• The Conservative Case Against Cucking On Race

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 3rd 2020 10:27pm EST

    Check this out. We’re looking at issues voters actually care about. Voter Study Group: What issues are “very important” to the Right? 0.6% of young conservatives and 2.6% of older conservatives rank gay rights as a “very important issue.” It is one of the least important issues by issue preference for both groups. 8.2% of […]

  • The Conservative Case Against Cucking On Race and Homosexuality

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 3rd 2020 10:27pm EST

    Check this out. We’re looking at issues voters actually care about. Voter Study Group: What issues are “very important” to the Right? 0.6% of young conservatives and 2.6% of older conservatives rank gay rights as a “very important issue.” It is one of the least important issues by issue preference for both groups. 8.2% of […]

  • Placing Priority

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 3rd 2020 2:40pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. In this article, we are going to compare and contrast Market Skeptic Republicans with the two other Democratic-leaning groups in the Center of the electorate, the Devout and Diverse and Disaffected Democrats.

  • Top 12 Chump Arguments

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 3rd 2020 11:59am EST

    2/3rds of House GOP members voted in favour of the bill Mike Lee amended today (including ALL R reps from my state). All of them MUST GO and have BETRAYED this country, its people, its workers, and its heritage!https://t.co/SSHZ1Aqxam— K. Alexander Adams (@KAlexanderAdams) December 3, 2020 1. If you don’t vote for the GOP, you […]

  • Sen. Mike Lee’s Visa Giveaway Passes Senate By Unanimous Consent

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 2nd 2020 9:04pm EST

    Less than one month after voting straight R on the basis of immigration … Breaking: Sen. Mike Lee has passed HR1044 w/Lee Amendments without any objections. pic.twitter.com/QchrXPicNp— U.S. Tech Workers (@USTechWorkers) December 2, 2020 ??? https://t.co/airNPodnbC— Brad Polumbo ???? ???? (@brad_polumbo) December 3, 2020 The Republican-controlled Senate just passed a bill that would give Indians […]

  • Does The GOP Need To Control The Senate?

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 2nd 2020 5:36pm EST

    New – Jim Inhofe, chairman of Senate Armed Services, told me he plans to move ahead with a defense authorization bill — and it will NOT include provisions to repeal protections for social media companies, defying Trump’s veto threat.Inhofe said he has relayed that to Trump— Manu Raju (@mkraju) December 2, 2020 Inhofe also told […]

  • Zombie Reaganism Is Alive and Well

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 2nd 2020 3:38pm EST

    If Donald Trump had succeeded in moving the ball on nationalist and populist issues, we wouldn’t have been so bitterly disappointed with his presidency. Instead, he sold out to the Republican donor class and continued Zombie Reaganism, which he had been given a mandate to break with. National Review: “Since the Trump revolution, there has […]

  • Ryan Girdusky: Why GOP Voters Should Care About Winning Georgia Senate Races

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 2nd 2020 2:53pm EST

    I’m torn on the issue. I legitimately haven’t made up my mind. I’m cross-pressured. On the one hand, Lindsey Graham is vowing there will be a return to the Tea Party era if Republicans retain control of the Senate. Lindsey Graham and three other Republican senators who were just reelected – Tillis, Collins and Cornyn […]

  • Betsy DeVos Slams Socialist Takeover of Higher Education

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 2nd 2020 10:06am EST

    It is an icy cold morning. I’m in an icy cold mood again. The Hill: “Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos knocked the push for free college as a “socialist takeover of higher education” during an online conference Tuesday. DeVos criticized the push during the Federal Student Aid office’s virtual conference, cautioning that a free college program would […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 568 | Manufacturing Consent

    Jared Howe - Dec 2nd 2020 6:59am EST

    If you’ve ever suspected or needed that the mainstream media is coordinating its coverage and talking points in a less than fair or unbiased manner, Project Veritas wants you to know that your suspicions were correct. Leaked tapes from CNN have revealed the degree to which CNN is actively trying to delegitimize Trump and the […]

  • Brad Parscale: Trump Lost Because Of COVID

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 1st 2020 11:01pm EST

    I definitely think COVID was a big part of it. I loudly said so at the time. I took an enormous amount of shit for saying that it is “just the flu” and “let it rip” was a fatal mistake. The descent of the Right into Alex Jones-tier conspiracy theories and crankish, do nothing libertarianism […]

  • AG William Barr: No Evidence of Voter Fraud That Would Overturn The Election

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 1st 2020 4:09pm EST

    Trust the plan. The plan was to fire Jeff Sessions, replace him with William Barr, lose the 2020 election and release the Durham Report in 2021.

