• White Separation for White Preservation

    American Renaissance - Sep 21st 2019 10:00pm EDT

    Richard McCulloch’s proposed racial partition of the United States. From his book, The Racial Compact. Since it began publication, American Renaissance has provided ample documentation to show that a multiracial society is detrimental to the interests of European-Americans. But it has not discussed the gravest cause for concern—the fact that in the long term a European population […]

  • The Cure for Racism?

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 3:59pm EDT

    The Left treats “racism” like a disease or a mental illness. Some day there may be “treatments” for it. Will they be obligatory? The post The Cure for Racism? appeared first on American Renaissance.

  • HHS: Number of Unaccompanied Alien Children Entering US Reaches Highest in History

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 3:58pm EDT

    The number of unaccompanied children (UACs) entering the United States during fiscal year 2019 has grown to levels never seen before, Jonathan Hayes, director of the HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), told Congress on Thursday. According to his written testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, DHS referred more than 67,000 UACs to […]

  • Interior Department Transfers 560 Acres of Public Land for Border Wall Construction

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 3:58pm EDT

    Approximately 560 acres of federal land will be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Army to facilitate work on roughly 70 miles of border barrier, the Interior Department announced on Sept. 18. The transfer of administrative jurisdiction of the federal land is in response to a series of applications submitted by the Army for […]

  • Taylor Swift: ‘White Supremacy Is Repulsive. There Is Nothing Worse’

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 12:24pm EDT

    After years of keeping herself at a largely indifferent remove, Taylor Swift has elaborated on her political ideology in a new interview with Rolling Stone. {snip} {snip} Swift clarified she was not aware of her adoption for the racist cause at the time. “There’s literally nothing worse than white supremacy. It’s repulsive. There should be […]

  • A DNA Test Revealed This Man Is 4% Black. Now He Wants to Abolish Affirmative Action.

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 12:24pm EDT

    One night at a watering hole outside of Seattle, Ralph Taylor overheard a man a few beers in bragging about how easy it was to get certified as a minority business owner, thus gaining access to potentially millions of dollars’ worth of state contracts. Taylor’s ears perked up. He asked the man exactly how this […]

  • 86 Percent of Brooklynites in Court Are People of Color: Report

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 12:24pm EDT

    {snip} The group, Police Reform Organizing Project, observed 243 cases in Brooklyn’s criminal court between January 2019 and June 2019 and found that only 14 percent of the cases involved white New Yorkers, despite the fact that white people make up nearly 40 percent of Brooklyn’s population. “These numbers reflect the entrenched and long-standing problem […]

  • Why East Europeans Still Have a National Consciousness

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 12:10pm EDT

    History often has a keen sense of irony. Sometimes, even in the span of less than a human lifetime, there can be a dramatic shift in how people define freedom or what they see as a decent future. This has certainly been true in Eastern Europe. Growing up in Communist Eastern Europe was not pretty. […]

  • U.S. Immigration Courts’ Backlog Exceeds One Million Cases

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 2:45pm EDT

    The backlogged deportation docket pending in U.S. immigration courts surpassed one million cases in August, despite the Trump administration’s varied attempts to cut back on asylum claims. {snip} The figure has nearly doubled since President Trump took office in January 2017, when about 542,000 cases were pending. The growing backlog is due in part to […]

  • Experience of Being a Minority Puts U.S. Teens at Higher Risk of Anxiety, Depression

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 2:44pm EDT

    Puerto Rican teens growing up as minorities in the South Bronx are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than their peers growing up as a majority in Puerto Rico, even under similar conditions of poverty, says a new study in World Psychiatry. Researchers looked at nearly 2,000 Puerto Rican youth over two decades to […]

  • Hezbollah Scout Was Looking for Attack Targets in NYC: Feds

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 2:44pm EDT

    A scout for the militant group Hezbollah was looking at locations for attacks in New York, Boston and Washington and sending target information back to leadership in Lebanon, federal prosecutors said. {snip} The government alleges that Saab has been a Hezbollah member since 1996 and has extensive firearms and bomb-making training. Among [Alexei] Saab’s dozens […]

  • The Color of Crime in Missouri

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 1:50pm EDT

    Missouri represents the American past, largely untouched by Hispanic mass immigration. It is 83 percent white, less than 12 percent black, and less than 5 percent Hispanic. Republicans dominate the state legislature. The governor and both senators are Republicans, and the state has strong Second Amendment protections. The state is an interesting laboratory for black/white […]

  • Chinese Woman Ran a ‘Birth Tourism’ Scheme for More Than 500 Pregnant Foreigners

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 11:15am EDT

    A Chinese national pleaded guilty on Tuesday to federal charges of running a ‘birth tourism’ scheme in California that catered to wealthy Chinese clients, including government officials, who paid large sums of money so their children would be US citizens. Dongyuan Li, 41, who was arrested in January, admitted in her plea agreement that between […]

