• July 26 – It’s All a Charade, Folks

    Henry Makow - Jul 26th 2024 10:16am EDT

    (Like schoolboys, they witness their treachery with secret handshakes.)  Biden is supposedly in favor of a ceasefire and two-state solution which Satanyahu vehemently opposes. But it’s all a charade folks. At the same time, he enables the genocide with munitions. Look at Biden’s hand. That’s a classic Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake. No normal person shakes hands […]

  • Mark Glenn – Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders

    Henry Makow - Jul 25th 2024 4:02pm EDT

    “Israeli leaders take their ‘cue’ from the Rabbinical class, the real power brokers behind this anti-Gentile criminal conspiracy known as ‘La Kosher Nostra’…as much as defenders of the Jewish State constantly paint it as a ‘democracy’, it ISN’T. It is a theocracy that…wears the outward appearance of being a western, liberal, secular entity, but which […]

  • July 25 – Our Frogmarch to the End Times

    Henry Makow - Jul 25th 2024 9:31am EDT

    (See below, Scott Ritter’s eloquent comments on Satanyahu’s speech.)  Talk about “self-fulfilling prophecy.”  They are following a script. The world is being destroyed by religious fanatics trying to realize Biblical prophecy.  Our life here on earth is a miracle gift from God. It is the Kingdom of Heaven. These Satanists are shitting in the punch […]

  • Trump – Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior

    Henry Makow - Jul 24th 2024 1:25pm EDT

    — The Most Powerful POTUS Psyop In American History “Unknown to the MAGA Movement and Patriot Movement, a Trump victory means one thing and one thing only: MIGA.  And, if Trump “Makes Israel Great Again” as he did during his first term, America’s downfall is certain this time around.” Trump is being installed to lead the […]

  • Trump, Harris & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Mind Vice

    Henry Makow - Jul 23rd 2024 9:20pm EDT

    (On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.)    A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe. There is an intensifying conflict between  Left” (globalism) and “Right,” (nationalism)which are each backed by a Masonic […]

  • July 23 – Trump Will Fill Swamp With Jewish Bankers

    Henry Makow - Jul 23rd 2024 12:38pm EDT

    left. Jamie Dimon and Donald Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com Trump says he mulls Jamie Dimon for US Treasury, won’t try ousting Fed’s Powell https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-weighing-dimon-treasury-would-allow-powell-finish-term-bloomberg-2024-07-16/ – Reports say Trump is likely to name BlackRock CEO Larry Fink as Treasury Sec if he wins in November https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1e9gq4s/reports_say_trump_is_likely_to_name_blackrock_ceo/ Reader-“Donnie’s cabinet from first term was proof […]

  • Clickbait is Wrecking YouTube

    Henry Makow - Jul 22nd 2024 8:26pm EDT

    Whether it’s an article or a video people act like they’re paid by the word. If you can say it in five minutes, don’t take ten. Writing is for communication, not self-aggrandizement. The same applies to YouTube which has been overrun by carpetbaggers. We need a return to journalistic standards. I was a newspaper reporter […]

  • July 22 – Is Trump Lying About Assassination Attempt?

    Henry Makow - Jul 22nd 2024 12:44pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com If this meme is accurate, Trump faked the assassination attempt to garner support. On the other hand, why would the secret service headed by Jill Biden’s BFF cooperate in a charade to elect Trump?  Why would Soros-connected funds short Trump stock? Why would Alex Soros make this death […]

  • Mike Stone – Forgive Trump His Fakery

    Henry Makow - Jul 20th 2024 10:14pm EDT

      Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is […]

  • Peter Boothroyd- Is Extreme Weather a Sign of God’s Wrath?

    Henry Makow - Jul 20th 2024 7:33am EDT

    “Honest scientists have proven that man-made climate change  (formerly global warming) is a hoax – and a pathetic one at that.  Could a better explanation be that God has had enough of all  the ever-increasing debauchery and sexual perversion  around the world and is beginning to bring judgment  to the Earth and its inhabitants?” Has God’s […]

  • July 19 – Satan’s Wife Re-elected EU President

    Henry Makow - Jul 19th 2024 12:43pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com Elected to another 5-year term as EU president despite profiting from vaccine mandates.   Polish MEP to Ursula von der Leyen: “You Should Go to Prison, Not the European Commission”  Polish MEP absolutely dismantles EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen in fiery European Parliament session   https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/breaking-polish-mep-to-ursula-von?   Polish MEP absolutely […]

  • Is Geert Wilders Jewish?

    Henry Makow - Jul 18th 2024 7:12pm EDT

    Geert Wilders comes by his Zionism honestly, In addition to having a Jewish wife and children, (like Kier Starmer) he also has Jewish ancestry. “[I]t is my duty as leader of the biggest political party in The Netherlands to do all I can to make life safer for Jews in Europe. To fight antisemitism and […]

  • Mike Stone – Assassination Was Staged to Elect Trump

    Henry Makow - Jul 17th 2024 12:28am EDT

    (Left, the upside-down flag is a powerful Masonic symbol.) A source told Stone that a “black swan” event would take place this summer that would throw the election to Trump.  I am also leaning to staged. Biden and Trump are both Freemasons. The decision has been made to reelect Trump. This video shows Trump cutting his […]

  • July 16 – Assassination Staged by Trump?

