• The Chosen and the Woke

    American Renaissance - Nov 16th 2019 2:25am EST

    The Knesset, Israel’s parliament, passed a law last year declaring Israel “the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious, and historical right to self-determination.” One might suppose that this “Basic Law” (akin to a constitutional amendment) would be as contentious as the Vatican proclaiming itself Catholic. To the […]

  • Sweden’s Ambivalence on Immigration

    American Renaissance - Nov 16th 2019 2:20am EST

    In 2015, immigration to Sweden reached an all-time high. At its peak, more than 10,000 people arrived in a single week. The total for the entire year was 162,877 people—1.6 percent of the Swedish population. In September, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven welcomed the immigrants, saying that his Europe does not build walls. A month and a half […]

  • Google Exercises More Direct Control Over Search Results Than It Has Admitted, Report Claims

    American Renaissance - Nov 16th 2019 2:15am EST

    Google CEO Sundar Pichai (Credit Image: © Imago via ZUMA Press) Google engineers and contractors work behind the scenes tweaking algorithms that alter search results in ways it has publicly denied in the past, The Wall Street Journal found in an investigation published Friday. After testing Google’s algorithm and conducting over 100 interviews, the Journal […]

  • San Diego Sector Border Patrol Highlights First Month of Fiscal Year 2020

    American Renaissance - Nov 16th 2019 2:00am EST

    United States Border Patrol agents of San Diego Sector have seen slight increases in apprehensions during the first month of fiscal year 2020, compared to last month.  In October, agents apprehended 3,695 people compared to September when 3,436 were apprehended an almost eight percent increase. San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents processed a total of […]

  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement Is Looking to Hire a Deportations Officer

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 3:31pm EST

    As the good folks at VDARE put it, “ICE is Nice.” And today, I got an email from ICE notifying me that, “ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) is hiring Deportation Officers in multiple cities in the United States.” The more deportation officers ICE has, the better, and according to the job posting, they have […]

  • Demographic Change: Imagined or Inevitable?

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 3:30pm EST

    The post Demographic Change: Imagined or Inevitable? appeared first on American Renaissance.

  • Ghost Towns in Chihuahua, Mexico: Most People Have Left, Thanks to the Narcos

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 3:00pm EST

    Las Varas, Mexico (Credit Image: Carlos Ferreyra / Wikimedia) Violence by organized crime has turned two communities in Chihuahua into veritable ghost towns. Confrontations between the Sinaloa and Juárez cartels have driven out entire families from the towns of Nicolás Bravo and Las Varas in the municipality of Madera. “Go look and you’ll see, there’s […]

  • ‘What’s a Girl Seeking, Alone at Night?’ German Mayor’s ‘Victim-Blaming’ Blasted as Immigrants Accused of Gang-Raping Teenager

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 2:00pm EST

    Mayor Gunter Czisch The mayor of a German city was forced to apologize for his comments about a shocking gang rape case, which has drawn a new wave of criticism toward the country’s lax immigration laws. The crime occurred in the city of Ulm in the southwestern Baden-Wurttemberg state on Halloween but police only reported […]

  • If the N-word Were a Crime

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 1:00pm EST

    In America, it’s not a crime to say the N-word. If it were, the free would be few, and America would be a nation of inmates. The First Amendment protects hate speech — slurs and names of all kinds, be they racial or religious, ethnic or national, gender or sexual orientation. In the 20-plus years […]

  • Rolling Stone: Men Who Abstain From Porn Are Dangerous Alt-Righters

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 12:00pm EST

    There’s a scene in The Big Lebowski in which The Dude bitterly objects that the pornographer Jackie Treehorn, viewed by the local sheriff as an upstanding citizen who “draws a lot of water” in Malibu, “treats objects like women, man.” {snip} To read Rolling Stone, though, you’d think these people were providing a valuable public service. In a recent piece […]

  • Border Patrol Seizes 8.9 Million Dollars Worth of Cocaine, Meth, and Fentanyl

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 11:00am EST

    Fentanyl (Credit Image: Crohnie/Wikimedia) U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at Arizona’s Port of Lukeville arrested a Mexican national and a Tucson resident connected to separate significant seizures of cocaine, methamphetamine and fentanyl totaling nearly 723 pounds. Officers referred a 58-year-old Mexican male for a secondary inspection of his Ford truck as he applied to […]

  • The Brutal Reality of Black on White Crime

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 10:00am EST

    Putting together a comprehensive list of black-on-white crime is a difficult task for two, superficially contradictory, reasons: 1) There is so much of it. 2) There is so little reporting on it. I doubt there is a day that goes by in the United States without at least dozens of instances of blacks assaulting, robbing, […]

  • Coming Home to What Is Ours

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 9:10am EST

    William S. Lind, Retroculture: Taking America Back, Arktos Media, 2019, 212 pp., $18.95. William S. Lind is an American paleoconservative author best known for Fourth Generation Warfare Handbook, in which he predicted that the 21st-century will see fewer conventional wars, and more guerrilla insurgencies. These would be waged by non-state actors seeking power by winning […]

