• The Worst Week Yet: March 28-April 3, 2021

    Counter Currents - Apr 5th 2021 6:45am EDT

    G. Gordon Liddy, photographed by Paul Hosefros in 1992. 1,918 words White Supremacists Wearing Realistic-Looking “Black Men” Masks Continue Attacking Asians Tariq Nasheed is a prophet and a pusher, partly truth, partly fiction — a walking contradiction. He’s also the dumbest person on Twitter. Back in 2017, this mentally handicapped black supremacist who was probably advised […]

  • Easter Livestream: Ask Counter-Currents with Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, & Frodi Midjord

    Counter Currents - Apr 4th 2021 8:10am EDT

    Happy Easter from Counter-Currents! 55 words On Easter Sunday, April 4 at noon PST, 3 PM EST, 8 PM UK time, 9 PM CET, tune in to the Counter-Currents Radio weekly livestream on DLive: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents The panelists will discuss current events and take your questions for two hours. Donations, comments, questions: https://entropystream.live/countercurrents You can also […]

  • Our Big, Beautiful Wall

    Counter Currents - Apr 2nd 2021 11:45am EDT

    Our Big, Beautiful Wall Will Be Real 1,367 words Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000 this year to sustain and improve our work. Since last week’s update, we have received 61 donations totaling $8,888.78 for a total of 127 donations and a grand total of $23,716.23 since we started our fundraiser on March 10th. We are […]

  • Agrarian Populism & Cargo Cult Fascism

    Counter Currents - Apr 2nd 2021 7:00am EDT

    The Falangist Sección Femenina salutes before delivering food to the needy, Pascual Marín, 1937. 1,908 words Allow me, dear reader, to take you on a fantastic journey to a mythical time known as the “middle tens.” It was a period between 2012 and 2018 when the hottest political movement was populism. All the cool kids […]

  • One Carjacking Embodies the New America

    Counter Currents - Apr 2nd 2021 6:45am EDT

    1,086 words An elderly Pakistani UberEats driver was murdered by black teens in DC last week. Sixty-six-year-old Mohammad Anwar died after he was thrown out of the vehicle two black girls carjacked in broad daylight, right in front of National Guardsmen. The black teens survived the car wreck, unlike the hapless Anwar. The Pakistani driver […]

  • Requiem for a Jigger

    Counter Currents - Apr 1st 2021 6:45am EDT

    Michael Rapaport 1,593 words Erstwhile actor, would-be political activist, and aspirant transracial icon Michael Rapaport might be the dumbest Jew who ever lived. He grew up in a wealthy Ashkenazi family on the hard, hard streets of Manhattan’s Upper East Side, but to hear him speak, you’d think he was auditioning for the movie role […]

  • Making Lions out of Lambs: A Response to Max Morton of American Greatness

    Counter Currents - Mar 31st 2021 6:45am EDT

    1,671 words Two kinds of conservatives constitute the mainstream Right: those who take conservatism seriously as a political creed, and those who are merely conservative liberals, or, as the Z-Man once called them, the rearguard of the Left. The latter, as we all know, may as well be the enemy of the Right and deserve […]

  • Culture, History, & Metapolitics in Poland: An Interview with Jaroslaw Ostrogniew, Part 2

    Counter Currents - Mar 31st 2021 6:15am EDT

    Wawel Castle in Kraków, Poland 3,012 words Part 1 here This part of the interview was published in the XXXIV issue of the magazine Reconquista. In this part, Jaroslaw will discuss metapolitics, Polish culture, music, art, his travels, and writing. Ondrej Mann: Have you organized any metapolitical conferences in the past? Do you plan to organize any again? […]

  • Culture, History, & Metapolitics in Poland: An Interview with Jaroslaw Ostrogniew, Part 2

    Counter Currents - Mar 31st 2021 6:15am EDT

    Wawel Castle in Kraków, Poland 3,012 words Part 1 here This part of the interview was published in the XXXIV issue of the magazine Reconquista. In this part, Jaroslaw will discuss metapolitics, Polish culture, music, art, his travels, and writing. Ondrej Mann: Have you organized any metapolitical conferences in the past? Do you plan to organize any again? […]

  • With Brasillach in Spain & Germany: Remembering Robert Brasillach (March 31, 1909 – February 6, 1945)

    Counter Currents - Mar 31st 2021 6:00am EDT

    4,721 words Here we have a continuation of the narrative presented in past installments, describing Brasillach’s auto-tour through wartime Spain in July 1938, accompanied by his brother-in-law Maurice Bardèche and their friend Pierre Cousteau. As before, I have translated it directly from Brasillach’s memoir Notre avant-guerre (1938-41). In the last section, Robert Brasillach gave a quick summary of […]

  • Et tu, AOC?