  • Santos Email Fuels Free Speech Debate

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 11:15am EDT

    “All this ICE but no detention centers in sight,” read the caption, beneath an Instagram photo of a Yale junior smiling amid a backdrop of snowy mountains. Was the gaffe a distasteful joke or an affront to undocumented immigrants? Yale administrators and faculty disagreed. Screenshots of the post — a play on the U.S. Immigration […]

  • Confederate Statues in Charlottesville Vandalized Days After Court Decision

    American Renaissance - Sep 19th 2019 11:14am EDT

    The Confederate statues in downtown Charlottesville were vandalized late Sunday night or early Monday morning, following a judge’s decision in a long-brewing lawsuit last week that the city could not remove them. Both the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were spray painted with the year “1619.” {snip} The vandalism came just days […]

  • The Unbearable Whiteness of Weed

    American Renaissance - Sep 18th 2019 11:09am EDT

    California Sen. Kamala Harris wants the government to subsidize minority-owned marijuana businesses. Her criminal justice reform plan says the federal government should provide money for loans to “small businesses in the marijuana industry that are owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.” A new marijuana sales tax would cover the loans. Sen. Harris’ […]

  • Red Flag Laws for ‘White Nationalists’?

    American Renaissance - Sep 18th 2019 10:34am EDT

    Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey analyze the latest House Judiciary Committee talks on whether to confiscate firearms from known gang members and ”white nationalists.” They also discuss the best countries in which to lose your wallet, ICEcapades, good sense from Eric Holder, rogue judges in Massachusetts, Asian intelligence, bashing Bernie Sanders, and Africans who want […]

  • Rise in Health Uninsured Linked to Immigrants’ Fears

    American Renaissance - Sep 18th 2019 10:29am EDT

    When the Census Bureau reported an increase in the number of people without health insurance in America, it sent political partisans reaching for talking points on the Obama-era health law and its travails. But new numbers suggest that fears of the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown may be a more significant factor. The number of uninsured […]

  • Another Illegal Alien Arrested for Brutal Rape in Notorious Sanctuary Montgomery County

    American Renaissance - Sep 18th 2019 10:29am EDT

    Democrats don’t seem very interested in fighting sexual assault crimes when they’re part of the growing trend of rape arrests of illegal aliens in sanctuary Montgomery County, Maryland, going on right now. Josue Gomez-Gonzalez, an illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested on September 12 for raping a female friend of his in Montgomery County […]

  • Onlookers Wish Death on Officers After Fatal Shootout on Staten Island

    American Renaissance - Sep 18th 2019 10:29am EDT

    Onlookers pelted police with profanities and death wishes shortly after officers killed a career criminal in a wild shootout that left a cop with a bullet in her hand. “Suck my d–k!” bellowed one man at a police cordon for about two consecutive minutes along the Clifton street, where the officer was struck on the […]

  • Interracial Crime: Denial, Deceit, and Delusion

    American Renaissance - Sep 17th 2019 2:32pm EDT

    Colin Flaherty is the best informed, best connected expert on interracial crime in America. In this free-wheeling interview with Jared Taylor, he explains how he gets his information and the extraordinary efforts it takes to put the facts before the public. The post Interracial Crime: Denial, Deceit, and Delusion appeared first on American Renaissance.

  • The Pentagon Is Canceling Three Border Wall Projects Because the Costs Went Up

    American Renaissance - Sep 17th 2019 2:27pm EDT

    Three proposed sections of border wall for Arizona are on hold, according to a Monday federal court filing, because they’re going to cost more than the Defense Department planned on spending. The Army Corps of Engineers “has determined that there are insufficient contract savings to undertake the the three additional” projects, totaling 20 miles of […]

  • Dozens of ICE Protesters Arrested in Midtown

    American Renaissance - Sep 17th 2019 2:26pm EDT

    Hundreds of protesters in New York are blocking off 5th Avenue outside the Microsoft store, while others block the entrance. Dozens of protesters were arrested during a sit-in at Microsoft’s Midtown store over the tech giant’s handling of web services for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The NYPD said 24 men and 52 women […]

  • Chinese Influence Pervades Australian Politics

    American Renaissance - Sep 17th 2019 2:26pm EDT

    A legislator in Australia’s ruling coalition has admitted she had links with a communist group used by Beijing to advance its interests overseas. The potentially explosive revelation comes amid increasing scrutiny of political activities by ethnic Chinese in the country. Gladys Liu, Australia’s first China-born member of parliament, confirmed on September 11 that she had […]

  • Why Harvard Is Right to Discriminate Against Asians

    American Renaissance - Sep 17th 2019 12:25pm EDT

    {snip} A high profile lawsuit by East Asian (American) students claimed that Harvard, like other elite universities, discriminates against East Asian applicants in its admissions process. Although Asians are over-represented at these institutions (compared to their relative population in the U.S.), the evidence seems to suggest that there would have been even more Asians at […]