• S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 931 | El Reeve Muskovite

    Jared Howe - Oct 14th 2022 8:34am EDT

    The billionaire grandson of the guy who led Canada’s technocracy / futurism movement has worn a lot of hats over the years: web developer, online banker, car salesman, rocket man, angel investor, AI guy, transhumanist, arms dealers, “sustainable developer”, social media influencer, and more. Musk will soon become the owner of a social media platform […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 930 | Backed by the Black

    Jared Howe - Oct 11th 2022 7:50am EDT

    The Eurasio-Duginoid Kalergites who comprise the Extremely Online Pissident Right have deemed Kanye’s critique of Jewish power to be insufficient because he doesn’t adequately support the existing government of Iran. “See! He’s a tool of Zog!” …as though their silence on the issue of Jewish nepotism in Russia is any better. They’re wrapping their critiques […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 929 | Forced to the Front

    Jared Howe - Oct 5th 2022 7:51am EDT

    S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 929 | Forced to the Front Having realized there’s no price Putin isn’t willing to pay to accomplish his geopolitical objectives, Russian troops have become pretty demoralized — so much so that Putin’s only option for replenishing his ranks is to conscript white Russian […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 928 | It Could Only Be Anglo-Saxons

    Jared Howe - Oct 3rd 2022 7:39am EDT

    It’s official. Putin’s “special operation” to “denazify Ukraine” has now spiraled into a full-blown blood war on Anglo-Saxons. And while Putin is busy blood-libeling Anglo-Saxons and “the collective west” for what was probably a vodka-inspired fuck-up in the Baltic Sea, some listeners are writing in with text walls to whatabout on the topic of sabotage, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 927 | It Could Only Be Sabotage

    Jared Howe - Sep 29th 2022 7:25am EDT

    The investigation has scarcely even started but the conclusion is already in: Someone sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines. How do we know it’s sabotage? It HAD to be sabotage. Because high pressure vapor delivery systems NEVER fail on their own. And since they never fail on their own, I guess it was a mistake for […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 926 | Making Eurasia

    Jared Howe - Sep 27th 2022 7:51am EDT

    If you want to make a Eurasia, it’s necessary to have an Oceania. You ever get the sense that so-called “civilization states” and the Marxoids who run them are really just embellishing conflicts between themselves as a means to erode the borders of their neighbors until, one day, they can come together under the framework […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 925 | Opposing Globalism

    Jared Howe - Sep 26th 2022 7:49am EDT

    It is often claimed that Putin’s motive for invading Ukraine is rooted in a sense of nationalist attachment to its people, yet Putin JAILS actual Russian nationalists and defames them as “cavemen.” And what do these Russian nationalists think about Putin’s invasion? Political prisoner Alexei Navalny calls it criminal and accuses Putin of sending hundreds […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 924 | Feeding the Meat Grinder

    Jared Howe - Sep 23rd 2022 8:49am EDT

    The Eurasianist mask is off and the so-called “independence” movements of Eastern Ukraine are officially CANCELLED. Putin announced plans to mobilize 300,000 additional troops this week as various members of his administration called for referendums on joining the Russian Federation throughout Eastern Ukraine. …which is weird because I thought they were there to LIBERATE Ukraine’s […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 923 | Scaring Leftoids With One Finger

    Jared Howe - Sep 20th 2022 7:53am EDT

    Many of the presstitutes who were previously assigned to the Alt Right from 2016 to 2020 appear to have been reassigned to the Q-Anon beat in the current year. And like the Alt Right, there appears to be more media smear artists and Federal agents involved with tracking it than there are actual violent extremists. […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 922 | Marxoid Monetary Theory

    Jared Howe - Sep 16th 2022 8:36am EDT

    According to recent inflation data, we didn’t produce enough goods and services to offset the effects of rapidly expanding the money supply. It’s almost as though it’s faster to loan money into existence than it is to make things… Who would’ve thought? At least central banks can still demonetize cash and impose CBDCs to shield […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 921 | Operation Z Comes Undone

    Jared Howe - Sep 13th 2022 7:50am EDT

    Russian forces retreated south of Kharkiv over the weekend, giving up territory they’d spent the last six months trying to hold. The standard cope is that they weren’t ACKTCHUALLY focused on holding territory; they were more focused on destroying Ukrainian forces. In the end, they completed neither objective. Meanwhile, Duginoids and Eurasianists are on life […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 920 | The Ultimate Cost of Geopolitics

    Jared Howe - Sep 9th 2022 9:15am EDT

    No empire can ever conquer the entire world without losing its own national identity in the process. If such an empire succeeds in its territorial ambitions, it is forced to assimilate the peoples it conquers. If such an empire fails in its territorial ambitions, it is left pregnable and defenseless. It might even be punished […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 919 | Rural Whites Still Back Trump

