• Human Augmentation? A Post-Human World? -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 31st 2022 3:22pm EST

     In this video I give an overview of the UK MOD and German Gov document, Human Augmentation: Dawn of a New Paradigm. The amazing document prepares for future war and the need to alter morals, ethics and engineer the masses into acceptance of the biosecurity state. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% […]

  • Buddhism, The Trinity & Roman Catholic History – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 31st 2022 11:11am EST

     Tonight we will have open forum debate from my twitter spaces. Anyone on twitter can join and challenge me to a debate where they can have the floor, or we can merely have a chill Q n A session. It’s up to you!  Topics include a brief debate with a Buddhist, Roman Catholic history […]

  • A White Nationalist Take on Transgenderism

    Counter Currents - Jan 31st 2022 8:14am EST

    Matt Walsh 2,327 words Matt Walsh, a Just for Men Beard model in another life who in this life serves as a normie conservative commentator, recently debated a person resembling a sideshow bearded lady on Dr. Phil as to what it means to be a woman and what gender means generally. Theater for normies doesn’t […]

  • Idol Worship

    Amerika.org - Jan 28th 2022 8:53am EST

    Throughout times in human history, improvements in spiritual technology have come to us: more accurate ways of describing our relationship to a divine which shows its face only indirectly in the world. As someone pointed out long ago, if the gods spoke to us from burning bushes and enchanted rivers, everyone would be religious, and […]

  • Human Augmentation? A Post-Human World? -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 26th 2022 2:37pm EST

    In this video I give an overview of the UK MOD and German Gov document, Human Augmentation: Dawn of a New Paradigm. The amazing document prepares for future war and the need to alter morals, ethics and engineer the masses into acceptance of the biosecurity state. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all […]

  • Church Spies! Soft Power, CIA & KGB Churches, Cults & Geopolitics – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Jan 24th 2022 1:35pm EST

     State use of the Church extends far beyond the modern world: Many Byzantine Emperors attempted to use the Church, many kings attempted to co-opt the church, as well as using religions in general, which is a form of religious soft power. The ancient world saw the state proclaiming itself god, and often the state’s […]

  • Is America a More “Christian Nation” than Ever Before?

    Counter Currents - Jan 14th 2022 7:25am EST

    1,109 words America is no longer “Jesusland.” Only 63% of Americans now identify as Christians, down from 75% just a decade ago. 29% of Americans now identify as non-religious, an increase of roughly ten points since 2011. Unsurprisingly, religious behavior has also declined. A quarter of Americans say they attend a religious service weekly, 45% […]

  • A New The Ten Commandments

    Amerika.org - Jan 12th 2022 7:14pm EST

    As the old winds down, we are seeing thousands of years of accumulated bad ideas collapse at once. COVID-19 revealed just how little competence, goodness, and awareness of reality is at work in Late Stage Democracy. Those of us who look toward the future instead of fighting over the crumbs of the past advance certain […]

  • Batman (1989), Hide & Seek (2005), Movie Mind Control & More #2

    Jay Dyer - Jan 4th 2022 6:35pm EST

     Tonight Jamie joins me to cover 4 films, Batman from Tim Burton, DeNiro’s Hide and Seek on mind control, and the other two on R0kfin (as well as to JaysAnalysis subs tomorrow), Nic Cage The Knowing, and the dark classic, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962). 7PM CST week days. Remember to boost that […]

  • Toyota’s Corolla Manga Series Sadly Demonstrates the Devolution of Human Society

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2022 1:00am EST

    Toyota is celebrating the milestone of the sale of 50 million Toyota Corolla’s with the release of a manga series. We have a Portrait of Dorian Grey type situation here. These images, which show the evolution of the car, demonstrate the devolution of human civilization. The first Corolla was released in 1969. And although we […]

  • Jay Dyer Show #1 – New For 2022 – Daily Livestream Show: News, Movies, Books. Philosophy & More

    Jay Dyer - Jan 3rd 2022 4:53pm EST

     We are trying a new model this year: a daily satirical livestream show at 7PM CST weeknights, as well as the weekly long-form lectures. Nothing will change for the site, aside from more content, while edgier part 2 content will be available at my site and over at Rokfin. We will also do more […]

  • How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 1st 2022 5:34pm EST

     Since it seems 95% of Roman Catholics have not read the actual documents of Vatican 1 to know precisely what the doctrine of papal infallibility is, we will cover the documents and the relevant encyclicals that expound them today. We will look at how this council is really the fundamental means to refuting papalism, […]

  • Fr Whiteford & Others Discuss Patristic Faith, Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy & Gamma-Gatekeepers

    Jay Dyer - Dec 31st 2021 4:23pm EST

     Join us as some of Patristic Faith’s Senior Contributors (Jay Dyer, COTEL, Brother Augustine, the Norwegian Nous, and others) come together to discuss Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy, its Gamma-Gatekeepers, and the importance of having an apologetic ministry like Patristic Faith. You can find our Patristic Faith website here: https://www.patristicfaith.com     Remember to boost that […]

  • Reason and Theology Exposed: Heresy, Slander, and Sockpuppet Accounts!?

