• Thoughts Ahead of Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 26th 2023 5:38pm EDT

    Today has been a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to speaking with you tonight. I’ll tease that I have a very exciting announcement, but I can’t make this public just yet. I’ll tell you more when we meet at 9:30pm Eastern for the live members only video chat, and I’ve got a very […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E006 – Misesian Socialism – Part 1

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 24th 2023 11:56pm EDT

    Well, I started with a plan to talk about economics, and we got to that, but given the news I had to open with my thoughts on this Tucker Carlson situation. On another venue, I went on at some length about Tucker Carlson’s contribution to American politics. I do not believe it can be overstated […]

  • Tonight at 9:30pm on SurrealPolitiks – “Misesian Socialism”

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 24th 2023 11:34am EDT

    In the practice of Realpolitik, it is typically considered ill advised to go out of one’s way to antagonize the greatest possible number of political participants with one’s speech. Today we break that rule with our episode title “Misesian Socialism”. The phrasing derives from the name of one Ludwig von Mises, an Austrian economist of […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E010 – Bon Voyage, Bongino

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 22nd 2023 12:25am EDT

    There’s plenty to talk about today, but several stories in the news, about the news itself, have my interest at the moment. Dan Bongino has parted ways with Fox News. Fox News settled a defamation suit with Dominion voting machines. Buzzfeed news has ceased to exist. Vice World News could be next on the chopping […]

  • Tonight at 9:30pm Eastern on Radical Agenda S06E010 – Bon Voyage, Bongino

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 21st 2023 2:09pm EDT

    There’s plenty to talk about today, but several stories in the news, about the news itself, have my interest at the moment. Dan Bongino has parted ways with Fox News. Fox News settled a defamation suit with Dominion voting machines. Buzzfeed news has ceased to exist. Vice World News could be next on the chopping […]

  • Should You Hire Elmer Woodard?

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 20th 2023 4:33am EDT

    Understandably, with these Charlottesville indictments coming down, several people have asked me about legal representation, and specifically about Elmer Woodard, who represented me in my case in Albemarle County. This is not a simple yes or no question. Christopher Cantwell and Elmer Woodard To begin, Elmer Woodard is a man of exceptionally good character. He […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Video Chat Wednesday April 19th 9:30pm

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 19th 2023 6:40pm EDT

    We live in, interesting times, as goes the curse. Toward the end of Monday’s public show, a caller brought up recent indictments in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a Soros backed prosecutor has fulfilled his campaign promise by bringing meritless charges against attendees of a 6 year old political demonstration, which was coordinated with law enforcement. […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E005 – Artificially Credulous

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 17th 2023 11:51pm EDT

    There has been a lot of talk about artificial intelligence lately in the news, and I’ve been struggling to get caught up with how dramatically technology has changed in the last three years.  One might expect the pace of change to only increase from here, and as much as I share the concerns of Elon […]

  • Tonight at 9:30pm On SurrealPolitiks “Artificially Credulous”

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 17th 2023 2:58pm EDT

    You can’t be a daily news consumer these days without hearing about artificial intelligence in some capacity. From so called “deep fakes”, to ChatGPT, to Elon Musk, to the literal destruction of humanity, this technology has abruptly centered itself in our daily lives and is unlikely to be dislodged in the near future. Above all, […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E009 – Economemetics

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 15th 2023 1:23am EDT

    Here at the Radical Agenda, we’ve come to understand, quite by the hard way, the concept of scarcity. Whatever discomfort this accompanies, we consider ourselves fortunate for the lessons such experience teaches a man. A bit of formal study doesn’t hurt, either. One thing I do miss about libertarianism was the centrality economics played in […]

  • Tonight at 9:30pm Eastern, on The Radical Agenda – Economemetics

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 14th 2023 1:22pm EDT

    I had some interesting exchanges yesterday on Telegram which served to reinforce a conclusion I had reached some time ago about some of the failures of the Alt Right movement. This pertained to the subject of economics, and the fact that this was categorically ignored by the movement for the most part, as an element […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E004 – Spies, Gone Wild

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 10th 2023 11:30pm EDT

    There’s an old saying that two men can keep a secret, if one of them is dead. Which means Washington is going to have a lot of very morbid work to do, if it wants to clean up its intelligence messes. Over a million people in the United States have “Top Secret” security clearances. While […]

  • On The Next Episode of SurrealPolitiks: Spies, Gone Wild – Mondays at 9:30pm Eastern.

