• SF Residents Buy Boulders, Place Them on Sidewalk to Thwart Homeless Tents

    American Renaissance - Sep 26th 2019 1:24pm EDT

    About two dozen boulders now sit along a half-block stretch of sidewalk on Clinton Park, a residential side street near Market and Dolores streets in San Francisco. Residents of a San Francisco side street are so fed up with tents pitched on the sidewalk by homeless people that they have trucked in boulders to discourage […]

  • Plan for Little Rock Schools Stokes Fears About Segregation

    American Renaissance - Sep 26th 2019 1:23pm EDT

    A plan to only grant Little Rock partial control of its schools is stoking fears that the district may return to a racially segregated “separate but equal” system 62 years after nine black students were escorted into an all-white high school. The state took over Little Rock’s 23,000-student district in January 2015 because of low […]

  • Anglo-Saxons Go the Way of the Besty Ross Flag

    American Renaissance - Sep 25th 2019 8:13pm EDT

    Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey explain why the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists joined the boot-lickers. Taylor and Kersey also discuss the right to be forgotten, the latest casualty in the sneaker wars, what Sherikia Hawkins, Ibram X. Kendi and Steven Muhammad are up to, how to get blacks to study physics, and what happened when […]

  • Keep the Electoral College

    American Renaissance - Sep 25th 2019 1:37pm EDT

    It has often been suggested that it would be more fair if our president were chosen by direct popular vote, rather than by the Electoral College. On those occasions — such as in the presidential elections in 2000 and in 2016 — when the Electoral College did not choose the person who won the popular […]

  • As South Seattle Gentrifies, White People Become Largest Racial Group

    American Renaissance - Sep 25th 2019 10:28am EDT

    {snip} According to the most recent census data, white people are now the largest racial/ethnic group in the South End, surpassing people of Asian descent. The data, which averages the years 2013 to 2017, shows there are about 31,000 white people in the area of Seattle south of Interstate 90, up by about 5,700 since […]

  • Serious Questions Surround UW-Eau Claire Hate Crime Allegation

    American Renaissance - Sep 25th 2019 10:28am EDT

    The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire was rocked Sunday by allegations that someone wrote a vile, hateful message on a Native American student’s door. Since then, however, members of the UW-Eau Claire community have raised serious questions about the incident, questioning whether it might in fact be a hoax. According to the UW-Madison student newspaper The […]

  • Undocumented Immigrants, U.S. Citizens, and Convicted Criminals in Arizona

    American Renaissance - Sep 25th 2019 10:28am EDT

    Abstract Using newly released detailed data on all prisoners who entered the Arizona state prison from January 1985 through June 2017, we are able to separate non-U.S. citizens by whether they are illegal or legal residents. Unlike other studies, these data do not rely on self-reporting of criminal backgrounds. Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% […]

  • The Left Hates School Discipline

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 3:05pm EDT

    California governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a law to ban elementary and middle school suspensions for “willful defiance.” School officials are limited to in-school detention and warnings. The prohibition extends an earlier ban on out-of-school suspension for disruptive K-3 students. The original draft banned suspensions in high schools, but that was too much even for […]

  • Trump Snubs Jared Kushner’s Signature Accomplishment

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 2:09pm EDT

    When President Donald Trump huddled with campaign aides in the late spring to discuss his bid for reelection, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told his father-in-law he should highlight last year’s historic passage of the First Step Act — a sweeping criminal justice reform bill that eluded previous administrations and has earned celebrity support. […]

  • One in 7 Adults in New Orleans Has a Warrant Out for Arrest, New Data Shows

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 2:09pm EDT

    {snip} Fifty-two arrestees, outfitted in orange and maroon jumpsuits, await their first appearance before a judge. Most are black. All require a public defender. And more than half of them are here, their hands chained against their stomachs, because they missed a court date for a minor crime, triggering an arrest warrant. {snip} There are […]

  • The Man Behind a Toxic Slogan Promoting White Supremacy

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 2:09pm EDT

    {snip} Up in his castle, the France that [Renaud] Camus imagines has made him one of the most influential thinkers on the far right in his own country and elsewhere. In his writings, he describes an ongoing “invasion” of France by immigrants bent on “conquest” of its white, European population. To him, the immigrants are […]

  • Study: 14.3M Illegal Aliens Living in U.S., Costing Americans $132B a Year

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 1:25pm EDT

    An annually released report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that that illegal population living in the U.S. has risen nearly two million in two years, now standing at about 14.3 million illegal aliens. {snip} The rise in the illegal population, FAIR analysts find, means illegal aliens are costing American taxpayers nearly […]

  • Immigrant Kids Fill This Town’s Schools. Their Bus Driver Is Leading the Backlash.

