• Nicholas Kristof: The Walter Duranty of the Twenty-First Century

    Counter Currents - Oct 20th 2021 9:46am EDT

    Nicholas Kristof in Bahrain 3,386 words Guess who is going to be running for Governor of Oregon? Current Governor-sociopath, Kate Brown, is term limited. Who best to replace the state’s pretend Governor? Why not Nicholas Kristof, a pretend journalist who, until recently, wrote for a pretend newspaper? From DNYUZ: After 37 years at The New […]

  • America’s Top Third-World Mercenary

    Counter Currents - Oct 19th 2021 9:53am EDT

    2,431 words Colin Powell is dead. The media claims he is yet another victim of the ongoing COVID-19 plague. I won’t get into the whole vaccine morality play; once a person reaches their biblical three score and ten, diseases that are easily curable in young adults become deadly. After all, Powell’s storming front-line warhorse, Norman […]

  • Racial Solidarity & Moral Hazard

    Counter Currents - Oct 18th 2021 8:53am EDT

    1,468 words “. . . if you told me you were drowning I would not lend a hand.” — Phil Collins “We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” — Benjamin Franklin Race-conscious whites believe that our race as a whole is too individualistic compared to other races. We would […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: October 10-16, 2021

    Counter Currents - Oct 18th 2021 7:30am EDT

    NFL Executive Director DeMaurice Smith, whom Raiders coach Jon Gruden described as possessing “lips the size of Michelin tires.” 2,405 words NFL Coach Resigns After His Hilarious Emails are Leaked Black Americans are as statistically overrepresented in the ranks of professional football players as they are when it comes to committing homicide. With his Nordic […]

  • Dave Chappelle & Anti-Israel Chic

    Counter Currents - Oct 15th 2021 1:41pm EDT

    Dave Chappelle 2,804 words One thing I have always admired about the British is that they know when to quit. Just think of all the legendary British bands that broke up at the height of their popularity: The Beatles, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Police, The Smiths. I’ll even throw in Led Zeppelin. They […]

  • Our Weekend Livestreams & More

    Counter Currents - Oct 15th 2021 1:13pm EDT

    580 words 1. Our Weekend Livestreams On Saturday, October 16th, Counter-Currents Radio’s host Greg Johnson will be joined by Endeavour to talk about the controversy surrounding the new Bond film No Time to Die, plus cinema, current events, white identity politics, and of course YOUR QUESTIONS. Counter-Currents Radio will be streaming on DLive and Odysee at noon PST, 3 pm […]

  • Leaving Father’s House: The Early Nietzsche

    Counter Currents - Oct 15th 2021 7:49am EDT

    Nietzsche at age 18. 3,017 words In the Alps I am unconquerable, that is, when I am alone and have no enemy other than myself. — Nietzsche, letter to Malwida von Meysenburg Friedrich Nietzsche remains the most enigmatic of philosophers. Claimed by both the political Left and Right over the 121 years since his death […]

  • The Counter-Currents 2021 FundraiserCounter-Currents & the Facebook “Enemies List”

    Counter Currents - Oct 15th 2021 7:39am EDT

    1,456 words 1. Our Fundraiser This year, Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000 to sustain and improve our work. Since our last update, we have had 38 donations totaling $5,599.72, including the remainder of a $5,000 matching grant. This means we have received a total of 915 donations and a grand total of $118,855.42 since we […]

  • Remembering Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844–August 25, 1900)

    Counter Currents - Oct 15th 2021 7:10am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Friedrich Nietzsche, 2020. 734 words Friedrich Nietzsche was born this day in 1844 in the small town of Röcken, near Leipzig, Saxony, in the Kingdom of Prussia. He died in August 25, 1900, in Weimar, Saxony, in the Second German Reich. The outlines of Nietzsche’s life are readily available online. Nietzsche is […]

  • Fucking Up & Finding Out

    Counter Currents - Oct 14th 2021 9:40am EDT

    John Fitzgerald Johnson, aka Grand Master Jay 1,431 words According to the Urban Dictionary, the phrase “Fuck Around and Find Out” means “to fuck with someone that you know shouldn’t be fucked with, then find out why they shouldn’t be fucked with in the most painful and humiliating way possible.” According to Wikipedia, “The Not Fucking Around […]

  • The Groyper Civil War: Lessons from the End of an Era

    Counter Currents - Oct 14th 2021 9:25am EDT

    “That’s all, folks!” 2,471 words I have been following the downward trajectory of the America First movement for some time now. The initial Bleeding Kansas of the infighting within Nick Fuentes’ movement has escalated into what people online are beginning to call the Groyper Civil War. After I wrote my previous article on the issue, […]

  • Culture Warlords: Brave Jewish Keyboard Warrior Does Battle with Rightist Keyboard Warriors

    Counter Currents - Oct 14th 2021 8:28am EDT

    7,432 words Talia Bracha LavinCulture Warlords: My Journey into the Dark Web of White Supremacy New York: Hachette Books, 2020 A new book by Talia Bracha Lavin has emerged offering an in-depth take on the Dissident Right, mostly regarding its online presence. This is Culture Warlords, with the spooky subtitle My Journey into the Dark […]

