agencies: Tulsa Police […]

  • Border Patrol Agents Arrest Transnational Organized Criminal Gang Member

    American Renaissance - Nov 22nd 2019 2:45am EST

    U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Uvalde Station arrested a member of a known criminal gang, from El Salvador, Nov. 19. “Transnational Criminal Organizations are looking for any way they can to penetrate the United States,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “Fortunately, in this case, our agents were able […]

  • Photos: ICE Deports One Man Wanted for Murder in Mexico and Another Wanted for Murder in Hondura

    American Renaissance - Nov 22nd 2019 2:30am EST

    Alberto Abelardo Pulido-Garcia A Mexican man wanted for murder in his home country was removed (deported) Wednesday by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Alberto Abelardo Pulido-Garcia, 46, was arrested by ICE officers without incident in West Valley, Utah, Oct. 25, 2019. Pulido-Garcia is a fugitive wanted for […]

  • Nationalism Explained

    Red Ice TV - Nov 22nd 2019 2:12am EST

    Lana explains what nationalism really means. Watch the video on: BitChute | Facebook | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Minds Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + […]

  • Weapons Expert: Classified Weapons System Hidden In 5G Lampposts

    Infowars - Nov 22nd 2019 1:58am EST

    Weapons expert Mark Steele joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the classified weapons systems hidden in public 5G lampposts. https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter By the way, upgrade your smile with the new SuperSilver Whitening Toothpaste that’s on sale now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/supersilver-whitening-toothpas

  • Exclusive! The True Identity Of Fiona Hill Revealed

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 10:24pm EST

    Infowars can now report on the true identity of Fiona Hill! Don’t miss this shocking revelation available only on the War Room! By the way, overhaul your body’s cellular engine with our fan-favorite DNA Force Plus!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=yxyie&utm_campaign=IWL-DNAFP50offBlackFriday&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=DNAblackFridayUndervideo

  • Trump Protesters Can’t Explain Why They Don’t Like The President

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 9:30pm EST

    Trump protesters angry with his visit to Austin, took to the streets to call for his impeachment and show their frustrations, but not many of them could explain why they were so upset with the President. https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter By the way, upgrade your smile with […]

  • Infowars’ Reports Brought Up During Trump Impeachment Hearings – War Room Full Show

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 9:25pm EST

    As the fake impeachment hearings wind down, the Democrat impeachment fraud is totally exposed. We discover the truth behind the impeachment push and the real identity of Fiona Hill. We also recount the lowest rated ever Democrat debate that wasn’t with some of the highlights. Owen also makes a discovery on air about a local […]

  • Fiona Hill Attacks Infowars As Conspiracy Theorists During Fake Impeachment Hearing

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 8:52pm EST

    Fiona Hill attempted to smear the reporting of Infowars and Roger Stone at the scam impeachment hearings targeting President Trump. Owen breaks down this false narrative being pushed by the Deep State. By the way, overhaul your body’s cellular engine with our fan-favorite DNA Force Plus!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=yxyie&utm_campaign=IWL-DNAFP50offBlackFriday&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=DNAblackFridayUndervideo

  • Countdown: Star Witness Fiona Hill Not A Real Witness Or A Real Woman

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 8:31pm EST

    Short on time, but still want to stay informed? The War Room Countdown covers clips from all 3 hours of the broadcast! By the way, overhaul your body’s cellular engine with our fan-favorite DNA Force Plus!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=yxyie&utm_campaign=IWL-DNAFP50offBlackFriday&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=DNAblackFridayUndervideo

  • Fiona Hill Denies She Is A SOROS Shill In Trump Impeachment Hearings

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 8:23pm EST

    https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter By the way, upgrade your smile with the new SuperSilver Whitening Toothpaste that’s on sale now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/supersilver-whitening-toothpas

  • AOC Lies About Holocaust, Admits She Hates White People

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 8:15pm EST

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently claimed Stephen Miller is a “white nationalist” in an attempt to smear him and the Trump administration as bigoted. Owen explains why AOC is the one who is acting racist and hateful. By the way, overhaul your body’s cellular engine with our fan-favorite DNA Force Plus!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=yxyie&utm_campaign=IWL-DNAFP50offBlackFriday&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=DNAblackFridayUndervideo

  • Colin Flaherty Podcast: White People Bother Black People. Don’t Expect To Be In P.O.C. Spaces

    Colin Flaherty - Nov 21st 2019 7:49pm EST

    Colin Flaherty author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry White Girl Bleed A Lot Podcast commentary news video – White people bother black people. want their own safe places spaces that whites can’t and should expect to be a part of because whites feel comfortable policing and calling police on poc African american crime […]

  • The Truth About Rodney Reed and Stacey Stites

    Freedomain Radio - Nov 21st 2019 7:42pm EST

    – April 23, 1996, a 19-year-old woman named Stacey Stites – who was engaged to be married to a police officer in a few weeks – was found dead in a field in Bastrop, Texas. – Before being murdered, Stacey had been brutally beaten, raped, and sodomized. – Her fiancé – Jimmy Fennell – fell […]

  • Yet Another Five BitChute Channels You Should Subscribe To

    TTOR - Nov 21st 2019 7:37pm EST

    Series Playlist: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/Sa3BvbTRR474/ Broly555_TV: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/broly555_tv/ Apologist Justin Derby recommends that you subscribe to these five BitChute channels: ZachThEaVeNgEr8000: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zachtheavenger8000/ The_Edgy_Penguin: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/the_edgy_penguin/ InfoToons: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/infotoons/ mlchristiansen: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/mlchristiansen/ Razorfist: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/razorfist/ If you have Dissenter, I encourage you to comment on this video with Dissenter; I will be looking on Dissenter for any comments on TTOR videos. If you […]

  • The Attack on Asian-Americans

    American Renaissance - Nov 21st 2019 7:03pm EST

    Jared Taylor and PK note the price Asians are paying for promoting meritocracy rather than race preferences. Taylor and PK also discuss hate hoaxes on and off the football field, how to honor Sacajawea, Starbucks’ bum problem, Elizabeth Warren’s war on “hate,” Catherine Pugh’s sticky end, Kamala Harris’ “donkey in the room,” startling good sense […]

  • Media Struggling to Sell Deep State Show Trial to Americans

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 4:55pm EST

    Plus: latest debate reveals Dems have no serious candidate for 2020

  • CBS Program Asks About Six-Year-Olds Being Taught How to Masturbate

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 4:11pm EST

    Internet users overwhelmingly reject lesson being taught in UK schools.

  • The Left Admits Abortion Is Child Sacrifice

    Infowars - Nov 21st 2019 3:00pm EST

    And they’re proud of it.