• Live by the Woke, Die by the Woke: The Cancellation of Socialism Done Left

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 11:15am EDT

    3,013 words By the time I heard about the cancelation of the BreadTuber known as Socialism Done Left, the controversy was already a few days old. I had never heard of the guy, but when I stumbled upon the Vice article “Leaked Racist Messages Shows “Leftist” Youtuber Isn’t” written by affirmative action hire Gita Jackson, I […]

  • White First, American Second

    Counter Currents - May 14th 2021 6:30am EDT

    1,613 words I have a friend who’s a big sports fan, especially college football. He’s crazy for the local State university (which we will call “State”) and hates the slightly more prestigious state University (which we will call “the U”). It’s really not hate, of course. It’s more of an identity/anti-identity thing. Despite not having attended either […]

  • Gold in the Furnace: Experiences in Post-War Germany

    Counter Currents - May 13th 2021 1:48pm EDT

    792 words Savitri DeviGold in the Furnace: Experiences in Post-War Germany Edited by R. G. Fowler San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2021 320 pages The Savitri Devi Archive’s 2006 edition of Gold in the Furnace, long out of print, has been reprinted in hardcover & paperback by Counter-Currents! Gold in the Furnace is now available in three […]

  • Being Liked By Others While Hating Yourself

    Counter Currents - May 13th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Frederic Remington, The Puncher, 1895. 1,172 words As I understand it, most people would strongly prefer that others approve of them even if it means being untrue to themselves — and that’s something I’ll never understand about most people. It seems that most people would rather be liked by others than be okay with themselves, […]

  • Saint Paul, Artful Liar: A Reply to James O’Meara

    Counter Currents - May 12th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Detail, Albrecht Dürer, The Four Apostles, 1526. 2,517 words Recently, James O’Meara offered a fairly detailed review and critique of my book The Jesus Hoax. On the one hand, I want to thank him; as most writers know, any review is better than none at all! Any review is sure to prompt thoughts and debate on all sides […]

  • Are We Really Anglo-Saxons?

    Counter Currents - May 12th 2021 6:15am EDT

    1,411 words George W. Bush is back in the news to promote his horrible picture book, Out of Many, One. The picture book, as its title evokes, urges readers to see America as a vast, multicultural landscape where everyone can belong. Most of his public statements in support of the book have touted mass immigration and the […]

  • Memelord Dalí Remembering Salvador Dalí (May 11, 1904–January 23, 1989)

    Counter Currents - May 11th 2021 6:30am EDT

    Philippe Halsman photographs Salvador Dalí, Decline of hair on the face, 1954. 1,745 words It’s the most basic thing in the world. You can look at a rock, think it’s a bear, and run away. Or you can glimpse a bear, assume it’s a rock, and get eaten. Over time, evolution will select for seeing […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: May 2-8, 2021

    Counter Currents - May 10th 2021 6:45am EDT

    February, 1963 cover of Commentary 2,303 words White Supremacist Attacks on Asians Continue Remember when Donald Trump called COVID-19 the “China virus” and openly, unequivocally, and unabashedly encouraged American blacks to stab Asians and smash them in the head with bricks? Even though he’s not the president anymore, it’s still happening! Egged on by insensitive comments from […]

  • Fundraiser Update & this Weekend’s Livestreams

    Counter Currents - May 7th 2021 7:00am EDT

    1,072 words On Sunday, May 9th, at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET, Greg Johnson will be joined by fellow Counter-Currents Brain Trust members Millennial Woes and Frodi Midjord to discuss current events and YOUR QUESTIONS, on DLive and Odysee. Send your questions, comments, and donations through Entropy: […]

  • Scott Howard’s The Transgender-Industrial Complex

    Counter Currents - May 7th 2021 6:45am EDT

    4,039 words Scott HowardThe Transgender-Industrial ComplexQuakertown, Pennsylvania: Antelope Hill, 2020 “If man will strike, strike through the mask!” — Moby Dick In March, South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem vetoed House Bill 1217, an act designed to “promote continued fairness in women’s sports” by prohibiting biological men from playing in girls’ sports leagues. In April, Arkansas […]

  • Liberals’ New Favorite President

    Counter Currents - May 7th 2021 6:30am EDT

    3,334 words Ron ChernowGrantNew York: Penguin Press, 2017 Ulysses S. Grant is one of the archetypal Americans. A brilliant general who would only accept unconditional surrender. A modest president who eschewed pomp in favor of simple, democratic attire. A downcast alcoholic who rose from obscurity to greatness. He both made a fortune and lost a […]

  • When the Anglosphere Began to Hate

    Counter Currents - May 6th 2021 6:45am EDT

    W. H. Drake, “Then Rikki-Tikki was battered to and fro as a rat is shaken by a dog,” from The Jungle Book, 1895. 1,479 words Allow me to share a deep character flaw of mine that it took nearly six decades to realize but only moments to rectify. Despite outward appearances and an intensely unsavory […]

  • Fables of Aggression: David Skrbina & Paul’s Cunning Plan

    Counter Currents - May 5th 2021 6:45am EDT

    4,348 words David SkrbinaThe Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul’s Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand YearsCreative Fire Press, 2019 This short book presents itself as the latest in a genre whose brightest lights are Nietzsche’s The Antichrist (which the author quotes extensively) and Savitri Devi’s pamphlet Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry (reviewed here; Skrbina has produced an […]

