• South African Secession Movement Gains Momentum

    American Renaissance - Aug 18th 2021 6:37pm EDT

    A secession movement backed by most whites in South Africa’s Western Cape province appears to be gaining steam following the riots in Durban earlier this summer. According to a poll conducted for the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG), 42 percent of Western Cape residents of all races would now support a referendum on whether to […]

  • The Coming U.S. Political Fight over Accepting Refugees from Afghanistan

    American Renaissance - Aug 18th 2021 6:03pm EDT

    A humanitarian crisis in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is sparking a political debate over what to do about refugees from the war-torn country. There is some bipartisan agreement to assist Afghans who stood with Americans. But it is unclear how many — and what categories of Afghans — will be able […]

  • Meet America’s Race Czars

    American Renaissance - Aug 18th 2021 6:03pm EDT

    {snip} Most Americans do not realize the full extent to which a racially based spoils system is fundamentally embedded in American economic life. They know about affirmative action in school admissions (though many mistakenly believe affirmative action is a “tiebreaker” as opposed to an enormous boost for the recipient). But the racial spoils system in […]

  • America Should Make Racial Justice Part of Our Official Foreign Policy

    American Renaissance - Aug 18th 2021 4:42pm EDT

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently told American diplomats that when conversations about human rights turn to difficult discussions about America’s history of racial justice (or lack thereof) they should, “acknowledge our imperfections.” It’s a good step that helps to foster a more honest discussion about the way forward for equality. But, the United States and our […]

  • Today’s Defeat Will Be Tomorrow’s Victory

    American Renaissance - Aug 15th 2021 8:00am EDT

    Early on in 1997, in an attempt to give Eurocentrists a voice in the belly of the multicultural beast, I decided to run for a seat on the New York City Council. I risked an uphill battle against a powerful Republican incumbent because he had arranged a sweetheart deal with the Democrats to run unopposed […]

  • Budget Package Includes Plan For Pathway to Citizenship, Green Cards for Millions

    American Renaissance - Aug 13th 2021 7:00pm EDT

    Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution package instructs lawmakers to chart a pathway to citizenship for millions of people while investing in border security. The bill text unveiled Monday includes some $107 billion for the Senate Judiciary Committee to spend on each, giving lawmakers a soft deadline of Sept. 15. The package does not specify how many […]

  • Mayorkas Says Border Crisis ‘Unsustainable’ and ‘We’re Going to Lose’

    American Renaissance - Aug 13th 2021 7:00pm EDT

    Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas met privately with Border Patrol agents in Texas and said in leaked audio that the border crisis is “unsustainable” and “we’re going to lose” if “borders are the first line of defense.” “A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are […]

  • Latinos’ Next Census Task: Get Money and Power Through Redistricting

    American Renaissance - Aug 12th 2021 12:56pm EDT

    Here and there around the country, Latino advocacy groups have been instructing people on money and political power — and how to get it. The groups are trying to help growing communities of Latinos understand the next step following the 2020 census results: having a say in how their neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties, regions and […]

  • GOP Senate Candidate Says You Should Be Worried about ‘Anti-White Racism’

    American Renaissance - Aug 11th 2021 2:45pm EDT

    Billionaire tech mogul Peter Thiel’s favored candidate for an Arizona Senate seat went on a recent screed against “anti-white racism,” accusing liberal teachers of turning America’s students into self-hating automatons. Blake Masters, a 34-year-old venture capitalist and protege of the PayPal founder, recently jumped into the race to face Democratic Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly. Weeks […]

  • Lawyer: Capitol Cop Who Shot Ashli Babbitt ‘Ambushed’ Her on Jan. 6 Without Warning

    American Renaissance - Aug 9th 2021 12:55pm EDT

    Kicking off the first hearing of the House Select Committee investigating the U.S. Capitol riot, Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat,  promised to fully investigate “the facts of what happened on Jan. 6,”  calling it “a scene of violence in the citadel of democracy.” But over the next 3½ hours, he and other Democrats, along […]

  • How to Be White in Multicultural America

    American Renaissance - Aug 8th 2021 8:00am EDT

    Who has racial power in this country? If you guessed white people, you guessed wrong. Whites still have some political and economic power, but racially and morally they have completely disarmed themselves in the face of non-whites. They did this by elevating “racism” to the status witchcraft had in Old Salem, and making it America’s […]

  • So-Called ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Includes Racial Quotas for Broadband

    American Renaissance - Aug 5th 2021 2:15pm EDT

    The so-called “infrastructure” bill, crafted by a group of Senate Democrats and Republicans, includes provisions to deliver broadband across the United States based on racial quotas and depending on the number of newly arrived immigrants. The bill, officially released late Sunday evening, includes the Digital Equity Act that seeks to expand broadband to American communities that currently lack access […]

  • Boston Mayor Compares Vaccine Passports to Documentation Required During Slavery

    American Renaissance - Aug 5th 2021 2:15pm EDT

    Boston Mayor Kim Janey (D) compared the idea of requiring vaccine verification to the practice of having to show one’s papers during slavery and the Jim Crow era, as well as the more recent birtherism conspiracy theory. “There’s a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers,” Janey said during an interview with NewsCenter […]