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 10th 2023 7:22am EDT

    If you want to know who’s in charge, here’s a great way to start figuring it out. First, ask “Who’s in charge?” Whatever answer you get, you can immediately rule that guy out. Watch live and chat with other listeners on our Entropy Page. Or, catch the live audio feed on our our site. This […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E008 – The Folly of Turning on Tucker

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 8th 2023 12:48am EDT

    There’s a video going around of Tucker Carlson saying that he doesn’t particularly appreciate the phenomenon of identity politics, even those of the White variety. More specifically, on a recent interview with Adam Corolla, the following exchange ensued; Tucker: I will say this if I can just make one prediction. So, the United States is […]

  • Don’t Miss Tonight’s Live Radical Agenda at 9:30pm – The Folly of Turning on Tucker

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 7th 2023 1:09pm EDT

    Tonight, and every Friday, at 9:30pm Eastern, we’ll be doing a live Radical Agenda, and for now, the phones are still open. I expect those phones to be busy tonight, because my 5k+ word opening monologue deals with a topic that has been the subject of great controversy on Telegram and Twitter and elsewhere. Specifically, […]

  • Big Surprise In My Criminal Appeal

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 5th 2023 7:59pm EDT

    So, you might have heard I had to do a little prison time because the FBI allowed a bunch of criminals to torment me for months while I repeatedly reported their crimes to law enforcement. The FBI was enjoying the show, and probably involved in it, so they didn’t do anything about my repeated reports. […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E003 – Way Down We Go

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 4th 2023 12:34am EDT

    There’s some weeks when you don’t know what to say, and others when you don’t know where to start. Today begins the latter sort. Happy Monday… I chose the episode title “Way Down We Go” because I like a song by that name, from a band called Kaleo. I’m not going to play it, because […]

  • New Production Schedule – 3 Live Shows A Week!

    Christopher Cantwell - Apr 2nd 2023 7:50pm EDT

    Here at the Radical Agenda, if we have to choose between quantity and quality, we’ll take quality. But we also know that quantity has quality all its own. Real quick, I should probably mention that I’m back on Twitter as @TalkRadioGod! While our pre-recorded single themed episodes have been well received, and we intend to keep […]

  • New SurrealPolitiks Member Benefit – Weekly Video Chats

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 27th 2023 9:58am EDT

    We would like to  begin by thanking those of you who became SurrealPolitiks members right away, even when there was not much in the way of benefits to this. Your support means the world to us, and as we have worked to produce content for the general public, we have also quietly been working on […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E002 – Choice Architect

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 24th 2023 9:57pm EDT

    What is political power? One way to think about it, is as the capacity to alter the behavior of others. In this sense, the formal acquisition of such power, as in the assignment to a position within the government, or political party, is merely the acknowledgement of a previously existing state of affairs. One obtains […]

  • Tonight (Friday March 24th) At 8pm Eastern – SurrealPolitiks Live!

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 24th 2023 11:28am EDT

    Tonight at 8:00pm Eastern we will do our first live airing of the SurrealPolitiks Podcast! Stage One, Episode 2 (S01E002) is titled “Choice Architect” and the opening monologue will feature a short review of “Nudge” by Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler. You can watch live video on our Entropy Page, and chat with other listeners, […]

  • Political Bias in AI is Worse Than I Thought

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 20th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    This began as a quick Telegram post, and then I found out it was even worse than I had imagined. So, I decided to go long form, originally on my Substack. You might have heard, I didn’t have access to a computer for awhile. During that time, I kept hearing news stories about political bias […]

  • SurrealPolitiks Shipping Calculator Fixed

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 20th 2023 11:42am EDT

    As you may know if you’ve been keeping up, we recently put the last of the Radical Agenda merch up for sale on SurrealPolitiks.com. Not long after the SurrealPolitiks shop went live, we discovered a problem with our shipping calculator. Some shoppers were quoted shipping rates that ranged from overpriced to outrageous. This problem has been […]

  • Interview with Shire Free Media

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 18th 2023 1:54pm EDT

    I recently sat for an interview with a fellow many of you have heard me with before. He used to do a show called “Questioning Authority” that I have been on a few times. Now publishing at Shire Free Media, Vincent has titled the interview “Ides of March” given the date we spoke. I’ll embed […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E007 – YATS: Yet Another Test Stream

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 16th 2023 9:33pm EDT

    Things are always improving, here at the Radical Agenda. Today’s 11pm test stream went much better than the last one. Still a few hiccups, but you’ll notice a substantial improvement in audio and video quality. Pretty soon I’ll be reaching out to you about regularly scheduled programming! Thanks so much for your support, enjoy! Radical […]