  • Mutiny

    Counter Currents - May 5th 2021 6:30am EDT

    N. C. Wyeth, The Burning of the Bounty, 1940. 1,466 words For men on the Right, observable truths about the state of Western civilization intersect like the threads of an unraveling tapestry. We see order giving into chaos; tyranny and anarchy converging and becoming indiscernible in the stew of nature, oppression, freedom, injustice, security, peace, […]

  • The Most Dangerous Game: Capital Riddles in Western Culture

    Counter Currents - May 4th 2021 11:00am EDT

    “Off with her head!” An original illustration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland (1864) 7,655 words The Sphinx-riddle. Solve it, or be torn to bits, is the decree. — D. H. Lawrence A question, readers: what is the most profound of all human activities? With the previous sentence, I’ve already provided the answer, for it is the […]

  • Jay Black’s Guttersnipe

    Counter Currents - May 4th 2021 6:30am EDT

    786 words Jay BlackGuttersnipeBudapest: Terror House Press, 20212nd edition When I heard that Terror House Press was republishing Guttersnipe by Canadian author Jay Black, I could not resist pre-ordering a copy. I must admit that I had never heard of Black before, nor of his book, originally published in 2004 and only printed in 200 copies, but […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: April 25-May 1, 2021

    Counter Currents - May 3rd 2021 6:45am EDT

    Jessica Beauvais drinking wine from a plastic cup 1,970 words Black Woman Livestreams Two-Hour “Fuck Tha Police” Rant,” Then Kills Rather Than Fucks a White Policeman Jessica Beauvais is a 32-year-old black New Yorker whose major accomplishments up to last week were receiving four separate citations for driving with a suspended license. Because everyone’s a star […]

  • Fundraiser Update, this Weekend’s Livestreams, & A New Way to Support Counter-Currents

    Counter Currents - Apr 30th 2021 1:17pm EDT

    1,107 words Greg Johnson will appear on two broadcasts this weekend. On Saturday, May 1, Greg will be on the second hour of James Edwards’ The Political Cesspool, 5 pm PST, 7 pm CT, 8 pm EST. You can tune in at https://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/ On Sunday, May 2nd, at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm […]

  • Within Our Gates:

    Counter Currents - Apr 30th 2021 6:30am EDT

    5,911 words In my life, I have encountered people who enjoy watching bad movies. I don’t mean that they have bad taste in movies, but that they revel in watching objectively terrible, often low-budget movies in an MST3K sort of way. I guess they find something endearing about the amateurish charm. I mean, knock yourself out. But I’ve never […]

  • Do White People Exist?

    Counter Currents - Apr 29th 2021 6:45am EDT

    1,144 words Imagine if I screamed my lungs bloody all day and all night, for years on end, about the Devil and how he’s the greatest threat to humanity. And then, let’s say a well-tempered Satanist tried to counter my caterwauling by saying, “Relax, fella — the Devil’s not that bad.” If I replied, “The Devil doesn’t […]

  • Remembering Sam Francis (April 29, 1947–February 15, 2005)

    Counter Currents - Apr 28th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Sam T. Francis by Phil Eiger Newmann, 2021 1,061 words This year, Counter-Currents is adding Sam Francis to our list of thinkers of the Right whose birthdays we commemorate. We are also running a symposium on his work, beginning today. Samuel Todd Francis was born April 29, 1947, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He died February 15, […]

  • Remembering Sam Francis: Francis & the Fire Bird

    Counter Currents - Apr 28th 2021 6:15am EDT

    Schedel’s Phoenix from the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 2,484 words If I had to recommend one book on politics, it would be James Burnham’s The Machiavellians. If I had to recommend one pamphlet, it would be an overlooked gem of American political discourse, Sam Francis’s The Other Side of Modernism: James Burnham and His Legacy. There is no white identitarian, […]

  • Remembering Sam Francis: The Rising Tide of Anarcho-Tyranny

    Counter Currents - Apr 28th 2021 6:00am EDT

    1,977 words Author’s note: An earlier version of this appeared at Return of Kings as “How Our Government Is Sanctioning A New Kind Of Tyranny.” The following expanded version is in my compilation Deplorable Diatribes.  My first encounter with anarcho-tyranny was when my grandfather got busted in a sting. His “crime” was cutting hair without a license, which got […]

  • Don’t Feed the Enemy

    Counter Currents - Apr 27th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Cars parked outside Joe the Barber’s house in Apalachin, New York, 1957. 2,362 words How many friends have we over there? The border guards fight unconvincingly. Whate’er we do it seems things are arranged. We always have to feed the enemy. — Magazine (Howard Devoto), “Feed the Enemy“ I believe it was Pamela Geller who […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: April 18-24, 2021

    Counter Currents - Apr 26th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Squaw Tit Mountain postcard, from James R. Powell’s Route 66 collection, 1937. 2,005 words Chauvin Found Guilty — But There’s More Work To Be Done, So Let’s Keep Rioting!  After being found guilty on all three counts last week, Derek Chauvin has become the nation’s white-boy-summer piñata — anyone can feel free to club him […]