• Inside the Mind of David Lynch: Esoteric Symbolism in Wild at Heart & More

    Jay Dyer - Apr 20th 2021 2:32pm EDT

     The Decameron film festival hosted online this year invited me on to do a deep dive into Lynch, the symbolism, patterns and influences on his artwork, focusing on Wild at Heart.   Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in […]

  • James Delingpole Podcast – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 17th 2021 4:51pm EDT

     Philosopher, comedian, author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2, presenter of TV’s Hollywood Decoded talks to James about God, technocracy, Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope, movie subtexts and the future of the human race. Support James: https://www.subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpole   Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and […]

  • Top 10 Arguments AGAINST The Trinity Refuted! – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 17th 2021 3:04pm EDT

     Today I am finally getting around to doing a stream I’ve intended to do for a long time: replying to the standard fare top 10 arguments you hear from atheists, Muslims, Arians, etc., on why the Triad isn’t true. Fundamental to this question will be the place of revelation in our theology, the harmonization […]

  • Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism – Jay Dyer/ Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

    Jay Dyer - Apr 15th 2021 2:40pm EDT

     Tonight we ended up not covering the work by St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons which forms part of the theological basis of the argumentation of the 7th Ecumenical Councils.  Instead we did Q n A that covered Protestant assumptions, ecumenical councils and the canons – are canon laws infallible? – addressing […]

  • EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization

    Jay Dyer - Apr 12th 2021 12:40pm EDT

    600k views in 2 days!  This is a huge viral report! Jay Dyer joins hAlex J0nez to help give a SPARS 2025-2028 update and confirm what 1nfowars has been reporting for over a year: the C0V1D-l9 vaccine is a globalist bio-attack meant to collapse nation states and usher in the New World 0rder. Subscribe to […]

  • New Discoveries ReveaIed in SPARS 2025-2028 Dep0pulation Document

    Jay Dyer - Apr 10th 2021 5:47pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of http://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the new discoveries in the SPARS 2025-2028 depopulation document. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!    Bitcoin Donate Bitcoin to this address Scan the […]

  • The Cancellation of Martin Luther

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 9th 2021 3:59pm EDT

    In light of the debate over woke supremacy and cancel culture, I am surprised that hardly anyone has brought up the greatest populist uprising in European history. Note: Medieval Catholicism was a more reasonable moral system. After all, you could at least buy an indulgence to get out of trouble.

  • The Book of Woke Prayer: “Help Me Hate White People”

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 9th 2021 10:15am EDT

    On Saturday, one of the members of my church sent me these images of a “devotional” she found in Target. This kind of thinking is a direct result of CRT and is completely anti-biblical. I shared the first page on Saturday but let me now share the whole thing for context: pic.twitter.com/oiRxHQXY53 — Ryan McAllister […]

  • Serial Killers, Mind Control & Occultism – Pt. 2: Saville, Gacy & More! (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Apr 8th 2021 5:10pm EDT

    Yes, I know Saville is not technically a serial killer but he is included here because of his close connection to multiple serial killers as a key go-between.  We will cover the overview information relating to Gacy in Clown and Candyman connecting him to Norman and Paske, as well as McGowan’s analysis.  Depending on time […]

  • Pope Prays with Devil Worshippers? Voodoo World Order – Jay Dyer Show #3 with Jamie

    Jay Dyer - Apr 4th 2021 1:49pm EDT

     Another installment for the ROK!   Links will be added in the description.  We will cover hot and spicy news topics and thinks to hype for the soft… We cover shadow people in Big Sur, the tinfoil weakness, voodoo, letters to the elite, eating bugs, vacuum of immortality, Aztec rituals, and best voodoo movies. […]

  • Lil Nas X – Satanic Shoes? Jay Dyer Reveals The Secrets Of The Light Bearer!

    Jay Dyer - Mar 29th 2021 11:06am EDT

     Documentary filmmaker and commentator Jason Bermas invited me back to cover the big picture: cults, intelligence agencies and social engineering.  Bermas has hammered home the deep analysis of NXIVM, Jeffstein Effrey and how this relates to the overall plans for a world government.  From human compromise and espionage to social engineering and mind control, […]

  • Remembering Flannery O’Connor (March 25, 1925–August 4, 1964)

    Counter Currents - Mar 25th 2021 6:00am EDT

    1,842 words Like her near-contemporary Gore Vidal (both were born in 1925), the fiction writer Mary Flannery O’Connor had her first brush with fame via a Pathé movie newsreel. She had a pet chicken whom she’d taught to walk backward. Gore’s fame came a few years later when he piloted an airplane, age ten. O’Connor […]

  • Jacob’s Ladder (1993): Robert Stark Talks to Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 18th 2021 6:35pm EDT

    Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to author and TV presenter Jay Dyer about the psychological horror film Jacob’s Ladder (1990). Jay Dyer is the author of Esoteric Hollywood:: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film and you can watch his show on YouTube. Also check out Robert’s interview with Jay on Stark Truth TV at […]

  • Serial Killers, Hollywood, CIA & the Mafia – Meta-Politics with Richard Grove – GTW Podcast

    Jay Dyer - Mar 16th 2021 12:56am EDT

     Watch Grand Theft World Live with episode 019 – Jay Dyer joins Richard Grove to discuss all things meta-politics with topics as diverse as serial killers, mk ultra, organized crime and more! To watch the Grand Theft World live stream (somewhere other than youtube that also has a lively chat audience), create your FREE […]

  • The Worst Week Yet: March 7-13, 2021

    Counter Currents - Mar 15th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Too White, 2021. 2,593 words Jew-Baiting Capitol Rioter With Ironic Hitler Mustache Finally Found! If you’re even half-awake at this juncture in history, you’d realize that nearly all of the participants in January 6’s Capitol Stampede — or Capitol Blitzkrieg, Capitol Lynching, Capitol Hate Crime, or Kapitallnacht, whatever they’re calling it this week […]

  • Toward a European Religion

    Amerika.org - Mar 11th 2021 8:02am EST

    Many of us find ourselves in the position that the protagonist of Submission discovered in his life: we like the idea of religion, but are not quite convinced by the symbolic religion of Christianity. Perhaps we lack the goodness to see it. Possibly our scientific worldview makes an accumulation of tokens, mythologies, talismans, and divine […]

  • Richard Dawkins Vs. William Lane Craig Debate Review – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 10th 2021 3:46pm EST

     The next best debate to review we haven’t covered yet includes the infamous Richard Dawkins – who has been curiously overlooked in our series. Time to rectify that with this popular debate from a decade ago, which also includes cameos of other atheists and so called apologists in what looks like a UFC version […]

  • The Jericho March

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2020 7:31pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Rod Dreher live tweeted the whole event. There’s some large guy onstage at the DC rally named “Shofar So Great” (https://t.co/rB4DIPCf1r) claiming to be an Orthodox Jew who says his rabbi in Israel gave him permission to break Shabbat to support Donald Trump and blow the shofar […]

  • Michael Lind: The Revenge of the Yankees

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 22nd 2020 1:41am EST

    I’ve swung away from history over the past few weeks because of the election. I’m planning to pick up where I left off though with my series of articles about Modernism. Tablet Mag: “Is America disintegrating into anarchy and civil war among races, religions, and regions? Is the country more divided than ever before? The […]


    London Real - Oct 22nd 2020 9:17am EDT

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>LORD MICHAEL FARMER</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> FROM THE CITY TO POLITICS: THE ROLE OF RELIGION AND THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY IN PROMOTING UPWARD SOCIAL MOBILITY appeared first on London Real.

  • Alex Jones – Behind The Pandemic: How the Globalist Agenda Will Cause a Massive World Depression & Destroy Society

    London Real - Sep 16th 2020 8:54am EDT

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>Alex Jones</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> Behind The Pandemic: How the Globalist Agenda Will Cause a Massive World Depression & Destroy Society appeared first on London Real.

  • Modernism and Protestantism

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 8th 2020 2:16pm EDT

    The following excerpts come from Eric P. Kaufmann’s book The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America and illustrate the degree to which the rise of Modernism was transforming American Christianity in the first three decades of the 20th century. In the early 20th century, American Protestantism became obsessed with ecumenicism and cosmopolitanism and began to splinter. […]

  • Sam Harris – Making Sense: How Successful Conversations Prevent The Total Breakdown Of Civilisation

    London Real - Jul 21st 2020 6:55am EDT

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>Sam Harris</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> Making Sense: How Successful Conversations Prevent The Total Breakdown Of Civilisation appeared first on London Real.

  • James Lindsay – Exposing Social Justice Warriors: How Wokeness Is Radicalising & Destroying The World

    London Real - Jul 10th 2020 6:09am EDT

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>James Lindsay</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> Exposing Social Justice Warriors: How Wokeness Is Radicalising & Destroying The World appeared first on London Real.

  • Southern History Series: George Fitzhugh on Atheism and Mob Violence

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 27th 2020 9:45am EDT

    While nothing can properly mirror the joy of Pride celebrations in our towns and cities, #GlobalPride is a unique opportunity for people to connect with one another, in unity, across all nations. I send my best wishes to all in the LGBT community celebrating today.— Boris Johnson #StayAlert (@BorisJohnson) June 27, 2020 We are flying […]