    Jared Howe - Sep 5th 2022 7:47am EDT

    The turnout for Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania last week showed us that rural white Americans haven’t abandoned Donald Trump in spite of the lawfare or his own personal shortcomings. Speaking of which, Trump says he’s offering financial and legal support to some of the J6 defendants, which will come as much welcome news to most […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 918 | Gorbachev Becomes a Good Communist

    Jared Howe - Sep 2nd 2022 8:47am EDT

    When Darya Dugina died, her death dominated the news cycle for more than a week. Every outlet was running stories about it, her picture was pinned to the top of the Drudge Report, and “Dissident Right” pundits were feverishly turning out podcasts, streams, and text walls about how “not relevant” Dugin is. By contrast, former […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 917 | Armed Communists Defend Pedo Convention

    Jared Howe - Aug 31st 2022 7:58am EDT

    One of the unfortunate consequences of right-wing public demonstrations is that they result in the opposite of the intended effect when right-wingers don’t have political power. For example, protesting at events where fags in dresses are stripping and gyrating for children doesn’t always get the police to take action against the organizers, especially in left-wing […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 916 | The Disutility of Public Demonstrations

    Jared Howe - Aug 29th 2022 7:58am EDT

    High-risk/low-reward political activism will apparently continue until morale…. does something. Californian Proud Boys apparently haven’t figured out yet that getting away with political demonstrations is a lagging indicator of who already has political power; not a leading one. Lindsay Graham, on the other hand, believes for some reason that Trump supporters will riot if he’s […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 915 | Irrelevant Philosopher Becomes Center of Global News Cycle

    Jared Howe - Aug 24th 2022 7:46am EDT

    In a span of about five days, Russian geopolitical strategist and occultist Alexandr Dugin has gone from being “totally irrelevant” to almost a household name. Interestingly, the people who told us he was irrelevant have now pivoted to insisting that the assassination of Daria Dugina TOTALLY wasn’t a false flag. Sure it wasn’t… Meanwhile, Dugina’s […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 914 | Darya Dugin Assassinated

    Jared Howe - Aug 22nd 2022 7:56am EDT

    Anti-racist Russian television commentator and geopolitical analyst Darya Dugin was assassinated this weekend in what the Russian government is calling a “contract style killing.” Dugin was the daughter of the notorious geopolitical strategist and estoerist Aleksandr Dugin, which makes her the Russian equivalent of someone like Mikah Brezinski. There is literally not one shred of […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 913 | Be More Like China

    Jared Howe - Aug 16th 2022 7:46am EDT

    On what passes for the Dissident Right in the West, there’s no shortage of Eurasian fetishism. Many believe that emulating China would solve many political problems, but what would that actually entail? A female labor force participation rate of over 60% Paying on your mortgage years in advance of your home being built? Stagnant birthrates? […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 912 | Trashing Trump

    Jared Howe - Aug 11th 2022 8:34am EDT

    The extremely online Dissident Right likes to be on the cutting edge of hot and novel takes. As a peer-oriented internet culture, its identity morphs and shifts in response to the rise and fall of certain memes and personalities. He may not live up to the DR’s arbitrary, ever-changing purity standards, but Donald Trump has […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 911 | Lawfare at Mar-a-Lago

    Jared Howe - Aug 9th 2022 7:51am EDT

    I’m not sure there is a point at which the Federal government will ever stop trying to engineer a chilling effect for anyone who might seek to emulate Trump’s style of demagoguery. And while the ongoing lawfare is intended to demoralize, it may only serve to embolden those for whom the appeal of Trump is […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 910 | Molochoids Rejoice

    Jared Howe - Aug 5th 2022 8:28am EDT

    If there’s one thing the queers like more than sexualizing the children of straight couples, it’s killing them in utero. Molochoids in Kansas rejoiced earlier this week following the failure of a ballot initiative that would have empowered the state legislature to prohibit abortion / ritual child sacrifice. Kansas is considered to be a deep […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 909 | Inflationary War Theater

    Jared Howe - Aug 2nd 2022 7:39am EDT

    In recent history, bouts of global inflation were often punctuated by large increases in the number of excess deaths. Many millions died throughout Europe and Asia during the 20th Century as a result of war and government-induced famine over a backdrop of runaway inflation. Will the 21st Century be any different? Will population reduction be […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 908 | Philosemitic Antisemitism

    Jared Howe - Jul 27th 2022 7:56am EDT

    Viktor Orban is teaching the world an important lesson. He’s done a lot for the Jewish community in the past. His government has official recognized Hungarian Jewry as part of the Hungarian national identity. He built a Holocaust museum. He imposed a zero-tolerance policy on antisemitism. He even borrows on the backs of unborn Ukrainians […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 907 | Inflation Chickens Come Home to Roost

    Jared Howe - Jul 25th 2022 7:59am EDT

    Woke Marxoids who don’t know what a woman is are seeking to blame inflation on woke Marxoid corporations, whom they accuse of “price gouging.” It apparently has nothing to do with the woke Marxoid central banking system behind the curtain… Inflation isn’t all bad, though. Tech companies are facing mass layoffs and the housing market […]