• MIGA: Israeli Goods Will No Longer Be Labeled “Made In West Bank”

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 19th 2020 5:35pm EST

    How much winning can MIGA squeeze out of their lame duck president? They’ve only got two months left to push through their agenda before Joe Biden’s inauguration. US to formally declare BDS anti-Semitic, Pompeo says, announcing crackdown https://t.co/1oYjX89dK1— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) November 19, 2020 Republican senators urge Trump to label West Bank goods […]

  • Trump Won The Tejano Vote In Texas

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 19th 2020 1:35pm EST

    “Hispanics” is a misleading racial category. Tejanos have always lived in Texas. They voted for Trump. Politico: “ZAPATA, Texas — Of all the results from the November 3 election, few drew as much attention from national political observers as what happened in a quiet county on the banks of the Rio Grande. Donald Trump became […]

  • National Review: Don’t Forgive Student Debt

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 19th 2020 10:54am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Blumpf has been fired. It was White Independent and Moderate voters who fired him in every swing state. I’ve been arguing that financially strapped, rightwing White male Independent voters weren’t motivated to vote for him in 2020. They came out in force for him in the Center […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 559 | Normies Start Rejecting CRT

    Jared Howe - Nov 19th 2020 6:40am EST

    Megyn Kelly has never been the most “based” or “red pilled” commentator on the planet. She didn’t support Trump in 2016, she DID support both the Iraq and Afghanistan war, and most people generally view her as a Neocon who sides with the left more frequently than she sides with the right. She apparently has […]

  • Political Typology Quiz

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 18th 2020 10:22pm EST

    CLICK HERE. Where are you in the American electorate? It might be helpful to get an idea of my audience!

  • Ricky Rebel: MAGA YMCA In DC

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 18th 2020 7:31pm EST

    I know some of you find this hard to believe. From my perspective, Donald Trump was offering the Platinum Plan to blacks, tax cuts for billionaires and Wall Street and Ricky Rebel dancing to MAGA YMCA while Ric Grenell waged a global crusade to promote homosexuality across the world. Joe Biden, however, was offering to […]

  • NY Times: ‘The Far Left Is the Republicans’ Finest Asset’

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 18th 2020 4:35pm EST

    I agree. The GOP has nothing going for them except the Far Left. As a disaffected moderate Trump voter, the possibility of voting for Joe Biden or a Democratic Senate candidate never once crossed my mind. A lost vote for Donald Trump isn’t necessarily a vote that flips to Joe Biden. New York Times: “The […]

  • Avoid The Dissident Right

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 18th 2020 12:33pm EST

    I finally understand these people. Allow me to explain why I disagree with them. If you look at the political science on who is actually pro-White in America, it is negatively correlated with income and financial stability. There are pro-White Democrats, Independents and Republicans because the “White positive sphere” is closer to the Center of […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 558 | I Concede Nothing

    Jared Howe - Nov 18th 2020 6:51am EST

    If Trump isn’t going to give up or overdose on pessimism and black pills, we shouldn’t either. Prominent advisers to the President are staking their lives, careers, and reputations on the claim that they have irrefutable proof of electoral fraud, and I’m inclined to believe them given that fraud has already been evidenced en masse […]

  • Mike Enoch: The Way Forward

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 17th 2020 11:18pm EST

    Editor’s Note: Click through to watch Mike Peinovich’s speech. As we enter the post-Donald Trump era, the National Justice Party has been holding meetups and working on its platform. I haven’t been involved in the party, but it looks to me like a vehicle for Market Skeptic Republicans who aren’t satisfied with what they are […]

  • Donald Trump’s Left Flank Collapsed

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 17th 2020 9:21pm EST

    In the last article, we saw how Donald Trump got creamed in the 2020 election in the Center with Independent voters. Who is over here on the left flank of the GOP? For the past 30 years, the group of voters that is adjacent to the GOP in the Center of the electorate have been […]

  • Donald Trump Was Fired By White America

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 17th 2020 4:59pm EST

    Joe Biden is now President-Elect of the United States. How did Sleepy Joe pull off such an amazing result in the electoral college when the “Coalition of the Ascendant” sputtered on him and shifted toward Blumpf in 2020? In 2020, Donald Trump was +4 in Based Blacks. In 2020, Donald Trump was +3 with Hispanics […]

  • Why Georgia Shifted Blue

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 17th 2020 8:57am EST

    In the Full Haus podcast, we debated the mystery of what caused the decline in the White vote for Trump in the exit polls. Was it White Independent voters in the suburbs making less than $100,000 a year sitting out the election or flipping to Joe Biden or was it affluent, college educated Republican voters […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 557 | Release the Kraken

