• 2020 Autopsy: The Suburbs

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 14th 2020 11:38am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. The Million MAGA March is currently going on in Washington, DC. Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Nick Fuentes and other Grift Right civnat types are there. It was fraud. The election was stolen from them. The Daily Republican has done a complete 180 and has been […]

  • Full Haus: What Happened In The 2020 Election

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 14th 2020 12:02am EST

    The relative number of self-described “moderates” who voted for Trump declined by 6% compared to 2016. Conversely, Biden improved upon Hillary by 12% among “moderates.” Trump’s perceived distance from the GOP had been an electoral asset, but over four years that largely vanished— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) November 14, 2020 What happened in the 2020 election? […]

  • Lil Pump Didn’t Vote For Donald Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 13th 2020 11:36pm EST

    These are the optics you needed to be a VIP in Trump’s 2020 campaign. The 2020 campaign was premised on Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon’s fantasy of winning legions of based blacks and based Hispanics over to civnat cuckservative populism. We now know from sources inside the Trump campaign that Jared Kushner and his team […]

  • Forgotten Again

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 13th 2020 8:22pm EST

    Pedro Gonzalez is correct. American Greatness: “Neglected by Republicans and Democrats alike, vilified by the culture, and preyed upon by globalization, white working-class voters in 2016 cast their lot with the one candidate in a generation who remembered them, and thus became Donald Trump’s base—a constellation of blue, white, and pink collar laborers. This spark […]

  • The 2020 Campaign Strategy

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 13th 2020 4:36pm EST

    By all accounts, Jared Kushner was the political genius in charge of Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign and he deserves the most credit for creating this map: Georgia has been called for Joe Biden. North Carolina has been called for Donald Trump. Donald Trump who won the 2016 election with 306 electoral votes by a narrow […]

  • Why Donald Trump Lost The 2020 Election

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 13th 2020 12:35pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. I outlined my theory last night on Full Haus. It was White men who elected Donald Trump in the first place by rejecting Hillary Clinton in a landslide in 2016. It was a peculiar kind of White man who did it though. In the 2016 election, Blumpf […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 555 | Neocons Back the Biden Coup

    Jared Howe - Nov 13th 2020 6:36am EST

    The George W. Bush B-Team is out in force to support the farce that Pedo Joe is somehow pReSiDeNt eLeCt (he’s not.) Karl Rove and John Bolton have made it their personal mission to bullycide the President into “conceding gracefully”, but neither of them seem to realize that they scarcely have the relevance of Jeb […]

  • 2020 Autopsy: Sunbelt Upper Middle Class

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 12th 2020 7:16pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Georgia +$100,000 Voters (32% of electorate) – 53% Biden, 46% Trump +$100,000 Voters (32% of electorate) – 56% Trump, 42% Hillary In Georgia, the upper middle class size of the electorate was static. It swung dramatically to Joe Biden. Trump won it by 14 points in 2016. […]

  • Blue Collar Whexit

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 12th 2020 6:37pm EST

    Little Marco 15.0, activated https://t.co/V5wReqXTfx— Hunter Wallace 5% (@MisterBlackPill) November 12, 2020 I’m seeing a lot of happy talk about how the GOP is now the party of multiracial, multiethnic working class. Marco Rubio has embraced this line. Oh really? American Greatness: “For the first time, millions of voters—many who had never voted before—saw the […]

  • Trumpism: A Post-Mortem

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 12th 2020 2:31pm EST

    This is a good summary National Review: “Depending on your point of view, Donald Trump’s presidency either promised or threatened to be a hostile takeover of the Republican Party by the ghost of Pat Buchanan. Although he often hedged in other directions, the thrust of Donald Trump’s critique of previous Republican orthodoxy focused on trade, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 554 | Hit Them Where it Hurts

    Jared Howe - Nov 12th 2020 6:46am EST

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant, as the old saying goes. Nothing scares the permanent Washington establishment more than the prospect of having their secrets laid bare before the public — save perhaps the prospect of ending the permanent global warfare they’ve been waging in our name for the last several decades. With 70 days left […]

  • We Reversed The Realignment

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 12th 2020 2:29am EST

    Jonathon van Maren is living in a fantasy world. The 2016 election was a realignment election … because of us. The 2020 election, however, reversed that realignment … once again, because of us. The math of based blacks in MAGA hats fizzled. Donald Trump plummeted from winning 306 electoral votes to 217 electoral votes. Bro, […]

  • 2020 Autopsy: Nevada

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 10:46pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress.

