• Post-Roman Britain: Irish and Germanic Invasions

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 1st 2020 9:59pm EST

    In this lecture: Frisian is the continental language most closely related to English.Gildas, The Venerable Bede and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle agree on the Anglo-Saxons coming from Denmark and northern Germany.The Saxons came from northern Germany and the Jutes and Angles came from what is now Denmark.The Jutes and Saxons settled in southern Britain below the […]

  • Nationalism and a Pathway Back To Meaning

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 1st 2020 8:38pm EST

    Now watching:

  • The Lost History of the North: Thored, Oslac & Yorvik

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 30th 2019 12:38pm EST

    The Scots-Irish came to America via Ulster from the Borderlands between Scotland and England. Before there was a Scotland and England though, the Old North was inhabited by Celtic Britons during the Early Middle Ages. Gradually, the Old North was squeezed between these two expanding power centers and became a war zone for centuries. It […]

  • The Nordic Bronze Age

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 29th 2019 10:54am EST

    The ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons only came to Britain from northern Germany and Denmark in the 5th century. The concept of an “Anglo-Saxon” people dates back to King Alfred’s time in the 9th century during the struggle against the Vikings that created the English. What were they up to before that in the Bronze Age […]

  • Discussing Germany’s New Hate Speech Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 28th 2019 12:52pm EST

    Editor’s Note: As we see in Germany, liberal totalitarianism doesn’t have a single redeeming feature. It is outright dictatorial in forcing conformity to cultural degeneration and repressing dissent to mass immigration. Now watching:

  • Æthelstan Half-King & The Making of England

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 28th 2019 10:48am EST

    Who created England? How was England created? Is it synonymous with liberalism? It is only due to an unprecedented loss of identity and historical memory in recent decades that such questions are even asked. From the Sack of Lindisfarne in 793 to Æthelstan’s reign as the first King of the English in 927, England (Angleland) […]

  • Viking Influence on the English Language

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2019 9:02pm EST

    It is the end of the year. I don’t feel like engaging much with current events. The world sucks under liberal democracy. Mainstream conservatives are pretending to oppose transgenderism to whip up their voters for the 2020 election. See the previous 75 articles on that phony culture war. Instead of tracking modern degenerates, I feel […]

  • The Vikings

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2019 3:14pm EST

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  • 2019: The Year The People Struck Back

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2019 2:15pm EST

    Editor’s Note: We are extremely skeptical of Boris Johnson and the Tories, but Brexit is finally happening which was the biggest issue in British politics. Unfortunately, the Tories supported Brexit largely because they want to turn Britain into some kind of free trade utopia, which will do precisely nothing to change the circumstances of their […]

  • Danelaw to Denmark: A Viking Journey

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2019 1:01pm EST

    The entire history of the United States falls within the Modern era. The ethnic and cultural distinction between Yankee and Southerner can similarly be traced back to the Early Modern Era and has its roots in divisions over climate, slavery and religion. The Anglo-American founding stock came from different parts of the British Isles. The […]

  • Æthelstan: The First King of the English

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 25th 2019 10:58am EST

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  • 1000 AD: A Tour of the Viking World

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 24th 2019 11:35am EST

    The World War II debate continues to rage in the comments. It seems like everyone has a strong opinion on the subject. I’ve always hated the World Wars and the 20th century. Liberalism won World War II and the end of that conflict represents the beginning of our own era in which “racism” and “anti-Semitism” […]

  • Barbarians: The Saxons

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 23rd 2019 11:40am EST

    Britain is a “Nation of Immigrants.” What was it like back then when it was a “Nation of Immigrants”? You would think the English would know better from their own history than to invite foreigners to come to England to settle and take over their own country. Vortigern could be the modern day liberal.

  • Matthew Goodwin: Why Labour Lost The Election

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 22nd 2019 4:41pm EST

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  • British Parliament Passes Brexit Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 20th 2019 7:21pm EST

    It’s over. After all this time, Brexit is finally going to happen … New York Times: “LONDON — After more than three years of anguished national debate, multiple cliff-hanging votes, and two general elections, Britain’s Parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to advance Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan, paving the way for […]

  • Tony Blair: Labour’s Historic Challenge

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2019 9:25am EST

    I needed a good laugh this morning. I was feeling really bad yesterday and was too sick to even crawl of the bed. In his speech on Labour’s collapse this morning, Tony Blair didn’t once mention immigration or neoliberalism or political correctness or multiculturalism. He briefly mentioned Iraq, but didn’t dwell on the subject for […]

  • DW: Back To The Future? Weimar Today

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2019 11:47pm EST

    I’m about to watch this documentary. If anyone wants to watch it with me, here is below: Are there parallels between our times and the 1920s and 1930s? In some ways, there are parallels like Joseph Goebbels here on the Lügenpresse. In other ways, there is no appetite for a European war between nation-states to […]

  • Belgian City’s Migrant Population Nearly Doubles

    Infowars - Dec 16th 2019 5:51pm EST

    Ghent officials claim everything is fine, despite overflowing asylum facilities

  • The Guardian: How Labour Lost

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2019 12:42pm EST

    This evening the Workers Party of Britain will be launched. Stay tuned.— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) December 14, 2019 Why Labour deserved to lose https://t.co/UVO8IOnOMO— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) December 14, 2019 How did the Labour Party lose? I’m sure the story is essentially no different than what has become of the Democratic Party since the 1960s […]

  • Morgoth’s Review: The Labour Party Earned This

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2019 11:19am EST

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  • New Labour Plotted To Turn Britain Into a Third World Country

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 8:39pm EST

    In light of BREXIT and the collapse of the Labour Party in last night’s general election, it is worth remembering what brought it about. Daily Mail: “Labour threw open the doors to mass migration in a deliberate policy to change the social make-up of the UK, secret papers suggest.A draft report from the Cabinet Office […]

  • The Red Wall Falls

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 11:31am EST

    In the aftermath of the 2016 election, the American Left convinced itself that Donald Trump had won because of a Russian conspiracy and because of fake news that was spread on social media. Similarly, the British Left convinced itself that the majority of the British people really didn’t want BREXIT. And yet it was clear […]

  • Good Morning Britain: Election Result Analysis

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 9:54am EST

    This isn’t complicated. The Labour Party ignored the will of the people for over three years and demanded a second referendum on BREXIT. The BREXIT Party vote has gone to the Tories and Labour has split between its Wine Track wing of urbanite liberal progressive voters based in London and other metropolitan areas and the […]

  • Goodbye Jeremy

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 9:30am EST

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  • Landslide: Torys Win UK Election

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2019 11:42am EST

    Tonight it was my absolute honour to present @BBCEastenders with the @PinkNews Best Drama Award for their Pride episode back in July.Drama has a unique ability to educate, and to address important social issues in a popular way. And that’s exactly what Eastenders has done. pic.twitter.com/9oysWRthGl— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) October 16, 2019 Leader of @LibDems, […]