• Hate Game Theory, Not the Player, Part 1

    Counter Currents - Dec 3rd 2021 9:08am EST

    1,872 words Game theory, sometimes called the prisoner’s dilemma, is like an onion. The essence of it is a very simple game, but it can quickly spiral out into complexity with additional alterations. I wish to give a crash course in basic game theory as I understand it, and then discuss its practical applications. This […]

  • A Superfluous Man

    Counter Currents - Dec 2nd 2021 1:03pm EST

    3,297 words At first, the rumors had just seemed like sensational click-bait trash, but as the Algorithm steadily improved, my initial scoffing was replaced by a wavering shrug that at least it would never happen in my lifetime. When, of course, it did happen in my lifetime, my colleagues and I had assured each other […]

  • The Serial-Killer Story that the Media Smothered with a Pillow

    Counter Currents - Dec 2nd 2021 9:22am EST

    Billy Chemirmir 1,802 words If you’re an average American who exposes himself to average American media, odds are that you haven’t heard of Billy Chemirmir. Billy Chewhowho? It’s a Kenyan surname, and it’s pronounced “Sha-MEAR-MEAR.” You’d think a story where an African-born but Texas-based serial killer posing as a maintenance man wriggled his way into […]

  • Greed vs. Arrogance

    Counter Currents - Dec 1st 2021 11:37am EST

    2,120 words Greed: “intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.” Arrogance: “an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people.” Greed: It’s one of the seven deadly sins. In the fourth circle of Hell, Dante and Virgil contemplated […]

  • Preparing for the Midterm Elections . . . & Worse to Come

    Counter Currents - Dec 1st 2021 10:55am EST

    1,870 words De facto secession has already begun in America. Nationalist whites and non-globalist corporations are leaving blue states in droves for redder pastures. Former battleground states, such as Ohio and Iowa, are now reliably MAGA, and most MAGA states are increasingly so. Likewise, the gulags of California and New York more resemble their quondam […]

  • Éric Zemmour’s Declaration of His Candidacy in France’s 2022 Presidential Election

    Counter Currents - Dec 1st 2021 10:07am EST

    1,523 words The French conservative journalist, pundit, and writer Éric Zemmour announced his candidacy for the presidency of France against current President Emmanuel Macron and National Rally’s Marine Le Pen in next year’s election, which will be held on April 10, in a video statement he released yesterday on YouTube. The following is a translation […]

  • RIP Blake Lucca & Cameron Padgett

    Counter Currents - Nov 30th 2021 12:19pm EST

    Blake Lucca in his David Duke cap. 1,534 words Be careful out there this week, guys: As the old saying goes, White Nationalists always die in threes. Or maybe I’m thinking of celebrities. I dunno. Either way, be careful, because over the weekend, news broke on social media about the passing of not one, but […]

  • Superstitious Minds: The Importance of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter

    Counter Currents - Nov 30th 2021 9:30am EST

    1,785 words It might be, too, that a witch, like old Mistress Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to die upon the gallows. In either case, there was very much the same solemnity of demeanour on the part of the spectators; as befitted a people amongst whom religion and law were almost identical […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: November 21-27, 2021

    Counter Currents - Nov 29th 2021 10:29am EST

    Ahmaud Arbery during one of his numerous encounters with law enforcement. His long, dirty toenails are not visible in this video. 3,098 words Black Writer: Kyle Rittenhouse was Birthed Raw & Bloody from His Mother’s Hateful Klangina Stacey Patton is a balding black woman who writes for a pro-black-woman website named MadameNoire that purports to […]

  • Red River

    Counter Currents - Nov 29th 2021 8:47am EST

    2,335 words Howard Hawks’ Red River (1948) is one of the greatest Westerns. Red River has it all: charismatic performances by John Wayne and Montgomery Clift, a solid ensemble cast to back them up, a beautifully economical script, dramatic black-and- white cinematography, and a surprisingly good score from Dimitri Tiomkin, who had always struck me […]

  • A New Matching Grant & Weekend Livestreams Jason Kessler, Sam Dickson, & Glen Allen on the Charlottesville Verdict;Tomislav Sunic on the Writers’ Bloc

    Counter Currents - Nov 26th 2021 4:42pm EST

    780 words This year, Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000. Since our last update, we have received 30 donations totaling $1,469.64. This means we have received a total of 1109 donations and a grand total of $159,309.15 since we started our fundraiser on March 10th. Thus we are almost 80% of the way to our […]

  • New Extended Deadline!The Great Replacement Prize

    Counter Currents - Nov 26th 2021 4:40pm EST

    337 words “The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The Great Replacement is a fact. It is the product of political policies. It is celebrated by establishment voices. But if you don’t celebrate the Great […]

  • Scott Howard’s The Open Society Playbook

    Counter Currents - Nov 26th 2021 11:06am EST

    1,436 words Scott HowardThe Open Society Playbook Quakertown, Pa.: Antelope Hill, 2021 There should be no mystery about globalism after reading Scott Howard’s latest book, The Open Society Playbook. In it, Howard reveals an astonishing amount of research and insight into the nebulous forces which are currently dragging us into a bleak and uncertain future. […]

  • Feast Your Mind at Counter-Currents Happy Thanksgiving!

