Some are citing 8 U.S. Code § 1324a as a method that the Trump administration can use to end the presence of illegal aliens in America: It is unlawful for a person or other entity— (A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien knowing […]
Diversity replaces national cultures with internationalist, cosmpolitan substitutes for culture like ideology and organized religion. If you want your nation to be a happy place, insist on benevolent xenophobia, or acceptance of the fact that all foreign groups will conquer you if they can: Starting in the early 1990s, I began writing that diversity itself […]
The other day, someone on social media was commenting that it is hard to have meaningful discussions on social media because people view attacks on their point of view as attacks on them personally. This mistake also occurs when people confuse criticism of a plan with criticism of its stated objectives even if it is […]
Currently conservatives speak volubly about replacing racial quota programs like affirmative action with “colorblind meritocracy,” but most humans avoid conflict because it entails risk and therefore frequently settle for compromises that do not address the underlying issue. We got to the current place through colorblind meritocracy, just like we got to the point before that […]
Humanity succeeded in its initial aim of conquering nature to the point that humans no longer faced the threat of likely imminent death, disease, or starvation. That kicked off a wave of democratization, where we celebrated every human as worthwhile, and forgot that most of the notions that humans prefer are self-serving and delusional. This […]
Every generation is like being on a giant cruise ship. You arrive on the ship at the same time, it leaves port, and then a relatively small group at the front defines how the world sees your generation by doing outrageous stunts and stupid stuff that makes it easy to characterize you. To make this […]
A great deal of online discourse concerns how “capitalism” is oppressing us, almost always by people who confuse economic systems with how government has inserted itself in them. Our current system is driven by benefits and taxes which turn free markets into socialist tools in a system called neoliberalism. We are told that free markets […]
When you import a cheaper workforce, you displace your own people who would work in those industries. They can no longer compete on price, since they have established homes and families and need certain wages. If you go further and subsidize your new workforce with free socialist giveaways, the old workforce is at an even […]
The diversity question functions like an IQ test. It requires people to accept that any differences in group are toxic, and therefore only mono-ethnic societies have a chance at survival. They have to do this while looking past the immediate problems of differences between races, classes, and ethnic groups that are a Veil of Maya […]
Why do people hate the Baby Boomers? Tangibly, they were the generation that received the benefits of the postwar boom, then soaked up the government aid, and when they failed to reproduce at replacement rate because of their sexual liberation, created a tax revenue crash that “required” diversity to solve. More likely the wider resentment […]
As we wrote here eight years ago, our elections are now determined by the diversity issue: No symbol is clearer than what happened in Rotherham in the UK, where hundreds of girls were molested by immigrants and no one would report it for fear of being seen as racist. Fear of “racism” holds the West […]
Sometimes the simplest concepts are the hardest for people to understand: I oppose diversity. Not specific diversity groups, but the fact of diversity itself. Take ten seconds with that. The only societies that will survive are mono-ethnic. This allows them to have culture, healthy breeding, and a sense of purpose. All societies that are poly-ethnic […]
Sodomy will forever confuse the human mind. Natural to homosexuals, to heterosexuals — especially in a homosexual context — it is a form of domination and humiliation. If you sodomize your enemy, you are celebrating (with hubris perhaps) how thoroughly you have defeated him. And if you sodomize your heterosexual partner? Perhaps that, too, like […]
Societies succeed and grow, and then people become dependent on those societies, not just for sustenance but for guidance. This creates a dangerous split in the population where some are still geared toward adapting to reality, but others are suitable only for adapting to social situations. The former group remain “conservatives,” and the latter group […]
As noted elsewhere, civilizations die by success. They find methods that work, then make those the goal and lose sight of what it is to be a civilization. At that point, everything becomes a job, taxes drive the economy, and people abandon culture in favor of individualism, which arises from resentment of how everything has […]
Today is international Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time when people say “Never Forget” and then immediately forget the real lesson of Auschwitz: diversity will kill you. When you take a tribe of people like the Germans and put their backs up against a wall and say “accept miscegenation or we destroy you,” they may turn […]
Last week, E. Michael Jones — a committed Catholic who speaks often of the “Jewish Question” — took to social media to proclaim that “White unity is incompatible with Christianity.” In his view, universal Christian morality mandates the inclusion of diversity, even if this leads to the destruction like Christ on the Cross of Western […]
Windows did a great thing for the computer industry: it standardized hardware and the expected list of operating system functions in order to make desktop computing a stable commodity. After it wrestled hardware from the domain of exclusive manufacturers, computers dropped in cost and became similar enough to be daily tools for most people. It […]
We might call it the diversity arc: when one ethnic group forms a nation, diversity arrives, and at first it plays the victim until it can acquire enough votes to be a “swing vote” in every election, at which point it takes over and displaces the founding ethnic group. Bantus are not native to South […]
It is well and good to be a race realist. In fact, if you are going to be sane, you should probably be a realist, and if so, there is no point leaving race out of the equation. There are two dimensions to this. First is recognizing differences between groups, including behaviors and average IQs. […]
Censorship on the internet took many forms. At first, it grew out of the need to limit spam, or unsolicited commercial postings. Then it became political, ensuring that the small percentage of people who are always online would stay online at the site doing the censoring. Now it has entered its final and most honest […]
Longtime pro-White writer Jared Taylor got in a bit of a kerfuffle on social media for mentioning that West Virginia might not be prime White DNA: In an interview with Richard Hanania, Taylor said he found the Mountaineers to be not-so-great. He recalled that when he walked around its capital, he wondered if there was […]
Very few people understand election 2024, just like very few people understood Trump becoming popular in 2015. They see him in terms of policy and not lifestyle. The rise of Trump can be explained by a simple fact: in contrast to what came after 1996, the 1980s stand out as a golden era in which […]
Recently I was fortunate to participate in a great dialogue with Kevin Alfred Strom, who many of you know as a writer about White Nationalist and other Ethnat topics over the past four decades. We talked about the Wop Question: Brett: No, [wops are not White — they] were originally White but became miscegenated. Kevin: […]
The twenty-first century has kicked off with us wondering how what seemed to save us last century has gone so wrong, so seemingly out of our control and spiraling into the abyss without us intending it to do so. Democracy and civil rights (liberal democracy) seemed to save us from fascism and communism, but now […]
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