• Post-Trump Populism Has More Room To Grow

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 11:19pm EST

    MAG FEATURE: With Trump now out of office, it’s hard to see the fate of his promised populist revolution as anything other than a failure. While he no doubt achieved some policy success, the fundamental premise of his administration went unfulfilled.https://t.co/t4Taf8TOBx— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) January 22, 2021 A good visualization of how important covid was […]

  • President Biden Signs 2 Executive Orders On Food Security and $15 Minimum Wage

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 9:44pm EST

    I’m already getting exhausted toggling between the two Joe Bidens. New York Times: “WASHINGTON — President Biden signed two executive orders on Friday to provide help to struggling families and raise wages for certain workers, turning once again to the power of the executive branch to advance his economic goals as the legislative chances for […]

  • Neoliberal Joe’s Plan To Tackle Violent Domestic Extremism

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 6:39pm EST

    Biden admin. announces plans to overhaul government’s approach to domestic terrorism, ordering intel agencies to conduct a “comprehensive threat assessment” into what officials say has become a pressing national security challenge.https://t.co/lzF7YuMs54— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 22, 2021 NEW: Press Sec. Psaki announces Biden admin. efforts to combat domestic violent extremism: • DNI to oversee a “comprehensive […]

  • The Biden Restoration

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 4:43pm EST

    Richard Spencer and Hunter Wallace discuss the fallout from the Capitol Siege, the implosion of QAnon and the now obvious flaws of rightwing populism and the future of White Populism. Listen to “The Biden Restoration” on Spreaker.

  • Neoliberal Joe: We Can’t Change The Course Of The Pandemic In The Next Several Months

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 4:20pm EST

    JUST IN – President Biden now says “there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in next several months.”pic.twitter.com/XilB4xPe3E— Disclose.tv ? (@disclosetv) January 22, 2021 The good news is that all the conspiratards were wrong about the National Guard coming to drag you out of your house, injecting the vaccine […]

  • President Biden: We Can’t Change The Course Of The Pandemic In The Next Several Months

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 4:20pm EST

    JUST IN – President Biden now says “there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in next several months.”pic.twitter.com/XilB4xPe3E— Disclose.tv ? (@disclosetv) January 22, 2021 The good news is that all the conspiratards were wrong about the National Guard coming to drag you out of your house, injecting the vaccine […]

  • The Dead Consensus Is Even Deader

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 2:24pm EST

    Who is more delusional? Is it the QAnon crowd or the Reaganite dead enders? National Review: “Trump exposed the dead consensus and rot within the Republican Party, opening the door for a new, more populist GOP.” It’s the mantra of a certain kind of conservative, and their favorite piece of evidence is the following scatterplot […]

  • Former Sanders Spokesperson: Joe Biden Is Backing Away From Populist Offerings

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 11:55am EST

    Neoliberal Joe isn’t going to get away with it. The Hill: “Briahna Joy Gray, former press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), argued Wednesday that President Biden is “backing away already” from “populist offerings,” which she said could harm the Democratic Party in the long-run.  In an interview on Hilll.TV’s “Rising,” the contributing editor […]

  • Neoliberal Joe Is Focusing On Unpopular Policies

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2021 9:56am EST

    Is Joe Biden a moderate? Is the Democratic Party the party of cultural elites or the working class? Is he going to focus on the priorities and agenda of the American people or catering to the cultural radicalism of the White professional wing of his party? Have we gotten rid of Trump only to restore […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 601 | Muh Insurrection

    Jared Howe - Jan 22nd 2021 6:51am EST

    Now that the inauguration has come and gone without so much as a peep from the right, the National Guard troops who were brought into D.C. to intimidate Trump supporters have been stuffed into parking garages and basements. But hey, at least Pelosi got her photo op! So much for supporting our troops during the […]

  • Joe Biden Signs 10 COVID-19 Executive Orders

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2021 5:42pm EST

    Now watching. #1. Memorandum to Extend Federal Support to Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Increase Reimbursement and Other Assistance Provided to States #2. Improving and Expanding Access to Care and Treatments for COVID-19 #3. Ensuring a Data-Driven Response to COVID-19 and Future High-Consequence Public Health Threats #4. Reopening […]

  • Axios: Trust In Media Plummets To All Time Low

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2021 5:24pm EST

    This is the inevitable result of the DILE problem in journalism where everyone comes from the same social class and constantly signals their contempt for the ordinary White American. Axios: “By the numbers: For the first time ever, fewer than half of all Americans have trust in traditional media, according to data from Edelman’s annual trust barometer shared […]

  • Mother Jones: The Apprentice

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2021 1:47pm EST

    Ezra Klein is worried that the clock is ticking and that political power could slip through the fingers of the Democrats in the 2022 midterms. Something worse than Trumpism could return. New York Times: “President Biden takes office with a ticking clock. The Democrats’ margin in the House and Senate couldn’t be thinner, and midterms […]

