• Matt Walsh: Our Justice System Has Been Corrupted

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 26th 2023 6:48pm EDT

    A few years ago, conservatives like Matt Walsh wouldn’t have touched this. Today, they are chiming in on the verdict before I have a chance to gather my thoughts about it. Note: The National Justice Party held a rally in Ohio about the Ethan Liming case.

  • The Union Facilitates a Foreign Invasion

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 25th 2023 9:05pm EDT

    Eagle Pass, Texas just moments ago: Under Biden’s direction, Customs and Border Protection cuts Texas DPS barbwire barrier keeping out the hordes of illegals. Invasion by design. pic.twitter.com/XDBWSRFEsE — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 25, 2023 BREAKING: CBP sources tell FOX News.. There were approximately 11,000 migrant encounters at the SW border in the last 24 […]

  • Poll Watch: Trump Up 10 Points Over Joe Biden

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 24th 2023 11:07am EDT

    ? BREAKING: New Washington Post/ABC Poll shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by 10 POINTS. Trump – 52%Biden – 42% pic.twitter.com/tRi9dy2tRZ — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 24, 2023 ?? NATIONAL POLL: ABC/WP (A) PRES:(R) Trump 52% (+10)(D) Biden 42% Independents(R) Trump 52 (+13)(D) Biden 39%——GOP PRES: Trump 54% (+39)DeSantis 15%Haley 7%Pence 6%Scott 4%Christie 3%Ramaswamy 3%——ABC/WP […]

  • Senator Robert Menendez Indicted on Bribery Charges

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 23rd 2023 10:32am EDT

    Did you hear the news yesterday? Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey has been caught again. This isn’t the first time that his sleaze has been dragged out in public view. Last time, he was accused of having sex with underage prostitutes in the Caribbean.

  • Poll Watch: Americans’ Dismal View of the Nation’s Politics

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 23rd 2023 10:09am EDT

    Read the whole thing. I have included a few highlights below. As I have argued in recent weeks, “The Collapse” began a few years ago. We are currently living through it. The system is breaking down and losing legitimacy. Overwhelming cynicism and pessimism about politics is the norm. The people who still have faith in […]

  • The Atlantic: The Patriot

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 21st 2023 11:31am EDT

    I can’t even … In what f***ing universe is Donald Trump the dangerous warmonger and Joe Biden – who has spent upward of $100 billion dollars on a proxy war with Russia, which has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides – a steady pair of hands? The Atlantic: In normal times, […]

  • Rupert Murdoch Steps Down At FOX News

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 21st 2023 10:47am EDT

    Here’s how Fox News announced the news about Rupert Murdoch pic.twitter.com/eSSYslHg50 — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 21, 2023 Tucker Carlson was the only reason I watched FOX News. After Tucker was fired, we pulled the plug on cable television. Nothing else was worth watching. I can always get the weather online.

  • Breaking Points: Will Republicans Trigger a Government Shutdown Over Ukraine Aid?

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 19th 2023 2:57pm EDT

    The long term has arrived. It is September which means it is time to fund the government again. As I expected, public opinion has swung against further Ukraine aid on the Right. MAGA Republicans now control the House. Zelensky has arrived in Washington to beg for more funding after his failed counter offensive. Note: It […]

  • Joe Biden: Donald Trump Is Determined To Destroy American Democracy

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 19th 2023 1:32pm EDT

    If Trump wins the election, it will be the end of American democracy.

  • Donald Trump Names The Liberal Jews Who Voted To Destroy America

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 19th 2023 8:09am EDT

  • Donald Trump on Meet the Press

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 17th 2023 6:34pm EDT

    President Trump on Biden’s weaponized DOJ: “These are banana republic indictments… We have a movement the likes of which has never happened in this country before, and you see it with the polls!” pic.twitter.com/mKaKPvenH3 — Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 17, 2023 House Speaker Kevin McCarthy: “President Trump is stronger today than he was in […]

  • Democracy Defenders Take On The Constitution

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 17th 2023 9:07am EDT

    As I have explained, my belief is that the remnants of the Constitution are mostly a good thing that vex people like this, but the Constitution has been disfigured by Lincoln, the Radical Republicans, the Progressives, FDR and others and doesn’t have much to do with how we are governed. Note: Defending Democracy is arresting […]

  • Jack Smith Seeks Gag Order To Silence Donald Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 15th 2023 9:53pm EDT

    Our King is tearing down the justice system on Truth Social. Axios: Special Counsel Jack Smith requested a “narrowly tailored” gag order on Friday for former President Trump to limit his public statements in regard to the 2020 election interference case. The big picture: Smith’s office said in a filing that Trump has tried “to undermine confidence in the criminal justice […]

  • Donald Trump Has Never Been More Popular

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 15th 2023 7:45pm EDT

    Here is something we haven’t seen before.

