• North West activists hold recruitment drive in Salford

    Britain First - Jun 23rd 2020 10:40am EDT

    Britain First is back in action and at the weekend hit the streets of Salford, Greater Manchester. Led by Regional Organiser Ashlea Simon, our team distributed new recruitment leaflets.

  • Day of action in Weston-Super-Mare

    Britain First - Jun 22nd 2020 3:08pm EDT

    In the South West, our activists hit the streets of Weston-Super-Mare, a seaside town just south of Bristol.

  • Day of action in Weston-Super-Mare

    Britain First - Jun 22nd 2020 3:08pm EDT

    In the South West, our activists hit the streets of Weston-Super-Mare, a seaside town just south of Bristol.

  • Paul interviewed by Russian nationalists

    Britain First - May 28th 2020 3:54pm EDT

    Britain First now has big support in Russia and among Russian nationalists. One of these groups, ‘Russian Sunrise’, recently interviewed party leader Paul Golding. This interview covers topics such as censorship, persecution, demographics, globalism and much more.

  • Paul’s passionate interview outside court

    Britain First - May 26th 2020 2:01pm EDT

    After being convicted of an offence under the Terrorism Act 2000, party leader Paul Golding left court and gave a passionate interview to the Press Association. During this fiery interview, Paul demolishes the idea that he is in any way a ‘terrorist’ and insists that this latest round of persecution was politically-motivated.

  • Tommy Robinson reports from Paul Golding’s trial

    Britain First - May 21st 2020 8:43am EDT

    Britain First leader Paul Golding recently stood trial for an offence under the Terrorism Act 2000. Patriot journalist Tommy Robinson attended to report an unbiased account of the day’s events.

  • Tommy Robinson interviews Paul Golding

    Britain First - May 21st 2020 8:32am EDT

    The day before Britain First leader Paul Golding stood trial for an offence under the Terrorism Act 2000 at Westminster Magistrates Court, he sat down with Tommy Robinson to discuss the whole ridiculous saga.

  • PERSECUTION: Paul Golding and the establishment’s campaign of hate and sabotage

    Britain First - May 2nd 2020 12:29pm EDT

    Britain First leader Paul Golding has been subjected to horrendous treatment by our leftwing, PC establishment. He has been arrested nearly twenty times, prosecuted over ten times, thrown in three different prisons, harassed by the probation service and ”SO15 Counter Terrorism Command’ and much more. Not to mention he has been targeted by ISIS and […]

  • PERSECUTION: Support Paul Golding at his upcoming trial

    Britain First - Apr 22nd 2020 3:00pm EDT

    Britain First leader Paul Golding will be on trial on 20 May at Westminster Magistrate’s Court. He is being charged for refusing to allow Special Branch access to his phone and hard-drive at Heathrow Airport after a political trip to Russia. Britain First is calling on all patriots to come along and support Paul on […]

  • Join the ranks of Britain First Defence (BFD)

    Britain First - Apr 20th 2020 2:51pm EDT

    Britain First Defence (BFD) is the security and protection force of our movement. BFD officers act as bodyguards for the leadership, and defend and police our events and street activities. Sign up for free here: https://www.britainfirst.org/volunteer

  • CHRISTIAN PATRIOTISM: Feeding the homeless

    Britain First - Apr 15th 2020 1:56pm EDT

    As a Christian movement, Britain First cares deeply for the many vulnerable Britons that our government refuses to help. While on lockdown and unable to hit the streets, Britain First officer Ashlea Simon committed her time and energy to feeding the homeless of Manchester. The most vulnerable of our people need to be looked after […]

  • ASHLEA SIMON: What Britain gave to the world

    Britain First - Apr 10th 2020 4:53pm EDT

    At a recent meeting in Manchester, chief of staff Ashlea Simon gave a rousing speech about the wonders that Britain has given the world. Some of these wonders are simply amazing.

  • CORONAVIRUS: Britain First feeds the homeless during lockdown!

    Britain First - Apr 7th 2020 12:27pm EDT

    Because of the coronavirus lockdown, all political activities have ceased. There are other ways, however, that patriots can help our people during this difficult period. Britain First chief of staff Ashlea Simon has been cooking for the homeless in Manchester. This simple act of Christian charity is another way of demonstrating how much we love […]

  • JOSEPH LYDON: Be proud to be British!

