• Deprogramming of January 6 Defendants Is Underway

    American Renaissance - Jun 24th 2021 6:53pm EDT

    “My lawyer has given me names of books and movies to help me see what life is like for others in our country. I’ve learned that even though we live in a wonderful country things still need to improve. People of all colors should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.” […]

  • Black US Farmers Dismayed as White Farmers’ Lawsuit Halts Relief Payments

    American Renaissance - Jun 24th 2021 1:29pm EDT

    The US Department of Agriculture was scheduled to begin sending out payments to Black and minority farmers this month, as part of a $4bn loan forgiveness program included in the $1.9tn coronavirus relief bill that passed Congress in March. But a lawsuit on behalf of white farmers accusing the Biden administration of discrimination has, at […]

  • Portland Police Halt Minor Traffic Stops, Citing Disparity

    American Renaissance - Jun 24th 2021 1:29pm EDT

    Police in Oregon’s largest city are being advised to no longer pursue low-level traffic infractions — including expired plates and broken headlights — unless related to an immediate safety threat, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler announced Tuesday. In addition, if police do stop a driver they must receive recorded consent before searching the vehicle and clearly […]

  • Defund-Police Supporter Declares Victory in Buffalo Mayoral Election

    American Renaissance - Jun 24th 2021 1:29pm EDT

    Socialist community leader India Walton declared victory Tuesday evening in the 2021 Buffalo, New York, mayoral race. Walton, who campaigned in part on reallocating funds from the Buffalo Police Department toward other services and community initiatives, ousted Democratic Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, who was first elected in 2005 to lead New York’s second-largest city. “This is the work […]

  • Endorsing a Call for the New American Flag

    American Renaissance - Jun 22nd 2021 3:48pm EDT

    Clarity is needed. Millions of European-Americans love this country. They work for it, pay for it, fight for it, and die for it. They do this even though their government discriminates against them, shames them, and pushes immigration policies that will turn them into a hated minority. The American flag is the symbol of the […]

  • Justice Dept. Ends a Trump Policy That Limited Asylum for Survivors of Gang Violence and Domestic Abuse

    American Renaissance - Jun 17th 2021 5:45pm EDT

    Attorney General Merrick B. Garland reversed on Wednesday Trump-era immigration rulings that had made it all but impossible for people to seek asylum in the United States over credible fears of domestic abuse or gang violence, marking one of the Justice Department’s most significant breaks with the previous administration. {snip} The decisions — applicable to […]

  • House Passes Bill to Make Juneteenth a Federal Holiday

    American Renaissance - Jun 17th 2021 2:42pm EDT

    The House on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly in favor of making Juneteenth a national federal holiday with a 415-14 tally, and Democrats are hopeful President Joe Biden will sign the measure into law by Saturday. The June 19th holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States is already celebrated as a state or ceremonial […]

  • Hawai’i Is Not the Multicultural Paradise Some Say It Is

    American Renaissance - Jun 17th 2021 2:41pm EDT

    To outsiders, Hawai‘i might seem like the epitome of a post-racial society. For decades, scholars, writers, and tourism boosters have portrayed the islands that way—as a “racial utopia” where Native Hawaiians and Asians live harmoniously alongside white people, with the largely non-white population serving as the antidote to racism. After all, no racial group holds a […]

  • Joe Manchin: Racist or Profile in Courage

    American Renaissance - Jun 11th 2021 12:01am EDT

    In 1859, Abraham Lincoln related the tale of an Eastern monarch who charged his wise men with discovering words that would everywhere and always be true. The wise men went away and returned to present the monarch with this six-word sentence: “And this, too, shall pass away.” So, the question: How long will Sen. Joe […]

  • Biden Gives ICE Attorneys More Discretion to Drop Immigration Cases

    American Renaissance - Jun 8th 2021 6:42pm EDT

    The Biden administration is giving immigration prosecutors more discretion over which cases to pursue or even drop, a move that could limit the new cases funneling into the overwhelmed immigration court system. A memo to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) prosecutors allows the agency’s lawyers to drop cases against green card holders and those who […]

  • Nevada Bans Racially Offensive Mascots and ‘Sundown Sirens’

    American Renaissance - Jun 8th 2021 6:42pm EDT

    Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak signed a bill on Friday that directs local school boards to ban “racially discriminatory” mascots, logos and names amid a national movement to phase out the use of symbols that Native Americans have long considered offensive. {snip} It also requires the Nevada State Board of Geographic Names to recommend that the […]

  • Amid Surge in Violent Crime, Atlanta’s Wealthiest Neighborhood Ponders New City

    American Renaissance - Jun 8th 2021 1:11pm EDT

    Just a few days after Beth Weaver moved from the suburbs to a new townhouse in this city’s wealthy Buckhead district, she began to worry that she had made a mistake. One night she sat on her balcony and watched a thief rifle through her BMW. A few weeks later, someone broke into her family’s […]

  • Biden Administration’s Blatant Institutional Racism Gets Rebuke from Sixth Circuit

