• White Atheist Nationalism Is a Dead End

    Occidental Dissent - May 7th 2024 7:59am EDT

    I have a bone to pick with Jason Kessler. At the outset, I want to stress that it is nothing personal. There has always been White Nationalists who share Jason Kessler’s dismissive view of Christianity. When I first stumbled across the White Nationalist movement in 2001, there were already established leaders in the movement who […]

  • Uniparty Ushers In Dreaded Authoritarian “Fascist USA” To “Stand With Israel”

    Occidental Dissent - May 1st 2024 5:17pm EDT

    As many astute observers have noted, dumb leftwing college students can protest pretty much anything on campus and get away with it … capitalism, “white supremacy,” misogyny, “the patriarchy,” transphobia, settler-colonialism, Confederate monuments, Christopher Columbus, etc. No one cares. OUR GREATEST ALLY, however, is sacrosanct. Suddenly, the jack boot of the police state has come […]

  • Charlie Kirk: The Civil Rights Act ‘Created A Beast’ That ‘Turned Into An Anti-White Weapon’

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 17th 2024 3:16pm EDT

    I will reiterate my advice. Don’t become an internet edgelord. Just call yourself a conservative populist. Focus on your own personal life and career path. “Become Who You Are” by becoming the policy wonk with the credentials to be hired to work on something like immigration policy or unraveling the civil rights bureaucracy. Eyes on […]

  • Rich Lowry: Yes, Fight Anti-White Racism

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 4th 2024 3:36pm EDT

    Glenn Beck wants to cut off aid to Israel. Rich Lowry wants to fight anti-White racism now.

  • Ezra Klein Show: The Rise of Middle Finger Politics

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 1st 2024 9:13pm EDT

    LISTEN HERE I had a good laugh listening to this over the weekend. It is Ezra Klein and John Ganz discussing the rise of rightwing populism from the 1990s to the 2024 campaign. I know David Duke personally. My father-in-law knew Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis. I have been around long enough to remember Murray […]

  • All Grown Up

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 1st 2024 5:52pm EDT

    Alt-Right 2.0 is a terrible idea. I look back on that era like a bad picture in a high school yearbook. In a lot of ways, I haven’t changed at all. I am still a stridently antiwar isolationist. I am still concerned about mass immigration and demographic change. I am still an anti-globalist. I am […]

  • Jury Rules Trump Must Pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 Million In Damages For Defamation

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2024 11:44am EST

    Are you looking for a reason to support The Revenge Tour? CNBC: “A federal jury on Friday said Donald Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll a total of $83.3 million in damages for defaming her in statements he made as president after the writer said he had raped her in a New York department store in the 1990s. The massive civil verdict — which […]

  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Invokes State Sovereignty To Defy Joe Biden and Supreme Court

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 24th 2024 3:28pm EST

    Is this really happening? Is Greg Abbott actually doing the right thing? Note: I didn’t think he had the spine for it!

  • Poll Watch: Record Low In U.S. Satisfied With Way “Democracy” Is Working

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2024 10:38am EST

    “Democracy” is on the ballot in 2024. By “democracy,” Democracy Defenders mean our current system of censoring the internet, deplatforming their opponents through mob violence, civil lawsuits, weaponizing the FBI against their political opponents, ballot harvesting, month long elections, week long vote counts, invoking the 14th Amendment to remove their political opponents from the ballot, […]

  • Poll Watch: Americans Split On “Standing With Israel”

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 23rd 2023 8:43pm EDT

    I’m not completely blackpilled. The polling on blindly “Standing With Israel” is mixed. CNN Poll: CBS/YouGov: Unlike on “Standing With Ukraine,” the Democrats are badly split on Israel. You would also never know that Republicans are also divided given the coverage on FOX News. There is no racial or class polarization on “Standing With Israel.” […]

  • Poll Watch: Americans Are Deeply Sympathetic Toward Israelis

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 15th 2023 5:47pm EDT

    This is what you call burying the lede. CNN: The American public expresses deep sympathy for the Israeli people and broadly sees the Israeli government’s military response to Hamas’ attacks as justified, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, and two-thirds are at least somewhat worried the fighting between Israel and Hamas could lead to […]

  • Poll Watch: Support for Arming Ukraine Plummets

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 5th 2023 8:30am EDT

    Capitol Police arrested several people from ‘code pink’ today who are opposed to the US funding the war in Ukraine. They protested outside Senator Bernie Sanders’ office in Washington, urging him to call for negotiations. WATCHpic.twitter.com/2ktsuEQL85 — Simon Ateba (@simonateba) October 4, 2023 The war in Ukraine must END! Today, I met brave @codepink activists […]

