• Intercession

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 5th 2020 11:53pm EST

    Everyone on the Right talks about the need to create cultural works, but few do any actual creating. So as a lover of Rudyard Kipling, here’s a piece inspired by one of his most famous works that I whipped up one afternoon. Intercession Lord God who all our folk once knew But now have chosen […]

  • The forgotten beauty of national homogeneity: nice things you cannot have

    Armed With Knowledge - Jan 29th 2020 2:28pm EST

    As our nations are transformed by "modernity", "tolerance", "globalism", "diversity" and a never-ending bombardment of buzz-words standing in for the same, non-negotiable policy, there is a clear and distinct effort to prevent anyone from searching for or finding an exit. We see this in the political sphere, with the stonewalling (ex: with Brexit); we also […]

  • Unconscious Cinema — 1917 —The Schofield Bible

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 25th 2020 5:23pm EST

    Editor’s Note: I’m going to see this movie tomorrow. Now watching:

  • For folks to poop on: California (Part III)

    Armed With Knowledge - Jan 25th 2020 2:46am EST

    (Part I, Part II, Part III) What is the best indicator of a civilization’s health? Some might say current account figures, GDP or the trade deficit; others might seek out travel advisories or National Security color charts for insight; still others might take a clue from pollution levels or quality-of-life ratings. But what about poop? Poop delivers little information about exports vs.

  • Spoiler Free Review: Star Trek: Picard (Episode 1)

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 24th 2020 2:09am EST

    I was pleasantly surprised. After chiming in on this the other day, I decided to watch the first episode. It has been nearly twenty years since we last saw Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Nemesis. The debut episode didn’t strike me as being any better or worse than TNG, DS9, Voyager or Enterprise. It was […]

  • Can Anyone Trust Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham?

    Tommy Robinson - Jan 23rd 2020 1:43pm EST

    The systemic institutional cover-up of Muslim child rapists has shocked the UK. Can Anyone Trust Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham? Muslim Child Rapists Troubled and vulnerable children have methodically and systematically been preyed upon by predominantly Muslim child gang rapists who groom their victims and make them dependant on drugs and drink. Then the victims are […]

  • Cancel Culture, Communism, Muslim Grooming Gangs & EU’s Green Deal – FF Ep61

    Red Ice TV - Jan 18th 2020 1:01am EST

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. Henrik and Lana cover the latest stories and important events of the week in episode 61 of Flashback Friday. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream […]

  • Cancel Culture, Communism, Muslim Grooming Gangs & EU’s Green Deal – FF Ep61

    Red Ice TV - Jan 18th 2020 12:53am EST

    Henrik and Lana cover the latest stories and important events of the week in episode 61 of Flashback Friday. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | Twitter | VK | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 […]

  • Star Trek: Picard Is a Response To Brexit and Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 12th 2020 2:52pm EST

    If you were wondering if Star Trek: Picard was going to be any different than Star Trek: Discovery, the answer is no. Variety: “In a way, the world of ‘Next Generation’ had been too perfect and too protected,” he says. “It was the Enterprise. It was a safe world of respect and communication and care […]

  • Reason: Conservatives Are Coming For Your Pornhub

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 4th 2020 6:22pm EST

    Is libertarianism synonymous with cultural degeneration? Los Angeles Times: “While the rest of us were gearing up for the holiday season, a small group of conservatives was busy cranking up something a good deal less cheerful: a new war on pornography.On Dec. 6, four members of Congress wrote a letter to Atty. Gen. William Barr, beseeching him to […]

  • SPLC, Antifa and the U.S. military team up to force religious discrimination and destroy lives of servicemen

    Armed With Knowledge - Jan 4th 2020 9:28am EST

    As the Georgia-based Atlanta-Journal Constitution (AJC) reports: Two Georgia men targeted earlier this year by online activists for their associations with radical white extremism have been kicked out of the Army National Guard, following months of investigation. Many details in this story are unclear, because the military has put a lot of red tape up around the […]

  • Marvel Movies Will Soon Include Gay and Transgender Characters

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 2nd 2020 12:02pm EST

    The first black superhero … The first deaf superhero … The first gay superhero … The first Asian-American superhero … The first transgender superhero … Such is the liberal project which is about novelty seeking, subverting norms and social hierarchies and mainstreaming perversion in order to extend the boundaries of freedom and equality. This ideal […]

  • The Decadent West

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 28th 2019 12:39pm EST

    A school in the UK has forced 6-year-old children to write love homosexual love letters.This is where the LGBT agenda has led us! pic.twitter.com/DjA4hc45CQ— Mark Collett (@MarkACollett) December 28, 2019 A sex education book given to Dutch kids? pic.twitter.com/OGevFSUXI8— Active Patriot (@ActivePatriotUK) December 23, 2019 Welcome to Anal Sex 101 https://t.co/U9KQLw2Han— Teen Vogue (@TeenVogue) December […]