    Counter Currents - Mar 30th 2021 6:45am EDT

    3,785 words There’s that old saying that politics is showbiz for ugly people. If that’s true, I think it is fair to say that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has “gone Hollywood.” I’ve mused on the concept of “going Hollywood” in a previous article. Many people move to Los Angeles to make it big. Every day, starry-eyed kids from […]

  • Mrs. America Redux

    Counter Currents - Mar 30th 2021 6:30am EDT

    2,785 words One of the great unexpected pleasures of the Covid lockdown last spring was discovering oddball television series you otherwise wouldn’t have approached with a barge pole. Producers and programming executives detected a nice angle here, so they moved up launch dates by a few months. This is what happened with Mrs. America, a nine-part […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: March 21-27, 2021

    Counter Currents - Mar 29th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greets convicted spy Johnathan Pollard upon his arrival to Israel 2,154 words Charlottesville Mayor Writes Weird Poem About How Charlottesville Rapes You Unless things turn around right quick and proper, the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, will be seen as the Waterloo of white identity politics for the foreseeable future. Even […]

  • Today’s Livestream: Ask Counter-Currents with Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, & Frodi Midjord

    Counter Currents - Mar 28th 2021 1:06pm EDT

    45 words On Sunday, March 28 at noon PST, 3 PM EST, 8 PM UK time, 9 PM CET, I will be hosting the Counter-Currents Radio weekly livestream on our DLive channel: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents The panelists will discuss current events and take your questions for two hours. Donations, comments, questions: https://entropystream.live/countercurrents  

  • Another Brick in the Paywall

    Counter Currents - Mar 26th 2021 11:30am EDT

    Persian archers, glazed bricks from the palace of Darius I at Susa. 1,376 words Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000 this year to sustain and improve our work. Since last week’s update, we have received 46 donations totaling $8,290.45 for a total of 66 donations and a total of $14,827.45 since we started our fundraiser […]

  • It’s a Hit!

    Counter Currents - Mar 26th 2021 6:45am EDT

    2,180 words Dalrymple: Then why am I watching it?Costanza: Because it’s on TV!   Let’s start with three statements that are in no way, shape or form, related to each other.  1. Narcocorrido artists are sometimes used by Mexican cartels to launder money. Cartel allies in the media and music business will catapult artists to fame to […]

  • He’s Back! Hitler does Friday the 13th

    Counter Currents - Mar 26th 2021 6:30am EDT

    2,272 words Nature is a temple, where the livingColumns sometimes breathe of confusing speech;Man walks within these groves of symbols, eachOf which regards him as a kindred thing. — Charles Baudelaire, “Correspondence” Si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer. “If God did not exist, then it would be necessary to invent him” is, perhaps, one […]

  • The Power of Myth: Remembering Joseph Campbell (March 26, 1904–October 30, 1987)

    Counter Currents - Mar 26th 2021 6:00am EDT

    Joseph Campbell & his wife, Jean Erdman Campbell, c. 1939. 2,319 words Joseph Campbell, the famed teacher of comparative mythology, was born on this day in 1904. For many people, including yours truly, he has served as a “gateway drug” into not only a new way of looking at myths, but into a non-materialistic way […]

  • Heroic Gunman Kills 10 Potential White Supremacists

    Counter Currents - Mar 25th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Rules of the Game 2021. 1,345 words In the immediate wake of 2013’s Boston Marathon bombing, writer David Sirota — a skinny dork with delusions of being a tough guy — wrote an article for Salon.com called “I Hope the Bomber is a White American.” I hope that Sirota was disappointed to the point […]

  • Remembering Flannery O’Connor (March 25, 1925–August 4, 1964)

    Counter Currents - Mar 25th 2021 6:00am EDT

    1,842 words Like her near-contemporary Gore Vidal (both were born in 1925), the fiction writer Mary Flannery O’Connor had her first brush with fame via a Pathé movie newsreel. She had a pet chicken whom she’d taught to walk backward. Gore’s fame came a few years later when he piloted an airplane, age ten. O’Connor […]

  • “He Doesn’t Worry Too Much If Mediocre People Get Killed in Wars and Such” Tito Perdue’s The Smut Book & Cynosura

    Counter Currents - Mar 24th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Edmund Dulac, “The Buried Moon” from The Red Cross Fairy Book, 1916. 4,430 words He had me at: “It was still the South, he knew it for a certainty when they passed an aged negro in overalls hobbling down along the highway toward no conceivable destination. The land was cursed. God, he loved it.” [1] Tito Perdue, author […]

  • Racial Whiteness

    Counter Currents - Mar 23rd 2021 6:45am EDT

    John Singleton Copley, Watson and the Shark, ca. 1778. 1,858 words Lipton Matthews over at Taki’s Magazine is giving White Nationalists some advice, and I think we’d better sit up and listen. In his essay “Cultural Whiteness,” he tells us we should stop being White Nationalists and instead view whiteness as a “philosophy of progress.” In other […]

  • Frontier Stories

    Counter Currents - Mar 22nd 2021 11:00am EDT

    Edgar Samuel Paxson, Battle of Little Bighorn, 1911. 1,622 words American history was always taught to me in a way that shamed and vilified white people. Despite all the efforts and propaganda to make me feel sorry for the Native Americans, I always resented them for their attacks on the European colonists and settlers. Even […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: March 14-20, 2021

    Counter Currents - Mar 22nd 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Dysgenic, 2021. 2,211 words The Ritual Denazification of Teen Vogue Teen Vogue was founded in 2003 and has earned international respect as the go-to source for confused girl teens who want to learn how to have anal sex and worship Karl Marx. But now the venerable online publication has been rocked by accusations of racism that, amusingly, […]

  • Today’s Livestream: Ask Counter-Currents with Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, & Frodi Midjord

    Counter Currents - Mar 21st 2021 11:30am EDT

    72 words On Sunday, March 21 at noon PST, 3 PM EST, 7 PM UK time, 8 PM CET, I will be hosting the Counter-Currents Radio weekly livestream on our DLive channel: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents The panelists will discuss current events and take your questions for two hours. In the second hour, we will be joined by […]