  • Joe Biden Calls For “Unity” At Lincoln Memorial

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2021 12:04pm EST

    Patriot National Guard troops turn their backs to the biden motorcade @DonaldJTrumpJr pic.twitter.com/raD8z2wqRX— Ms P Henry (@MsPHenry) January 21, 2021 After embracing the toxic conspiracy theory of “systemic racism” in his Inaugural Address, reversing Trump’s executive order on critical race theory and libeling all of White America as racist oppressors of “People of Color,” Joe […]

  • Insurrectionists Attack Oregon Democratic Party Headquarters

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2021 9:15am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. “We’ve learned again that democracy is precious, democracy is fragile, and at this hour my friends, democracy has prevailed,” Joe Biden says #InaugurationDay https://t.co/EJnm38Ii1A pic.twitter.com/cHWHPVWJoF— Bloomberg (@business) January 20, 2021 Protesters in the Pacific Northwest smashed windows at a Democratic Party headquarters and burned an American flag […]

  • Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party Is Demonizing Half of America

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2021 7:27am EST

    Americans fear each other more than ever, domestic terror, way less concerned about our wildly lopsided economic system, according to new poll. pic.twitter.com/c5bmgSpNde— Lee Fang (@lhfang) January 20, 2021 Biden replaces Andrew Jackson portrait in Oval Office, adds Cesar Chavez bust https://t.co/9k9WZaosx0 pic.twitter.com/ulwpz3ToEZ— The Hill (@thehill) January 21, 2021 Ben Rhodes calls for there to […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 600 | Biden Declares War on Whites

    Jared Howe - Jan 21st 2021 6:50am EST

    Treasonous Deep State glowspook John Brennan is urging Joe Biden to crush “the pro-Trump insurgency” that harbors “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians…” Even libertarians… Well, good thing they spent so much time claiming to be outside of the left/right political paradigm. That really saved their bacon. But let’s face it, these […]

  • Joseph Cotto Slams Longism

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 20th 2021 10:38pm EST

    I love this speech because Huey drunk off his ass ranting to the crowd is just so relatable pic.twitter.com/EBdSUpf2Qr— Queenfish Sadie Long (@MrsHueyLong) January 19, 2021 The anti-commerce, pro-big government, anti-individualism, anti-wealth building so-called populist right, which prefers Huey Long to Donald Trump, is one of the cringeworthiest things I have ever laid eyes on. […]

  • Joe Biden Signs 17 Executive Orders and Directives

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 20th 2021 7:59pm EST

    The Joe Biden era has officially begun. 81 million Americans voted for Not Trump in the 2020 election, but Donald Trump has been vanquished and now we are left with President Biden and his agenda. What is that agenda? Let’s run through the list of executive orders and directives that Joe Biden signed this evening. […]

  • Vox Day’s Storm Never Came

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 20th 2021 1:40pm EST

    For those of you who need a laugh on this bleak day, there are few people on the internet who clowned themselves harder for Donald Trump than Vox Day.

  • Donald Trump’s Final Pardon List

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 20th 2021 9:04am EST

    According to Andrew Anglin, we should be focused right now on remembering Donald Trump as a LEGEND. He was a SYMBOL of something. Steve Bannon who was charged with defrauding Trump supporters in a private attempt to build the wall. The rapper Lil Wayne who was facing a gun charge. The rapper Kodak Black who […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 599 | Trusting the Plan

    Jared Howe - Jan 20th 2021 6:42am EST

    …was it just a Bolshevik government psyop intended to mollify and pacify all along? By popular demand, I’ll be taking a look at two recent articles that attempt to make the case that the Q Anon phenomenon was run by a government insider or two, but that they were hostile to Trump and the MAGA […]

  • Republicans Split On COVID-19 Relief Package

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 19th 2021 8:56pm EST

    In a nutshell, this poll explains why Trump was a failed president, why the Republican Party lost control of both the White House and Congress and why the attempt to rebrand as the “party of the multiracial, multiethnic working class” is running into such strong headwinds. The Republicans are represented by a bunch of old […]

  • Punished Blumpf’s Farewell Address

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 19th 2021 6:25pm EST

    Here are a few of his most memorable lines: “All Americans were horrified by the assault on our Capitol. Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans. It can never be tolerated.” “We reignited America’s job creation and achieved record-low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women — almost everyone.” […]

  • What We Have Just Experienced

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 19th 2021 4:15pm EST

    Imagine Biden voters, mouthpieces for establishment lies about the stolen election, & cheerleaders for the doxing & arrest of Capitol protesters becoming influential voices in post-Trumpian populism. No, I can’t imagine it either.— Counter-Currents (@NewRightAmerica) January 18, 2021 Soooooo, are they releasing the Kraken yet… pic.twitter.com/0i35C2ZQn0— Gr???????????ymond the Gr????????????????????????y (@TheGreymond) January 19, 2021 Less than […]