  • On Pigeons & the Decline of the West

    Counter Currents - Oct 14th 2021 8:00am EDT

    Ferdinand von Wright, Pigeons 1,171 words A friend recently sent me a video on the history of Western, and specifically Anglo-American, cultural attitudes towards pigeons. The specificity of the subject titillated my thoroughly postmodern fancy, so I gave it a watch. You should as well. It’s short and succinct, presenting the story of the West’s […]

  • On Dissidents & Marriage

    Counter Currents - Oct 13th 2021 10:50am EDT

    1,962 words Longtime Counter-Currents commenter Alexandra O. recently raised the question of how to help young, racially conscious white men find mates and start families. Since I am married with children, Greg Johnson asked me to offer some thoughts on the topic. The first I thing I would do is separate the hardcore dissidents from […]

  • Stop Worshipping the Troops

    Counter Currents - Oct 13th 2021 9:17am EDT

    Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller 1,414 words A persecuted Marine officer has become a folk hero to conservatives. Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller went viral in August after he publicly criticized military leaders over the debacle in Afghanistan. Scheller particularly attacked senior commanders for not resisting the abandonment of Bagram Air Base, which occurred over a month […]

  • Iowa’s Cruelest Schoolmarm

    Counter Currents - Oct 12th 2021 8:49am EDT

    Jane Elliott in her classroom. 1,442 words Stephen G. BloomBlue Eyes, Brown Eyes: A Cautionary Tale of Race and Brutality Oakland, Ca.: University of California Press, 2021 Stephen G. Bloom is a Jewish Professor at the University of Iowa. He rose to prominence after he wrote a book about an Orthodox Jewish sect that created […]

  • Aleister Crowley & the Devil’s Picture Book

    Counter Currents - Oct 12th 2021 8:40am EDT

    Aleister Crowley 1,734 words When I began reading Counter-Currents, I was quickly drawn to the commemorative pieces, not least because many of the deceased were completely new to me, and have since led me to new intellectual pastures. The late, great Jonathan Bowden was correct in describing CC as an online university. One commemorated figure, […]

  • Remembering Aleister Crowley (October 12, 1875–December 1, 1947)

    Counter Currents - Oct 12th 2021 7:51am EDT

    Aleister Crowley by Charles Krafft 424 words Aleister Crowley was an English poet, novelist, painter, and mountaineer who is most famous as an occultist, ceremonial magician, and founder of the religion and philosophy of Thelema. But ironically Crowley’s supposed Satanism and Black Magic are far less frightening to most people than his politics. For Aleister […]

  • “Goodbye, Mr. Bond.” No Time to Die Reviewed

    Counter Currents - Oct 11th 2021 1:23pm EDT

    5,422 words The release of a new James Bond film is always a cause for celebration. I’ve been following Bond since I was six or seven years old, but the series is even older than I am. Isn’t it remarkable that the same family has been making these films now for sixty years? There is […]

  • Columbus Day Resources at Counter-Currents

    Counter Currents - Oct 11th 2021 11:58am EDT

    203 words Happy Columbus Day! Today is the day when many countries across the Americas celebrate the date of the explorer Christopher Columbus’ arrival at the island he named San Salvador during his first expedition to the New World, thus inaugurating the establishment of European civilization in the American hemisphere. The day is a federal […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: October 3-9, 2021

    Counter Currents - Oct 11th 2021 11:10am EDT

    Samuel Little, the most murderous serial killer in American history. 2,708 words The Cost of N-Bombs: $137 Million How much money would you accept to be called a nigger for nine months? Even if I agreed to a $10,000 settlement, I’d feel as if I was stealing from the person who kept calling me a […]

  • Our Weekend Livestreams & More

    Counter Currents - Oct 8th 2021 2:24pm EDT

    Millennial Woes 604 words 1. Our Weekend Livestreams Counter-Currents Radio and The Writers’ Bloc have switched days: Counter-Currents Radio will livestream Saturday at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET. The Writers’ Bloc will livestream on Sunday at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST, 9 pm UK time, & […]

  • Fundraiser Update & Weekend Livestreams:Why You Need to Donate to Counter-Currents Today

    Counter Currents - Oct 8th 2021 2:13pm EDT

    Millennial Woes 1,850 words 1. Our Weekend Livestreams Counter-Currents Radio and The Writers’ Bloc have switched days: Counter-Currents Radio will livestream Saturday at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET. The Writers’ Bloc will livestream on Sunday at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST, 9 pm UK time, & […]

  • Contre le sectarisme de droite

    Counter Currents - Oct 8th 2021 12:29pm EDT

    2,243 words English original here Il est important pour les Nationalistes Blancs de visualiser ce à quoi la victoire ressemblerait. Il y a en réalité deux réponses à cette question. La réponse ultime est notre vision de l’Utopie Blanche, la société que nous voulons créer. Mais avant de construire l’Utopie Blanche, nous devons remporter la […]

  • Qu’est-ce que l’Alt Right ?

    Counter Currents - Oct 8th 2021 12:09pm EDT

    10,191 words English original: Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here L’Alternative Right n’a pas d’essence, mais elle a une histoire, une histoire qui commence et finit avec Richard Spencer. L’histoire comporte quatre chapitres. D’abord le terme « Alternative Right » fut forgé en 2008. Puis le webzine Alternative Right fut lancé […]