• Politico: Joe Biden’s Plan To Avoid Midterm Losses

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 13th 2021 3:31pm EST

    Until the Capitol Siege, I was optimistic that the next two years might not be a total waste and another polarizing shitshow of grandstanding and performance art politics. I thought that with a narrow Democratic majority in Congress that we might get some things like the $2,000 stimulus checks, the repeal of the Trump tax […]

  • Radio Free Indiana: The Capitol Siege

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 13th 2021 11:17am EST

    CLICK HERE. In this episode of Radio Free Indiana, I have a conversation with Matt Parrott about why we stopped supporting Donald Trump years ago, refused to “Trust the Plan,” refused to support Trump in the 2020 election, criticized the fraud narrative, attacked the Grift Right when it was holding the “Stop the Steal” rallies, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 594 | Multipolar Wokeness

    Jared Howe - Jan 13th 2021 6:52am EST

    People don’t think Duginism be like it is, but it do. If it looks like a pan-Eurasianist, talks like a pan-Eurasianist, and acts like a pan-Eurasianist, chances are it’s a pan-Eurasianist. That’s probably the case for Biden’s appointee to head the CIA, former Russian ambassador William Burns. Burns has a long and colorful history of […]

  • DOJ and FBI Press Conference

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 12th 2021 8:12pm EST

    At 2:14 p.m., the rioters chase an officer to the top of the stairs, where entrances to the Senate chamber are in both directions. Video filmed by @igorbobic shows the officer leading rioters one way, where backup arrives. The police inside the chamber are still locking doors. pic.twitter.com/WVj8Oqg5fY— Haley Willis (@heytherehaIey) January 12, 2021 Move […]

  • Sheldon Adelson Is Dead

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 12th 2021 12:07pm EST

    Sheldon was a true American patriot and a giant among men. He treated his employees like family. His philanthropic generosity changed countless lives. The US-Israel relationship is stronger today because of him. My heart goes out to the Adelson family. https://t.co/AjZHPVsD1e— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 12, 2021 Whoa. Sheldon Adelson was one of the […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 593 | Then They Came for Ron Paul

    Jared Howe - Jan 12th 2021 6:55am EST

    From Q Anon to Ron Paul, everyone right of Elizabeth Warren is getting purged from the internet. Why? Because the people who supported the rioting of black bloc anarchists for months on end say it’s LITCHERALLY TERRORISM to stand on the steps of the Capitol Building. Kind of a stark contrast to how they treated […]

  • Ali Alexander Chanted “Victory or Death” Before The Capitol Siege

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 11th 2021 11:48pm EST

    Far-right activist and “Stop the Steal” leader Ali Alexander in Freedom Plaza leads the crowd in a “Victory or death!” chant. pic.twitter.com/RW27eA8oh5— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) January 5, 2021 This is Ali Alexander, leader of the so-called Stop the Steal campaign, saying: “I don’t disavow this. I do not denounce this.” pic.twitter.com/0mP0xThAYP— Kristen Doerer (@k2doe) January […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 592 | The Antifa Angle

    Jared Howe - Jan 11th 2021 6:42am EST

    A lot of people think it’s boomer-tier cope posting to say that Antifa was present for the demonstration at the Capitol Building lasty Wednesday but it turns out there’s some truth to the claim. An Antifa organizer from Utah named John Sullivan was at the front of the line when the crowd entered the building, […]

  • MAGA’s Joker Moment

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2021 10:41pm EST

    Richard Spencer and Hunter Wallace dissect the Capitol Siege and the ways in which it was like and unlike what happened in Charlottesville. Listen to “MAGA’s Joker Moment” on Spreaker.

  • Ali Alexander Has Been Banned From Twitter

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2021 8:17pm EST

    pic.twitter.com/0Dz7249n2h— Donald Hellscream (@MAGAOrc) November 18, 2020 Ali thought he could control the hillbillies. He was wrong. BTW, I don’t think Trump won the election. I don’t support the Capitol Siege either. At the same time, I loved these images from the event. I love these images too.

  • Capitol Siege Footage

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2021 5:05pm EST

    These people are so screwed. Q is going to be unmasked, arrested and prosecuted for this. This was nothing like Charlottesville. It was a mob of Qtards and Patriots attacking and killing the Capitol Police who shot and killed one of them, not a street fight with Antifa. In Charlottesville, Antifa attacked us and the […]

  • Alex Jones Paid For The MAGA March

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 9th 2021 5:22pm EST

    1/ #CapitolRiots fueled by #AlexJones’ propaganda. Alex Jones paid $500K organize the event, admits he was directed by #Trump to lead the crowd to the Capitol..@FBI Pls Investigate Free Speech System’s & Trump’s communications, donors & pre-election funding of infowars. pic.twitter.com/32AtbHMRrR— Kelly Morales (@RealKellyJones) January 7, 2021 Flashback Nov 5, 2020 Alex Jones instigating, screaming […]

