• More Than 100 Hispanic Illegal Immigrants Surrender Near Sasabe

    American Renaissance - Nov 19th 2019 6:00am EST

    Five separate groups of mostly family units surrendered to U.S. Border Patrol near Sasabe, Arizona, over a five hour period Saturday night. The groups, the largest totaling 129 illegal aliens, were comprised of nationals from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua and ranged in age from six months to 56 years old. In October, […]

  • Mexican Sex Offender Arrested by Border Patrol

    American Renaissance - Nov 19th 2019 5:00am EST

    U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the El Centro Sector arrested a previously deported sex offender Saturday evening. The incident occurred at around 10:37 p.m., when agents assigned to the Calexico Station encountered a man suspected of illegally entering the United States approximately 12 miles east of the Calexico Downtown Port of Entry.  Agents arrested the man and […]

  • Thinking About the Ottoman Threat

    American Renaissance - Nov 19th 2019 4:00am EST

    Useful Enemies: Islam and the Ottoman Empire in Western Political Thought, 1450–1750, by Noel Malcolm; Oxford University Press, 512 pages, $24. {snip} Europe first began to worry about the Ottomans in the late fourteenth century when Byzantine diplomats tried, with uneven success, to enlist the aid of Latin Christendom in the defense of their little […]

  • Containing the Drug Cartels

    American Renaissance - Nov 19th 2019 3:00am EST

    Mexican soldiers pass by the remains of burnt vehicles used as roadblocks by members of the La Familia drug cartel on the highway between Morelia and Apatzingan in Mexico.(Credit Image: © Xinhua via ZUMA Wire) The U.S.-Mexico border is a brutal, two-thousand-mile stretch, forbidding in its arid climate and its varied but austere landscape. It […]

  • Deportations Lower Under Trump Administration Than Obama: Report

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 6:30pm EST

    Credit Image: © Dennis Brack/Black Star/Newscom via ZUMA The Trump administration has deported fewer overall people than were deported under former President Obama despite the ongoing crackdown on immigrants without legal status, according to the Washington Post. While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a […]

  • Border Apprehensions Drop 73 Percent in Five Months

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 5:30pm EST

    United States – Texas, USA/Mexico border (Credit Image: © Torrione Stefano / Hemis / ZUMAPRESS.com) The number of migrants arrested for illegally crossing the southern border from Mexico significantly dropped 73 percent in October for a fifth consecutive month, down from nearly 133,000 arrests in May to just over 35,000 in October. {snip} The Mexican government deployed […]

  • California’s Changing Demographics Will Further Doom Republicans

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 4:30pm EST

    Democrats dominate politics in California and Republicans are doomed for one simple, overriding reason: shifting demographics. {snip} Demographics are an eye-glazer, but California’s historic shift has been a political game-changer. The state has turned from battleground purple to one-sided deep blue in 25 years. It’s not solely — arguably not even mostly — because of […]

  • All the News That’s Fit to Print

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 3:31pm EST

    The media are having a lovely time smearing White House advisor Stephen Miller as a “white nationalist” or worse. The campaign began with a November 12 “Hatewatch” column by the Southern Poverty Law Center that was based on no fewer than 900 email messages between Mr. Miller and a former Breitbart editor, Katie McHugh. Miss McHugh […]

  • Acts of Random Violence Are All Too Real in Many Communities

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 3:30pm EST

    Credit Image: © Max Herman / NurPhoto via ZUMA Press It is a sad situation when innocent people of this country are not safe in their homes and when babies die on their couches, or in their mother’s arms. That is what people are dealing with in Shreveport and all around this country. It is […]

  • Pete Buttigieg is Struggling With Black Voters — and Not Just Because He’s Gay

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 2:30pm EST

    Mayor Pete Buttigief and Rev. Al Sharpton. (Credit Image: © Michael Brochstein / ZUMA Wire) On a recent Sunday morning, Pete Buttigieg stood before rows of black churchgoers, a group he and the other Democratic 2020 candidates must win over for a reasonable chance of capturing their party’s presidential nomination. “I know what it is […]

  • Our Racism Killed Tamir Rice

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 1:30pm EST

    The gazebo, under which 12-year-old Tamir Rice was gunned down by a Cleveland police officer five years ago, now commemorates that tragedy from its temporary home on the grounds of an art museum in Chicago — nearly 350 miles away. That ‘s how far we had to send it to escape facing what it symbolizes. […]

  • Disney Plus Service: Company ‘Warns’ Us About Racist Stereotypes

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 12:30pm EST

    I was relieved to see that warning — but I didn’t need it. The new Disney Plus service — its ad-free, on-demand streaming service that was just released a few days ago — carries a warning on its old movies and shows. That warning reads: “This program is presented as originally depicted. It may contain […]

  • White American Teacher Patricia Ann Anton Found Tortured and Murdered in Dominican Republic

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 11:30am EST

    Patricia Anton The body of an American woman has been found gagged and bound in the Dominican Republic — and authorities believe she was tortured and murdered during a burglary, according to local media reports. Patricia Ann Anton, 63, a teacher on the island, was discovered dead inside her home in the province of Puerto […]

