• Radio Free Indiana: More White Guilt

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2020 11:57pm EST

    Editor’s Note: The audio on Dlive comes through much clearer than usual. A hundred thousand morons liked this tweet. https://t.co/l50YvO7MOL— The Daily Grifter (@DailyGrifter) December 17, 2020 ? Patriotic Weekly Review – December 16, 2020“There will be no platforms that you will be allowed on to speak about anything White positive . . .”~ No […]

  • Sen. Ron Johnson Objects To Bernie Sanders’ $1,200 Stimulus Checks Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2020 5:52pm EST

    Bernie Sanders went on the Senate floor this afternoon and took another shot at passing a clean bill with nothing but the $1,200 stimulus checks: I am on the floor urging the Senate to provide $1,200 direct payments to all working-class Americans and $500 to their kids.Millions are out of work, hungry, and can’t pay […]

  • Sen. Ron Johnson Objects To Josh Hawley’s $1,200 Stimulus Checks Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2020 12:09pm EST

    #DEVELOPING: Senator Josh Hawley’s unanimous consent motion to move his clean direct aid bill has been objected to and blocked by Republican Senator Ron Johnson. https://t.co/ZWkSkKvKOT— The Columbia Bugle ?? (@ColumbiaBugle) December 18, 2020 We were wondering who would show up on the floor and object to @HawleyMO’s $1,200-checks bill. Iiiiiiiit’s…. @SenRonJohnson!”We all have compassion. […]

  • $600 Stimulus Checks

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2020 11:03am EST

    What’s in: • Stimulus checks in the range of $600 to $700• Expanded unemployment benefits that include a weekly boost of $300 through March• $325 billion in small business relief, including $257 billion for PPPhttps://t.co/h9NO8WG628— POLITICO (@politico) December 17, 2020 It looks like Republicans aren’t going to be doing much introspection at all about why […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 577 | The Goldman Reset

    Jared Howe - Dec 18th 2020 8:42am EST

    Global Reset? More like GOLDMAN Reset, am I right? Adoooooosh! COVID really is the perfect pretext to usher in the “new boss” (same as the old boss) of the global financial order: a “multi-polar” consortium of countries from which and over whom a global banking order will emerge and govern, irrespective of quaint, antiquated notions […]

  • Julius Krein: Why Did Trump Lose the 2020 Election

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 17th 2020 1:44pm EST

    Interesting podcast. I basically agree with Krein. It has been a frustrating four years.

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 576 | The Fraud Happened

    Jared Howe - Dec 17th 2020 7:04am EST

    Welp… someone had to say it. …not that someone hadn’t already, but still. Senator Rand Paul lambasted his colleagues across the aisle yesterday in a scathing rebuke against the apparent eagerness with which they seek to ignore election fraud. “The fraud happened. We can’t just ignore it.” Truer words have scarcely been spoken. The question […]

  • 80 Million Americans Didn’t Vote

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2020 6:13pm EST

    Huey Long announces his plans to run for President under a third party he was building, just a couple months before he was assassinated ? pic.twitter.com/jxanc17DKX— Dictator Sadie Long ??????? (@GoodGirlSadie) December 13, 2020 Me irl every day pic.twitter.com/HvqC1OAeDm— Dictator Sadie Long ??????? (@GoodGirlSadie) December 15, 2020 Me irl every day pic.twitter.com/tMTrpjDOtG— Dictator Sadie Long […]

  • Texas Monthly: Gladden Pappin Wants to Make Conservatism Great Again

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2020 4:22pm EST

    Thanks to @dan_oppenheimer for writing this profile, published today @TexasMonthly!“The University of Dallas professor is urging Republicans to build a post-Trump, big-tent, big-spending party that’s economically populist and socially conservative” https://t.co/gBgk7Gjv1i— Gladden Pappin (@gjpappin) December 16, 2020 This is also a nice thought. The Oren Cass/Julius Krein/Michael Lind wing of the GOP which wants to […]

  • Prospect: Can Biden Govern As a Progressive Populist?

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2020 2:00pm EST

    I highly doubt it. It would certainly be nice though. I’m keeping an open mind. We will see how it goes. Prospect: “Trump and the Tea Partiers before him made gains with ordinary Americans because a corporatized Democratic Party stopped delivering for them. This was especially true in rural and small metro areas that were […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 575 | Operation Snow Globe

    Jared Howe - Dec 16th 2020 6:56am EST

    Since election rigging is already at the forefront of everyone’s minds, it’s probably worth mentioning that former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne just went on the record to state that he bribed Hillary Clinton on behalf of the FBI to the tune of 20 million dollars back in 2016 so that an Obama proxy could control […]

  • Libtards Victorious

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 15th 2020 7:34pm EST

    We’ve been ready to move on from it for three years. Listen to “Libtards Victorious” on Spreaker.

