• Donald Trump’s Populist Slide In New England

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 5th 2020 2:07pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Do you see this map? This is why Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. Lets take a look at New England. Maine and New Hampshire were called early for Joe Biden in 2016. These early calls were an early sign that Blumpf was in trouble. He […]

  • Is There Voter Fraud?

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 5th 2020 10:33am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Instead, I chose to grill out, drink a few beers with some friends and follow the election on Twitter. This seems to have confused some readers who for some reason have the mistaken impression that I don’t […]

  • Professor David Miles CBE – Extraordinarily Costly: Why Lockdown 2.0 Could Plunge UK Into Double Dip Recession

    London Real - Nov 5th 2020 8:30am EST

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>Professor David Miles CBE</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> Extraordinarily Costly: Why Lockdown 2.0 Could Plunge UK Into Double Dip Recession appeared first on London Real.

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 549 | The Steal is On

    Jared Howe - Nov 5th 2020 6:28am EST

    If you can’t beat em’, cheat em’! This appears to be the modus operandi of the seven-headed hydra known as the permanent Washington establishment. All of its various tentacles and proxies are united in one single cause: Remove Trump from office by any means necessary. This is as true now as it was three years […]

  • Joe Biden Wins Wisconsin and Michigan

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 4th 2020 10:11pm EST

    ELECTION RESULTS: President Trump receives GOP’s highest percentage of non-white vote since 1960 https://t.co/yyTzdBgnjz pic.twitter.com/wjNAMLE7lG— Newsmax (@newsmax) November 4, 2020 I told you so. I literally told you every single day on this website for four years that Donald Trump was losing the White male moderate, populist and nationalist swing voters who lean Democratic or […]

  • Election 2020 Fallout

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 4th 2020 4:38pm EST

    This is so personally devastating to me: the black male vote for Trump INCREASED from 13% in 2016 to 18% this year. The black female vote for Trump doubled from 4% in 2016 to 8% this year. pic.twitter.com/PvIM26Pz19— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) November 4, 2020 Also, once again, exit polls show a majority of white […]

  • Donald Trump Took White Men For Granted and Paid The Price

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 4th 2020 3:06pm EST

    In 2016, blacks cost Hillary Clinton the presidency. In 2020, it looks like White men will cost Donald Trump the election. He outperformed his 2016 vote totals with every other group. He lost his 2016 margin with White men. Note: Just yesterday, Greg Johnson wrote an article at Counter-Currents about how the wignat vote was […]

  • What Happened?

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 4th 2020 1:27pm EST

    Here is what I remember seeing last night: #1. In Georgia, a water pipe busted or something and Fulton County had to quit counting votes until this morning. Amazing how that just happens. #2. In Virginia, 100,000 votes were accidentally tallied for Joe Biden. Whoops! #3. In Arizona, FOX called the state for Joe Biden, […]

  • The Morning After

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 4th 2020 10:46am EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Open thread.

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 548 | Indecision 2020

    Jared Howe - Nov 4th 2020 6:41am EST

    It’s the day after election day and we still don’t know who won the presidential race. Shock my imagine. This is pretty much exactly what we expected. And while we don’t yet know who the president will be for the next four years, we do know the outcome of many other races. We also know […]

  • Vote For Trump – Destroy The Globalist Agenda!

    Tommy Robinson - Nov 3rd 2020 10:18am EST

    Today our American cousins go out to polling stations to cast their votes. Vote For Trump – Destroy The Globalist Agenda! A Vote For Freedom During the 2016 presidential election, just about every pollster, every media outlet and big tech tyrant tried to turn Americans away from voting for Donald J Trump by exerting their […]

  • Live Thread: 2020 Presidential Election

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 3rd 2020 8:35am EST

    We are closely monitoring the 2020 election. Will our Favorite President be reelected? Will we even know the result tonight? Will the country spiral into an abyss of violence after crossing the point of no return? The only thing we know for certain is that one side is going to lose their shit after losing […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 547 | The Moment of Truth

    Jared Howe - Nov 3rd 2020 6:32am EST

    It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for. Polls are set to open on the east coast in less than two hours, and Antifa is already promising to riot in the streets REGARDLESS of the election’s outcome. In fact, they’ve been promising to do so for weeks, and they aren’t afraid to admit it. They’ve […]

