• The Share Our Wealth Amendment

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 29th 2021 6:35pm EST

    Apple’s Tim Cook tells Biden permanent fix for “Dreamers” a “crucial part” of immigration reform https://t.co/yLfyPY9oup pic.twitter.com/w3T8npZD6i— The Hill (@thehill) January 29, 2021 Huey Long best clips 5/13 pic.twitter.com/HLAgPba5ca— Queenfish Sadie Long (@MrsHueyLong) January 19, 2021 No one shall be too rich. No one shall be too poor. No one shall be too powerful. No […]

  • Rudy Giuliani Explains Capitol Siege Conspiracy

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 29th 2021 3:45pm EST

    Even Steve Bannon is calling bullshit on Rudy. pic.twitter.com/VWMpjXfU7O— Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 29, 2021 It was Groyper, Boogaloos, Antifa and the Lincoln Project

  • NY Times Criticizes Joe Biden’s Executive Orders Blitzkrieg

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 29th 2021 12:51pm EST

    It is not because they disagree. Neoliberal Joe’s team came in too hot, too hard, too fast. The progressive base was thrilled by his flurry of executive orders on woke, trans, climate and open borders.

  • Anti-Populists Are Stewing Over Wall Street Uprising

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 29th 2021 10:19am EST

    Did you hear the news? A group of Redditors have figured out a way for small investors to cost hedge funds tens of billions of dollars and have exposed our rigged economic system which favors the rich and powerful. Something like 75% of the country is cheering them on. Not everyone is happy though. Thomas […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 605 | Tactical Capitalism

    Jared Howe - Jan 29th 2021 6:55am EST

    Speculation and market manipulation for me but nor for thee, goyim. That’s the takeaway from the GameStop/AMC debacle. If large corporations and central banks want to totally-not-manipulate markets by printing cash, excluding competitors because of waaaycism, cornering the market through regulatory capture, and squeezing out whistleblowers — well hey, that’s just fine! …but if small […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Small Investors Revolt Against Wall Street

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2021 11:21pm EST

    Huey Long best clips 4/13 pic.twitter.com/4c3JpylAdv— Queenfish Sadie Long (@MrsHueyLong) January 19, 2021 Facebook has taken down popular Wall Street discussion group Robinhood Stock Traders amid GameStop frenzy – Reuters— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 29, 2021 I enjoyed the show tonight.

  • Pew: Economy and COVID-19 Top The Public’s Policy Agenda For 2021

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2021 9:14pm EST

    In the last nine days, the Biden administration has rolled out 40 executive orders to address what it calls “America’s four converging crises.” These “four crises” are climate, race, health and the economy. What are the priorities of the American people? Is there a disconnect between Neoliberal Joe’s agenda and the mood of the country? […]

  • Politico: Twitter’s Priceless Gift To Biden

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2021 5:29pm EST

    I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. I didn’t care for Ricky Vaughn either. At the same time, I don’t think that Big Tech should be able to wield its monopoly power to censor Joe Biden’s political enemies. I don’t think the Justice Department should be in the business of arresting Hillary Clinton’s enemies as retaliation […]

  • Slate: The Deplatforming of Father Coughlin

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2021 1:47pm EST

    #WallStreet pic.twitter.com/25kUxBA5co— MAGIC BEHEMOTH (@BulgakovsPilate) January 28, 2021 Wall St billionaires when they’re manipulating the market to drive a business under and destroy the livelihoods of thousands of workers vs Wall St billionaires when a handful of internet nerds beat them at their own game #EatTheRich pic.twitter.com/JJHLuE14bH— Queenfish Sadie Long (@MrsHueyLong) January 28, 2021 Their […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 604 | Tactical Election Skepticism

    Jared Howe - Jan 28th 2021 6:50am EST

    I’ve never been a fan of Douglass Mackey or his online persona Ricky Vaughn. The last time we talked about him on this show, it was to discuss his involvement with facial recognition firm Clearview AI (formerly Smartcheckr.) Mackey reportedly marketed Smartcheckr’s services to political candidates to help them identity and solicit anonymous social media […]

  • Neoliberal Joe Signs Climate Change Executive Orders

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2021 9:41pm EST

    Hedge fund managers & government officials sitting in their ivory tower crying about $GME. Meanwhile, there are millions of unemployed people who can’t afford dinner because government cant pass stimulus.— WSB Chairman (@WSBChairman) January 28, 2021 Today was Climate Day. Joe Biden saved the planet today. The polar ice caps were on the verge of […]

  • Reddit and Discord Ban Wall Street Bets For “Hate Speech”

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2021 7:43pm EST

    Huey. pic.twitter.com/E8JMY5xvgG— Pete D’Abrosca (@pdabrosca) January 27, 2021 The lesson of today is that wall street billionaires aren’t the smartest guys in the room. They’re the greediest and they own the government— Secular Talk? (@KyleKulinski) January 27, 2021 It only took a week to drop the neoliberal mask after Trump left the White House.

