• The AI Revolution Is Teaching China’s Children

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 15th 2019 4:10am EDT

    China is fast becoming the world leader in artificial intelligence, so today, we are taking a look at how the AI revolution is teaching China’s children. Teaching Or Programming? China’s state council, the highest governmental body, released an ambitious plan in 2017 to build an AI industry worth one hundred and fifty billion dollars by […]

  • WATCH As Project Veritas EXPOSE CNN Again

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 14th 2019 1:27pm EDT

    Everyone knows that Jeff Zuker uses his network as a Democrat media arm to bludgeon Donald Trump. Watch as Project Veritas expose CNN again. CNN The Fake News Network President Donald Trump is currently fighting another attempt to remove him from office because the much-vaunted Russian collusion delusion came up with absolutely nothing. No conspiracy, […]

  • Islamists And Communists Fight It Out In Syria

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 11th 2019 10:22am EDT

    Donald Trump has come under fire for withdrawing US troops from Syria even though he made that promise during his political campaign. Now Islamists and communists fight it out in Syria. The Middle East Mess Whenever a western country is drawn into a conflict in the Middle East, it becomes a messy and complicated affair […]

  • Donald Trump Holds A Rally In Minneapolis.

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 11th 2019 4:58am EDT

    Exposing the deep state and draining the political swamp in Washington was a campaign promise to Make America Great Again. Donald Trump holds a rally in Minneapolis. Hating America And Dumbing Down Terrorism Donald Trump took his political campaign to the state of Minnesota in the city of Minneapolis. Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar should be […]

  • Unhinged, Unemployed, Under-Performing And Under Fire!

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 1:04pm EDT

    John Sweeney had to leave the BBC because Tommy Robinson exposed him as a fraud. After seventeen years service, John has become unhinged, unemployed, under-performing and under-fire! Panodrama The End Was Nigh! Tommy Robinson and his team pulled off one of the major coups of the year which should have had him at the very […]

  • Meet Muhammad The Raping Criminal Warlord

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 8:59am EDT

    Emulating a seventh-century Arabian sand pirate in the twenty-first century could be problematic. It’s time to meet Muhammad the raping criminal warlord. The Perfect Man The Quran explicitly states that Muhammad is a pious example that all Muslims should follow. Given the fact that the Quran is supposedly the immutable word of Allah, this cannot […]

  • Eugenics and the Racist Underbelly of the American Left

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:45am EDT

    It’s tragic when people come to believe that the very policies making them worse off are the policies that will lead them to a better life