  • Mitt Romney: A Very Large Proportion of My Party Really Doesn’t Believe In The Constitution

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 15th 2023 9:22am EDT

    “A very large portion of my party really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.” –Mitt Romney Do you believe in the Constitution? It is complicated. I have mixed feelings about it. Which Constitution are you asking about? There have been several constitutions. The Articles of Confederation, for example, was technically never repealed. The Confederate Constitution is […]

  • Mitt Romney Is Retiring

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 13th 2023 4:46pm EDT

    The haters and losers are leaving politics.

  • Vladimir Putin: Joe Biden Is Persecuting Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 13th 2023 7:56am EDT

    ?#BREAKING: Vladimir Putin Calls The Case Against Trump A “Persecution of a political rival.” ???? Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/DRyvuPquGF — Censored Men (@CensoredMen) September 12, 2023 Vladimir Putin is thrilled by the actions of the Democracy Defenders who are discrediting “liberal democracy” at home and abroad.

  • House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Announces Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 12th 2023 2:45pm EDT

    NOW – Speaker of the U.S. House Kevin McCarthy announces a formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/SfuKltLnpM — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 12, 2023 Republicans must unite around the Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden. The American people deserve to know the truth about his decades of corruption. No matter how long it takes, accountability will […]

  • Marge: States Should Consider Seceding From The Union

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 11th 2023 8:34pm EDT

    If the Biden admin refuses to stop the invasion of cartel led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union. From Texas to New York City to every town in America, we are drowning from Biden’s traitorous America last border policies. — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) September 11, […]

  • Poll Watch: Republican Voters Sour On Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 11th 2023 5:41pm EDT

    “We see no indication that Vladimir Putin has any interest in meaningful diplomacy. If he does, I think the Ukrainians will be the first to engage, and we’ll be right behind them,” Secretary of State Blinken tells @JonKarl. https://t.co/hkLKMFeWQC pic.twitter.com/p422EBnaiv — This Week (@ThisWeekABC) September 10, 2023 Ukrainians are ready to persevere, but they worry […]

  • The Atlantic: Ignore Jack Smith’s Critics

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2023 4:47pm EDT

    Democracy Defenders insist that democracy is fragile. It is fragile because it is human. It is fragile because it is up to us. In order to save democracy from dangerous authoritarians like Trump though, we might on occasion have to dispense with democracy when public opinion isn’t trending our way. The only way to save […]

  • Fourteenth Amendment Efforts Underway To Disqualify Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2023 4:10pm EDT

    Can we just elect someone who will clean house? In order to be elected president, you have to first be on the ballot. There is already a campaign underway in swing states with Democrat secretaries of state to block Trump from the ballot. He is automatically disqualified for being an “insurrectionist” or so the argument […]

  • Man Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For Killing a 18-Year-Old Republican

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2023 10:40am EDT

    Shannon Brandt who murdered Cayler Ellingson for being a Republican was sentenced today to 5 years in prison. Shannon reportedly told 911 that Cayler was part of a “Republican extremist group.” Meanwhile Republicans are getting jailed for 17 years for tearing down a fence. pic.twitter.com/8tL8L3y3Li — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 8, 2023 Oops. The […]

  • New Mexico Governor Suspends First Amendment and Second Amendment

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2023 9:57am EDT

    The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” Under this legal theory *all* of our “rights” are essentially eliminated. Watch the most evil & tyrannical 60 seconds you’ve ever heard from a politician: pic.twitter.com/xLpMSTbyi2 — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 9, 2023 Waking up […]

  • Georgia Grand Jury Recommends Charges Against Sen. Lindsey Graham

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 8th 2023 11:02pm EDT

    BREAKING: The special grand jury report in Georgia Trump case has been released. Read the full report: https://t.co/YC2rQxVULj — MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 8, 2023 The grand jury recommended charges against 21 additional people who were not charged. Those people include…-Sen. Lindsay Graham-Fmr Sen. Kelly Loeffler-Fmr Sen. David Perdue-Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn-Fmr Trump NSA Michael Flynn […]