  • Jacobin: Republicans and Industrial Policy After Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 15th 2020 2:58pm EST

    It didn’t come as a surprise to White populists when Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. I predicted the outcome and gave the following reasons on this website well over a year ago: Donald Trump Loses The 2020 Election “If I had to bet on the outcome of the 2020 election, I would predict that […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 574 | My Mailbag Runneth Over

    Jared Howe - Dec 15th 2020 9:45am EST

    The only thing more out of control than the 24-hour news cycle is the degree to which I’ve neglected my listener mailbag. This injustice will not stand another day. Topics include: Workplace retaliation, gangstalking, Sidney Powell being a time traveling psychic, alternative social media platforms, Andrew Anglin, Stop the Steal rallies, presidential pardons, and more! […]

  • Joe Biden Wins Electoral College

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2020 7:47pm EST

    It is over. Joe Biden has been elected president. USA Today: “WASHINGTON – The Electoral College elected Joe Biden as the next president Monday, formalizing the former Democratic vice president’s win in the Nov. 3 election as President Donald Trump continues a long-shot effort to try to overturn the outcome.  Around 5:30 p.m. EST, California’s 55 electors cast their ballots to […]

  • Joe Biden Wins Electoral College

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2020 7:47pm EST

    It is over. Joe Biden has been elected president. USA Today: “WASHINGTON – The Electoral College elected Joe Biden as the next president Monday, formalizing the former Democratic vice president’s win in the Nov. 3 election as President Donald Trump continues a long-shot effort to try to overturn the outcome.  Around 5:30 p.m. EST, California’s 55 electors cast their ballots to […]

  • TAC: What Happened

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2020 1:21pm EST

    LISTEN HERE. Along with Eric Striker, I keep tabs on the TAC podcast, particularly when populist issues are discussed. In this episode, Arthur Bloom, Oren Cass, Rachel Bovard and Ross Douthat discuss what went wrong with the Trump presidency or basically how it lost its populist veneer. SPOILER: what went wrong is that populist voters […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 573 | Obama Era Terror List Policy Used to Protect Antifa

    Jared Howe - Dec 14th 2020 8:40am EST

    Would it surprise you to learn that the FBI and DHS use a terror database that classifies the 9/11 hijackers as white, non-Hispanic Caucasians? Would it surprise you to find that this same database is used to blame Antifa and BLM terror attacks on white nationalists? Under former President Barry Soetoro, The Terrorism and Extremist […]

  • Nick Fuentes: Stop The Steal Is Largely Run By Grifters

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2020 7:49pm EST

    H/T Autismo I agree with Nick Fuentes. Is he referring to Ali Alexander? Back in 2016, Ali was trying to steal the delegates for Ted Cruz. Nick is lucky that he wasn’t allowed on stage with the rest of the cranks and grifters at the Jericho March. It struck me as less of a Trump […]

  • The Working Class Party Myth

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2020 5:53pm EST

    There were a lot of surprises in 2020, but I’d put the vastly reduced salience of immigration in this election v. ’18 and ’20 on the list. Immigration wasn’t even mentioned in the first debate, and the exit poll didn’t bother to ask about it, either— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) December 13, 2020 George Hawley and […]

  • Kelly Loeffler Disavows Chester Doles

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2020 2:58pm EST

    they don’t like being told that their vote isn’t wanted pic.twitter.com/FC0qZGbVdb— Racist Paperclip (@RacistClip) November 6, 2020 As if any further evidence were needed after the Trump administration, there is “no place” in the GOP for anyone who has a history of being explicitly involved in pro-White politics. White identity is forbidden and every other […]

  • The Jericho March

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2020 7:31pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Rod Dreher live tweeted the whole event. There’s some large guy onstage at the DC rally named “Shofar So Great” (https://t.co/rB4DIPCf1r) claiming to be an Orthodox Jew who says his rabbi in Israel gave him permission to break Shabbat to support Donald Trump and blow the shofar […]

  • MAGA March Gathers In DC

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2020 5:54pm EST

    I have no interest in this stuff. I now dismiss it as political theater or performance art politics. President Trump flys over the D.C. protests on Marine 1.pic.twitter.com/5jfausmxae— Disclose.tv ? (@disclosetv) December 12, 2020 Proud Boys in kilts. Dozens of them gathering downtown now for today’s March for Trump. pic.twitter.com/BTJWmGC6Yp— Hannah Allam (@HannahAllam) December 12, […]

  • Seven Years of College … Down The Drain

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2020 1:59pm EST

    Now listening. “Seven Years of College . . . Down The Drain”How to save Higher Ed, and reinstitute paternalism, with @jollyheretic https://t.co/9VLiTjHyBl— Richard?Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) December 11, 2020

  • Col. Allen West Calls On Texas To Secede From The Union

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 11th 2020 10:31pm EST

    #NEW: Texas GOP chair Allen West suggests “law-abiding states” should “form a Union” after Supreme Court rejects lawsuit on election results https://t.co/wWejq2kMTZ— CBSDFW (@CBSDFW) December 12, 2020 Allen West floats secession after Supreme Court rejects Texas election challenge https://t.co/I5WnzZkQod pic.twitter.com/xFWENVX3Sx— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) December 12, 2020 Better than being in a People’s Republic of […]