• Dawson City: Frozen Time

    Counter Currents - Sep 28th 2021 1:45pm EDT

    1,085 words Dawson City: Frozen Time is an extraordinary documentary about the 1978 Dawson Film Find, the unlikely tale of when hundreds of hitherto missing and presumed lost silent films and newsreels were rediscovered buried under a swimming pool in Dawson City, a microscopic town of 1,375 people in the Canadian Yukon, 150 miles south […]

  • Polexit is No Longer a Taboo for the Polish Right

    Counter Currents - Sep 28th 2021 9:50am EDT

    1,133 words Written by Olivier Bault Could Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, until now an unconditional supporter of European Union membership, now be considering exiting the bloc? After the announcement of the European Commission’s request for a daily financial penalty to be imposed on Poland over its justice reform, the head of the PiS […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: September 19-25, 2021

    Counter Currents - Sep 27th 2021 9:03am EDT

    Anti-white warrior Sherronda J. Brown, living proof that black women eat too much. 2,578 words Biden Gives Speech at Anti-White Conference I’d bet my house that President Joe Biden’s diapers aren’t white — they’re red, black, and green. Last Tuesday, the Doddering Incontinent Drooling Idiot Leader of the Free World gave the opening address for […]

  • Doctor Zhivago

    Counter Currents - Sep 27th 2021 8:06am EDT

    2,418 words David Lean’s epic anti-Communist romance Doctor Zhivago (1965) is a great and serious work of art. Doctor Zhivago was initially panned by the critics — probably not because it is a bad film, but because it was very bad for Communism. Nevertheless, it was immensely popular. It is still one of the highest-grossing […]

  • Remembering Martin Heidegger: September 26, 1889–May 26, 1976

    Counter Currents - Sep 25th 2021 8:57am EDT

    4,704 words Translations: Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Ukrainian Martin Heidegger is one of the giants of twentieth-century philosophy, both in terms of the depth and originality of his ideas and the breadth of his influence in philosophy, theology, the human sciences, and culture in general. Heidegger was born on September 26, 1889, in the town of Meßkirch in […]

  • Fundraiser Update & Weekend Livestreams:We’re More Than Half-Way to Our Goal!

    Counter Currents - Sep 24th 2021 2:48pm EDT

    1,340 words 1. Our Weekend Livestreams Counter-Currents Radio and The Writers’ Bloc have switched days: Counter-Currents Radio will livestream Saturday at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET. The Writers’ Bloc will livestream on Sunday at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST, 9 pm UK time, & 10 pm […]

  • Is the Honeymoon Over for the Dirtbag Left?

    Counter Currents - Sep 24th 2021 12:13pm EDT

    Sean McCarthy 1,093 words I have been predicting for a while that once all the White Nationalists have been purged from the internet that the “unwoke Leftists” would be next on the chopping block. A rather ominous sign of this in March was when The Daily Beast ran an exhaustive hit piece written by Antifa […]

  • The New Normal is Abnormal

    Counter Currents - Sep 24th 2021 8:32am EDT

    1,354 words It’s easy to feel like a misfit in today’s world if you’re redpilled. The whole world around you is alien to what you believe. Ads constantly feature gay or mixed-race couples. Sports leagues bend the knee for Black Lives Matter. Family and friends speak of the horror of systemic racism and how we […]

  • Murdered White Girl Privilege

    Counter Currents - Sep 23rd 2021 9:58am EDT

    Derrica Wilson of the “Black and Missing Foundation” says the Gabby Petito case is just more systemic racism. 1,358 words It took only one day for 22-year-old Gabby Petito’s remains to be found in Wyoming’s Bridger-Teton National Forest before a black broadcaster with a national platform accused the girl’s freshly-dead corpse of enjoying white privilege. […]

  • Big Bruthah’s Group Evolutionary Strategy

    Counter Currents - Sep 23rd 2021 7:19am EDT

    The Cookout 1,187 words Big Brother is a reality show that has been going for over two decades and is now on its twenty-third season in America. It started as a Dutch show in the late 1990s, and a hugely successful British version began shortly afterwards. The American one first popped up in 2000. The […]

  • “Let Him Stand”: Shades of Virginia & General Lee

    Counter Currents - Sep 22nd 2021 11:35am EDT

    3,353 words It was a sweltering July afternoon at the Malvern Hill battle site — more than 150 years gone since it had been the scene of General Robert E. Lee’s debut in the 1862 Seven Days campaign. It was the conclusion of his defense of Richmond from the numerically-superior Army of the Potomac, led […]

  • In Defense of Hatred — of the Right Kind

    Counter Currents - Sep 21st 2021 3:30pm EDT

    One of the Left’s completely un-hateful protests against hate. 1,443 words These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness that […]

  • Independence Day

    Counter Currents - Sep 21st 2021 12:48pm EDT

    2,449 words Nations who went down fighting rose again, but those who surrendered tamely were finished.–Sir Winston Churchill We may not know to a certainty what the globalists want, but we know what they don’t want: nationalism. The goal of the Davos elites is not just the erasure of nations in a literal sense, to […]