  • Spain’s Weak Governments and a Rising Far Right Mark Not a Return to the Past but a New Political Era

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 10:30am EST

    Spanish citizens showing their support for Vox in the city of Valencia. (Credit Image: Vox Valencia) Anyone seeking proof that Spain is its own political world could have found it in the results of its general election on 10 November. The fourth such vote in four years produced yet more uncertainty. Far from securing the […]

  • Muslim AK-47s and Bombings Turn Sweden Into War Zone

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 9:30am EST

    This isn’t terrorism. It’s a war. And it’s going on every day in Sweden. Sweden is reeling from a wave of shootings and bombings with 268 shootings just this year so far. And that’s in a country of 10 million people which has crime numbers on par with some American cities. “Sweden may have the […]

  • Congressman Matt Gaetz: My Constituents Question Congress Concerns over Russia-Ukraine Instead of U.S.-Mexico Border

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 8:30am EST

    Congressman Matt Gaetz Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Watters’ World,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said his constituents were questioning the focus on the Russia-Ukraine border in Congress instead of the U.S.-Mexico border. {snip} “I think what’s particularly offensive about Brian Stelter’s take is that he presumes that if he and his buddies at CNN can […]

  • Bloomberg Blasted for Apology & U-turn on NYC’s ‘Stop & Frisk’ Policy Ahead of Presidential Nomination Bid

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 7:30am EST

    Michael Bloomberg (Credit Image: AFGE / Wikimedia) What better time than an election campaign start to repent sins? Former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg probably thought so as he apologized at a black church for the controversial ‘stop and frisk’ policy, but few were buying it. A billionaire media mogul and a former New York mayor, […]

  • Sen. Kamala Harris Questions Whether America Would Elect a Woman of Color as President

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 6:30am EST

    Kamala Harris In May, Sen. Kamala Harris stood before the largest chapter of the NAACP and focused her remarks around one subject: electability. Five months later, Harris would call the issue of her electability the “elephant in the room” during an interview with Axios. Harris, a woman who is both black and Indian American, wondered […]

  • Chicago Black Muslim Gang Members Charged With Supporting ISIS; An Earlier Generation Supported Gaddafi

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 5:30am EST

    Jason Brown, AKA Abdul Ja’Me Via Mark Pitcavage on Twitter, a tale of two generations of Chicago blacks who hate America. The Chicago Tribune says The reputed leader of a street gang in the western suburbs has been charged with directing money to the Islamic State and plotting to travel overseas to fight with the terrorist […]

  • Report on Arrest Histories of Illegal Aliens who Request DACA

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 4:30am EST

    September 5, 2017 – New York, New York, U.S. – Protestors with pro DREAMER Act poster. (Credit Image: © Especial / Notimex / Newscom via ZUMA Press) Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updated data  (PDF, 756 KB) on arrests and apprehensions of illegal aliens who requested Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The release of this report reflects the agency’s ongoing focus on transparency. The report provides updated information […]

  • The End of Assimilation

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 3:30am EST

    Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, speaks during a press event in front of the United States Capitol on April 30, 2019. (Credit Image: © Alex Edelman / CNP via ZUMA Wire) America is an empire, not a nation,” enthusiastically declared Matthew Walther in The Week on May 29. He argues “we have no language of our […]

  • Video: Black BMW Driver Mounts the Sidewalk and Intentionally Crashes Into a Father and His Eight-year-old Son in Manhattan Then Slashes the Man’s Throat

    American Renaissance - Nov 18th 2019 2:30am EST

    Surveillance video caught the shocking moment a motorist deliberately drove his car on to a Manhattan sidewalk and crashed into a father and his eight-year-old son. The crazed driver of the BMW then jumps out of the vehicle and slashes the father’s throat, authorities said of the incident in Harlem earlier this month. The father […]

  • What Did the Ancient Greeks Think of Blacks?

    American Renaissance - Nov 17th 2019 4:00am EST

    The Greek physician Galen (AD 130-201) is remembered for his discovery of the function of the pulse and his voluminous writings on medical subjects. The American scholar Bernard Lewis has noted that Galen made some observations on the characteristics of different peoples, which were recorded by the Arabic scholar Al-Masudi (d. 956 AD). According to […]

  • Photos: The Demographic Transformation of the South

    American Renaissance - Nov 16th 2019 3:00am EST

    In 2013, Foreign Policy published an essay called “Before They Pass Away” with photographs of tribesmen from all around the world whose tribes are not expected to last much more than a generation or two. I have always found it striking how many people on earth know that their people — tribe, nation, ethny — […]

  • Julián Castro on Why the Presidential Primary Season Needs a Shake-Up

    American Renaissance - Nov 16th 2019 2:30am EST

    Julián Castro (Credit Image: © Robin Jerstad / ZUMA Wire) Julián Castro isn’t one to hold back. The former Housing and Urban Development secretary under President Obama was the first 2020 candidate to propose decriminalizing border crossing; other hopefuls, like Elizabeth Warren, followed suit. On the popularity of Pete Buttigieg, another young mayor turned 2020 […]