• Corbyn Miserable As Sin While Boris Smirks

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 19th 2019 4:56pm EST

    The Queen gave her speech today outlining her new majority Conservative Governments agenda. Corbyn Miserable As Sin While Boris Smirks. Magnificent Misery A picture paints a million words, and there is no better picture than court jester Corbyn standing next to Boris. It was an absolute delight watching Corbyn’s face grimace and contort like a […]

  • Nationalism Not Racialism – Stand With Tommy!

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 19th 2019 5:49am EST

    Who do you know that has done more to highlight and expose the industrialised rape of British children by Muslim gangs? Nationalism Not Racialism – Stand With Tommy! The Real Far-Right And The Far-Left Working Together We are in interesting times where another alliance has been formed between National Socialists, those sympathetic to National Socialism […]

  • Police Officer Alleged To Be Part Of Halifax Muslim Rape Gang

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 18th 2019 12:36pm EST

    Investigations of the industrial rape and abuse of vulnerable British children opened pandora’s box. Police Officer Alleged To Be Part Of Halifax Muslim Rape Gang. Filthy Dirty Muslim Cop According to reports sixteen men have been accused of being part of a child-abusing grooming gang in Halifax, one of the men accused is a West […]

  • It’s No Secret – The Devil’s Source Lacks Detail

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 18th 2019 10:50am EST

    Hitlerite conspiracy theorist and former police investigator Dionne Moller hates Jews with a passion, even dead ones. It’s No Secret – The Devil’s Source Lacks Detail. Dealing With Deviants Tommy Robinson made it his mission, even from the very earliest days of the EDL, to highlight the industrialised gang rape, pimping and abuse of vulnerable […]

  • PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT: Donald Trump’s Impeachment

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2019 9:40am EST

    The president is being impeached today by the Democrats because billionaire donors like Tom Steyer and the Far Left have demanded it since he won the 2016 election. It is the culmination of three years of the boring Russia conspiracy hoax, which was quietly dropped after the Mueller Report, and which was quickly replaced by […]

  • Anna Nazi Soubry Defied The Will Of The Majority

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 17th 2019 7:26pm EST

    The Brexit referendum turned out to be politically polarising because parliamentarians decided to ignore the result. Anna Nazi Soubry Defied The Will Of The Majority. Anna “Sour-Grape” Soubry Anna Soubry is a former Conservative remainer MP who just lost her seat in Parliament, no doubt due to her ardent stance on remaining in the European […]

  • Burqa Wearing Fighter Pilots Are Ok Surely?

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 16th 2019 4:44pm EST

    Judge Rinder, a woke arbitrator who oversees civil cases, was left fuming on election night. Burqa Wearing Fighter Pilots Are Ok Surely? Thinly Veiled Wokeism The arguments about whether or not Muslim women should wear face veils continue to trigger woke leftists into fits of abhorrent outrage. Boris’s father Stanley Johnson proved himself to be […]

  • Michigan Swing Voters Are Just Trump Voters Now

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2019 2:20pm EST

    I’m not surprised. I’ve been sensing a shift in momentum ever since the Democratic debates started and this impeachment nonsense began this fall. It has been a double victory for Trump. Axios: “SAGINAW, Mich. — Some swing voters here who voted for Barack Obama and then Donald Trump are firmly in Trump’s camp now — […]

  • A Stormzy Of Hypocrisy, And Race-Baiting Identity Politics

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 16th 2019 10:48am EST

    An embittered and emotive Labour Party fell on its socialist sword. A Stormzy Of Hypocrisy, And Race-Baiting Identity Politics. Gutted And Grimey Grime star Stormzy has continually hit out at Conservative MP’s while embracing and promoting the socialist policies of Jeremy Corbyn. Stormzy hit out against the Conservative Government and blamed them for the tragedy […]

  • The Atlantic: What Does Tucker Carlson Believe?

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 15th 2019 12:49pm EST

    Tucker Carlson Tonight is the only show that I watch on television. CNN and MSNBC and the vast majority of FOX News programming is unwatchable Boomer feed. I spend a great deal of time reading True Conservative websites and following and watching those people and their little discussions on Twitter. I see them as irrelevant, […]

  • Bernie Sanders Unendorses Young Turks Host Cenk Uygur

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 14th 2019 6:13pm EST

    Cenk is running for Rep. Katie Hill’s old seat in California who resigned from Congress after cucking her husband Kenny with two staffers. New York Times: “LOS ANGELES — Can an endorsement be put back in the bottle?On Thursday, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont endorsed Cenk Uygur, a progressive talk show host running for a […]

  • House Judiciary Committee Approves Articles of Impeachment

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 1:10pm EST

    Here in the United States, the Democrats still haven’t come to terms with why they lost the 2016 election and have seamlessly shifted from the Russia conspiracy hoax to the Ukraine conspiracy hoax, which no one outside of the most deluded Wine Track precincts of their base cares about. Most people are sick of hearing […]

  • This is how Jews in Israel are feeling today

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 13th 2019 11:31am EST

    This morning the world woke to the news that Jeremy Corbyn was defeated in a landslide victory by Boris Johnson. I took to the streets of Jerusalem to get the reactions from local Jews. The post This is how Jews in Israel are feeling today appeared first on TR News.