  • U.S. Extends Migrant Expulsion Policy

    American Renaissance - Aug 3rd 2021 1:07pm EDT

    The Biden administration on Monday said that it would indefinitely continue the Trump-era policy of swiftly expelling migrants and asylum-seekers from the U.S., citing the rapidly-spreading COVID-19 Delta variant and the highest number of unlawful border crossings in over 20 years. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued a new order supporting […]

  • Biden Looks to Have Federal Government Provide Lawyers for Migrants at Border

    American Renaissance - Aug 3rd 2021 1:07pm EDT

    The Biden administration aims to spend millions of dollars to cover the cost of lawyers for migrants who have illegally entered the country, a prospect that has infuriated immigration restrictionists. President Joe Biden proposed in his immigration plan released this week that Congress should make available $15 million to cover the costs of private lawyers for “families and […]

  • Race and Immigration in Scandinavia and Finland

    American Renaissance - Aug 1st 2021 1:00pm EDT

    Denmark for the Danes!, by AR Staff, January 2002 Race and Immigration in Scandinavia, by Mikael Widmark, December 2003 Norway Makes Progress, by AR Staff, November 2005 Cartoon Jihad, by AR Staff, March 2006 Report From Sweden by Mikael Widmark, November 2006 Soft-Headed Swedes by Mikael Widmark, December 2006 Changed Overnight: Race in Finland by […]

  • Lightfoot Says She Would ‘Absolutely’ Exclude White Journalists From Interviews Again

    American Renaissance - Jul 29th 2021 12:32pm EDT

    Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she would “absolutely” grant interviews only to journalists of color again after she drew waves of backlash earlier in the year when she announced the policy. “I would absolutely do it again. I’m unapologetic about it because it spurred a very important conversation, a conversation that needed to happen, that should have happened a long […]

  • Democrats Eye Legal Path for Some Undocumented Immigrants

    American Renaissance - Jul 29th 2021 12:30pm EDT

    Senate Democrats plan to seek a way to provide legal status for as many as 8 million undocumented immigrants in a broad economic package they want to pass this year, according to a Senate Democratic aide familiar with the plan. Democrats are drafting a fiscal blueprint that will kick-start the process by instructing the Senate […]

  • National Review’s War on Nationalism

    American Renaissance - Jul 27th 2021 10:37am EDT

    Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Credit Image: © Pang Xinglei / Xinhua via ZUMA Wire) In recent years, the difference between the United States of America and the “authoritarian” governments of China and Russia has shrunk. Powerful institutions on both “Left” and “Right,” from unions and NGOs to big business, […]

  • In Radical Affront to Civil Liberties, the Government Is Branding Non-Violent Jan. 6 Defendants “Terrorists”

    American Renaissance - Jul 26th 2021 5:33pm EDT

    This week, the first felony sentence was handed down in relation to what’s popularly called the “insurrection” of January 6, 2021. Though he only pleaded guilty to a single count of “obstruction of an official proceeding,” defendant Paul Hodgkins — whose criminal act entailed milling around the Senate chamber for approximately 15 minutes — nonetheless […]

  • Why Do We Talk About the Left?

    American Renaissance - Jul 25th 2021 3:00pm EDT

    This is adapted from the Penser à Gauche episode of Left, Right, and White. You can listen to it here. Charles, a frequent commenter and supporter asks, “Why is Chris Roberts so interested in the Left? Can anyone name one contemporary leftist who has good views on race and immigration? The left is our enemy. […]

  • Alabama to Araucanía: Racial Polarization Looks the Same

    American Renaissance - Jul 21st 2021 6:00am EDT

    In the USA, the GOP’s share of the white vote is highest in states with the most blacks. Whites in northern states with few blacks, from the Pacific Northwest to New England, vote majority Democrat. But in the Deep South, where blacks have been a large share of the population for centuries, whites vote overwhelmingly […]

  • The American Renaissance Guide to the Struggle in France

    American Renaissance - Jul 14th 2021 7:00am EDT

    Open Letter to a Former French Resistance Fighter by Colorado, July 1994 Nationalism on the March in France by Jared Taylor, April 1998 Who is a Frenchman?, by AR Staff, April 1998 Thunder on the Right by Jared Taylor, May 1998 A Festival for France by Jared Taylor, November 1998 Bruno Gollnisch Fights for France, […]

  • ‘Who Ever Said I Was Sane?’

    American Renaissance - Jul 9th 2021 7:25pm EDT

    Credit Image: Science Museum Group’s Welcome blog post Travis LeBlanc has been writing essays for Counter-Currents since early 2018, covering everything from goofy internet drama, to rockstar Steve Morrissey, to the TV show South Park. Mr. LeBlanc is a committed white advocate, but often analyzes political and cultural subcultures most of the Dissident Right ignores.  […]

  • Thinking About the Left

    American Renaissance - Jul 9th 2021 10:13am EDT

    The last two episodes of Left, Right, and White have been about important left-wing thinkers: social democrat George Orwell and radical anti-capitalist Chris Hedges. This week’s episode will cover the most influential academic alive: Noam Chomsky. Next week, Greg Hood and I plan to discuss a number of less influential leftist intellectuals and publications. If […]