    Jay Dyer - Dec 31st 2021 3:39pm EST

     This video documents the various errors, examples of incompetencies, unethical attacks and strange activities of “Reason and Theology”. Welcome to the REAL Reason & Theology Comedy hour! Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives […]

  • BUSINESS CHURCH: Mega-Churches, Marc Driscoll, Calvinism & Collapse – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Dec 26th 2021 3:19pm EST

     Today I will be giving my analysis of the Mega church phenomenon, the origins in positive thinking, the connections of these movements to intelligence fronts and cut outs, the cultish aspect of many of these spin-off religions and CEO pastor-gurus, the schemes and strategies used, as well as an analysis of Calvinism and its […]

  • Decent December: Wholesome Hollywood – Good Movies & Symbolic Quests

    Jay Dyer - Dec 26th 2021 2:07pm EST

     Since we have covered many dark and devilish films, we decided to cover wholesome and positive films for December, as we complied a list of themes that include comedies, love, redemption, loss, healing and more. Some are Christian, while others are merely wholesome and others more serious, yet with a good overall conclusion.Live at […]

  • Philosophy of History, Geopolitics & Iconography Vs Renaissance Hermeticism: Open Forum Chat / Q n A

    Jay Dyer - Dec 14th 2021 8:51pm EST

    T0day we will have open forum Q n A and debate from opponents among Protestant, atheists, Muslims etc., as well as my take on a few issues and topics> The topics ended up being about Daniel and the philosophy of history, esoteric and hermetic elements in the Renaissance and in particular Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, and […]

  • The Great Reset And Silent Weapons For Silent Wars – Jay Dyer Hosts

    Jay Dyer - Dec 14th 2021 6:36pm EST

    Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the Great Reset and Silent Weapons for Silent Wars document. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!    Bitcoin Donate Bitcoin to this address Scan […]

  • Michaelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: Esoteric, Hermetic & Unorthodox Elements

    Jay Dyer - Dec 13th 2021 3:11pm EST

     Nothing more American than a Sistine Chapel replica in a mall! This exhibit was worth seeing, however, due to the ability to stop and focus on the large to scale panels. We are able to deconstruct the esoteric and alchemical elements derived from the Renaissance era hermeticism obsessions. We see clearly an unorthodox theology […]

  • Geopolitics & Empire: Great Reset & 60 Elite Books

    Jay Dyer - Dec 9th 2021 5:01pm EST

     “Jay Dyer discusses the dystopia we find ourselves in and what he calls the “business phase” of the Great Reset. The elite’s overall plan of the last century is being rolled out through managed and staged crises. The initial phases of the global government technocracy arose out of the UN’s plans for managing nukes. […]

  • Great Reset Transhumanism & History – Jay Dyer on Charles Moskowitz Show

    Jay Dyer - Dec 9th 2021 4:49pm EST

     Charles Moskowitz and Jay Dyer discuss the Darwinian ethos and trans-humanism and the desire for man to be God. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase […]

  • Orthodoxy, Philosophy, Apologetics, Geopolitics, History, Transhumanism, Ecumenism, Globalism & more

    Jay Dyer - Dec 3rd 2021 4:12pm EST

     “Welcome to EPISODE 25 of my channel and podcast: The Devotional Hearts Show! My guest is Jay Dyer of “Jay’s Analysis”, well known in the Online Orthodox Community for his books, lectures, interviews, debates, and articles. Jay’s content creation includes (but is not limited to) debate, apologetics, satire, metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature […]

  • Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus’ Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

    Jay Dyer - Nov 28th 2021 4:27pm EST

     Why is the Western world (and now most of the world), in terms of religions, a giant atheism factory? What are the events and ideologies that led to such a drastic alteration in human living where religion has not died, but been replaced by a new religion of techne? Many factors could be listed, […]

  • Jesus and Nietzsche

    Amerika.org - Nov 23rd 2021 8:02am EST

    When approaching the topic of Christianity, one treads with caution. Not only because so many of those we know on a social basis are Christian, but because depriving our people of spiritual hope as the atheists intend would be destructive. However, it is impossible to ignore the ongoing failure of Christianity, which also not only […]

  • Remembering René Guénon: November 15, 1886–January 7, 1951

    Counter Currents - Nov 15th 2021 6:47am EST

    387 words René Guénon was born on November 15, 1886. Along with Julius Evola, Guénon was one of the leading figures in the Traditionalist school, which has deeply influenced my own outlook and the metapolitical mission and editorial agenda of Counter-Currents Publishing and North American New Right. (For a sense of my differences with Guénon, see my […]