• What Is The Left These Days?

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 4th 2021 12:08pm EST

    “Solidarity” featuring @TuckerCarlson, @ggreenwald, and @jimmy_dore: pic.twitter.com/CIuQgRJltT— Eli Valley (@elivalley) February 2, 2021 People who have argued “It’s okay to go on Stormfront TV to challenge their views” + “It’s okay to go on Stormfront TV to get Trump to pardon Assange” ought to contend w/going on Storrmfront TV *today* to salute demagogues and recite […]

  • Battle Bus LIVE – London Boroughs Tour

    London Real - Feb 4th 2021 11:59am EST

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>Battle Bus LIVE</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> London Boroughs Tour appeared first on London Real.

  • Neoliberal Joe Is Wobbling On $1,400 Stimulus Checks

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 3rd 2021 7:01pm EST

    Schumer today after leaving the White House: “There’s agreement — universal agreement — we must go big, bold ….”A picture of Franklin Roosevelt was hovering over all of us and we’re very much aware of that. It was alluded to a whole bunch of times.” https://t.co/90lfIeTH3m— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) February 3, 2021 Today is the […]

  • New York Times: Joe Biden Needs a “Reality Czar”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 3rd 2021 5:29pm EST

    The professional class has gone woke and alienated and lost the trust of the people and the explosion of conspiracy theories is just one manifestation of the consequences. New York Times: “Last month, millions of Americans watched as President Biden took the oath of office and, in a high-minded Inaugural Address, called for a new […]

  • Alexandria Ocasio Smollett Trends On Twitter

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 3rd 2021 4:00pm EST

    JUST IN: AOC was not in the U.S. Capitol building during her “near death” experience. She claims to have been in her office, which is located in the Cannon Building. Rioters did not breach the Cannon Building.— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 3, 2021 pic.twitter.com/sRyi6mqVzB— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 3, 2021 Big, if true. Yesterday, she was claiming […]

  • Vox: How Congress Learned To Stop Worrying and Start Handing Out Cash

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 3rd 2021 2:00pm EST

    I hope so. VOX: “The Biden administration and its allies in Congress are pushing for a new round of $1,400 checks to all but the richest Americans. If you’ve been following the ins and outs of Covid-19 relief politics in recent weeks, this isn’t surprising news. But consider what a dramatic transformation of American politics […]

  • The Marjorie Taylor Greene Panic

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 3rd 2021 10:09am EST

    Who is Marjorie Taylor Greene? Why is the media creating a national panic about a freshman representative from Georgia who only arrived in Washington, DC a few days ago? What the hell has this woman done? Majorie Taylor Greene is being singled out and put in the spotlight in order to portray Republicans as a […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 607 | DeSantis Goes Gloves Off On Big Tech

    Jared Howe - Feb 3rd 2021 6:46am EST

    Someone had to do it. Governor DeSantis of Florida has become the first Republican in the nation to impose fines and penalties on companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google for a broad range of political censorship methods, up to and including manipulation of algorithms. Hopefully other Republicans follow suit. Also: The Lincoln Project grooming scandal […]

  • Neoliberal Joe Signs Open Borders Executive Orders

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 2nd 2021 7:01pm EST

    Today was Open Borders Day. After he was criticized by the New York Times for issuing so many executive orders, Neoliberal Joe took a day off on Friday. He resumed work on opening the border to illegal aliens this afternoon with three new executive orders. Aside from progressive activists and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, […]

  • Huey Long: The Redistribution of Wealth

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 2nd 2021 12:04pm EST

    Editor’s Note: Since progressive liberals have embraced “equity” and have identified the term with critical race theory to demonize the White working class on racial grounds, we would like to offer an alterative populist program to advance “equity.” It is called the “Share Our Wealth” amendment. “Redistribution of Wealth” Speech Delivered by U.S. SENATOR HUEY […]

  • The Washington Post: Middle Class Liberal Scolds Attack Wall Street Bets

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 2nd 2021 11:40am EST

    I rest my case. We can’t go after the hedge fund billionaires because someone used the insensitive word “retard.” Such is the current state of middle class, therapeutic, corporate leftwing politics!

  • Tucker Carlson: Democrats Mobilize U.S. Military To Suppress Domestic Opinions

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2021 10:05pm EST

    Isn’t anyone in DC embarrassed that they still have scary looking *barbed wire* surrounding the Capitol after nothing’s happened for almost a month? Apparently not pic.twitter.com/NL2OkUhIRz— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) February 2, 2021 pic.twitter.com/CS4CGioiEE— Robbie Ree (@gimmedatshipunk) February 2, 2021 It seems like there is a disconnect between the hysteria on television, the non-stop panic about […]

  • Washington Examiner: Donald Trump Voters Are Domestic Terrorists

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2021 7:06pm EST

    There is an “enemy within.” I don’t think it is the QAnon Shaman or Baked F**king Alaska though. It is hysterical people who live in a bubble, who are drunk on power and who talk like this about American citizens. Washington Examiner: “First, bring the heaviest felony charges possible on as many participants in the […]

