• The Great Replacement

    Counter Currents - Nov 2nd 2021 2:26pm EDT

    Renaud Camus 5,048 words What we in America call multiculturalism the French call vivre ensemble, or “living together.” If that sounds like a euphemism to cover up a genocide, it’s because it is. As French author Renaud Camus dryly notes, “Between living together and living, one must choose.” And so one must. The phrase “the Great […]

  • X Marks the Spot

    Counter Currents - Nov 2nd 2021 12:59pm EDT

    Ibram X. Kendi 1,485 words “Grifter” is the closest thing political commentators have to an N-word. As a term of abuse, however, “grifter” is itself very abused. If someone makes any kind of money talking about politics, especially online, they are inevitably going to be called a “grifter” by someone. People say Nick Fuentes is […]

  • Let the Bastards Win: James Lawrence on White Nationalism

    Counter Currents - Nov 2nd 2021 12:13pm EDT

    3,799 words James Lawrence at Affirmative Right wrote a nearly 10,000-word essay back in June entitled “What’s Wrong with White Nationalism?” In it, he gets a few things right, a few things wrong, and manages to obfuscate as much as enlighten when criticizing White Nationalism. He also offers little constructive criticism and no reasonable alternatives. […]

  • Halloween Reading at Counter-Currents

    Counter Currents - Oct 30th 2021 4:27am EDT

    47 words Treat your mind (or trick it) with Halloween writings at Counter-Currents. Jef Costello, “I Wake Up Screaming: My Top Ten Halloween Horror Flick Picks” William de Vere, “All Hallows’ Eve: On Death & Remembrance” James O’Meara, “‘Did that Scarecrow Move?’ Reading Matter for Halloween” Leo Yankevich, “Halloween, 2006” *  *  * Counter-Currents has […]

  • Video of the Day Hugh MacDonald, “An Amateur History of Halloween”

    Counter Currents - Oct 30th 2021 4:06am EDT

    time: 10:41 http://youtu.be/6BJocwDLdW0 *  *  * Counter-Currents has extended special privileges to those who donate $120 or more per year. First, donor comments will appear immediately instead of waiting in a moderation queue. (People who abuse this privilege will lose it.) Second, donors will have immediate access to all Counter-Currents posts. Non-donors will find that […]

  • Halloween Weekend Livestreams

    Counter Currents - Oct 30th 2021 3:56am EDT

    126 words Saturday, October 30th, Counter-Currents Radio’s guest host will be Millennial Woes who will be joined by Nick Jeelvy to discuss current events, white identity politics, and, of course, YOUR QUESTIONS. Counter-Currents Radio will be streaming on DLive and Odysee at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET. Send your questions, comments, […]

  • The Great Replacement Prize

    Counter Currents - Oct 29th 2021 3:23pm EDT

    337 words “The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The Great Replacement is a fact. It is the product of political policies. It is celebrated by establishment voices. But if you don’t celebrate the Great […]

  • Fundraiser UpdateRecess Is Over

    Counter Currents - Oct 29th 2021 1:39pm EDT

    1,233 words When I first began frequenting Counter-Currents, I was working at a university as a “writing consultant,” which — stripping away the fancy-sounding title — meant that I was a tutor, or “paper doctor,” as I called it. And as a “paper doctor,” my professional diagnosis was usually that the assignments themselves were lousy […]

  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show as Reactionary Morality Tale

    Counter Currents - Oct 29th 2021 12:35pm EDT

    5,397 words How many of you have ever flown into Auckland Airport (as in New Zealand), assembled your mountain bike, then headed due south, ending up that evening at a nowhere stop that at least had a large pub featuring karaoke night (which had surprisingly good singers)? Further, how many of you, after food and […]

  • Outside Capitalism

    Counter Currents - Oct 29th 2021 10:43am EDT

    1,280 words Critique of capitalism has a long history. Broadly beginning with Marx and Engels, capitalism’s critics have morphed over time as capital itself continues to evolve. However, regardless of the source of discontent — ranging from nineteenth-century Communists, to twentieth-century socialists, to twenty-first century black-pilled intellectuals — certain themes pervade; namely, a general transparency […]

  • Muslim Travel Ban: Leo Tolstoy’s The Cossacks

    Counter Currents - Oct 29th 2021 9:59am EDT

    2,773 words I have been a stranger in a strange land. — Exodus 2: 22 It is very hard, dear brother, to live in a foreign land. — Leo Tolstoy, The Cossacks If I were asked what I considered the greatest invention in my lifetime I would have no hesitation in replying that it is […]

  • A Millennial Sign: The Heavens Reveal When Viking Blades Cleaved New World Wood

    Counter Currents - Oct 28th 2021 9:11am EDT

    Aurora borealis (northern lights) over Sweden. 1,586 words The discovery in the 1960s of a Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows on the northern tip of the island of Newfoundland in Canada is one of the most striking, if little-heralded, findings in the history of European historical research and archaeology. The staggering accomplishment of Norwegian […]

