Remembering Eve Carson
American Renaissance - Mar 5th 2020 6:00am ESTEve Carson On March 5, 2008, two black thugs shot and killed white college student Eve Carson in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The crime was seemingly part of a random robbery, as the autopsy revealed no signs of sexual assault, but Miss Carson’s ATM card was used almost immediately after her murder. The killers — […]
Chris Matthews and the Fate of White Liberals
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 5:43pm ESTChris Matthews is a full-tilt liberal who worked for Democrats Jimmy Carter and Tip O’Neil. Mr. Matthews said President Trump is a racist and called his language “Hitlerian.” He argued that President Trump has made America the international “bad guy” by allegedly siding with President Putin. He said Republicans who defended President Trump should “stay […]
Europe Under Siege
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 5:07pm ESTJared Taylor and Paul Kersey report on Greece’s firm response to the huge wave of “migrants” Turkey just sent across the border. Taylor and Kersey also discuss stiff backbones in Hungary and Norway, rubber backbones in Virginia and Minnesota, the latest hate hoax, and just how many illegals there are in the country. Download […]
Biden Revives Campaign, Winning Nine States, but Sanders Takes California
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 12:20pm ESTThe Democratic presidential race emerged from Super Tuesday with two clear front-runners as Joseph R. Biden Jr. won Texas, Virginia, North Carolina and at least six other states, largely through support from African-Americans and moderates, while Senator Bernie Sanders harnessed the backing of liberals and young voters to claim the biggest prize of the campaign, California, and several other […]
Don’t Assume That Black America Has Spoken in South Carolina
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 12:20pm ESTMonths ago, Joe Biden’s campaign declared South Carolina its firewall, believing that the large contingent of moderates and black voters there would deliver the former vice president’s first primary win. And despite fears in recent weeks that his support in the state was weakening, the firewall did more than hold up – it has helped […]
SCOTUS: States Can Prosecute Illegal Aliens for Stealing American IDs
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 12:20pm ESTStates have the authority to prosecute illegal aliens for using stolen identities of American citizens to work illegally in the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday. In a 5-4 decision — with liberal Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan dissenting — the Supreme Court ruled against three […]
Race Was the Main Factor on Super Tuesday
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 9:18am ESTVia In January, as Bernie Sanders was surging in the polls, many pundits claimed he had a real chance at the nomination. After Iowa and New Hampshire, his probability of winning it, according to, was more than 50 percent. When Mr. Sanders won the Nevada caucus by a large margin, some people claimed […]
In Memory of Michael Westerman
American Renaissance - Mar 4th 2020 6:00am EST(The following remarks were delivered by Jared Taylor at the memorial service for Michael Westerman, on March 4, 1995, in Fairview, Kentucky.) We are gathered together today in the memory of Michael Westerman. It is entirely good and proper that we do so, for he was killed for no other reason than the fact that […]
Elizabeth Warren and Her Supporters are the Worst Kind of White People
American Renaissance - Mar 3rd 2020 9:49pm ESTElizabeth Warren with two white supporters at a block party hosted by Creative Visions, the Des Moines NAACP, and Urban Dreams at the Urban Dreams Center in Des Moines, Iowa. (Credit Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia) The pool of candidates for the Democrat presidential nomination is shrinking. Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer, and Amy Klobuchar all […]
Two Reasons to Despise the New York Times
American Renaissance - Mar 3rd 2020 6:41pm ESTThe post Two Reasons to Despise the New York Times appeared first on American Renaissance.