  • Viking Influence on the English Language

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2019 9:02pm EST

    It is the end of the year. I don’t feel like engaging much with current events. The world sucks under liberal democracy. Mainstream conservatives are pretending to oppose transgenderism to whip up their voters for the 2020 election. See the previous 75 articles on that phony culture war. Instead of tracking modern degenerates, I feel […]

  • The Porn Debate: E. Michael Jones vs. Styxhexenhammer666

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 22nd 2019 3:23pm EST

    Editor’s Note: I will post my take after I finish watching the debate. Now watching:

  • J.K. Rowling Has Been Outed As a TERF

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 20th 2019 5:43pm EST

    Dress however you please.Call yourself whatever you like.Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 19, 2019 As a gay man that found safety in Hogwarts throughout my […]

  • Nationalism Not Racialism – Stand With Tommy!

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 19th 2019 5:49am EST

    Who do you know that has done more to highlight and expose the industrialised rape of British children by Muslim gangs? Nationalism Not Racialism – Stand With Tommy! The Real Far-Right And The Far-Left Working Together We are in interesting times where another alliance has been formed between National Socialists, those sympathetic to National Socialism […]

  • Facebook and Instagram Ban Promotion of Guns, Vaping and Tobacco

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2019 9:53pm EST

    Big government? It is Big Tech that has become Big Brother. CNBC: “Facebook and Instagram will no longer allow influencers to promote vaping, tobacco products or weapons on its platforms using “branded content.”Instagram announced Wednesday it would no longer allow “branded content” that promotes those goods on either platform. In June, Instagram a change that would let […]

  • Big Fag Bullies Hallmark Channel Into Submission

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2019 12:27pm EST

    Crown Media Family Networks apologizes for the decision to remove an ad featuring a same-sex couple. “We are truly sorry for the hurt and disappointment this has caused,” said Mike Perry President & CEO, Hallmark Cards Inc. Full statement here: https://t.co/bpyOss0tmu— Hallmark Channel (@hallmarkchannel) December 16, 2019 Hallmark will be working with GLAAD to better […]

  • A Stormzy Of Hypocrisy, And Race-Baiting Identity Politics

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 16th 2019 10:48am EST

    An embittered and emotive Labour Party fell on its socialist sword. A Stormzy Of Hypocrisy, And Race-Baiting Identity Politics. Gutted And Grimey Grime star Stormzy has continually hit out at Conservative MP’s while embracing and promoting the socialist policies of Jeremy Corbyn. Stormzy hit out against the Conservative Government and blamed them for the tragedy […]

  • Black Transgender Stripper Performs At Seattle Homelessness Conference

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 15th 2019 5:50pm EST

    Last week, Seattle and King County leaders hired transgender stripper Beyoncé Black St. James to perform at their annual conference on solving homelessness.Here’s how they’re using taxpayer money: pic.twitter.com/J0lCKVVfgO— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) December 15, 2019 This is mainstream under liberal democracy. I’m an evil “extremist” for being a White Anglo-Saxon Southern Protestant who runs […]

  • Hallmark Pulls Ad That Features Brides Kissing At The Altar

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2019 9:33pm EST

    This was on the Hallmark Channel. ABC News: “NEW YORK — Under pressure from a conservative advocacy group, The Hallmark Channel has pulled ads for a wedding-planning website that featured two brides kissing at the altar.The family-friendly network, which is in the midst of its heavily watched holiday programming, removed the ads because the controversy […]

  • Woke Taylor Swift Denounces Toxic Male Privilege

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 3:30pm EST

    It seems like ages ago when Taylor Swift was liked. BBC: “Taylor Swift was named Billboard’s woman of the decade on Thursday night – but her speech contained none of the usual award show platitudes.Instead, the star criticised “toxic male privilege” in the music industry, championed fellow female artists and escalated her feud with Scooter […]

  • The Integrated School Bus

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2019 3:21pm EST

    The hellscape that is American public education is only steadily getting worse for White children as the racial demographics get worse in the youngest age groups: I am sitting in the hospital with my 14 year old kid because he was just jumped by 8 black kids on the school bus, I guess that’s what […]

  • CBS News: Speaking Frankly, Raising Boys

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 9th 2019 6:18pm EST

    I’m not even joking. David French is featured as representing the conservative liberal side of the debate in a new CBS News documentary on “toxic masculinity.” The progressive liberal side supports dissolving the gender binary. This comes after last month’s documentary on “non-monogamy.” CBS News: “Roe Anderson, a lifelong Tennessee resident and mother of a […]