• SurrealPolitiks Shipping Calculator Fixed

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 20th 2023 11:42am EDT

    As you may know if you’ve been keeping up, we recently put the last of the Radical Agenda merch up for sale on SurrealPolitiks.com. Not long after the SurrealPolitiks shop went live, we discovered a problem with our shipping calculator. Some shoppers were quoted shipping rates that ranged from overpriced to outrageous. This problem has been […]

  • Interview with Shire Free Media

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 18th 2023 1:54pm EDT

    I recently sat for an interview with a fellow many of you have heard me with before. He used to do a show called “Questioning Authority” that I have been on a few times. Now publishing at Shire Free Media, Vincent has titled the interview “Ides of March” given the date we spoke. I’ll embed […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E007 – YATS: Yet Another Test Stream

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 16th 2023 9:33pm EDT

    Things are always improving, here at the Radical Agenda. Today’s 11pm test stream went much better than the last one. Still a few hiccups, but you’ll notice a substantial improvement in audio and video quality. Pretty soon I’ll be reaching out to you about regularly scheduled programming! Thanks so much for your support, enjoy! Radical […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E006 – Sorry for the F It, We’ll Do It Live!

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 12th 2023 5:26pm EDT

    Today I did my first live stream since being released, and I did it with open phones. We had some audiovisual problems, which I describe in the beginning of the audio. This was marketed as a test stream, so I’ll ask you to pardon the imperfections, but I think many of you will find it […]