  • Bathing In The Salty Tears Of Libtards And Islamists

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 13th 2019 11:05am EST

    The crushing defeat of Labour has led to an outbreak of mental illness and emotional retardation. Bathing In The Salty Tears Of Libtards And Islamists Online Nincompoopery TR.News is bringing you just a few examples of the emotional and mental breakdowns on social media by those who have bought into Jeremy Corbyn’s Marxist revolution. We […]

  • Have A Very Merry Un-Marxist Christmas!

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 13th 2019 7:59am EST

    The UK general election brought about an absolute landslide victory for Boris Johnsons Conservative Party. Have A Very Merry Un-Marxist Christmas! Radical Marxist Revolutionaries Labour Party leadership have self-immolated; they thought the British public were going to go along with a Marxist agenda. That assumption turned out to be nothing more than sacrificial stupidity. Corbyn […]

  • Democrats Unveil Trump Impeachment Charges

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 10th 2019 7:58pm EST

    This is really stupid. It is terrible politics. I don’t even like Trump, but this is going to be an albatross for Democrats in 2020.

  • Britains Role In Attempted US Presidential Coup

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 10th 2019 6:27pm EST

    Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump who won a landslide electoral college victory in 2016 — Looking at Britains Role In Attempted US Presidential Coup. Russian Collusion Delusion In 2016 a former MI6 intelligence officer with deep ties to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was sought out by Fusion GPS a private research firm […]

  • Conservatism, Inc. Has Hired Libertarian Homosexuals To Fight “Rightwing Puritanism”

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 9th 2019 10:08pm EST

    What is conservatism? Who belongs within the conservative movement? Who should be excluded? It’s a question which has been burning on the Right over the past two months. Personally, I don’t believe the Dissident Right has any stake in the electoral success of the conservative movement or the Republican Party. There is no reason to […]

  • Tommy On Luton Terrorist And Poisonous Nationalism

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 9th 2019 6:56pm EST

    Islamists are natural anti-Semites – as are some “self-described” Nationalists. Tommy On Luton Terrorist And Poisonous Nationalism. Cowardly Ginger Convert Ibrahim Anderson is another recently released disciple of notorious Al Muhajiroun hate preacher Anjem Choudary. In August 2014 he and another Lutonian ISIS loving jihadi wannabe (Shah Jahan Khan) set up a “Dawah” stall near […]

  • A Preview – The Heartbreaking Story Of Yisroel Shalom – Persecution And Prophesying Death

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 6th 2019 7:11pm EST

    Tommy Robinson’s latest documentary – Shalom. A Preview – The Heartbreaking Story Of Yisroel Shalom – Persecution And Prophesying Death. Living As A Jew In London Tommy Robinson has produced another groundbreaking documentary; it is a story that will shock the world. The globalist corporatist mainstream media have not dared to report on an ever-growing […]

  • Islamist Linked Charity Promotes Peace And Tolerance?

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 6th 2019 10:40am EST

    The Waterlooville Community Centre hosted an event bringing people together for an evening of understanding. Islamist Linked Charity Promotes Peace And Tolerance? Charitable Islamism An event promoting and encouraging “friendly relations” between Muslims and non-Muslims saw people from many different backgrounds pack out Waterlooville Community Centre to meet, eat and share ideas. In attendance were […]

  • Why Did Ireland Collapse So Quickly?

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 5th 2019 4:33pm EST

    I’m coming across so much great content lately. I increasingly just watch and share these videos. It is taking up more and more of my time. I’m going to miss these people when they are gone. How many of these great channels will survive the upcoming YouTube purge on December 10th? You can see why […]

  • Trump Is Considering Sending 14,000 Troops To The Middle East To Counter Iran

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 4th 2019 5:08pm EST

    BREAKING: Trump Administration Considers 14,000 More Troops For Mideast To Counter Threat From Iran – WSJ— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 4, 2019 These reports come as #Israel PM Netanyahu is due to meet Pompeo in Portugal within an hour. Their main topic is #Iran, of course https://t.co/50az3zUEvi— Guy Elster (@guyelster) December 4, 2019 #BREAKING US warship […]

  • Jessica Yaniv REFUSED Gynaecology Appointment – Thats BIGOTRY!

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 4th 2019 9:09am EST

    A beautiful, gorgeous, larger than life transgender woman with meat and two veg is outraged again! Jessica Yaniv REFUSED Gynaecology Appointment – That’s BIGOTRY! Beautiful Bigotry Jessica Yaniv is an online transgender celebrity who has a penchant for predation and loves to pick a fight. Jessica identifies as a woman but still has a penis […]

  • RAIR Foundation Interviews Lena Andreassen About Quran Burning

    Tommy Robinson - Dec 4th 2019 6:53am EST

    The leader of Stop Islamisation of Norway (SIAN), took up the fight for freedom of speech. RAIR Foundation Interviews Lena Andreassen About Quran Burning. Burning Hate In Norway The organisation Stop Islamisation of Norway held a demonstration in the city of Kristiansand, and it made international news, bringing with it international condemnation. The offence? – […]