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 1:25pm EDT

    It was the first day of school, so Don Brink was behind the wheel of his bus, its yellow paint glistening in the drizzling dawn. {snip} {snip} “I say ‘good morning’ to the kids who’ll respond to me,” he said later. “But this year there are a lot of strange kids I’ve never seen before.” […]

  • Gang of 16 Rob Finsbury Park Gym Users After Threatening to Stab Them

    American Renaissance - Sep 24th 2019 1:25pm EDT

    Six of the “biggest athletes” from the sports academy were walking home together at 8.20pm on Monday when they were accosted by a group of about 16 males near the Stroud Green Road gate. Firms from the Finsbury Park Sports Partnership, which use the park for training, are now calling on the authorities to install […]

  • No Red Flags for Gangs

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 3:08pm EDT

    Few people oppose disarming dangerous people, but who gets to define “dangerous?” President Donald Trump wants authorities to have the power to seize guns from anyone who is a “grave risk to public safety.” But “red flag” laws of that kind won’t protect us. They will be used against us. The political views of relatives […]

  • Department of Homeland Security Strategy Adds White Supremacy to List of Threats

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 2:50pm EDT

    For the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is adding white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats in a revised counterterrorism strategy issued Friday. “The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the […]

  • Teens Fatally Assault Man at Great Frederick Fair, May Have Been ‘Knockout Game’

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 2:50pm EDT

    The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office has charged two teens for the random, unprovoked physical attack of a man at the Great Frederick Fair. The victim was found near the midway area of the fairgrounds around 5:36 p.m. Friday, lying unconscious. Police interviewed multiple witnesses who told them the victim had been minding his own business. […]

  • NYC Judge Recommends Landlord Pay $17,000 for Threatening to Call ICE on Undocumented Tenant

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 2:50pm EDT

    A New York judge earlier this month recommended a landlord pay $17,000 in fines for threatening to call immigration authorities on an undocumented tenant. This is the first case related to housing where threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to harass or intimidate a tenant has been found to be a violation of […]

  • Food Company Fined $2 Million for Discriminating Against ‘Non-Hispanics’

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 1:52pm EDT

    In a race discrimination lawsuit, the federal government has negotiated a settlement requiring a company that produces Mexican-style cheese and meat products to pay $2 million for discriminating against non-Hispanics. El Mexicano and its parent, San Jose, California-based Marquez Brothers International, were accused of preferring Hispanic job applicants over all other races in unskilled production […]

  • House Democrats Plan to Strip Tax-Exempt Status from Christian Hate Groups

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 1:52pm EDT

    House Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee said on Thursday that over 60 alleged hate groups, mostly socially conservative organizations, anti-immigration entities, and religious groups should be stripped of their tax-exempt status. House Democrats are calling for 60 alleged “hate” groups, that include mostly socially conservative and some religious-based groups, to be stripped of […]

  • Student Debt Is Hitting African Americans the Hardest. These Experts Have a Plan To Fix It.

    American Renaissance - Sep 23rd 2019 1:52pm EDT

    The racial disparities in student debt are driven by wealth inequality and lackluster funding of institutions that enroll the highest numbers of black college students, according to research. {snip} Several candidates have called for greater funding of historically black colleges and public universities to reduce the need to borrow, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) has […]

  • White Separation for White Preservation

    American Renaissance - Sep 21st 2019 10:00pm EDT

    Richard McCulloch’s proposed racial partition of the United States. From his book, The Racial Compact. Since it began publication, American Renaissance has provided ample documentation to show that a multiracial society is detrimental to the interests of European-Americans. But it has not discussed the gravest cause for concern—the fact that in the long term a European population […]

  • The Cure for Racism?

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 3:59pm EDT

    The Left treats “racism” like a disease or a mental illness. Some day there may be “treatments” for it. Will they be obligatory? The post The Cure for Racism? appeared first on American Renaissance.

  • HHS: Number of Unaccompanied Alien Children Entering US Reaches Highest in History

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 3:58pm EDT

    The number of unaccompanied children (UACs) entering the United States during fiscal year 2019 has grown to levels never seen before, Jonathan Hayes, director of the HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), told Congress on Thursday. According to his written testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, DHS referred more than 67,000 UACs to […]

  • Interior Department Transfers 560 Acres of Public Land for Border Wall Construction

    American Renaissance - Sep 20th 2019 3:58pm EDT

    Approximately 560 acres of federal land will be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Army to facilitate work on roughly 70 miles of border barrier, the Interior Department announced on Sept. 18. The transfer of administrative jurisdiction of the federal land is in response to a series of applications submitted by the Army for […]