Please send links and comments to The US and indeed the whole world is impaled (polarized/paralyzed) between two wings of Jewish Freemasonry, Communism (Left, Soros) and Zionism (Right, Musk.) The coming WW3 will cull more people who refuse to accept Masonic Jewish supremacism and tyranny. Trump’s wants Ukraine to Repay the Money Zelensky Stole […]
(left, Real spy Esterhazy of course, a non-Jew.) The Dreyfus Affair, which polarized & convulsed France from 1894-1906, shows how the Rothschilds manipulate political events. They fabricated “antisemitism” to destabilize Christian nations and convince Jews to emigrate to Palestine. Edmund de Rothschild arranged for an innocent Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, to be charged with spying. This treason […]
(Defence Sec. Hegseth wears tattoos of militant Christian orders. See another below.) Trump chose a Christian in the Crusader tradition to lead the US in a suicidal war. In 1871, Albert Pike, Masonic Grand Commander laid out a plan for three world wars. In the third, Christians and Muslims would eradicate each other. See Illuminati […]
Please send links and comments to America is the damsel in distress. Trump is Captain America. He is keeping his promise to drain the Commie Jewish (Demonrat) swamp. America needs to get shipshape to fight Israel’s battles. Homeland Security Secretary Confirms Plans to Eliminate FEMA Trump has signaled that he wants to either eliminate […]
Please send links and comments to Israelis are realizing that Netanyahu’s real goal is to start a nuclear war and destroy Israel. This will fulfill his promise to Chabad Rebbe Menahem Shneerson to create a catastrophe great enough to summon the “Messiah.” Olmert, Gantz Sound Alarm: Threat of Civil War in Israel Closer than […]
“Banning drug ads from television would be good in two ways. First, ad revenue from pharmaceutical companies helps keep Fake News networks in business. The loss of that revenue would be a huge blow to their operations. Second, banning drug ads on television would reduce the number of people who foolishly take pharmaceutical drugs.” by […]
Communism (which is Satanism) originated in the Sabbatean-Frankist movement. It is dedicated to robbing and exterminating non-Satanists. The Democratic Party is Communist. It conquers by subversion. The GOP pretend to take an opposing position. They conquer by being conquered in war. “Adam Weishaupt was the son of a Jewish Kabbalist Rabbi in Bavaria, but educated […]
Please send links and comments to Israel would not be able to carry out genocide without US support. Biden and Trump join Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as the greatest mass murderers in history. The Blood of Gaza Cries Out The post mostly consists of very short video clips of doctors and […]
Please send links and comments to To prevent America being eaten alive by Commie termites, the US is forced to embrace genocide and world war. Humanity is caught between two wings of Jewish Freemasonry: a Commie Jew rock and a Zionist Jew hard place. Flunkie Gentile Freemasonry fronts this treason. Trump belongs to Chabad, […]
Please send links and comments to To prevent America being eaten alive by Commie termites, the US is forced to embrace genocide and world war. Humanity is caught between two wings of Jewish Freemasonry: a Commie Jew rock and a Zionist Jew hard place. Flunkie Gentile Freemasonry fronts this treason. Trump belongs to Chabad, […]
We get most of our information about life from Hollywood. Most of it is bogus. Imagine if all those sappy love songs were hymns celebrating God? What a different world this would be. Guess who controls the music industry. Romantic love is a fake religion promoted by Satanists in Hollywood to substitute love for a flawed […]
“The many tragic and explosive events of the 20th century did not just happen by themselves; but were planned according to a well laid out blueprint based upon the occult and occult practices. Those who believe that devil worship, demons and witchcraft have vanished from modern society, are misinformed.” In his 1992 lecture, MI-6 whistleblower […]
CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS to justify Genocide. “I sat down with Jewish Charity leader, Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and other top level government sources. While I do not agree with equating the Palestinians to “rabid dogs”, I understand why Israel wanted […]
left, The Rothschild banking cartel is the sinister force behind modern dysfunction Does the “egregore” explain the mysterious affinity shared by Illuminati (Satanist) Jews? They are their own God or “Egregore.” They want us to worship them. This “egregore” is Lucifer, and elite Jews have made him the master meme of the New World Order. […]
Please send links and comments to Netanyahu allowed the Hamas attack Oct 7 in order to justify Palestinian genocide which always has been Israeli policy. Now he’s trying to cover his tracks by firing Shin Bet (secret service) Director Ronen Bar. This has ignited a political crisis in Israel. Netanyahu: ‘Ronen Bar is to […]
Trump, Putin and Netanyahu belong to Chabad, a Jewish supremacist cult that advocates the extermination of non-Satanists, including assimilated Jews, using a contrived world war as a pretext. Freemasons control both sides of the Israel-Arab conflict. I apologize for shamelessly promoting my own work, but no one is paying attention. Thank you Daniel Joseph for […]
Trump, Putin and Netanyahu belong to Chabad, a Jewish supremacist cult that advocates the extermination of non-Satanists, including assimilated Jews, using a contrived world war as a pretext. Freemasons control both sides of the Israel-Arab conflict. I apologize for shamelessly promoting my own work, but no one is paying attention. Thank you Daniel Joseph for […]
Trump, Putin and Netanyahu belong to Chabad, a Jewish supremacist cult that advocates the extermination of non-Satanists, including assimilated Jews, using a contrived world war as a pretext. Freemasons control both sides of the Israel-Arab conflict. I apologize for shamelessly promoting my own work, but no one is paying attention. Thank you Daniel Joseph for […]
Please send links and comments to Trump, Putin and Satanyahu are members of Chabad, a Jewish supremacist cult tasked with starting a nuclear apocalypse that, according to prophecy, will summon the Jewish antichrist. We are literally Satan’s hostages, satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (Rothschild banking cartel) and their Freemason flunkies. They paralyze us by […]
Thanks to Michael Collins Piper, we didn’t have to wait for the JFK files. We knew Israel had the CIA murder JFK because he opposed their getting nuclear weapons, and because he threatened to disband the CIA. by Mike Stone ( It’s early still, but the initial release of the John F. Kennedy assassination files […]
Thousands protest in Jerusalem against government plan to fire Shin Bet chief, return to war Makow- Remember that while the majority of Israelis are engaged in genocide, a large minority that are trapped in Israel. They just want to live regular lives and want no part of the supremacist agenda of Organized Jewry, Chabad and […]
By an “amazing” “coincidence”, Doug Mills was at far too many historic events to ever qualify as even REMOTELY believable. It seems so very obvious that Doug Mills is a CIA Agent, but more likely a CIA-Mossad Double Agent. By Patrick O’Carroll ( Consider the following truly “amazing” “coincidences”: · Doug Mills was […]
Please send links and comments to “He’s not Jewish anymore. He’s a Palestinian.” “With these words, US President Donald Trump did not merely insult Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer – he exposed something far more insidious. In Trump’s world, Palestinian is not just a nationality. It is an accusation, a sentence of exile, a […]
Please send links and comment to Whether it’s Gaza, Panama, Greenland or Canada, Trump’s US is a proxy for Cabalist Jewish Greed, Theft & Expansion Bob Rae, left, says Donald Trump’s goal in Canada is ‘theft by force’ “‘Fighting back will (be) hard, but it is the fight of our lives,’ 76-year-old Canadian ambassador […]
“Hopefully by now, one can see that Trump is a sexually compromised pervert controlled by a joint KGB-Mossad compromise (kompromat) operation to direct the U.S. presidency towards world Communist aims, which is less overt than control through the Democrat side of things, since Trump poses as a conservative and, laughably, a Christian.” Trump Controlled by […]
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