• Heroic Gunman Kills 10 Potential White Supremacists

    Counter Currents - Mar 25th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Rules of the Game 2021. 1,345 words In the immediate wake of 2013’s Boston Marathon bombing, writer David Sirota — a skinny dork with delusions of being a tough guy — wrote an article for Salon.com called “I Hope the Bomber is a White American.” I hope that Sirota was disappointed to the point […]

  • Remembering Flannery O’Connor (March 25, 1925–August 4, 1964)

    Counter Currents - Mar 25th 2021 6:00am EDT

    1,842 words Like her near-contemporary Gore Vidal (both were born in 1925), the fiction writer Mary Flannery O’Connor had her first brush with fame via a Pathé movie newsreel. She had a pet chicken whom she’d taught to walk backward. Gore’s fame came a few years later when he piloted an airplane, age ten. O’Connor […]

  • “He Doesn’t Worry Too Much If Mediocre People Get Killed in Wars and Such” Tito Perdue’s The Smut Book & Cynosura

    Counter Currents - Mar 24th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Edmund Dulac, “The Buried Moon” from The Red Cross Fairy Book, 1916. 4,430 words He had me at: “It was still the South, he knew it for a certainty when they passed an aged negro in overalls hobbling down along the highway toward no conceivable destination. The land was cursed. God, he loved it.” [1] Tito Perdue, author […]

  • Racial Whiteness

    Counter Currents - Mar 23rd 2021 6:45am EDT

    John Singleton Copley, Watson and the Shark, ca. 1778. 1,858 words Lipton Matthews over at Taki’s Magazine is giving White Nationalists some advice, and I think we’d better sit up and listen. In his essay “Cultural Whiteness,” he tells us we should stop being White Nationalists and instead view whiteness as a “philosophy of progress.” In other […]

  • Frontier Stories

    Counter Currents - Mar 22nd 2021 11:00am EDT

    Edgar Samuel Paxson, Battle of Little Bighorn, 1911. 1,622 words American history was always taught to me in a way that shamed and vilified white people. Despite all the efforts and propaganda to make me feel sorry for the Native Americans, I always resented them for their attacks on the European colonists and settlers. Even […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: March 14-20, 2021

    Counter Currents - Mar 22nd 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Dysgenic, 2021. 2,211 words The Ritual Denazification of Teen Vogue Teen Vogue was founded in 2003 and has earned international respect as the go-to source for confused girl teens who want to learn how to have anal sex and worship Karl Marx. But now the venerable online publication has been rocked by accusations of racism that, amusingly, […]

  • Today’s Livestream: Ask Counter-Currents with Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, & Frodi Midjord

    Counter Currents - Mar 21st 2021 11:30am EDT

    72 words On Sunday, March 21 at noon PST, 3 PM EST, 7 PM UK time, 8 PM CET, I will be hosting the Counter-Currents Radio weekly livestream on our DLive channel: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents The panelists will discuss current events and take your questions for two hours. In the second hour, we will be joined by […]

  • The Counter-Currents 2021 Fundraiser: Off to a Good Start

    Counter Currents - Mar 19th 2021 3:45pm EDT

    Kim Selig, Keeneland, 2014. 1,347 words This year, Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000 to sustain and expand our work. We started our fundraiser last Wednesday, March 10th, which was the one-year anniversary of Counter-Currents being completely deplatformed and blacklisted from the credit card industry. It was also the debut of our new website. Since […]

  • Playing Dress-Up

    Counter Currents - Mar 19th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Norman Rockwell, Doctor and Doll, 1942. 1,692 words I’m a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy worldDress me up, make it tight, I’m your dolly! We live in an era of apparently rampant transsexualism. The media insist upon spotlighting various gender-benders and forcing them down the throat of a captive audience, at which point vinegar-drinking […]

  • Thwarting Jewish Conquest: Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together Part 6 of 6

    Counter Currents - Mar 19th 2021 6:15am EDT

    3,162 words Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here Much of the tremendous value of Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together rests in how it was written completely without rancor. Only a highly cynical or unreasonable person could call it anti-Semitic — that is, a work that professes animosity or […]

  • It’s Time to Admit That Massage Parlors Have an Asianness Problem

    Counter Currents - Mar 18th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Rubbed the Wrong Way, 2021. 1,638 words If there’s anything to be learned from the shooting sprees at three Atlanta-area massage parlors on Tuesday afternoon that left eight people dead, it’s that the massage-parlor industry is disproportionately Asian to a degree that would be comical if, you know, it hadn’t led to […]

  • Remembering John C. Calhoun (March 18, 1782–March 31, 1850)

    Counter Currents - Mar 18th 2021 6:00am EDT

    1,988 words Anyone familiar with 19th-century American history will recognize John C. Calhoun as the man who, more than anyone else, represented the antebellum South. He, along with John Randolph of Roanoke, Virginia, provided much of the intellectual heft behind the character and institutions of the South and defined its position as a distinct economic […]