    Jared Howe - Nov 17th 2020 6:44am EST

    What do Smartmatic and Dominion have in common? They’re literally the same company! Turns out that they have a long and sordid past of helping to rig elections all over the world. Some might even say they’re a front for CIA color revolution operations. . I reported yesterday that Dominion’s VP of Engineering for North […]

  • Market Skeptic Republicans

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 16th 2020 10:11pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. In previous articles, I have explained how there was this group of White Independent voters in the Center who were social conservatives and economic populists who for thirty years were labeled the “Embittered” or “Disaffected” swath of the electorate by the Pew Research Center. These people were […]

  • MIGA: Donald Trump Sought Options For Attacking Iran Last Week

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 16th 2020 9:27pm EST

    I figured this was coming. I discussed it at length on a podcast with Richard Spencer before the election. Donald Trump and Jared Kushner had been lining up all their Sunni allies with Israel in the Middle East in preparation for an attack on Iran in his second term which was foiled by losing the […]

  • Donald Trump Considers Afghanistan and Iraq Troop Withdrawals

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 16th 2020 8:26pm EST

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a sharply worded warning on the floor of the Senate against plans being drafted by the Trump administration to withdraw forces from Afghanistan, comparing a rapid pull out to “the humiliating American departure from Saigon in 1975”— Lindsay Wise (@lindsaywise) November 16, 2020 MCCONNELL on Senate floor: “A rapid […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 556 | Coomers for Biden

    Jared Howe - Nov 16th 2020 3:50pm EST

    Sometimes the jokes just write themselves. It turns out that Dominion’s Vice President for Engineering in the United States is an Antifa member called Eric Coomer. The Gateway Pundit and Michelle Malkin are reporting on a whistleblower who claims to have infiltrated Antifa, and that he participated in conference calls where Coomer tells his fellow […]

  • Joe Biden Plans Student Loan Forgiveness Executive Order

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 16th 2020 3:20pm EST

    https://t.co/ldCROjmM9r pic.twitter.com/0jhDPuOs7U— Blompf News (Shadow President) (@blompf2020) November 16, 2020 >lowest black law and order >platinum plan>no second stimulus >unconditional support for israel>small businesses going under >no wall (reinforced fence doesnt count) >no end to daca >legal immigration Fraud occurred. But not enough to make a difference. https://t.co/QSTkp6Q69n— BORJO2024 (5%) (@BloorisJohn) November 16, 2020 It […]

  • The Alt-Center

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 16th 2020 9:44am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. What now? Where do we go from here? I keep hearing that question asked in the comments. In order to answer that question, I will say we need to look back on the last ten years. It explains what happened over the course of the Trump presidency […]

  • Trump Announces He Won The Election

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 16th 2020 1:16am EST

    I WON THE ELECTION!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020 My sides.

  • The Million MIGA March Was a MASSIVE VICTORY for American Nationalism

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 15th 2020 9:20pm EST

    LIVE in DC: Man marches with massive flagpole flying US and Israeli flags.@mattmiller757 reporting for The Post Millennial. pic.twitter.com/i2jB5Trw2O— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 14, 2020 Big tech censoring the #StopTheSteaI Rally in DC by cutting off WIFI in order to stop our ability to go live and post. #MillionMAGAMarch @mrmayfieldusa pic.twitter.com/slpzjFIeLo— Ricky Rebel (@RickyRebelRocks) […]

  • David Shor’s 2020 Postmorten

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 15th 2020 4:57pm EST

    David Shor is a data scientist was run out of the Democratic Party earlier this year during the George Floyd protests for having the audacity to suggest that violent protests were hurting the Democrats. NY Mag: “I think it’s important for us to be clear-eyed about what happened in 2020. We’re not going to know […]

  • Zion Don Lost The Far Right Vote

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 15th 2020 11:41am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. How do you explain this puzzling result? How did Donald Trump overperform his 2016 coalition with conservatives and Republicans, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, based blacks, Hispanics, LGBTs, women and the upper middle class and end up losing the election by 74 electoral college votes in the swing states […]

  • The Million MAGA March

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 14th 2020 3:50pm EST

    Big tech censoring the #StopTheSteaI Rally in DC by cutting off WIFI in order to stop our ability to go live and post. #MillionMAGAMarch @mrmayfieldusa pic.twitter.com/slpzjFIeLo— Ricky Rebel (@RickyRebelRocks) November 14, 2020 People are not going to stand for having this Election stolen from them by a privately owned Radical Left company, Dominion, and many […]