Texas Closes Hundreds of Polling Sites, Making It Harder for Minorities to Vote
American Renaissance - Mar 3rd 2020 12:13pm ESTLast year, Texas led the US south in an unenviable statistic: closing down the most polling stations, making it more difficult for people to vote and arguably benefiting Republicans. A report by civil rights group The Leadership Conference Education Fund found that 750 polls had been closed statewide since 2012. Long considered a Republican bastion, changing racial demographics […]
Abortion’s Twisted Logic of Racism During Black History Month
American Renaissance - Mar 3rd 2020 12:13pm EST{snip} While many positive accomplishments by African Americans are now brought to our attention every February, there are those who exploit this annual event to further their own political agenda, which is actually counter to the historical advancement of blacks in American history. Among them is Planned Parenthood. The nation’s largest abortion provider has done […]
The ’64 Civil Rights Act and the Origins of Political Correctness
American Renaissance - Mar 3rd 2020 12:13pm ESTIn his new book The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, Claremont Institute scholar Christopher Caldwell explains how the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the landmark legislation designed to end segregation in the South, gave unprecedented power to Washington and ended up dividing the country. To be sure, Caldwell recognizes that Jim Crow was immoral and needed […]
Super Tuesday Preview
American Renaissance - Mar 2nd 2020 6:02pm ESTBernie Sanders is the presumptive nominee, and it’s probably too late to stop him. Super Tuesday was always important, but this year it will be decisive. Fourteen states and American Samoa will vote. That includes California, which moved its primary date up after the 2016 election. California has 415 delegates out of the approximately 1,350 […]
Blacks Put an End to Buttigieg and Steyer Campaigns
American Renaissance - Mar 2nd 2020 10:14am ESTCredit Image: © Pete Souza / The White House / After embarrassing defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe Biden held a rally in South Carolina where he proclaimed, “I want y’all to think of a number: 99.9 percent. That’s the percentage of African-American voters who have not yet had a chance to vote […]
A Mexican Exodus Is Helping Shrink the Undocumented Population
American Renaissance - Mar 2nd 2020 5:30am ESTJosé cared for the bottle-fed babies, 700 of them in all. He knew a calf was healthy if her eyes were bright and her appetite hearty. Droopy ears were a bad sign. He was attuned to calf coughs. “His job was to do all things a mom would do to look after her young,” said […]
Kansas House Approves Bill to Address Missing Indigenous People
American Renaissance - Mar 2nd 2020 5:05am ESTKansas lawmakers are looking to encourage training for law enforcement agencies to help address the high rates of murdered and missing indigenous people. The House approved a bill unanimously Wednesday that calls for closer collaboration between Native American tribes, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and other agencies in an effort to raise awareness about the […]
The Neglect of Elderly Ethnic Minorities in Healthcare Is ‘Institutionally Racist’
American Renaissance - Mar 2nd 2020 5:00am ESTSome people say they don’t ‘see’ race in an attempt to emphasise that everyone is equal. But race dictates many parts of people’s lives, for better or worse, and those differences need to be recognised. Healthcare is one area where there are serious disparities between how white people and Black, Asian and other ethnic minorities […]
Special Forces No Longer So Special
American Renaissance - Mar 1st 2020 1:30am ESTAmerica is about to get its first female Green Beret. The Army opened all combat positions to women in 2016, but no woman had completed both the Special Forces Assessment and Selection course and the year-long Qualification Course. Now, one finally will. A former Green Beret says the Army has lowered standards. In 2017, he wrote […]
The Late Great City of Detroit
American Renaissance - Mar 1st 2020 1:00am ESTEvery year, at Halloween, the city of Detroit goes up in flames. In an annual observance known as Devil’s Night, gangs of young blacks set fire to hundreds of buildings, while fire trucks scream helplessly from one conflagration to the next. Devil’s Night has become a choice event for fire buffs, who come from as […]
I was Liberal Until I Lived in a Los Angeles Barrio. Now I’m a Race Realist.
American Renaissance - Feb 29th 2020 11:00am ESTLos Angeles (Credit Image: © Image Source / I was conceived out of wedlock by two California liberals high on marijuana. They had both grown up during the Civil Rights movement, and were proud of their status as enlightened egalitarians. We lived in a 90 percent white town, but my upbringing was nothing but […]
Comments of the Week, February 29, 2020
American Renaissance - Feb 29th 2020 8:00am ESTOn “The Rage of a Privileged Class” On “What Beltway Conservatives Say About Immigration” On “Scandinavian Airlines Erases Scandinavian Identity” “The Battle That Saved Christendom” On “Bad to Worse in South Africa“ The post Comments of the Week, February 29, 2020 appeared first on American Renaissance.
Trump Shuns ‘Suicide Mission,’ Wins Over Hispanics Despite Strict Immigration Stance
American Renaissance - Feb 29th 2020 5:25am ESTHe was told being strict on illegal immigration would doom him among Hispanic voters. Yet President Trump has defied their predictions, from the moment he delivered his iconic address to the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2013 — warning the Republican Party that legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants was political suicide — through the 2016 presidential election and into […]
Why Black Voters Are Turning to Bloomberg
American Renaissance - Feb 29th 2020 5:20am EST{snip} Despite the narrative that’s quickly developing about Bloomberg buying the election, the truth is, what has set Bloomberg apart is not his lavish spending but his willingness to court black voters. While Sanders was showcasing an endorsement from the controversial Joe Rogan, Bloomberg was pouring millions of dollars into ads targeting black people across the country. The […]
Her Name Is Madison Harris: White Teenager Murdered by Five Blacks in Biloxi, Mississippi
American Renaissance - Feb 29th 2020 5:10am ESTIt’s highly probable were her family to read this, they’d be more outrage at us noticing patterns and documenting who/whom murdered Madison Harris than with her death itself. She was a white teenager, living in the post-racial society of Biloxi, Mississippi, where integration had occurred and members of the white working-class were beginning to emulate […]