  • The Foreskin Defense League

    Counter Currents - Oct 28th 2021 8:51am EDT

    1,662 words Moving en masse on city streets with their white button-down shirts and white pants, the men cut quite a figure. Clad head-to-toe in white and moving as if they’re on a vengeance mission, they are reminiscent of the futuristic British droogs in the Anthony Burgess novel and Stanley Kubrick film — until you […]

  • Soul Plane: How Blacks Depict Themselves When They Think Whites aren’t Watching

    Counter Currents - Oct 28th 2021 8:27am EDT

    1,294 words Having directed a couple of skits, ads, radio plays, artistic performances, and auteur hipster films in my time, I know that when people know they’re being filmed, they act strange. A lot of people think it’s the camera that does this to people, but in my experience it’s the knowledge of being perceived, […]

  • Metternich, the Anti-Nationalist?

    Counter Currents - Oct 28th 2021 7:44am EDT

    1,523 words Wolfram SiemannMetternich: Strategist and Visionary Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2019 Julius Evola called Klemens von Metternich the “last great European.” The Right-wing philosopher saw the Austrian statesman as his ideal leader instead of the fascist strongmen he saw in his own time. Statements like this have made the Right partial to Metternich, […]

  • Globo Psycho: Reflections on the Evolution of a Meme

    Counter Currents - Oct 27th 2021 11:31am EDT

    2,023 words “You’ll own nothing; and you’ll be happy about it.” — Klaus Schwab “I have to return some videotapes.” — Patrick Bateman Constant Readers will recall that the Covid restrictions, even here in Stars Hollow, have led me to become an aficionado of YouTube videos of the “reacts to first time watching” genre.[1] With […]

  • The Slithering Sarah Silverman, Part 2

    Counter Currents - Oct 27th 2021 10:31am EDT

    2,787 words Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here) Another turn… Why am I writing about Sarah Silverman in the first place? It’s because she has rebranded yet again, this time as an “anti-cancel culture” centrist (I guess?), and I think she may become dangerous in the future. She may even try to slither in […]

  • Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, Part I

    Counter Currents - Oct 27th 2021 9:04am EDT

    2,374 words Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, Part I is now in theatres. I can’t recommend it. It isn’t terrible. It is merely mediocre. I found it dull to the eyes, grating to the ears, and a drag on my patience. Villeneuve spends 156 minutes and only gets halfway through the novel. David Lynch told the whole […]

  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin & the Origins of Wokeness

    Counter Currents - Oct 26th 2021 12:20pm EDT

    6,251 words Some eminent notables have claimed that the American Civil War had substantial roots in literature. Mark Twain, for example, said of Sir Walter Scott that he was “in great measure responsible for the war.” That proposition is debatable, of course. This argument hinges on how much the widespread influence of his romanticized chivalric […]

  • The Slithering Sarah Silverman, Part 1

    Counter Currents - Oct 26th 2021 9:37am EDT

    2,399 words An edgelord is born . . . It seems like Sarah Silverman has been around forever, and in a way, she has, but she has only been a household name for about 15 years. In other words, she’s been famous for about as long as Rihanna. Silverman is a Gen X-er and it […]

  • Announcing the Passage Prize Contest for Art

    Counter Currents - Oct 26th 2021 7:50am EDT

    709 words “I am concerned with the subjection of life and the suffocation of vitality. I hope to show you that things don’t need to be this way, and that you don’t need to limit yourself to small things.” — Bronze Age Mindset Do you miss art? Are you tired of finding ugliness and virtue-signaling […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: October 17-23, 2021

    Counter Currents - Oct 25th 2021 9:32am EDT

    Jewess comedienne Sarah Silverman, who is trying to lead the charge against white people playing Jews in what she calls “Jewface,” in blackface. 3,641 words Neovaginas and Why They Stink In almost no time at all — seemingly less time than it takes to surgically repurpose part of a slimy colon or an inverted scrotum […]

  • MGTOW as a Slave Religion

    Counter Currents - Oct 25th 2021 8:41am EDT

    979 words Author’s note: I wrote most of this in January of 2017 and forgot about it. Back then, the Singles Epidemic wasn’t quite as far along as it is today, and it wasn’t in the news, so I didn’t incorporate it into my analysis, but the thesis still holds true: namely, that men should not […]

  • Four Weekend Livestreams & a Fundraiser Update

    Counter Currents - Oct 22nd 2021 2:22pm EDT

    Carl Schmitt, 1888–1985 914 words Today, Friday, October 22, Greg Johnson will join Academic Agent and Endeavour on Academic Agent’s YouTube channel to discuss Carl Schmitt’s The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy. Tune in at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST, 9 pm UK time, and 10 pm CET at https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAcademicAgent If you’d like to get […]

  • Kathleen Stock’s Witch Trial

    Counter Currents - Oct 22nd 2021 8:13am EDT

    Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Socrates (1787) 2,576 words Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. — Exodus 22.18 The lady’s not for burning. — title of a 1948 play by Christopher Fry I wrote recently of the ongoing erasure of philosophy from the Western canon and also mentioned my own alma mater, The […]