• DNC Condemns White Christian Nationalism

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 9th 2023 8:36am EST

    While anti-Whiteism is the glue the holds the Democratic Party together (White Democrats have negative feelings about their own race), there has been a noticeable uptick in singling out White Christians over the past two years, especially since the Dobbs decision ended Roe v. Wade. DNC: “DNC resolution condemning all forms of White Nationalism and […]

  • Donald Trump Delivers Real State of the Union Address

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 8th 2023 10:35am EST

    He’s right. The choice is also going to come down to Trump, Ron DeSantis or Joe Biden. Tellingly, Ron DeSantis has nothing to say about Ukraine.

  • Affective Polarization In White America

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 8th 2023 9:47am EST

    Thomas Edsall shares this on that “small problem” in his latest article. New York Times: “In their December 2022 paper, “ ‘American’ Is the Eye of the Beholder: American Identity, Racial Sorting, and Affective Polarization among White Americans,” Ryan Dawkins and Abigail Hanson write that White Democrats and White Republicans have systematically different ideas about what attributes are essential […]

  • Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 8th 2023 9:01am EST

    I didn’t bother to watch it. I spent my evening reading a book about Early Modern Europe. Apparently, Joe Biden pledged again last night to “Stand With Ukraine” for “as long as it takes.” He has the unwavering support of 80% of Democrat voters and 100% of elected Democrats in Congress on the issue. So, […]

  • Poll Watch: Most Republican Voters Now Oppose “Providing More Funding and Weapons To Ukraine”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 7th 2023 2:33pm EST

    As I pointed out on Gab, Republican politicians have always tried to screw over their own voters by pushing unpopular legislation like all the amnesties for illegal aliens or most recently the gay marriage bill. Public opinion is a ceiling on how far they can go with this though. We never got comprehensive immigration reform […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden’s Anti-White Affirmative Action Binge

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 7th 2023 2:18pm EST

    In every aspect of public policy under the Biden administration whether it is federal loans to farmers or the distribution of the COVID vaccine or coordinating the censorship of social media with tech companies or DHS and the FBI targeting “racially motivated domestic extremists,” systemic anti-Whiteism has been implemented in name of fighting “white supremacy” […]

  • Mark Dice: The Grammys: Satanism, Queers, and “Uplifting Black People!”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 6th 2023 2:43pm EST

    Where do all of these backward rubes and bumpkins get the idea that our urban liberal elites are a bunch of degenerate Satan worshipping pedophiles? Note: This is just boring and tired now.

  • Poll Watch: One Year Later, Republican Voters Are Split On Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 6th 2023 12:00pm EST

    A year into the war in Ukraine, it is still basically MAGA Republicans vs. everyone else who support Joe Biden in prolonging the conflict. Democrats are now the War Party. Gallup: “WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nearly one year into the war between Russia and Ukraine, Americans’ support for Ukraine holds steady. A stable 65% of U.S. […]

  • National Review: The World and Ron DeSantis

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 6th 2023 10:11am EST

    Unlike Trump, Ron DeSantis has little to say about continuing to support Joe Biden’s foreign policy of Standing With Ukraine. He is obviously afraid of being boxed into the declining neocon Reaganite lane with Mike Pence and Nikki Haley. National Review: “Not since George W. Bush in 1999 has a sitting governor contemplating a run […]

  • Politico: Trump’s ’24 Game Plan Is To Run Against The Hawks

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 6th 2023 9:45am EST

    Donald Trump is trying to win me back. Politico: “Donald Trump is settling on a simple foreign policy pitch in his second bid for the White House: Want World War 3? Vote for the other guy. Over the past week, Trump has assailed President Joe Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. He has said he could end […]

  • What’s Going On In Phenix City?

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 5th 2023 11:19am EST

    Journalism has ceased to exist in the United States. As White people know all too well, there are some crimes which matter more than others. We know about Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, George Floyd and most recently Tyree Nichols. I’m ashamed to admit that I know their names solely because “journalists” […]

  • The Rise of College-Educated Democrats

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 5th 2023 9:35am EST

    In my youth, White libtards and White working class voters were more evenly distributed between the two parties, which is why Iowa and Ohio were swing states. Barack Obama even won Indiana in 2008. The Democrats had a 60 vote filibuster proof Senate majority and 255 seats in the House. Neocons were Republicans and John […]

  • Boris Johnson Attacks Tucker Carlson Over Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 2nd 2023 10:08am EST

    Boris Johnson wades into the culture wars at @AtlanticCouncil this morning with this broadside against Tucker Carlson. pic.twitter.com/fHNm5u20JY — Ben Judah (@b_judah) February 1, 2023 On the two issues that define our moment — immigration and foreign policy — Lindsey Graham is strongly on Joe Biden’s side. He believes that Ukraine’s borders are far more […]

  • New York Times: How Much Longer Can ‘Vote Blue No Matter Who!’ Last?