  • Capitol Siege Polls

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 9th 2021 4:34pm EST

    If accurate, this now objectively has less public support than Charlottesville. https://t.co/3bvYAbGdTv— Keith Woods ?? (@KeithWoodsYT) January 9, 2021 TOTAL OPTICS VICTORY. New York Post: “Nearly 1 in 5 Americans back the people who stormed the US Capitol during Wednesday’s fatal riots, a new poll found. Nineteen percent of those surveyed late Wednesday by Ipsos said they support the […]

  • Capitol Police Allowed Some Patriots Into The Capitol

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 9th 2021 3:53pm EST

    Same guy? The one who told baked alaska they were going IN the building!? pic.twitter.com/E0R5e1DnNJ— ??? Ghost of Sherman (@TheF0RCE) January 9, 2021 Capitol Police open the doors to the U.S. Capitol for the protestors. One officer is heard saying, “I disagree with it, but respect it.”pic.twitter.com/rbzZQIBP8V— Disclose.tv ? (@disclosetv) January 8, 2021 Capitol building […]

  • Who Was Ashli Babbitt?

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 9th 2021 12:02pm EST

    TMZ: “Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was shot in the Capitol as she and other Trump supporters stormed into the building, was pumped up after the President’s speech … and posted one last video as she entered the mayhem. Ashli went live on Facebook Wednesday in the moments leading up to the coup attempt in D.C., boasting […]

  • Nick Fuentes Joker Moment

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 9th 2021 1:43am EST

    We did it, fam. We took the U.S. Capitol. We stopped the Electoral College vote. Note: The Joker was insane and went to prison.

  • MAGAcaust: Donald Trump Has Been Suspended From Twitter

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2021 6:33pm EST

    Here we go …

  • MAGA March Arrests Have Begun

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2021 5:00pm EST

    Do you see anyone you recognize? The #FBI is still seeking information to help identify individuals who actively instigated violence on January 6 in Washington, D.C. Visit https://t.co/o9rDVDsk5S to see images from current cases, and submit tips to https://t.co/buMd8vYXzH. pic.twitter.com/R9JqN8TqpP— FBI (@FBI) January 8, 2021 Here’s Mr. Barnett, who goes by “Bigo,” telling the story […]

  • The MAGAcaust

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2021 4:49pm EST

    It’s happening pic.twitter.com/jbXSPlwdsW— ??Huck N(otorious) Buck?? (@HuckNBuck2) January 8, 2021 Sidney Powell Sued by Dominion for $1.3 Billion Over Vote-Fraud Claims https://t.co/vzsIgY2qpl— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 8, 2021 ???FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands […]

  • Vox Day: Trump’s Concession Is a Deep Fake

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2021 12:54pm EST

    He’s the smartest man in the Grift Right. If you disagree with his analysis, you’re a gamma. Note: Seriously, we haven’t even begun to take stock of how hard some people clowned themselves for God Emperor Blumpf and lost all critical thinking skills for a sweet crumb of the Trump grift.

  • Tucker Carlson Dumps Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2021 10:38am EST

    Tucker Carlson deserves credit for not indulging the fraud narrative which was created solely to protect Trump’s brand, to retain control over his cult and the Republican Party and to grift off of his most deluded supporters. Fortunately, it appears that the Donald Trump show is finally over now. Note: Everything that Tucker says about […]

  • Trump Grifters Abandon Ship

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2021 9:37am EST

    To be honest, I’m relieved. I did not look forward to the next four years of watching Trump’s personality cult sop up & waste the inevitable populist backlash to Biden. Cutting his followers loose clears the way for more effective populist leaders to emerge. https://t.co/co3XbcjSCZ— Counter-Currents (@NewRightAmerica) January 8, 2021 This is good. We need […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 591 | Neocons Declare War on MAGA

    Jared Howe - Jan 8th 2021 6:40am EST

    Jeez, it’s a good thing Trump just helped Lindsay Graham win another six year term… Graham says he will spend the next six years hunting down Trump “thousands” of Trump supporters who attended the protest in the Capitol on Wednesday. “Money is no object”, he says. “We’ll give you all the resources and investigators you […]

  • That’s All Folks!

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 7th 2021 8:55pm EST

    pic.twitter.com/csX07ZVWGe— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021 Rolls Credits

  • Trump Condemns The MAGA Marchers, Concedes To Joe Biden, Gives Up

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 7th 2021 7:46pm EST

    pic.twitter.com/csX07ZVWGe— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021 I told you so. There was never any plan. Just an incompetent narcissist who saddled his most delusional supporters with another big fat L on the way out the door. Now the small fries and pawns like YOBA are going to federal prison. Note: YOBA should have […]