  • Speakers Corner – Predictable Media Reports Ad Nauseam

    Tommy Robinson - Nov 2nd 2020 2:21pm EST

    Tommy Robinson -real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, far-right, former EDL leader. Speakers Corner – Predictable Media Reports Ad Nauseam. Predictable Propaganda So its the day after Tommy was unceremoniously and unjustly arrested at speakers corner by the met police force as he was leaving the area. Tommy only went to speakers corner to wish Hatun Tash […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 546 | The Trump Train

    Jared Howe - Nov 2nd 2020 6:23am EST

    If a Democrat’s mouth is moving, they’re inverting the truth and accusing you of what they themselves are doing. It’s part of a pattern of behavior on the left, and it’s no less true in the case of the Biden Bus incident that occurred on Friday where participants in the Trump Train escort were accused […]

  • Whexit

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 30th 2020 9:37pm EDT

    This is what I assume will happen on Tuesday. A few points:1) Black & Latino turnout wasn’t particularly great in ’16, and even a modest increase vs. ’16 would boost Biden2) Polling has told us all along that Black/Latino Dems are more skeptical of VBM than white Dems https://t.co/v2pgwwZXbv— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) October 30, 2020 […]

  • The GOP In 2021

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 30th 2020 8:19pm EDT

    Last year, I predicted that Donald Trump would lose the 2020 election and that Conservatism, Inc. would collapse and would lose its ability to corral these people. I didn’t see COVID or the George Floyd riots coming which have greatly accelerated the changes that I expected to take place. The Washington Post: “If you want […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 545 | The Great Retcon

    Jared Howe - Oct 30th 2020 6:41am EDT

    If it looks like an Antifa, talks like an Antifa, smells like an Antifa, and behaves like an Antifa, chances are that it’s probably an Antifa. That’s the rule of thumb I would personally apply to the so-called “Boogaloo movement” — an Antifa-adjacent phenomenon comprised of mentally ill leftists who stand behind Antifa, BLM, and […]

  • 38 Times President Trump Has Condemned Racism and White Supremacy

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 29th 2020 9:58am EDT

    This is the closing argument of the 2020 campaign. The people who are running Donald Trump’s campaign into the ground are putting out videos of Trump denouncing “racism” and “white supremacy.” They have him endorsing things like the American Dream Plan for Hispanic America and the Platinum Plan for Black America. They have him campaigning […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 544 | Only Getting Worse

    Jared Howe - Oct 29th 2020 6:38am EDT

    The walls are closing in on the Biden Crime Family and its various apologists and enablers. With less than a week to go before the election, Joe and Hunter Biden have become the subject of multiple bombshell scandals stemming from the latter’s laptop, including foreign conclusion and sexual impropriety — some of which may be […]

  • 2020 Aftermath

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 29th 2020 2:36am EDT

    Topics include: The 2020 election is probably already over because something like 50 to 60 million people have early voted The Hunter Biden sex scandal doesn’t shock in the Trump era. What is on Don Jr.’s laptop? Joe Biden will probably win decisively on election night The limits of rightwing populism as a political strategy […]

  • Donald Trump Unveils The American Dream Plan For Hispanic Americans

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 28th 2020 10:14pm EDT

    President @realDonaldTrump announces The American Dream plan for Latino Americans!#LatinosForTrump pic.twitter.com/uGTKPGCSQb— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 28, 2020 BOOM! He even calls for a “permanent solution” for DACA recipients.

  • Filter’s Murica

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 28th 2020 7:06pm EDT

    A few months ago, I predicted on Twitter that America’s thin popular culture would become completely polarized and would break up: social media, big brands, spectator sports, movies, music, etc. Alt Press: “Who are you aiming at in the near-last sequence of the video? RICHARD PATRICK: The character in the video is a Trump-supporting, gun-loving, unmedicated, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 543 | Taking Money from ChiComms

    Jared Howe - Oct 28th 2020 6:29am EDT

    If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the Biden Crime Family scandal, it’s that Chinese foreign relations work in pretty much the same way as Israeli foreign relations: When they aren’t buying someone off, they’re blackmailing them with evidence of sexual misconduct. North Carolina governor Roy Cooper is perhaps the most recent example of an […]

  • Patriot Front Is Preparing For The Post-Trump Future

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 27th 2020 5:00pm EDT

    When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.— Robert Reich (@RBReich) October 17, 2020 Joshua Zeitz in Politico Magazine today: “Go […]