    American Renaissance - Jun 3rd 2021 1:20pm EDT

    Last week, while the press drooled over the president’s ice cream selection, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Vitolo v. Guzman declared unconstitutional the Biden administration’s race-based approach to distributing COVID-relief funds. While Vitolo only addressed the race- and sex-based reverse discrimination in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the precedent could prove fatal to many other […]

  • Biden Compares White Mob in Tulsa Massacre to Charlottesville Rallygoers

    American Renaissance - Jun 2nd 2021 2:00pm EDT

    President Biden on Tuesday compared the white mob that attacked Black residents in Tulsa, Okla., in 1921 to the “white supremacists” who marched in the far-right “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., four years ago. Biden made the remarks during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre, urging Americans to address […]

  • Fight Looms over Down Payment Aid to Close Racial Wealth Gap

    American Renaissance - Jun 2nd 2021 2:00pm EDT

    Democrats are pushing to spend billions of dollars to help first-time homebuyers afford down payments, setting up a clash with industry groups and GOP lawmakers, who are warning about racial targeting of the aid and risks to the housing market. A $10 billion proposal by House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) would give homebuyers […]

  • Vets Battle Critical Race Theory Invasion of Military

    American Renaissance - Jun 1st 2021 1:45pm EDT

    Troubled by an influx of critical race theory into the military, a coalition of veterans and congressional Republicans are demanding the Pentagon stop placating left-wing activists and focus on national defense. A July 2020 film by the United States Air Force Academy football team endorsing Black Lives Matter and “antiracism” education prompted retired Lt. Gen. […]

  • Trump West Point Advisory Board Appointee Says Government Is Replacing Americans with European Heritage With Migrants

    American Renaissance - May 28th 2021 7:00pm EDT

    A decorated Army veteran appointed by Donald Trump to West Point’s advisory board at the end of his presidency has suggested that Joe Biden is deliberately bringing in migrants in a bid to change the demographic balance to help Democrats. Colonel Douglas Macgregor, 68, was appointed by Trump on December 8 for a three-year term […]

  • Atlanta Councilman Antonio Brown, Who Voted to Defund Police, Has Car Stolen

    American Renaissance - May 28th 2021 6:57pm EDT

    An Atlanta mayoral candidate who voted to sequester $73 million from the city’s police department budget reportedly had his car stolen by a group of young thieves this week — and wound up thanking the cops for their help. City Council Member Antonio Brown had just gotten out of his white Mercedes coupe to speak […]

  • A White-Out of Whites: Ignoring the Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In the Room

    American Renaissance - May 28th 2021 11:56am EDT

    May 24, 2021, London: Friends and fellow activists held a vigil at Ruskin Park in Denmark Hill for Black Lives Matter leader Sasha Johnson. (Credit Image: © Tayfun Salci / ZUMA Wire) Prior to being shot in the head, this week, by four brothers in a melee at a wild party, Sasha Johnson, of the […]

  • Republican Lawmakers Demand Immediate Action from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin After Bombshell Bishop Garrison Report

    American Renaissance - May 27th 2021 6:32pm EDT

    A group of thirty Republican Congressmen led by Matt Rosendale of Montana are demanding action from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after Revolver’s recent reporting exposed the disturbing depths of woke ideology taking control of the highest echelons of the American military. “The sole purpose of the United States Military is to protect American citizens, defend American national security […]

  • Washington Governor Signs Sweeping Police Reform Measures

    American Renaissance - May 24th 2021 1:17pm EDT

    Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Tuesday signed one of the nation’s most ambitious packages of police accountability legislation, prompted by last year’s outcry for racial justice following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other Black people at the hands of police. The dozen bills Inslee signed include outright bans on police use of […]

  • Congress Passes Bill to Counter the Rise in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

    American Renaissance - May 20th 2021 1:15pm EDT

    The House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday to address the increase in hate crimes and violence against Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic, clearing the legislation for President Biden to sign. The COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act passed by a 364-62 vote; all 62 votes against the bill were from Republicans. The Senate approved the legislation […]

  • Pentagon Plans to Monitor Social Media of Military Personnel for Extremist Content

    American Renaissance - May 20th 2021 1:15pm EDT

    As part of the Biden administration’s crackdown on domestic extremism, the Pentagon plans to launch a pilot program for screening social media content for extremist material, according to internal Defense Department documents reviewed by The Intercept, as well as a source with direct knowledge of the program. An extremism steering committee led by Bishop Garrison, a […]

  • California Attorney General Launches Racial Justice Bureau to Combat Hate Crimes, Police Bias

    American Renaissance - May 19th 2021 5:38pm EDT

    California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta will create a racial justice bureau to combat white supremacy and biased policing as well as to explore the possibility of reparations for slavery. {snip} “Taking on hate crimes will always be one of my top priorities as the people’s attorney,” said Bonta, the first Filipino American to hold the […]

  • Biden Administration to Prioritize Transgender Migrants Seeking to Cross US Border

    American Renaissance - May 19th 2021 5:38pm EDT

    The Biden administration, which effectively announced an open door policy for migrant children crossing the border alone, is expanding their priorities to include families with young children and people who identify as transgender. Vice President Kamala Harris has called violence against LGBT persons a “root cause” of migration. The administration is opening up exceptions to […]