  • Government Shutdown Averted For Now

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 2nd 2023 9:57am EDT

    I look forward to seeing Congress provide, in the very near future, financial support for Ukraine which is valiantly struggling against Russian aggression. — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) October 1, 2023 The majority of the majority does not support haphazardly funding war in Ukraine and it was proven this past week when 117 Republicans voted against […]

  • RFK Jr. To Announce Independent Campaign

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 29th 2023 3:45pm EDT

    Great news. We also need Joe Manchin, Cornel West and a libertarian candidate in the race.

  • Poll Watch: Trump Up 10 Points Over Joe Biden

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 24th 2023 11:07am EDT

    ? BREAKING: New Washington Post/ABC Poll shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by 10 POINTS. Trump – 52%Biden – 42% pic.twitter.com/tRi9dy2tRZ — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 24, 2023 ?? NATIONAL POLL: ABC/WP (A) PRES:(R) Trump 52% (+10)(D) Biden 42% Independents(R) Trump 52 (+13)(D) Biden 39%——GOP PRES: Trump 54% (+39)DeSantis 15%Haley 7%Pence 6%Scott 4%Christie 3%Ramaswamy 3%——ABC/WP […]

  • Poll Watch: Americans’ Dismal View of the Nation’s Politics

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 23rd 2023 10:09am EDT

    Read the whole thing. I have included a few highlights below. As I have argued in recent weeks, “The Collapse” began a few years ago. We are currently living through it. The system is breaking down and losing legitimacy. Overwhelming cynicism and pessimism about politics is the norm. The people who still have faith in […]

  • Democracy Defenders Take On The Constitution

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 17th 2023 9:07am EDT

    As I have explained, my belief is that the remnants of the Constitution are mostly a good thing that vex people like this, but the Constitution has been disfigured by Lincoln, the Radical Republicans, the Progressives, FDR and others and doesn’t have much to do with how we are governed. Note: Defending Democracy is arresting […]

  • Donald Trump Has Never Been More Popular

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 15th 2023 7:45pm EDT

    Here is something we haven’t seen before.

  • Mitt Romney Is Retiring

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 13th 2023 4:46pm EDT

    The haters and losers are leaving politics.

  • The Atlantic: Ignore Jack Smith’s Critics

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2023 4:47pm EDT

    Democracy Defenders insist that democracy is fragile. It is fragile because it is human. It is fragile because it is up to us. In order to save democracy from dangerous authoritarians like Trump though, we might on occasion have to dispense with democracy when public opinion isn’t trending our way. The only way to save […]

  • Dick Cheney: Donald Trump Is The Greatest Threat Our Republic Has Ever Faced

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 7th 2023 10:35pm EDT

    “In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.”-Former VP Dick Cheney pic.twitter.com/VEwYshijCZ — Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) September 7, 2023 I think this is an old video, but it is going viral.

  • USA Today: Unlikely Voters Back Trump By 2-to-1 Margin

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 7th 2023 8:20am EDT

    If Donald Trump could sweep the OD comment section again like in 2016, he could probably easily be elected president in 2024 USA Today: Donald Trump’s argument that the 2020 election was rigged has reinforced the views of Americans who are already disenchanted about politics, one factor in their inclination not to cast a vote next year ? […]

  • George Floyd’s Cultural Legacy

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 5th 2023 11:38am EDT

    I’m feeling satisfied. Over the past week or two, the movement barfed up another vanguardist shooter in Jacksonville and Blood Tribe led a Neo-Nazi goon march in Orlando that got a lot of media attention, but for some reason these two events were not as impactful as they might have been in the past. Just […]

  • The Atlantic: What Really Happens When Americans Stop Going to Church

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 3rd 2023 11:20pm EDT

    This was me in the early 2000s. The Atlantic: It seems clear that Christian nationalism attracts a lot of adherents who rarely go to church themselves. A PRRI survey published earlier this year showed that only 54 percent of Christian nationalists—and just 42 percent of those who are “sympathizers” with the ideology—attend church regularly. While […]

  • Portland Proud Boy Ethan Nordean Sentenced To 18 Years In Prison

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 2nd 2023 2:30pm EDT

    Ethan Nordean has been sentenced to 18 years in prison by the social justice system. Portland Punch Antifa Fight GIFfrom Portland Punch Antifa GIFs