    Henry Makow - Jul 16th 2024 1:27pm EDT

    (Why are Secret Service agents smiling during the attack? The MSM has promptly claimed this photo was made with AI, suggesting that it is authentic.) Did ZOG reassert control by faking assassination attempt?  “Trump was never meant to be killed. Neither he nor his home team masterminded this classic marketing false flag. He was just […]

  • Mike Stone – Was Assassination Attempt Genuine?

    Henry Makow - Jul 15th 2024 2:10pm EDT

    For Mike Stone, the verdict is still out. I believe it was a genuine assassination attempt by the Demonrats, in particular Hillary for whom murder is a modus operandi. See it in context of assassination attempts on Putin and Fico.  By Mike Stone (henrymakow.com) What actually happened in Pennsylvania last Saturday night? Did a leftist […]

  • Helena Glass – Secret Service Behind Trump Assassination Attempt

    Henry Makow - Jul 14th 2024 5:12pm EDT

    Glass- “The biggest takeaway was how sloppy this ‘mark’ was organized.  Everything is on camera.   Every spliced second from the security detail that surrounded Trump to the special forces marksmen who witnessed the shooter climb a ladder that was stationed against the building, while holding a rifle, and positioning himself facing Trump – in full […]

  • July 14 – Satanyahu Guarantees WW3 by Blocking Ceasefire

    Henry Makow - Jul 14th 2024 12:23pm EDT

    (1988 – Satanyahu promises nuclear cataclysm to fulfill prophecy.) A Gaza ceasefire would have stopped the escalation. Hezbollah and Yemen both said they would stop attacks if there were a ceasefire. Yet while negotiations were taking place, Israel increased its attacks on Gaza, bombing Demascus and targeted assasinations in Lebanon. The  worst was bombing the […]

  • An Addendum to the Protocols of Zion

    Henry Makow - Jul 13th 2024 10:32am EDT

    (What Israel does to Palestinians, Organized Jewry & Freemasonry will eventually do to us all in orchestrated war.) A reader, a longtime patriot, stumbled across this four-page pamphlet among his papers. “I have no idea how I came by it nor when. Nor of the veracity of those such as this one. Thought that if anyone […]

  • Wolfgang Eggert’s 2003 War Prediction is Materializing

    Henry Makow - Jul 12th 2024 7:13pm EDT

    Twenty-one years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is planning to instigate a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists.  Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003 Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) Left said Cabalists (Illuminati) would implement Biblical prophecy of Armageddon in […]

  • July 12 – Americans are Sick of Demonrat (Satanist/Communist) Gaslighting

    Henry Makow - Jul 12th 2024 12:12pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com Biden flubs continue https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ They Know It’s Over: Watch Blinken, Lloyd Austin and Jake Sullivan React as Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump” (VIDEO) The problem is redefining reality according to your agenda (i.e. living a solipsism) is that reality tends to reassert itself. – “This […]

  • Elizabeth Dilling – America’s Joan of Arc

    Henry Makow - Jul 11th 2024 6:32pm EDT

    WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTS ARE PARIAHS WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTS ARE PARIAHS (Elizabeth Dilling, On Trial for Sedition) WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTISM IS SEDITION After a visit to the USSR in 1931, Elizabeth Dilling (1894-1966)  did more than anyone (except Father Coughlin) to expose the true satanic nature of Judaism and Communism. We ignored her […]

  • July 11 – ABC News Caught Gaslighting

    Henry Makow - Jul 11th 2024 3:07pm EDT

    We used to depend on the MSM for the facts. But here they are trying to cover up Joe Biden’s infirmity. That “News Division President” looks like a flower child. They gaslighted us about the rebranded seasonal flu, the “safe” toxic vaccine, Ukraine and the Gaza genocide. The media’s function is to deceive and control.  […]

  • Women Have Become Unhinged – Female Nurse

    Henry Makow - Jul 10th 2024 7:56pm EDT

    (During the COVID scam, they flaunted their betrayal of trust) Satanists are taking advantage of a basic deficiency in female nature, says Francine Dubois. Eighty percent of women are focused on going along to get along. Dubois is ostracized because she won’t play the game. “Women change the work environment into a giant kindergarten where […]

  • July10 – The Demonrats Gaslight Themselves

    Henry Makow - Jul 10th 2024 12:57pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com  The Demonrats are Cabalists. They believe that lies become truth if repeated often enough. The Biden-Trump debate exposed the fact they are running a demented old fool (never mind a criminal, traitor and pederast.)  The Economist is the Rothschild house organ. They want him gone. But Cabalists never […]

  • Helena Glass – Gentile Life is Not Sacred

    Henry Makow - Jul 9th 2024 11:57am EDT

    “It took a mere 300,000 Bolshevik Jews to take down the entirety of Russia and its monarchy.   How?   They preyed upon the weak, the moral, the pious, but the greatest tactic of all was ‘the speed’.  The Bolsheviks took out Russia in the same manner they are annihilating Palestinians.  Humans have no value.” Communist Zionists […]