  • How Tom Wolfe’s The Painted Word Exposed the Modern Art Racket

    Counter Currents - Sep 21st 2021 11:59am EDT

    4,116 words Visiting an art gallery in Washington, DC long ago, I gazed at amorphous shapes for a good while. Some abstract art is good, speaking directly to the subconscious mind, but this stuff just wasn’t doing it for me. The only message I got out of it was a mild scolding from my superego […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: September 12-18, 2021

    Counter Currents - Sep 20th 2021 1:16pm EDT

    Mohamed Noor, the ex-Minneapolis cop whose murder conviction for the killing of a white woman, Justine Ruszczyk Damond, was just overturned. 1,732 words College: No Place for White Males In both the United States and England, white males are seeing their college enrollment numbers drop while women and racial minorities are making gains. An analysis […]

  • Mark Milley’s Incompetence: Stupidity or Design?

    Counter Currents - Sep 20th 2021 1:16pm EDT

    Mark A. Milley 1,039 words Among the many problems in the Inept American War Machine is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley. It was recently revealed in a book by Bob Woodward, Peril, that Milley had contacted senior military officials in China during the final months of the Trump administration to […]

  • The Trial of the Century a Century Later

    Counter Currents - Sep 20th 2021 1:16pm EDT

    Fatty Arbuckle 2,293 words September 9 was the centenary of the death of Virginia Rappe at age 26. Virginia Rappe was an actress, model, and probably a prostitute. She appeared in a few early silent films, but never became a star. She was twice engaged (once to early silent film director Henry Lehrman, who directed […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: May 9-15, 2021

    Counter Currents - May 17th 2021 7:00am EDT

    Left: Rockim Prowell as captured on security footage. Right: Rockim Prowell’s mugshot. 2,527 words Falling Deep Into the Slurry Pit Last Thursday, the US Supreme Court was scheduled to review a lawsuit by a black man who’d worked in Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas, claiming he’d been subjected to a hostile work environment after […]

  • A Response to David Skrbina

    Counter Currents - May 17th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Francesco Trevisani, Saint Peter Baptizing the Centurion Cornelius, 1709. 2,482 words See James O’Meara’s review of The Jesus Hoax here and David Skrbina’s reply here. First off, I want to relieve Prof. Skrbina of his concern over my “grudge” against him. I happened upon this book (and in a burst of synchronicity, was asked by […]

  • Fundraiser Update & this Weekend’s LivestreamsReviving the Savtiri Devi Archive

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 1:15pm EDT

    1,556 words Weekend Livestream On Sunday, May 16th, at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET, Greg Johnson will be joined by fellow Counter-Currents Brain Trust members Millennial Woes and Frodi Midjord to discuss current events and YOUR QUESTIONS, on DLive and Odysee. Send your questions, comments, and donations […]

  • Fundraiser Update & this Weekend’s LivestreamsReviving the Savtiri Devi Archive

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 1:15pm EDT

    1,556 words Weekend Livestream On Sunday, May 16th, at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET, Greg Johnson will be joined by fellow Counter-Currents Brain Trust members Millennial Woes and Frodi Midjord to discuss current events and YOUR QUESTIONS, on DLive and Odysee. Send your questions, comments, and donations […]

  • Live by the Woke, Die by the Woke: The Cancelation of Socialism Done Left

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 11:31am EDT

    3,013 words By the time I heard about the cancelation of the BreadTuber known as Socialism Done Left, the controversy was already a few days old. I had never heard of the guy, but when I stumbled upon the Vice article “Leaked Racist Messages Shows “Leftist” Youtuber Isn’t” written by affirmative action hire Gita Jackson, […]

  • Live by the Woke, Die by the Woke: The Cancellation of Socialism Done Left

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 11:15am EDT

    3,013 words By the time I heard about the cancelation of the BreadTuber known as Socialism Done Left, the controversy was already a few days old. I had never heard of the guy, but when I stumbled upon the Vice article “Leaked Racist Messages Shows “Leftist” Youtuber Isn’t” written by affirmative action hire Gita Jackson, I […]

  • White First, American Second

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 6:30am EDT

    1,613 words I have a friend who’s a big sports fan, especially college football. He’s crazy for the local State university (which we will call “State”) and hates the slightly more prestigious state University (which we will call “the U”). It’s really not hate, of course. It’s more of an identity/anti-identity thing. Despite not having attended either […]

  • Gold in the Furnace: Experiences in Post-War Germany

    Counter Currents - May 13th 2021 1:48pm EDT

    792 words Savitri DeviGold in the Furnace: Experiences in Post-War Germany Edited by R. G. Fowler San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2021 320 pages The Savitri Devi Archive’s 2006 edition of Gold in the Furnace, long out of print, has been reprinted in hardcover & paperback by Counter-Currents! Gold in the Furnace is now available in three […]