• Hidden Hands: The CIA, Modernism and the Cold War

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 25th 2020 8:06pm EDT

    During the Cold War, the CIA used jazz, rock and abstract expressionism as weapons to subvert and degenerate the culture of the Eastern Bloc and to promote liberalism and free-market capitalism. Michael Jackson’s music was banned as degenerate art in the Soviet Union. If you look deep into the history of the avant-garde, the neocons […]

  • This Side of Paradise

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 25th 2020 12:38pm EDT

    Victorian America ended in the catastrophe that was World War I. 2 million American soldiers had fought in France. 130,000 of them never came home. The Wilson administration imposed a suffocating conformism on the country which exceeded anything in American history before or since. We have already seen how The Masses was shutdown and anarchists […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 522 | It Was All a Hoax

    Jared Howe - Sep 25th 2020 9:44am EDT

    At this point, you’d be better off just assuming it’s a race hoax when the media whips the left into a frenzy over any given instance of so-called “injustice.” Even if you’re wrong from time to time, your track record will still be better than anyone’s on the left. So give yourself a pat on […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 521 | Hunter Biden Implicated in Human Trafficking Ring

    Jared Howe - Sep 24th 2020 9:07am EDT

    What a tangled web they weave… A new report published by the Senate says that Hunter Biden may have paid off a bunch of human traffickers in Ukraine and Russia in exchange for sex with Ukranian and Russian prostitutes, some of which may have been underage. Russian prostitutes? Wait… wasn’t that the exact accusation levied […]

  • The Retreat of Racial Science

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 22nd 2020 7:30pm EDT

    At the beginning of the 20th century, America was still in the Victorian era. American identity was White, Anglo-Saxon (in culture), Protestant and liberal and republican in principles. There was an overwhelming national consensus in support of progress, traditional moral values and the Anglo-American literary canon. The dominant aesthetic was New England and Appalachian Regionalism. […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 520 | The Cost of Inaction

    Jared Howe - Sep 22nd 2020 9:29am EDT

    Giving Democrats enough rope to hang themselves has a real human cost that probably isn’t worth it. Getting caught in the crosshairs of lawfare can be demoralizing and blackpilling for even the most optimistic of Americans. Jake Gardner, for example, was described by friends as someone who would NEVER contemplate suicide. Unfortunately for Jake, he […]

  • Moderns vs. Victorians

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 21st 2020 5:21pm EDT

    I’ve already covered a lot of important ground. Modernism arrived in the United States in the 1910s in Chicago and New York City. The Armory Show of 1913 introduced America to Modern art. It began with the establishment of small bohemian enclaves of avant-garde artists and poets in Chicago and New York City which flowered […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 519 | RBG Meets Her Maker

    Jared Howe - Sep 21st 2020 9:14am EDT

    Ding dong! After a long and illustrious career of enabling infanticide and trying to lower the legal age of consent to 12 years old, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has finally gone home to her father, the Devil, to answer for her sins. Rest in piss, bitch. I don’t feel a single shred of remorse or guilt […]

  • The Lost Generation, Jazz and Deracination

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 20th 2020 11:15pm EDT

    I’m continuing to investigate cosmopolitanism, deracination and how both are connected to the growth of Modernism in 1910s and 1920s America. Why would White Americans repudiate their own ethnic identity? White jazz musicians, the expatriate writers of the Lost Generation who moved to Paris and bohemian artists who lived in enclaves like Greenwich Village in […]

  • T.S. Eliot: Anti-Modern Modernist

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 18th 2020 7:50pm EDT

    Modernism is an aesthetic. As a sensibility, it is compatible with most ideologies like Romanticism. There were Left Modernists and Right Modernists. There were even a few Modernists who were not atheists, bohemian degenerates, progressive liberals, socialists and anarchists and who had views similar to our own. The following excerpt comes from Peter Gay’s book […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 518 | The Swamp Defends Antifa Terrorists

    Jared Howe - Sep 18th 2020 9:01am EDT

    The media and the FBI want us to believe that Antifa is an ideology; not an organization. Apparently it was an IDEOLOGY that lit all those fires out west. It was an IDEOLOGY attacking motorists in the street. It was an IDEOLOGY that spent the last four months rioting and looting. It was an IDEOLOGY […]

  • The Rise of Modernism

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 17th 2020 5:27pm EDT

    I’ve been skipping all around the world. In this article, I will try to sum up the case that I have made so far and where I am going with this argument, which is that the rise of Modernism is central to understanding our decline. In his book The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, Eric […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 517 | The War Against Critical Race Theory