    Britain First - Apr 6th 2020 10:20am EDT

    Britain First east midlands regional organiser Joseph Lydon gave a passionate speech at a recent meeting in Manchester. Joseph is a rising start of Britain First and a dedicated activist. Please watch this awesome video which will stir patriots to action.


    Britain First - Apr 3rd 2020 1:13pm EDT

    Since January, Britain First teams have been relentlessly active on the streets of Britain campaigning against the scourge of Islamist grooming gangs. Our teams have visited taxi ranks, mosques, kebab shops, police stations, council offices, social services departments and many more. Their efforts have been exemplary, but this campaign is only just beginning.

  • PAUL GOLDING: ‘We are nationalist and patriotic’

    Britain First - Mar 30th 2020 11:08am EDT

    At a recent meeting in Manchester, party leader Paul Golding gave a lively, off-the-cuff speech about the right of the British people to be proud of their own heritage and culture. Britain First is a movement of nationalism and patriotism. Paul explains that we do not live in a democracy, but a corrupt oligarchy that […]

  • GROOMING GANGS: Britain First hits the streets of Huddersfield!

    Britain First - Mar 27th 2020 10:17am EDT

    Britain First activists hit the streets of Huddersfield, visiting kebab shops where the local Muslim owners were keen to help our campaign and raise awareness. Many of them pinned our leaflets to the walls of their shops.

  • USELESS: Britain First confronts Huddersfield police!

    Britain First - Mar 23rd 2020 2:00pm EDT

    Huddersfield in Yorkshire is a particularly bad town for Islamist grooming gangs who prey on underage white English girls. Recently, dozens of these Islamist Pakistani gangs have been sent to prison for long sentences. As part of ‘Operation Downes’ a Britain First team arrived in the town and confronted the police about their unwillingness to […]

  • SHARIA LAW! Britain First exposes a Sharia Court in Dewsbury

    Britain First - Mar 19th 2020 10:19am EDT

    Britain First is hard at work exposing notorious Sharia Courts around the country. These courts are infamous for trying to implement barbaric Sharia Law and are mired in scandals about their treatment of women.

  • GROOMING: Britain First hits the streets of Blackpool

    Britain First - Mar 17th 2020 8:07am EDT

    Britain First returned to the popular seaside town of Blackpool, in the North west. Our activists spent hours visiting shops and stores around the town raising awareness about the presence of grooming gangs.

  • JOBSWORTHS! Britain First confronts Blackpool police

    Britain First - Mar 15th 2020 1:39pm EDT

    Blackpool, in the north west, is a famous seaside town that is not usually associated with Islamist grooming gangs. This was the town where teenager Charlene Downes was brutally murdered and chopped into kebab meat. A Britain First team travelled to the town to confront the local jobsworth police.

  • UPSETTING: Paul Golding speaks to the mother of grooming victim Charlene Downes

    Britain First - Mar 13th 2020 12:46pm EDT

    WARNING: UPSETTING CONTENT Charlene Downes is the most high-profile victim of Islamist grooming gangs. She was groomed, murdered and chopped into kebab meat. Paul Golding sat down with Charlene’s mother, Karen, for a candid discussion about what happened to her daughter.

  • Super activist Sharon Workman gives an uplifting speech!

    Britain First - Mar 11th 2020 7:08pm EDT

    Britain First dynamo Sharon Workman addressed a recent meeting of Britain First in Stevenage. Her speech was uplifting as she explained why she supports Britain First.

  • SHOCKING! Telford police admit they have 40 years of grooming gang evidence!

    Britain First - Mar 9th 2020 12:58pm EDT

    As part of our national anti-grooming campaign, Britain First activists confronted Telford police. The inspector admitted they had forty years of evidence of Islamist grooming gang activity in the town. Telford has been dubbed the child sex capital of Britain and a is a major hotspot for Islamist grooming gangs.

  • COWARDS! Social Services in Telford HIDE from Britain First

    Britain First - Mar 5th 2020 8:33pm EST

    Telford has been described as the child sex capital of Britain. Telford was the location of a horrific Islamist grooming scandal where thousands of underage English girls were pimped, raped, tortured, trafficked and sexually abused. Britain First arrived in the town to confront social services who were complicit in the scandal, but they refused to […]