  • NYU Researchers Find “No Evidence” Of Anti-Conservative Bias On Social Media

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2021 5:44pm EST

    Donald Trump was a big joke. In spite of governing as a conventional Republican president, Big Tech colluded to wipe Donald Trump and his supporters off the internet because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. They concluded that it was simply dangerous to allow them to communicate, organize and fundraise on the internet. The Verge: […]

  • GOP Proposes $1,000 Stimulus Checks

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2021 1:03pm EST

    Apparently, the Republican Senate still hasn’t learned its lesson. CNBC: “The next stimulus checks could be smaller than $1,400 and reach fewer people if a new plan put forward by some Republican senators is approved. The new proposal from a group of 10 GOP lawmakers calls for $1,000 checks per person, rather than the $1,400 sum […]

  • Huey Long Seen As A Threat To FDR

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2021 11:39am EST

    FDR was an establishment Democrat. We had to terrify the political establishment and build unusual coalitions in the Great Depression to get anything done. When Huey Long was assassinated in 1935, the Share Our Wealth Society had 7.5 million members and 27,000 clubs spread around the country. He didn’t have social media. If Huey Long […]

  • Make The Game Stop

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2021 11:07am EST

    What I don’t understand is why Dems AREN’T pushing for $2000 checks. Yes you can argue that a new payment added to an old payment makes a sum total of 2k and thus “counts” but since we all agree direct payments have been inadequate why not just demand 2k instead?— Nathan J Robinson (@NathanJRobinson) February […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 606 | Squeezing Silver

    Jared Howe - Feb 1st 2021 6:51am EST

    The dynamic which led to the the Gamestock rally is about to spill over into the silver market, and global finance is PISSED. A lot of people are riding high on schadenfreude but I wouldn’t declare victory yet, though. Collapsing the dollar and the broader American economy doesn’t mean that global finance won’t use the […]

  • Jacobin: The Case Against The PMC

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 31st 2021 5:22pm EST

    Interesting videos. I’ve been enjoying the series. Last summer, I began thinking about this after reading Michael Lind’s articles Hub City Riot Ninjas and The Double Horseshoe Theory of Class Politics. I also spent a lot of time reading through the Pew typology surveys and Voter Study Group reports. “Left” and “Right” are illusions. The […]

  • Brian Stelter: Taking FOX News Off The Air Isn’t Censorship

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 31st 2021 2:09pm EST

    .@brianstelter on CNN going after Fox News’ cable carriers: “Reducing a liar’s reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech; freedom of speech is different than freedom of reach” pic.twitter.com/Tqsu1NgsRk— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 31, 2021 It’s not really censorship to deplatform the president of the United States, to ban tens of thousands […]

  • Politico: What Ulysses Grant Can Teach Joe Biden About Putting Down Violent Insurrections

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 31st 2021 11:31am EST

    I believe that a large part of Joe Biden’s appeal, especially to older voters, was the perception that he was a moderate who would lower the temperature of the country and that voting for him was a vote to “return to normalcy.” They were tired of the endless hysteria and polarization of the Trump presidency […]

  • Gallup: Most Say Reducing Cost of Health Care High Priority for Biden

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 30th 2021 10:37pm EST

    There’s a word for those who want an alliance with the Far Right: collaborators.— spencer sunshine (@transform6789) January 29, 2021 Chip Berlet call Rightist outreach to the Left a “suckerpunch.” The Right says we should join forces to defeat a common enemy (albeit by dropping concerns about racism, patriarchy, antisemitism, etc); in reality it will […]

  • Huey Long and Charles Coughlin Speak In 1935

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 30th 2021 4:52pm EST

    Billionaires named Cohen getting bullied so hard they delete their twitter is so delicious pic.twitter.com/wnh05TD2xO— Queenfish Sadie Long (@MrsHueyLong) January 30, 2021 Do progressives have any good ideas which weren’t originally our ideas which they have since mixed up with toxic garbage like open borders and political correctness?

  • Luke O’Brien: Ricky Vaughn Was Like a Field Commander In The Assault On Our Democracy

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 30th 2021 12:06pm EST

    The infamous pro-Trump Twitter troll “Ricky Vaughn” arrested. He was “like a field commander in this long going longstanding assault on our democracy,” says @lukeobrien who helped unmask the Middlebury graduate behind “Vaughn.” pic.twitter.com/PJZMXgf2FS— Donie O’Sullivan (@donie) January 30, 2021 Ricky Vaughn shared saucy memes on the internet in the 2016 election and accumulated a […]

  • Tucker Carlson: The American Government Is At War With Its Own People

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 29th 2021 10:34pm EST

    I’m a little late on this shit but I’m loving it ?So many ? memes pic.twitter.com/FwHxXyYhq4— Right Wing Punk (@Right_Wing_Punk) January 30, 2021 Everybody needs to stay calm! #ddtg. Don’t sell! pic.twitter.com/H9NtK3Z4B0— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) January 29, 2021 i love biz pic.twitter.com/QiQ7fikB0T— feenian (@PAWGERS420) January 29, 2021 This is what they’re up against pic.twitter.com/Ims7RRN6bq— America’s […]