    Jared Howe - Sep 17th 2020 9:32am EDT

    Marxists and pedophiles push conspiracy theories like white privilege and critical race theory because they know white people offer the only meaningful resistance to Weimar- and Soviet-style degeneracy, the recreation of which is the left’s ultimate goal. It’s hard to ban cash and fuck children with white people and Christians around, and so leftists seek […]

  • Inventing Tomorrow: H.G. Wells, Modernism and the Future

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 16th 2020 3:35pm EDT

    The Young Intellectuals created modern liberalism. Who was the biggest influence on the Young Intellectuals though? H.G. Wells wrote over 100 novels, sold millions of copies and was the most influential author in the English language of the early 20th century. Along with Jules Verne, Wells was the father of modern science fiction. He was […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 516 | Q Supporter Wins Delaware Primary Race

    Jared Howe - Sep 16th 2020 9:22am EDT

    It happened again. Another Q supporter won their GOP primary race in spite of media smear attacks — this time in Delaware. Newcomer Lauren Witzke defeated establishment Neocon James DeMartino in a 14-point blowout yesterday, further demonstrating the degree of momentum and enthusiasm behind the Q Movement. I think the media and their Antifa foot […]

  • Review: The End of American Innocence, 1912-1917

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 15th 2020 1:12pm EDT

    Henry F. May, The End of American Innocence, 1912-1917 When did our own times begin? Culturally speaking, when did Victorian 19th century America become Modern 20th century America? Why did this happen? How did this happen? What changed? In The End of American Innocence, 1912-1917, Henry F. May argues that the transition began in New […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 515 | Simping for Serbia and Belarus

    Jared Howe - Sep 15th 2020 8:40am EDT

    Permit them to issue and control the money of a planet, and they care not who makes its laws! The cosmopolitan mindset of international banksters makes geopolitics a tricky topic to unravel if you don’t understand or want to acknowledge that they value the ability to create money from nothing above all else. For today’s […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 514 | Trump Cancels Critical Race Theory

    Jared Howe - Sep 13th 2020 6:46pm EDT

    The tables have turned. Following an explosive series of segments on the topic from Tucker Carlson, Russell Vought announced over the weekend that the President will be completely defunding Critical Race Theory indoctrination seminars at the Federal level. According to clarification provided by Trump via Twitter on Vought’s memorandum to the heads of Federal agencies, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 513 | Antifa Assassin Commits Suicide by Cop

    Jared Howe - Sep 13th 2020 6:46pm EDT

    Michael Reinoehl was nothing if not a coward. After assassinating a member of Patriot Prayer in broad daylight, Mike fled the state of Oregon and gave an interview to VICE news in which he admitted to the killing but claimed it was in self defense (in spite of the video evidence to the contrary.) After […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 512 | A Watershed Moment

    Jared Howe - Sep 13th 2020 6:46pm EDT

    The high profile attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse and Nick Sandmann, L. Linn Wood, was shut out of his Twitter account yesterday for several hours due to what Twitter described as an “automated flagging error.” Riiiiight… Their apology was too little too late, however, as the ban prompted Wood to appear on Fox News where he […]

  • H.L. Mencken, Nietzsche and the Death of the Victorian Mainstream

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 12th 2020 9:55am EDT

    Why should anyone bother studying this? What relevance does it have to our own times? I would respond by saying it is worth knowing when, why and how our own age began and when, why and how the old mainstream crumbled. The following excerpt comes from Henry F. May’s book The End of American Innocence, […]

  • The Cuties Uproar

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 11th 2020 12:46pm EDT

    Netflix is comfortable with this. Plenty of people will defend it. This is where our culture is at. pic.twitter.com/UlqEmXALmd— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) September 10, 2020 Unless you have been living under a rock this week, you have probably heard about the big conservative uproar against Netflix over the French film Cuties which sexualizes children. […]

  • Pride and Prejudice Fails To Meet Modern Inclusion Standards

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2020 1:59pm EDT

    Starting in 2024, movies will need to meet specific inclusion standards in order to be eligible for the best picture Oscar. https://t.co/aPT1qejKvU— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) September 9, 2020 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is responsible for the annual Academy Awards, has implemented sweeping new restrictions and requirements that will determine […]

  • Nietzsche’s Insanity, Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism and Modernism

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 8th 2020 4:44pm EDT

    When did the Modern age begin? There is no real precise moment that separates the Romantic or Victorian age from the Modern age and it varies from country to country, but the moment that Friedrich Nietzsche went insane and became Dionysus isn’t far off. The 1890s were a cultural turning point in European history. The […]

  • American Racial Decline and Modernism

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 8th 2020 12:10pm EDT

    I’m bumping up my response to ATBOTL from the comments who raises some good points: “American radical abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Charles Sumner were openly anti-white in the current sense long before modernists had any influence anywhere or even existed. Most significantly, they a huge following among average, non-elite middle class whites in […]