    Counter Currents - Nov 25th 2021 10:33am EST

    125 words On behalf of everyone at Counter-Currents, I want to wish all our US readers safe travels and a happy Thanksgiving. (And please don’t let your dogs eat turkey bones.) Here are a few past articles on Thanksgiving for your edification: Fullmoon Ancestry, “The Great Thanksgiving Reset“ Jef Costello, “How to Survive Thanksgiving“ Jef […]

  • The Revolution will Not Be Televised, but It will Be Retarded

    Counter Currents - Nov 25th 2021 7:55am EST

    Darrell Brooks 1,787 words I can name at least six people who won’t be eating Thanksgiving dinner in Waukesha, Wisconsin today: Virginia Sorenson, 79 LeAnna Owen, 71 Tamara Durand, 52 Wilhelm Hospel, 81 Jane Kulich, 52 Jackson Sparks, 8 They were killed last Sunday afternoon in the Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, Wisconsin during the town’s […]

  • Hari Kunzru’s Red Pill

    Counter Currents - Nov 24th 2021 11:12am EST

    1,863 words Hari KunzruRed Pill New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2020 Though its origins lie in the big-budget science fiction film The Matrix, the now-infamous term “red pill” has recently undergone a subconscious attempt by center-of-the-Overton-window content creators to reclaim it from its primary users: the internet-based Dissident Right. This general effort is juxtaposed on […]

  • The Rise of Anti-Woke Talk Show Hosts

    Counter Currents - Nov 24th 2021 10:31am EST

    Bill Maher 1,760 words Rush Limbaugh died earlier this year. Limbaugh had his sins, and I would not like to have been in Rush’s sandals when St. Peter asked him why he did not support Pat Buchanan in 1996. At the pinnacle of Rush’s zeitgeist, when he was the most listened-to man on the American […]

  • Black Friday Special It’s Time to STOP Shopping for Christmas

    Counter Currents - Nov 24th 2021 8:56am EST

    1,048 words / 5:45 Audio version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.” Translations: Danish, French Did the system cancel your Thanksgiving? Time to cancel their Black Friday. Even though I am an unbeliever, the Christmas season is my favorite time of […]

  • “It Sounds Possible that the Revolution Has Started in Wisconsin”

    Counter Currents - Nov 23rd 2021 12:44pm EST

    Darrell Brooks, Jr. in front of a red SUV in his rap video, “Half a Tikkit.” 692 words On Sunday afternoon, a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin turned into a slaughter when the driver of an SUV ran them down. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel gave a rundown on the victims: Nearly 50 people were hurt […]

  • The Rittenhouse Strategem

    Counter Currents - Nov 23rd 2021 11:40am EST

    1,850 words Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges after the highly-publicized trial regarding the shooting of three antifa terrorists in Kenosha, Wisconsin during last year’s riot season. Here’s a good place to get the facts. And if you’re a seasoned dissident, you’ve probably also heard of the Jogger trial in Georgia and […]

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Proves that Leftists are Incapable of Civilized Society

    Counter Currents - Nov 23rd 2021 10:25am EST

    1,505 words Sweet, sweet victory has been had, friends, but at much cost. And even so, it is not as sweet as it may seem. Kyle’s torment outside of prison aside, what has the world come to when the Right is forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel for something to celebrate? Kyle’s acquittal […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: November 14-20, 2021

    Counter Currents - Nov 22nd 2021 8:11am EST

    Dissident Soaps, part of the latest devious white supremacist conspiracy. 3,035 words Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty of Shooting Three Black Men As I explained last week, the only remotely racial element of the Kyle Rittenhouse case — if you discount the convicted boy-raper Jewish dwarf Joseph Rosenbaum shouting, “shoot me, nigga!” to a crowd […]

  • Remembering P. R. Stephensen (November 20, 1901-May 28, 1965)

    Counter Currents - Nov 20th 2021 4:30am EST

    P. R. Stephensen, circa 1934 249 words Percy Reginald Stephensen was born on November 20, 1901. Stephensen was a writer, publisher, and political activist dedicated to the interests of the white race and the Australian nation. Like Jack London, Stephensen was an archetypal man of the racially conscious Left. He began his political career as […]

  • Fundraiser Update & Weekend Livestreams Sam Dickson on the Rittenhouse VerdictKarl Thorburn & Gaddius Maximus on AmRenThe Zman on the Writers’ Bloc

    Counter Currents - Nov 19th 2021 3:43pm EST

    White Boy Winter has begun. 775 words This year, Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000. Since our last update, we have had a wonderful outpouring of support: 40 donations totaling $16,238.27, which includes the $5,000 matching grant we announced last week. This means we have received a total of 1079 donations and a grand total […]

  • This is the Normies’ Fight

    Counter Currents - Nov 19th 2021 7:49am EST

    963 words It is a relatively easy proposition to send a car over the Grand Canyon: Just put the transmission into neutral and a small push will send the car careening over the edge. Once this process has begun, however, it is almost impossible to suspend. The same principle obtains to history. It doesn’t take […]