  • Donald Trump’s 2020 Campaign Was a Disaster

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 9:57pm EST

    We all knew it was a disaster. Washington Post: “While Trump won over independents by four points nationally in 2016 against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Biden saw one of his largest pickups among that group — winning a 54 percent majority of independents, a 12-point rise from Clinton’s 42 percent showing in 2016. The pattern […]

  • We Fired Donald Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 6:44pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election. Donald Trump won more women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Muslims, LGBTs and so on. He cucked and forgot about the people who elected him in the first place. He paid the price with White […]

  • Blumpf Got Killed With Rightwing Indies

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 4:28pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Something really bad happened here on November 3. Ohio Independents – 52% Biden, 46% Trump North Carolina Independents – 49% Biden, 44% Trump Wisconsin Independents – 55% Biden, 41% Trump Michigan Independents – 51% Biden, 43% Trump Pennsylvania Independents – 51% Biden, 43% Trump Minnesota Independents – 54% Biden, 41% Trump Maine […]

  • Blumpf Got Killed With Rightwing Indies

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 4:28pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Something really bad happened here on November 3. Ohio Independents – 52% Biden, 46% Trump North Carolina Independents – 49% Biden, 44% Trump Wisconsin Independents – 55% Biden, 41% Trump Michigan Independents – 51% Biden, 43% Trump Pennsylvania Independents – 51% Biden, 43% Trump Minnesota Independents – 54% Biden, 41% Trump Maine […]

  • Ryan Girdusky: Why Trump’s Identity Politics Gambit Failed

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 2:31pm EST

    Nick at Stop the Steal in Michigan pic.twitter.com/qf504ejKU9— ZC (refollow) (@LoyalZoomer) November 11, 2020 Ryan Girdusky is correct. The problem is clearly White men. It is both college educated and White working class men. It is Indies and Moderates. Trump’s weakness with these groups is why he has lost the 2020 election. He performed significantly […]

  • First Things: The Future of Conservative Populism

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 11th 2020 12:57pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Check out this cope. We won a big moral victory for National Conservatism by losing the election. First Things: “Amid the tumult of Election Night turned Election Week 2020, two United States senators made a striking and politically revolutionary claim: The Republican party will become a multiethnic, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 553 | Banana Republic

    Jared Howe - Nov 11th 2020 6:42am EST

    If the 2020 American election had happened in any other country, the American government would invade it. Blocking poll observers, censoring dissidents, ballot harvesting, erratic vote counts, and media rallying behind one candidate is all on the list of shit that the U.S. State Department would sanction you for. The media would gleefully emphasize these […]

  • The Failer Strategy

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 10th 2020 8:00pm EST

    Steve Sailer is correct. Just look at the numbers. It is a train wreck with White men. Takimag: “I’m letting black superpredators out of prison.” That’s the takeaway from that debate exchange. To whatever extent it won over “soft on crime” liberals (it didn’t), and to whatever extent it won over average American blacks (it […]

  • 2020 Autopsy: Arizona and Georgia

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 10th 2020 1:49pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. To recap: The White vote shifted against Blumpf in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. He won Red States like Iowa and North Dakota by a smaller margin than in 2016. Trump’s margin eroded and he lost decisively in the Purple States like Minnesota, Maine and New Hampshire. Everywhere […]

  • Facebook Shuts Down Steve Bannon’s “Stop The Steal Grift

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 10th 2020 12:07pm EST

    F**k this guy. F**k his fake populism too. The Washington Post: “Facebook took down a widespread network of pages tied to President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon for pushing misinformation about voter fraud and delegitimizing election results. Bannon’s page also incurred penalties, including not being allowed to post content, but was not removed […]

  • The Plan

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 10th 2020 11:15am EST

    I keep seeing this question in the comments. What’s your plan for our people? I can only speak for myself. I refuse to go along with this idea that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are entitled to my support. They don’t have to represent me or do anything for me. Supposedly, the GOP is […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 552 | Fox Commits Seppuku

    Jared Howe - Nov 10th 2020 6:39am EST

    For all the complaining shitlibs do about Fox News, the network is functionally interchangeable with CNN, Tucker Carlson excepted. In the wake of Pedo Joe’s electoral fraud, Fox and the Murdochs who own it have committed themselves wholly to the task of helping Biden steal the election. How are their viewers taking it? Not so […]