  • Blue Virginia: We Win “Populism” Or We Lose Everything

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 1st 2020 3:03pm EST

    I basically agree. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he was pulled too far to the Right on economics and health by conservatives and Republicans. Independent voters fired him. Blue Virginia: “Honestly, Donald Trump could have come out and said he wanted to nationalize the means of production to protect the proletariat from the […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 567 | 300 Thousand Fake Votes

    Jared Howe - Dec 1st 2020 6:48am EST

    They thought they were clever. They thought they were sly. They thought no one was smart enough to figure out their scheme. They hadn’t counted on the weaponized autism of math genius and financial manager Bobby Piton. Piton testified in Arizona yesterday that three hundred thousand fake votes were produced in just one state alone, […]

  • Illusion Radio: The Dead End

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 1st 2020 12:54am EST

    And the next 2 hours of drunken ramblings by Doc @douchecc guest staring @MisterBlackPill and @eugene_pnf with myself chiming in at random. This was my first time getting to chime in on his podcast and it was a blast. Go listen!! https://t.co/mHyQSOlmkr— Lady_Mouse (@ElitistMouse) December 1, 2020 Did you know Twitter socialists think Santa is […]

  • Ethnocentric Whites Have No Place In The Republican Party

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 30th 2020 2:24pm EST

    they don’t like being told that their vote isn’t wanted pic.twitter.com/FC0qZGbVdb— Racist Paperclip (@RacistClip) November 6, 2020 I heard what she said. The GOP is the party of based blacks and the Platinum Plan. Ethnocentric Whites have no place in the Republican Party. The GOP did not want our support in the 2020 election. So, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 566 | Break a Leg

    Jared Howe - Nov 30th 2020 6:50am EST

    Biden has been hurting for a good excuse not to make public appearances, no pun intended. His legion of handlers in the media reports that Biden has sustained hairline fractures in his leg following incident where he was rough housing a little too hard with his dog. Suuuuure he did… At least now he won’t […]

  • Health Care and UBI

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 30th 2020 12:10am EST

    Where is the Center on health care and Universal Basic Income? Pew Research Center: 34% of Republicans and Republican leaning Indies believe that government has a responsibility to ensure Americans have health care coverage. Pew Research Center: 16% of White Republicans and Republican leaning Indies support UBI. 66% of Democrats and Democrat leaning Indies support […]

  • Grift Right Rallies In Phoenix

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 29th 2020 2:10pm EST

    A chance encounter! pic.twitter.com/DMMFUMzylj— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) November 27, 2020 BAKED, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/VcG3jluPqw— ?? ?????????? (@SouthPoleRJ) November 28, 2020 Very interesting exchange between this coke fiend on the left and transgender person to the right. pic.twitter.com/IqJ4nXrNLx— The Daily Grifter (@DailyGrifter) November 29, 2020 Nick on Dlive keeps taking credit for the “huge victory” he’s […]

  • The GOP’s Populist Problem

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 29th 2020 2:11am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. This is why Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. Voter Study Group: Liberal (44.6 percent): Lower left, liberal on both economic and identity issues Populist (28.9 percent): Upper left, liberal on economic issues, conservative on identity issues Conservative (22.7 percent): Upper right, conservative on both economic […]

  • Strategem Of War – The Art Of Lawfare

    Tommy Robinson - Nov 28th 2020 7:03pm EST

    Tommy Robinson is without question, one of the most, if not the most persecuted person in the UK. Strategem Of War – The Art Of Lawfare ***If you want to DONATE and help Tommy fight LAWFARE please scroll down to the bottom of this article*** #StopTheLawfare Ever since Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) started […]

  • Opposing Forces

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 28th 2020 5:52pm EST

    This is fascinating. In 2019, it was already clear that Trump was losing the Hard-Pressed Skeptics whose shift toward the GOP won him the presidency. Voter Study Group: “About a quarter of the electorate are “cross pressured” on economics and immigration — aligning with Democrats on one issue and Republicans on the other. The number […]

  • Poll: 60% Support Cancelling $50,000 of Student Loan Debt

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 28th 2020 4:00pm EST

    BAKED, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/VcG3jluPqw— ?? ?????????? (@SouthPoleRJ) November 28, 2020 After four years of MIGA, I now have a dimmer view of rightwing populism. I now think of it as a circus with various grifter sideshow acts like Infowars and Baked Alaska surrounding Donald Trump’s personality cult. Trump is delivering MIGA, corporate tax cuts and the […]

  • The Long MAGA

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 27th 2020 7:09pm EST

    .@MisterBlackPill joins me to discuss the election of 2020, Trumpism without Trump, and the long trajectory of “right-wing populism.”https://t.co/05V56kPYks— Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) November 27, 2020 If you weren’t receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in super chats and massive, anonymous Bitcoin donations from untraceable sources, you might be left feeling a bit high and […]

  • Politico: Blame Game Erupts Over Trump’s Decline In Youth Vote

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 27th 2020 3:52pm EST

    A chance encounter! pic.twitter.com/DMMFUMzylj— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) November 27, 2020 I was going to say something witty but just look at how quickly he got in that car!— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) November 27, 2020 People with postgraduate degrees in the fine arts are not working class. 37% of student loan debt is held […]