  • Thinking Outside the Box: New Paths for Immigration Restrictionists

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 9:00am EST

    Immigration restrictionists must start thinking outside the box, because right now we’re boxed in with no clear path to success. The rise of President Trump gave restrictionists hope that genuine reform of our broken immigration policies was possible. For the first time in years, immigration as a national issue came out of the shadows to […]

  • I Believe Black Americans Face a Genocide. Here’s Why I Choose That Word

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 7:18am EST

    In the weeks since the release of my book, Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People, the question I’ve been asked most often is whether my use of the word genocide in the title was meant to be intentionally provocative, rather than reflective of reality. Surely, genocide is too strong a word for the maltreatment […]

  • El Paso Border Patrol Agents Arrest Second Convicted Murderer in Two Days

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 7:11am EST

    Jose Murillo-Rodriguez For the second time in as many days, U.S. Border Patrol agents in El Paso Sector apprehended a convicted murderer attempting to make an illegal entry into the United States. During the afternoon of November 8, an agent assigned to the El Paso Border Patrol Station arrested Jose Jesus Murillo-Rodriguez, a 46-year-old Mexican […]

  • Judge Rules Woman Who Left Alabama to Join ISIS is Not U.S. citizen

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 6:43am EST

    A judge ruled Thursday that Hoda Muthana, a 24-year-old Alabama woman who traveled to Syria in November 2014 to join ISIS, is not a U.S. citizen because her Tunisian father had diplomatic status in the U.S. when she was born. {snip} The lawsuit concerning Muthana’s citizenship is centered around her father’s diplomatic status for the […]

  • Noel Ignatiev and the Anti-Establishment Establishment

    American Renaissance - Nov 15th 2019 3:00am EST

    Race Traitor, Box 400603, Cambridge, MA 02140, $20.00 per year, quarterly (now defunct) From time to time, American Renaissance has treated readers to quotations from Race Traitor, a quarterly published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Its editor and driving force is one Noel Ignatieff, listed on Harvard University’s website as an instructor (not professor) of English. Traitor is subtitled “the journal of the new […]

  • Recycled Children

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 7:38pm EST

    Jared Taylor and PK marvel at the news that 800 children are known to have been recycled across the border — one as many as eight times. They also discuss the 2019 Glamour magazine awards, how Harvard exploits blacks, NYT gloating over the great replacement, the latest Finnish hate hoax, San Francisco’s fully pedigreed new […]

  • ICE Deports Salvadoran MS-13 Gang Member

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 5:00pm EST

    Jose Carlos Henriquez-Escalante U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed a Salvadoran national Monday, Nov. 4, who is wanted in his home country on criminal conspiracy and illicit groupings charges. Jose Carlos Henriquez-Escalante, 27, an MS-13 gang member, was removed from the United States via an ICE Air Operations charter flight and transferred into […]

  • ICE and Homeland Security Helped Bring Down Over 3,500 Sexual Predators from America This Year Alone

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 4:00pm EST

    Each year, thousands of children around the world fall prey to sexual predators. These young victims are left with permanent psychological, physical, and emotional scars. Seeking to end this criminal activity and protect children worldwide, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) developed Operation Predator, an international initiative to identify, investigate and […]

  • John Maynard Keynes on Eugenics, Race, and Population Control

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 3:00pm EST

    John Maynard Keynes The literature on John Maynard Keynes’s life and ideas is enormous. However, his defenders have neglected his views on population. Why? His ideas in this area are highly problematic. This article provides documentation that shows Keynes advocated extensive government controls on the size and quality of the population. Keynes was interested in […]

  • Border Patrol Agents Apprehend 36 Near Del Rio

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 2:00pm EST

    U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Del Rio Station apprehended 36 individuals from Brazil and the continent of Africa near the Del Rio Port of Entry, Nov. 13.“Migrants from all over the world continue to enter the United States through our borders illegally,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “It […]

  • San Francisco’s New Anti-Police D.A.

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 1:30pm EST

    On the eve of last week’s municipal election in San Francisco, a speaker at an event for Chesa Boudin—the eventual winner in the race for district attorney—took the microphone. “Hey, so I just got one thing to say,” she began. “Which is fuck the POA (Police Officers Association)!” {snip} As “Fuck the POA! Fuck the POA! […]

  • Previously Deported Guatemalan Charged with Killing Upstate New York Resident in DUI

    American Renaissance - Nov 14th 2019 12:30pm EST

    Heriberto Perez-Velasquez U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) filed a detainer Nov. 12, against a repeat immigration violator Guatemalan national Heriberto Perez-Velasquez with the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office, where he is currently detained after being arrested for vehicular homicide. Perez-Velasquez was arrested a month earlier by New York State Police on DUI charges and released […]