  • Vladimir Putin Slams Big Tech Censorship At Davos

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2021 6:18pm EST

    Big Tech censorship has gotten so bad that Russian president Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador have been speaking out against it.

  • Ricky Vaughn Has Been Indicted By The DOJ For The 2016 Meme War

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2021 4:38pm EST

    Ricky Vaughan pissed off someone so powerful that one of the first acts of Biden’s DoJ during this Admin was to have him arrested.— 6’3″, 81 IQ (@Progrockfarmer) January 27, 2021 The hashtag #DraftOurDaughters is mentioned in the Probable Cause section pic.twitter.com/B30kwRfl20— 6’3″, 81 IQ (@Progrockfarmer) January 27, 2021 Pretty sure part of the vast […]

  • Thomas Frank: The Elites Are Coming Together

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2021 10:48am EST

    Note: Check out the full interview.

  • Donald Trump Wins Impeachment Battle

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 27th 2021 9:32am EST

    As should have been clear by his rapid recovery in the polls, there aren’t anywhere close to enough Republican votes in the Senate to convict Donald Trump. As with Charlottesville, a bad new cycle wasn’t the end of the world and was quickly overshadowed by Neoliberal Joe’s culture war agenda. Politico: “For a moment, it […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 603 | Paxton Blocks Deportation Freeze

    Jared Howe - Jan 27th 2021 6:47am EST

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration last week for its illegal and depraved attempt to impose a moratorium on the deportation of illegals in ICE custody, the vast majority of whom have committed violence and/or property crimes. The judge who upheld Paxton’s contention and blocked Biden’s order? Yeah, he was appointed by […]

  • The New National American Elite

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 26th 2021 9:36pm EST

    Michael Lind makes some good points in this article. Tablet Mag: “In the third decade of the 21st century, the Social Register still exists, there are still debutante balls, polo and lacrosse are still patrician sports, and old money families still summer at Newport. But these are fossil relics of an older class system. The […]

  • PBS Frontline: How Charlottesville Led To The Capitol Siege

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 26th 2021 7:30pm EST

    This is a strange hot take. For most of us who went to Charlottesville, the lesson that we took away from the Unite the Right rally was not to “trust Trump” or to ever walk into another similar trap again. The people who have been ensnared in the Capitol Siege – run of the mill […]

  • Federal Judge Blocks Joe Biden’s 100 Day Deportation Pause

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 26th 2021 6:07pm EST

    Great news. This was the worst thing Neoliberal Joe has done as president. Yahoo News: “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday temporarily blocked a move by new U.S. President Joe Biden to halt the deportation of many immigrants for a 100-day period, a swift legal setback for his ambitious immigration agenda. […]

  • Neoliberal Joe Signs Racial Equity Executive Orders

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 26th 2021 3:36pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Biden signs executive orders on racial equity:*HUD addressing history of discriminatory housing *DOJ will not renew contracts with private prisons*Recommitting federal government to respect Tribal sovereignty*Condemning racism toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders pic.twitter.com/WMvAvRGU22— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 26, 2021 White House Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice […]

  • President Biden’s Screw Up On $2,000 Checks Shows He Is No FDR

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 26th 2021 12:08pm EST

    This is a no brainer. 80% of the country agrees on $2,000 stimulus checks. Democrats gained control of the Senate because of the popularity of that issue and did it in Georgia of all places. This is such an obvious way to build political support and momentum that it should be the first order of […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 602 | Enough for a Minyan

    Jared Howe - Jan 26th 2021 6:53am EST

    Let us never tolerate anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews being over-represented in the Biden administration, even when the Jewish Forward is literally bragging about having “enough for a minyan.” They’re particularly excited about Janet Yellen’s role at the Treasury as Yellen has never met an excuse to make the money printer go brrrrr that she […]

  • President Biden Signs Executive Order On American Manufacturing

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 25th 2021 4:56pm EST

    This is the tragedy of the Biden administration. “Buy American” day is already completely overshadowed by a buffet of White upper middle class professional cultural war stuff like Big Tech censorship and Antifa riots and transsexuals in the military and replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. The expansion of the SNAP […]

  • Let Them Eat Tubmans

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 25th 2021 3:12pm EST

    .@PressSec says that the Biden administration is taking steps to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill pic.twitter.com/5P31q0wqNg— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 25, 2021 Twenty-dollar bill going from Andrew Jackson to Harriet Tubman — one symbol of difference between Trump and Biden. Proposed new design below: pic.twitter.com/e6xaukiSJJ— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) January 25, 2021 WATCH: Trump […]