  • Look out honey, ’cause I’m using technology! Eumaios, Evola, & Neville on Race

    Counter Currents - Mar 17th 2021 11:45am EDT

    Frederic Remington, The Bronco Buster, 1895. 6,316 words Gen. Turgidson: Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned? Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. “Is ‘Short Time Preference’ Really Such […]

  • Look out honey, ’cause I’m using technology! Eumaios, Evola, & Neville on Race

    Counter Currents - Mar 17th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Frederic Remington, The Bronco Buster, 1895. 6,316 words Gen. Turgidson: Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned? Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. “Is ‘Short Time Preference’ Really Such […]

  • Erwin Strauss’ How to Start Your Own Country

    Counter Currents - Mar 17th 2021 6:30am EDT

    4,019 words Erwin S. StraussHow to Start Your Own CountryPort Townsend, Washington: Loompanics, 1984 Have you ever wanted to be the leader of your own micro-nation? Erwin S. Strauss might have the answer in How to Start Your Own Country. The author is a colorful character: a minor libertarian notable, a major organizer of science fiction […]

  • The Dirtbag Left & the Six Degrees of Adolf Hitler

    Counter Currents - Mar 16th 2021 6:45am EDT

    4,056 words Well, it looks like the honeymoon is over for the Dirtbag Left. And as Counter-Currents’ official Dirtbag Left correspondent, I’m here to tell you about it. I’ve always pushed back against people who accuse the Dirtbag Left of being “controlled opposition.” Sure, they are cucked on race (although some are semi-woke on Jews). They […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: March 7-13, 2021

    Counter Currents - Mar 15th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Too White, 2021. 2,593 words Jew-Baiting Capitol Rioter With Ironic Hitler Mustache Finally Found! If you’re even half-awake at this juncture in history, you’d realize that nearly all of the participants in January 6’s Capitol Stampede — or Capitol Blitzkrieg, Capitol Lynching, Capitol Hate Crime, or Kapitallnacht, whatever they’re calling it this week […]

  • Today’s Livestream: Ask Counter-Currents with Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, & Frodi Midjord

    Counter Currents - Mar 14th 2021 2:33pm EDT

    78 words On Sunday, March 15, at noon PST, 3 PM EST, 8 PM UK time, 9 PM CET, I will be hosting the Counter-Currents Radio weekly livestream on our DLive channel: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents In this episode we will be experimenting with a new format. Millennial Woes, Frodi Midjord, and I will be taking your questions […]

  • The Struggle is Real

    Counter Currents - Mar 12th 2021 6:45am EST

    Detail, Henry Arthur McArdle, Dawn at the Alamo, 1905. 2,144 words Say what you want about white nationalists, they play life on the highest difficulty. — Some leftoid on twitter dot com If you read Leftist and conservative treatments of why people join terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda or ISIS, you see a lot of hand-wringing […]

  • Remembering Gabriele D’Annunzio (March 12, 1863–March 1, 1938)

    Counter Currents - Mar 12th 2021 6:00am EST

    142 words Today is the birthday of Gabriele D’Annunzio, novelist, poet, playwright, aesthete, dandy, playboy, war hero, and the first fascist dictator, who from 1919 to 1920 ruled over the Adriatic city-state of Fiume, establishing many of the political and aesthetic forms followed by Mussolini a few years later. To learn more about D’Annunzio’s life […]

  • The Smartest Damn Boy in All of Baltimore

    Counter Currents - Mar 11th 2021 3:45pm EST

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Dumbin’ it Down, 2021. 1,480 words “Think of how stupid the average person is,” comedian George Carlin once told an audience, “and then realize half of ’em are stupider than that.” Since I’m an innately kind soul who abhors cruelty in all its forms, I won’t instruct you to think of how stupid the […]

  • Critical Race Theory:

    Counter Currents - Mar 11th 2021 3:30pm EST

    Trofim Lysenko 2,149 words Thinking about the continuing plague of neo-Bolshevik assaults on our intelligence and our institutions brought me around to reflect on the difference between pure and applied disciplines of knowledge. Consider: pure or theoretical mathematics is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, as distinct from applied mathematics, “which involves the application […]

  • The Hierarchy of Culture With Audio Version

    Counter Currents - Mar 11th 2021 3:15pm EST

    The hierarchy of culture, to be referred to while reading. 3,157 words To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” I believe there is a hierarchy/pyramid to culture, I have been working on this theory for a while now, I think […]

  • Welcome to Our New Site

    Counter Currents - Mar 10th 2021 8:32pm EST

    Franz von Stuck, The Spirit of Victory 1,740 words Welcome to our new site. The new site looks similar to the old one, but both inside and outside it is less cluttered and more functional. On the front page, we have preserved the basic blog format, with our featured posts in the main panel, most […]

  • Welcome to Our New Site

    Counter Currents - Mar 10th 2021 8:32pm EST

    Franz von Stuck, The Spirit of Victory 1,740 words Welcome to our new site. The new site looks similar to the old one, but both inside and outside it is less cluttered and more functional. On the front page, we have preserved the basic blog format, with our featured posts in the main panel, most […]