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 1st 2023 8:45am EST

    Thomas Edsall has a new article about my own personal bête noire … the White coastal urban atheist libtards who dominate the Democratic Party. New York Times: “Over the past four decades, the percentage of white Democrats who identify themselves as liberal has more than doubled, growing at a much faster pace than Black or […]

  • Poll Watch: Americans Grow More Skeptical of Ukraine Aid

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 31st 2023 7:19pm EST

    As the political class in Washington sends tanks to Ukraine and continues to escalate its involvement in the conflict, the American public is moving in the opposite direction. Pew Research Center:

  • The Memphis Cops Must Be Charged With Hate Crimes

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 31st 2023 12:03pm EST

    Bingo. If “white supremacy” and “racism” caused the death of Tyre Nichols, then the Memphis cops who killed him must be charged with committing a hate crime like the McMichaels in the case of Ahmaud Arbery. National Review: “What is the alternative? In fact, there are a couple. The first is that the five cops […]

  • Matt Walsh: Sam Smith’s Revolting New Music Video

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 30th 2023 7:08pm EST

    Lil Nas X is a tough act to follow. How do you top that? How do you make an even more degenerate music video in order to stay relevant in “mainstream” pop culture? What do you have to do these days?

  • Mark Dice: Anti-White Lunacy Goes Supernova in America!

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 30th 2023 11:44am EST

    I’m a fan of these basic, casual, shareable Mark Dice videos about anti-Whiteism. I also agree that we need to push this concept into the mainstream. We’re having a lot of success with it.

  • National Review: If The Memphis Cops Were White

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 30th 2023 8:51am EST

    In National Review, Rich Lowry of all people is pointing out how much it mattered that the Memphis cops who beat Tyre Nichols to death were black. National Review: “The race of the cops shouldn’t make a difference. Nothing that happened that night is better because the cops were black instead of white — Nichols […]

  • Kyle Kulinski vs. Matt Walsh on Homeless Drug Addicts

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 29th 2023 5:47pm EST

    Matt Walsh is correct. We can’t have nice things in this country like the sort of infrastructure that exists in East Asia because of progressive ideas about race, culture and the environment. It is not as simple as a lack of will power or political power to spend a lot of money to build high […]

  • The Death of Tyre Nichols

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2023 11:02am EST

    So I just watched the Police body cam footage of Tyre Nichols. I will say this first, I will always support the blue. Second Tyre isn’t innocent in this, he ran from the cops, and he kept resisting them while being told to put his hands behind his back. pic.twitter.com/r69uGwnucB — Joshua Flippo (@JFlippo1327) January […]

  • CNN: British Teenager Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison For “Inspiring” Mass Shootings

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2023 9:39am EST

    If this sounds familiar, it is because this is what Sheila Jackson Lee’s bill would do here to the First Amendment. The slippery slope will start with people like Daniel Harris. CNN: “CNN — A British teenager who made far-right extremist videos that “influenced” the mass shooter who killed 10 Black people in a Buffalo, New York, supermarket […]

  • CNN: British Teenager Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison For “Inspiring” Mass Shootings

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 28th 2023 9:39am EST

    If this sounds familiar, it is because this is what Sheila Jackson Lee’s bill would do here to the First Amendment. The slippery slope will start with people like Daniel Harris. CNN: “CNN — A British teenager who made far-right extremist videos that “influenced” the mass shooter who killed 10 Black people in a Buffalo, New York, supermarket […]

  • Podcast: What a New Survey Reveals About White Christian Nationalism

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 25th 2023 10:29am EST

    What is White Christian Nationalism? What do White Christian Nationalists believe? How strong is White Christian Nationalism in American Christianity and in White America and in the country as a whole? How influential is White Christian Nationalism among the Republican base? How influential is it in the South? Robert P. Jones breaks down the results […]

  • What Are We Doing To White People?

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 24th 2023 9:28am EST

    In the long view, one racial caste system simply replaced another with antiracism as “colorblindness” being how the new system was sold to Whites by liberal elites back in the 1960s. They no longer have any use for it and have since discarded that pitch in favor of race conscious “social justice.”